Insert, modify, and delete comments

Một phần của tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng microsoft office 2007 (Trang 177 - 195)

Word 2007 includes a number of tools that enable you to review documents efficiently.

You can swiftly move around in a document, locate specific types of content, and dis- play views of a document that simplify visual review so that you can check accuracy and consistency. When conducting a review of document content, you can programmatically compare content, combine multiple versions of the same document, track and resolve revisions, and make notes in the document for yourself or other reviewers.

This chapter guides you in studying efficient navigation methods; ways of viewing a document in multiple windows, comparing and combining document versions, and tracking and resolving changes within a document; and the use of comments.

Important Before you can use the practice files in this chapter, you need to install them from the book’s companion CD to their default location. See “Using the Companion CD”

at the beginning of the book for more information.

Tip Graphics and operating system–related instructions in this book reflect the Windows Vista user interface. If your computer is running Windows XP and you experience trouble following the instructions as written, refer to the sidebar “If You Are Running Windows XP”

in “Working in the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface” at the beginning of this book.

5.1 Navigate documents

Navigation Tricks

A common way of navigating in small documents is to simply scroll until you find what you are looking for. You can speed up scrolling in Print Layout view by hiding the white space between pages. You can also adjust the magnification to display more of the document in the window at one time. In Print Layout view, you can speed up scrolling by hiding the white space between pages, and you can display more than one page at a time.

View toolbar Zoom Level button

In addition to scrolling in a document, you can move around in the following ways:

l Use commands on the Find tab of the Find And Replace dialog box to jump from one occurrence of the specified text or a particular type of formatting to the next.

Use commands on the Go To tab to jump to a specified location. This location can be a page, section, line, bookmark, comment, footnote, endnote, field, table, graphic, equation, object, or heading.

l Display an outline view of headings in the Document Map navigation window, or thumbnails of pages in the Thumbnails navigation window. From the Document Map window, jump to a specific heading, or from the Thumbnails window, jump to a specific page.

l Choose the type of element you want to move to—table, graphic, edits, heading, page, section, comment, footnote, endnote, or field—from the Select Browse Object menu, and then click the associated Next and Previous buttons to move among the elements.

Previous button

Next button

Select Browse Object menu

Select Browse Object button

Strategy Spend some time working with the tabs of the Find And Replace dialog box and with the Document Map. Knowing how to quickly move around in a document will save valuable time in the certification exam.

➤฀To display a navigation window

➜ On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select the Document Map check box or the Thumbnails check box.

➤฀To switch between navigation windows

➜ In the Switch Navigation Window list at the top of the Document Map window, click Thumbnails.

➜ In the Switch Navigation Window list at the top of the Thumbnails window, click Document Map.

➜ On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select the check box for the navigation window you want to switch to.

➤฀To move between specific document elements

1. Click the Select Browse Object button, and then on the Select Browse Object menu, click the document element you want.

2. Click the Next or Previous button to move forward or backward between the chosen elements.

➤฀To jump to a specific heading

➜ In the Document Map, click the heading you want.


1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find arrow, and then click Go To.

2. On the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, click Heading in the Go to what list.

3. In the Enter box, enter the heading number, and then click Go To.

Tip To move between headings, you can enter a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) followed by the number of headings you want to move.

➤฀To jump to a specific page

1. On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select the Thumbnails check box.

2. In the Thumbnails pane, click the page you want.


1. On the Select Browse Object menu, click the Go To button; or on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find arrow, and then click Go To.

2. On the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, click Page in the Go to what list.

3. In the Enter box, type the specific page identifier, and then click Go To.

➤฀To jump to specific text or formatting

1. On the Select Browse Object menu, click the Find button; or on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find button.

2. On the Find tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, enter the text you want to find in the Find what box; or click the Format button, and then select the formatting or style you want to find.

3. Click Find Next.

➤฀To hide the white space between pages

➜ In Print Layout view, point to the gap between any two pages and, when the pointer changes to two opposing arrows, double-click the mouse button.

Tip Restore the white space by pointing to the gray line that separates one page from the next and double-clicking the mouse button.

➤฀To zoom in or out

➜ On the View toolbar, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button.


1. On the View toolbar, click the Zoom level button.

2. In the Zoom dialog box, select one of the options under Zoom to, and then click OK.


➜ On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click the 100%, One Page, Two Pages, or Page Width button.

Multiple Views

If you have more than one document open, you can switch between them by clicking their taskbar buttons or choosing them from the Window menu. You can visually com- pare them by arranging their windows so that they are all visible on the screen. You can view different areas of one document by splitting the screen.

