lesson plan middle school art



... exemplary general education middle school teachers were providing social support for their included students, it was vital to use purposeful sampling in order to select participants that would serve ... sub-par education within institutions and specialized schools. In some cases, parents were forced to pay for private schools because public schools did not provide appropriate educational settings ... known as Mental Retardation) through the dissemination of a national survey to 6,000 middle school students in 47 school districts across 26 states. The researchers reasoned that contact with and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 11:26

144 403 0
Lesson plan

Lesson plan

... -listen and repeat -to promote Ss take part in lesson. Lesson plan 1 Reading skill Unit 8: Celebrations (English 11) 1. Class ... this lesson but not feel bored at the final minutes of lesson. - encourage Ss in lesson. - increase learning motivation for students - Help Ss feel interested in contents of this lesson. ... learn by heart the new word and make sentences with these new words. - asks Ss to prepare for next lesson. sentences with these new words. - asks Ss to prepare for next lesson ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2013, 21:32

18 1,3K 11
Lesson plan nôpx

Lesson plan nôpx

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2013, 14:37

17 737 2
Lesson plan 12-Unit 6-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 6-Listening

... passage .5. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. 5. Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Writing - Self ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home, prepare the ... activities The content of the lesson 3ms 5ms 1. Warm up : Gives Ss a question to discuss: Which is the most popular job in Vietnam? - Get feedback - Lead Ss to new lesson. E.g. Accountant nurse...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2013, 11:54

3 1,3K 13
Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

... 5ms 5ms 10ms 8ms your family? What are they ? - T leads to the lesson 2. Pre –speaking - Introduces new words + responsibility (n) (explanation) + secret (n) + decision (n) make a decision - Checks ... attempting to do after secondary school ? Key to questions 3. Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Lead – in Write ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,8K 26
Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Writing

... activ ities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up - Game : - Arranges Ss to work in 8 groups - Asks Ss to think of one thing they are allowed/ not allowed/ or have to do at school and write it on ... house. After school I have to make time to help my mother to do the house work such as preparing meals and cleaning the Copy down Write the letter individually Task 1 - During the school year, ... allowed to… They won’t let us…… We have to ………. Example : We are not allowed to ride motorbike to school. Listen to individual Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Period 4: Section : Writing 10ms 15ms They won’t...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 15,1K 54
Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Language focus

Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Language focus

... the lesson. Copy down 1 B 2C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 C 11 B 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 B. 1 Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn the grammatical points by heart 1 Preparation for the next lesson ... Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1 Warm up: Shows Ss some real objects ( three for each kind) 3 books 3 bags. 3 photographs - ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 11,9K 38
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

... romantic as their American counterparts. 4. Homework: (2ms) - Read the passage again. - Learn by heart all of the new words 5 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Speaking 1. ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home. 5 Previous exercises: ... ? 2. Pre- Reading. _ T introduces the topic of the lesson - T Introduces some new words. + bride (n) + Groom (n) + precede (v) + confide (v) + partnership )n) + determine (v) + sacrifice (v) +...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 4,6K 24
Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

... Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up: -T gets Ss to play the game “ clap the board “ - T puts some words they learned from the previous lessons on the board. Two representatives ... American cultures. In America…… In Vetnam…… 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss learn by heart new words Preparation for the next lesson - Prepare for section : Listening 5ms 10ms 10ms determine, confide ... and American cultures. In America…… In Vetnam…… 6. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. Work in groups TASK :2 In Vietnam: + Three or sometimes four generations live under...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 8,4K 23
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

... (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. Tell Ss to answer the question :What do families often do To prepare for a wedding ceremony ? 2 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section ... the new lesson : Today you will listen to two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. 2. Pre- listening. - T introduces some new words: + altar(n) (picture) + banquet (n) ( explanation) + ... work in groups and describe the wedding ceremony. .5. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. Work in pairs Copy down Work in groups Task 2- Answer the questions 1To go to the bride’s...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,5K 6
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

... Student’s activ ities The content of the lesson 3ms 10ms 1. Warm up T shows a conical leaf hat and asks Ss some questions : + Who usually wears it ? ( school girls/ model/ woman…) + How do they ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 1. ... Veitnamese culture. 2 Before writing : - Asks Ss to look at the conical hat and name differentparts of the hat. + rim(n) (picture) : Answer the questions Listen to Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY. Period...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 6,1K 13
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

... : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1 Warm up: Game : Sound classifying - Hanngs on a flipchart with the verbs and the table below : wash/ wait/ waste/ cause/ ... : Language focus Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn the grammatical points by heart 1 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : reading the text at home - Self – evaluation : ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 7,4K 10
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Reading

... considered rude. 4. Homework: (2ms) - Read the passage again. - Learn by heart all of the new words 5 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Speaking 1. Self – evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………. ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home. 5 Previous exercises: ... we can raise hand slightly to show that we need assistance. 4. if you are walking across the schoolyard and see your teacher approachinh, you can use a small friendly wave to attract his...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 1,4K 17
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-speaking

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-speaking

... Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up: -T gets Ss to play the game “ clap the board “ - T puts some words they learned from the previous lessons on the board. Two representatives ... took several public speaking courses. 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss learn by heart new words Preparation for the next lesson () ... SOCIALISING Period2: Section : Speaking 5ms 10ms 10ms whistle, clap , approach…) - T leads to the lesson 2. Pre –speaking - Introduces new words + compliment (n) + terrific (a) = wonderful, excellent +...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 6,7K 33
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Listening

... content of the lesson. Copy down Work in groups 1. agreed 2. to avoid. 3. weekened 4. adults 5. walking 6. heart 7. kidness 8. to stick 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home, prepare the ... class Answer the questions Unit 3 : WAYS OF SOCIALISING Period3: Section : Listening 5ms 5. walking 6. heart 7. kidness 8. to stick 4. After listening - T gets Ss to work in groups and summarise Ms linda...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 5,3K 14
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Writing

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 8,3K 20
lesson plan 12-unit2

lesson plan 12-unit2

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

11 557 0