Exam 77-604 Using Microsoft Offi ce Outlook 2007 453
4.4 Create a secondary address book
Having immediate access to current, accurate contact information for the people you need to interact with—by e-mail, telephone, mail, or otherwise—is important for timely and effective communication. You can easily build and maintain a detailed contact list, or address book, in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. From your address book, you can look up information, generate messages, and share contact information with other people.
This chapter guides you in studying ways of creating contact records, distribution lists, and address books, and designing, sending, and receiving electronic business cards.
Important Before you can use the practice files in this chapter, you need to install them from the book’s companion CD to their default location. See “Using the Companion CD”
at the beginning of this book for more information.
Tip Graphics and operating system–related instructions in this book reflect the Windows Vista user interface. If your computer is running Windows XP and you experience trouble following the instructions as written, refer to the sidebar “If You Are Running Windows XP”
in “Working in the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface” at the beginning of this book.
4.1 Create and modify contacts
Contact Address Lists
Outlook stores contact information from different sources in separate address lists:
l Global Address List (GAL). If you’re using Outlook to connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server account, your organization’s contact information is stored in the GAL. The GAL is administered as part of Exchange Server. Outlook users can view the GAL but cannot change its contents.
l Outlook Address Books. The Contacts address book automatically created by Outlook is your main address book. This address book does not appear in the folder structure within the Navigation Pane—you display it by clicking the Contacts button.
l Mobile Address Book. A Mobile Address Book containing all the contacts in your main address book for whom you have mobile phone numbers listed is created automatically if you have an Outlook Mobile Service account.
You can view all your address lists and address books in the Contacts module.
➤To view an address list
1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Address Book button.
2. In the Address Book list, click the name of the Outlook address book or address list you want to display.
Contact Records
For each person whose information you record in an address book, you can store the following types of general information:
l Name, company name, and job title l Business, home, and alternate addresses
l Business, home, mobile, pager, and other telephone numbers l Business, home, and alternate fax numbers
l Web page address (URL), instant messaging (IM) address, and up to three e-mail addresses
l Photo or other identifying image
l General notes, which can include text and illustrations such as photos, clip art images, SmartArt diagrams, charts, and shapes
You can also store personal and organization-specific details for each contact:
l Professional information, including department, office location, profession, manager’s name, and assistant’s name
l Personal information, including nickname, spouse or partner’s name, birthday, anniversary, and the title (such as Miss, Mrs., or Ms.) and suffix (such as Jr. or Sr.) to use in correspondence
In addition to creating contact records from scratch, you can quickly clone information from an existing record to create contact records for several people who work for the same company. You can also create new contact records from e-mail messages. If some- one sends you a contact record or an electronic business card, you can easily turn it into a contact record in your own Outlook address book.
See Also For information about creating and sending electronic business cards, see section 4.2, “Edit and use an electronic business card.”
You can add to or change the information stored in a contact record at any time.
By default, Outlook files contacts by last name (Last, First order). You can change the default File As setting for new contacts to any of the following:
l First Last l Company
l Last, First (Company) l Company (Last, First)
Tip The first time you enter a phone number for a contact, the Location Information dialog box opens, prompting you to enter your own country, area code, and any necessary dialing information such as a carrier code. Outlook sets up dialing rules based on the information you enter. You must enter at least your country and area code in the dialog box and then click OK;
you can’t close the dialog box without entering the requested information. When you finish entering information in the Addresses area, Outlook verifies that the address conforms to a standard pattern. If Outlook detects irregularities in the address you enter, the Check Address dialog box opens, prompting you to enter the street address, city, state or province, postal code, and country in separate fields from which it reassembles the address. If the information in the Check Address dialog box is correct, you can click Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.
➤To create a new contact
1. With the Contacts pane displayed, on the Standard toolbar, click the New Contact button.
In any Outlook module, on the Standard toolbar, click the New arrow, and then click Contact.
2. In the contact window, enter the new contact information. To make multiple entries in the same box, click the arrow, click an appropriate description, and then enter the corresponding information.
3. On the Contact tab, in the Show group, click the Details button, and then enter additional information.
4. On the Contact tab, in the Actions group, click the Save & Close button.
➤To create a new contact with the same company information
1. In the contact list, double-click the contact on which you want to base a new contact from the same company.
2. On the Contact tab, in the Actions group, click the Save & New arrow, and then click New Contact from Same Company.
3. In the contact window, enter the contact information.
4. Save and close the record.
➤To create a new contact based on another contact
1. In the contact list, click the contact on which you want to base a new contact.
2. Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V.
3. In the Duplicate Contact Detected dialog box, select Add new contact, and then click Add.
4. In the contact list, double-click the duplicate contact, and in the contact window, change the contact information.
5. Save and close the record.
➤To create a contact from a message header
1. Open the message, right-click the name in the From field, and then click Add to Outlook Contacts.
2. In the contact window, edit the contact information as required.
3. Save and close the record.
➤To save contact information received as an electronic business card
1. In the message, right-click the business card, and then click Add to Outlook Contacts.
2. Edit the contact record if required, and then save and close the record.
➤To save contact information received as a contact record
1. In the message, double-click the contact record to open it in a contact window.
2. Edit the contact record if required, and then save and close the record.
➤To change the default filing order
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. In the Contacts and Notes area of the Options dialog box, click Contact Options.