➤฀To view multiple pages at the same time

1. On the View toolbar, click the Zoom button.

2. In the Zoom dialog box, click the Many pages button, drag through the required number of pages in the grid, and then click OK.

➤฀To see different parts of the same document

1. On the View tab, in the Window group, click the Split button.

2. Drag the split bar up or down until it is where you want it, and then click the mouse button.

➤฀To arrange windows so that you can see all open documents

➜ On the View tab, in the Window group, click the View Side by Side button to arrange two open documents.

➜ On the View tab, in the Window group, click the Arrange All button to arrange more than two open documents.

Practice Tasks

The practice fi les for these tasks are located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\

MCAS\Word2007\Objective05 folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder with My prepended to the fi le name.

l Open the Viewing1 document, and change the magnifi cation so that you can see two pages side by side. Then zoom to 100%, and jump to the Shipping heading. Finally, jump to the top of page 5.

l Open the Viewing1 and Viewing2 documents, and switch back and forth between the two open windows. Then arrange the two document windows so that they are stacked one above the other.

l Open the Viewing2 document, and arrange the screen so that you can see the beginning and end of the document at the same time.

Practice Tasks

The practice fi les for these tasks are located in the

The practice fi les for these tasks are located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\Documents\Microsoft Press\


MCAS\Word2007\Objective05 folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder with

folder with MyMy prepended to the fi le name.yy prepended to the fi le name.

l Open the Open the Viewing1Viewing1 document, and change the magnifi cation so that you can document, and change the magnifi cation so that you can see two pages side by side. Then zoom to 100%, and jump to the

see two pages side by side. Then zoom to 100%, and jump to the ShippingShipping heading. Finally, jump to the top of page 5.

heading. Finally, jump to the top of page 5.

l Open the Open the Viewing1Viewing1 and and Viewing2Viewing2 documents, and switch back and forth documents, and switch back and forth between the two open windows. Then arrange the two document windows between the two open windows. Then arrange the two document windows so that they are stacked one above the other.

so that they are stacked one above the other.

l Open the Open the Viewing2Viewing2 document, and arrange the screen so that you can see the document, and arrange the screen so that you can see the beginning and end of the document at the same time.

beginning and end of the document at the same time.

5.2 Compare and merge document versions

You can compare the content and formatting of two versions of the same document. After you identify one as the original document and the other as the revised document, Word displays the differences as “legal blackline” in either of the source documents or in a new document. You can also view the original and revised documents in separate windows simultaneously to facilitate the comparison.

Tip If the documents you are comparing contain tracked changes, Word considers the changes as accepted when making the comparison.

If two people have reviewed copies of a document with the change-tracking feature turned on, you can combine their changes into one version of the document with each reviewer’s changes identified. Again, you can view the documents in separate windows.

If the document has been reviewed by more than two people, repeat the combining process to add the third person’s changes to the combined document,

repeat again for the fourth person’s changes, and so on.

Strategy You should compare documents with various settings and save the legal blackline results in a new document. In particular, try comparing changes in tables, which is a new capability in Word 2007. Similarly, you should combine two documents and then add another version to understand the effects of different combinations of settings.

➤฀To compare document versions

1. On the Review tab, in the Compare group, click the Compare button, and then click Compare.

2. In the Compare Documents dialog box, specify the Original document and Revised document.

3. Adjust the comparison settings as necessary, and then click OK.

➤฀To combine document versions

1. On the Review tab, in the Compare group, click the Compare button, and then click Combine.

2. In the Combine Documents dialog box, specify the Original document and Revised document.

3. Adjust the combining settings as necessary, and then click OK.

Practice Tasks

The practice fi les for these taks are located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\

MCAS\Word2007\Objective05 folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder with My prepended to the fi le name.

l An original document, Comparing1, has been revised and saved as

Comparing2. Compare the formatting of the Comparing1 and Comparing2 documents at the word level in the original document, with all comparison settings selected. Then view the original document and the revised document simultaneously.

l A document has been reviewed by two people who saved their versions as Combining1 and Combining2. Combine the Combining1 and Combining2 documents at the character level in a new document, with all comparison settings selected. Then view the new document and the source documents simultaneously.

