animal for preschool alphabet lesson plan

Lesson Plan for English 8

Lesson Plan for English 8

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 11:10

157 1,4K 6
Lesson plan for grade 3

Lesson plan for grade 3

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 20:22

51 1,5K 10
Lesson plan

Lesson plan

... sentences with these new words. - asks Ss to prepare for next lesson. sentences with these new words. - asks Ss to prepare for next lesson -listen and write exercise in ... after the lesson, Ss will be able to -scan for specific ideas and guess the meaning of words in context. +language: Ss will be able to -make a sentence with topic celebration -use the information ... -listen and repeat -to promote Ss take part in lesson. Lesson plan 1 Reading skill Unit 8: Celebrations (English 11) 1. Class...

Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2013, 21:32

18 1,3K 11
Lesson plan nôpx

Lesson plan nôpx

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2013, 14:37

17 737 2
Lesson plan 12-Unit 6-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 6-Listening

... Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. 5. Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Writing - Self – evaluation ... :  Language content: To help Ss listen for general ideas and specific information To introduce some new words relating to the topic - Vocabulary : workforce, manufacturing, retail, wholesale, ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home, prepare the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2013, 11:54

3 1,3K 13
Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

... 5ms 5ms 10ms 8ms your family? What are they ? - T leads to the lesson 2. Pre –speaking - Introduces new words + responsibility (n) (explanation) + secret (n) + decision (n) make a decision - Checks ... Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Lead – in Write the phrases on the board + making the bed + washing dishes + cleaning the floor + watering plants + cooking meals + going ... closely ? + Who is the person you often share secrets with ? + Who is the person you talk to before making an important decision ? TASK 3 Date of preparation : 27, 8 , 2008. Unit 1 : HOME...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,8K 26
Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Writing

... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 1. ... Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activ ities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up - Game : - Arranges Ss to work in 8 groups - Asks Ss to think of one thing ... show respect to teachers We are not allowed to cheat in the exam. T introduces the topic: 2 Before writing : Has Ss review the use of verbs : allow, permit, let, have to Has Ss work in groups...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 15,1K 54
Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Language focus

Lesson plan 12-Unit 1-Language focus

... the lesson. Copy down 1 B 2C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 C 11 B 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 B. 1 Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn the grammatical points by heart 1 Preparation for the next lesson ... : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1 Warm up: Shows Ss some real objects ( three for each kind) 3 books 3 bags. 3 photographs - Asks Ss what they are. From ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 11,9K 38
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

... (2ms) - Read the passage again. - Learn by heart all of the new words 5 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Speaking 1. Self – evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………. ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home. 5 Previous exercises: ... family share the household chores. 5. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. 4 The American wife, for example, trusts her husbands to “ do the right thing” because “ he loves her...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 4,6K 24
Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

... words Preparation for the next lesson - Prepare for section : Listening 5ms 10ms 10ms determine, confide in sb, sacrifice, obliged, values, obedient, mischievous, suggest, record…) - T leads to the lesson ... Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up: -T gets Ss to play the game “ clap the board “ - T puts some words they learned from the previous lessons on the board. Two representatives ... and American cultures. In America…… In Vetnam…… 6. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. Work in groups TASK :2 In Vietnam: + Three or sometimes four generations live under...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 8,4K 23
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

... answer the question :What do families often do To prepare for a wedding ceremony ? 2 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Writing - Self – evaluation : …………………………………………………………………. ... the new lesson : Today you will listen to two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. 2. Pre- listening. - T introduces some new words: + altar(n) (picture) + banquet (n) ( explanation) + ... thesentences carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening. - T plays the tape ( or reads the tapescript) once for Ss to listen and do the task. - T plays...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,5K 6
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

... What is the form covered ? + How are the leaves sewn ? What is the hat trimmed ? + What is the hat used for ? + How do the girls / women look in the conical leaf hat ? - goes around for help. - ... bamboo and young and soft palm leaves. The rims are shaped into conical form. The diameter of the hat is about 40- 45 cm. The form is covered with the palm leaves, which are then sewn into all ... focus on how to write a description of the conical leaf hat, a symbol of Veitnamese culture. 2 Before writing : - Asks Ss to look at the conical hat and name differentparts of the hat. + rim(n)...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 6,1K 13
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

... Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn the grammatical points by heart 1 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : reading the text at home - Self – evaluation : 10ms 7ms 8ms 3ms - ... Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1 Warm up: Game : Sound classifying - Hanngs on a flipchart with the verbs and the table ... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 7,4K 10
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Reading

... (2ms) - Read the passage again. - Learn by heart all of the new words 5 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Speaking 1. Self – evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………. ... Reading. Class: 12A6,7,8,9,10 I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language content: - To help Ss read for specific information about The way of socialising - To introduce some new words relating to the topic - ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home. 5 Previous exercises: ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 1,4K 17
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-speaking

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-speaking

... Student’s activities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up: -T gets Ss to play the game “ clap the board “ - T puts some words they learned from the previous lessons on the board. Two representatives ... is a great looking car. Responses to the compliments + Thanks for your compliment. I’m glad youlike it +Thanks. It’s all very well for you to say so. + It’s nice of you to say so. 3. While - ... is a great looking car. Responses to the compliments + Thanks for your compliment. I’m glad youlike it +Thanks. It’s all very well for you to say so. + It’s nice of you to say so. 5ms 8ms motorbike You...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 6,7K 33
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Listening

... stick 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. 2 Preparation for the next lesson () - Prepare for section : Writing - Self – evaluation : …………………………………………………………………. ... class - Gives feedback. + Length of time + Time for calling + Calling late at night, + Calling at weekend .5. Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson. Copy down Work in groups 1. agreed ... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home, prepare the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 5,3K 14
Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Writing

... TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 1. ... Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activ ities The content of the lesson 3ms 1. Warm up T asks Ss to rearrange the words so that they will make a meaningful sentence Something ... SOCIALISING Period 4: Section : Writing New words 10ms 15ms 7 ms correct order to make a comlete paragraph Before writing : - T introduces some new words: + appologize (v) + abrubt (a) + thoughtful (a) + discourtesy...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 8,3K 20
lesson plan 12-unit2

lesson plan 12-unit2

... to practice the text learned several times , learn all key words by heart . - New lesson : Ss prepare new lesson : Speaking , from page 22 to page 23 , Unit 2 , English 12 textbook . UNIT TWO ... corrects Ss’ pronunciation . 3 . New lesson : Estimated Time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities 1 __________ TASK 3 ______________ - To exlain the meaning before doing the task given . - To ... 5. HOME ASSIGNMENT : - To remind Ss to practise tasks given several times. - New lesson : Ss prepare new lesson : C. LISTENING , Unit Two , from page 23 to page 24 , English 12 textbook . UNIT...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

11 557 0