Practice Tasks

The practice fi les for these taks are located in the

The practice fi les for these taks are located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\Documents\Microsoft Press\


MCAS\Word2007\Objective05 folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder. If you want, save the task results in the same folder with

folder with MyMy prepended to the fi le name.yy prepended to the fi le name.

l An original document, An original document, Comparing1Comparing1, has been revised and saved as , has been revised and saved as Comparing2

Comparing2. Compare the formatting of the . Compare the formatting of the Comparing1Comparing1 and and Comparing2Comparing2 documents at the word level in the original document, with all comparison documents at the word level in the original document, with all comparison settings selected. Then view the original document and the revised document settings selected. Then view the original document and the revised document simultaneously.


l A document has been reviewed by two people who saved their versions as A document has been reviewed by two people who saved their versions as Combining1

Combining1 and and Combining2Combining2. Combine the . Combine the Combining1Combining1 and and Combining2Combining2 documents at the character level in a new document, with all comparison documents at the character level in a new document, with all comparison settings selected. Then view the new document and the source documents settings selected. Then view the new document and the source documents simultaneously.


5.3 Manage tracked changes


When two or more people collaborate on a document, one person usually creates and

“owns” the document and other people review it, adding or revising content to make it more accurate, logical, or readable. Reviewers can turn on the Track Changes feature so that the revisions they make to the active document are recorded without the original text being lost.

You can change the way the revisions appear, as well as whether text moves and format- ting changes are tracked, in the Track Changes Options dialog box.

When you make changes to a document with Track Changes turned on, by default inser- tions and deletions are inserted in the text in your assigned color and are underlined.

In Print Layout view, formatting changes appear in balloons in the right margin, and all changes are marked in the left margin by a vertical line. Your changes are flagged with the user name and initials stored by Word, as well as the date the change was made.

➤฀To turn Track Changes on or off

➜ On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes button.

➤฀To change the default display of insertions and deletions

1. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes arrow, and then in the list, click Change Tracking Options.

2. Under Markup in the Track Changes Options dialog box, select the options and colors you want, and then click OK.

➤฀To track the movement of content

1. In the Tracking group, in the Track Changes list, click Change Tracking Options.

2. Under Moves in the Track Changes dialog box, select the Track moves check box, and then click OK.

➤฀To change the default display of changes in tables

1. In the Tracking group, in the Track Changes list, click Change Tracking Options.

2. Under Table cell highlighting in the Track Changes Options dialog box, select the colors you want, and then click OK.

➤฀To track formatting changes

1. In the Tracking group, in the Track Changes list, click Change Tracking Options.

2. Under Formatting in the Track Changes dialog box, select the Track formatting check box, and then click OK.

➤฀To change which revisions are displayed in balloons

➜ On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Balloons button, and then in the list, click the option you want.


1. In the Tracking group, in the Track Changes list, click Change Tracking Options.

2. Under Balloons in the Track Changes dialog box, select the options you want, and then click OK.

➤฀To change the name assigned to your revisions

1. In the Tracking group, in the Track Changes list, click Change User Name; or click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Word Options.

2. On the Popular page of the Word Options window, type the name and initials you want, and then click OK.


When you review the revisions made by other people, you can do the following:

l You can view the document in its original state or in its final state, with or without the revisions showing.

l When revisions are visible, you can select the types of revisions displayed—for example, you can display only comments or only insertions and deletions. You can also display or hide the revisions of specific reviewers.

l If revisions are too long or too many to display in balloons in their entirety, you can display them in a vertical or horizontal Reviewing pane.

l You can move forward or backward from one revision mark or comment to another.

Indicates an edited line.

Change selected for review

Strike-through indicates text marked for deletion.

Underline indicates inserted text.


You can process the revisions to a document in the following ways:

l You can accept or reject one change at a time.

l You can highlight text containing changes and then accept or reject all the selected changes.

l You can display specific types of changes or changes from specific reviewers and then accept or reject just those changes.

l You can accept or reject all the changes in the document at once.

➤฀To display the document as it will appear with changes incorporated

➜ On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click Final in the Display for Review list.

➤฀To turn off the display of a particular type of change

1. In the Tracking group, click the Show Markup button.

2. In the list, click the type of change you want to turn off.

➤฀To hide the revisions and comments of a particular reviewer

1. In the Tracking group, click the Show Markup button.

2. Point to Reviewers, and then in the list, select the reviewer whose markup you want to hide.

➤฀To move from one revision mark or comment to another

➜ On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click the Next or Previous button.

➤฀To accept or reject one change at a time

1. In the Changes group, click the Next button.

2. For the change displayed, click the Accept or Reject button.


➜ Right-click a change, and then click Accept Change or Reject Change.

Một phần của tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng microsoft office 2007 (Trang 177 - 195)

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