3. In the Contact Options dialog box, in the Name and filing options for new contacts area, change the Default “File As” order setting to the one you want.
4. Click OK twice.
Tip You can change the File As order for an individual contact by selecting the order you want in the File As list in the contact record.
➤To change the default mailing address
1. In the Addresses list, click the type of address you want to designate as the default, and then select the This is the mailing address check box.
2. Save and close the record.
➤To attach a document, message, or other information to a contact record
1. Open the contact, and on the Insert tab, in the Include group, click the Attach File or Attach Item button.
2. In the Insert File or Insert Item dialog box, locate and then double-click the fi le or item you want to attach to the record.
3. Save and close the record.
Practice Tasks
You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The practice fi le for the fi rst task is located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\
Outlook2007\Objective04 folder.
l Create a new contact record for yourself, fi lling in as much information as you can. Attach the Sunset image to the record (or any image you want).
l Create a new contact for John Emory, the assembly plant manager of Wingtip Toys, which is located at 111 Magnolia Lane, Flower Mound, TX 98053. John’s e-mail address is john@wingtiptoys.com, and the company Web site’s URL is www.wingtiptoys.com.
l Using the quickest method, create a new contact record for Andrea Dunker. Andrea is a sales associate for WingTip Toys, and her e-mail address is andrea@wingtiptoys.com.
l Edit the John Emory contact record so that it is fi led as John Emory instead of Emory, John. Then note that John’s nickname is Jack, his spouse’s name is Barbara, and his birthday is July 31.
Practice Tasks
You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The practice fi le for the fi rst task is located in the
practice fi le for the fi rst task is located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\
Outlook2007\Objective04 Outlook2007\Objective04 folder. folder.
l Create a new contact record for yourself, fi lling in as much information as you Create a new contact record for yourself, fi lling in as much information as you can. Attach the
can. Attach the SunsetSunset image to the record (or any image you want).etet image to the record (or any image you want).
l Create a new contact for John Emory, the assembly plant manager of Wingtip Create a new contact for John Emory, the assembly plant manager of Wingtip Toys, which is located at 111 Magnolia Lane, Flower Mound, TX 98053. John’s Toys, which is located at 111 Magnolia Lane, Flower Mound, TX 98053. John’s e-mail address is
e-mail address is john@wingtiptoys.comjohn@wingtiptoys.com, and the company Web site’s URL is , and the company Web site’s URL is www.wingtiptoys.com
l Using the quickest method, create a new contact record for Andrea Using the quickest method, create a new contact record for Andrea Dunker. Andrea is a sales associate for WingTip Toys, and her e-mail address Dunker. Andrea is a sales associate for WingTip Toys, and her e-mail address is
is andrea@wingtiptoys.comandrea@wingtiptoys.com..
l Edit the John Emory contact record so that it is fi led as Edit the John Emory contact record so that it is fi led as John EmoryJohn Emory instead ryry instead of
of Emory, JohnEmory, John. Then note that John’s nickname is Jack, his spouse’s name is . Then note that John’s nickname is Jack, his spouse’s name is Barbara, and his birthday is July 31.
Barbara, and his birthday is July 31.
4.2 Edit and use an electronic business card
When you enter information in a contact record, the first 10 lines of information appear in the business card in the upper-right corner of the contact window. If the contact record includes an image, the image appears on the left side. You can change the types of in- formation that appear, rearrange the information fields, format the text and background, and add, change, or remove images such as a logo or photograph.
Creating a business card for yourself provides you with an attractive way of presenting your contact information to people you correspond with in e-mail. You can send your business card to someone else by attaching the card to an e-mail message. The recipient can then save the contact information in his or her own address book.
You can also use your business card as your e-mail message signature. Then Outlook not only displays the business card at the bottom of your messages but also attaches it to the message.
See Also For information about automatic e-mail signatures, see section 1.2, “Create and manage your signature and automated messages.”
Attached business card
Embedded business card
➤To modify the information that appears in a business card
1. Display the contact record, and then on the Contact tab, in the Options group, click the Business Card button.
2. In the Edit Business Card dialog box, below the Fields box, click Add, point to the type of field you want, and then click the specific field.
Tip Use custom user fields to add text that is not part of the contact record to the business card.
3. Use the arrows below the Fields box to move the field to where you want it to appear on the business card.
4. In the Edit area, type the field’s value in the box and format it the way you want.
If necessary, select a label location from the list, and then type the field’s label.
5. In the Fields box, click any field you want to remove, and then click Remove.
6. Click OK to save the modified business card.
➤To format the appearance of a business card
1. Display the Edit Business Card dialog box.
2. To change the background color, in the Card Design area, click the Background button. Then in the Color dialog box, click a color you like, and click OK.
3. To add or change the picture attached to the card, to the right of Image in the Card Design area, click Change. Then browse to the folder containing the image, click the image, and click OK.
4. In the Image Area box, type or select the image area size.
5. In the Image Align list, click a type of alignment.
6. Click OK to save the business card.
➤To send an electronic business card to others
1. Open a new message window, and address the message to the recipient.
2. On the Message tab, in the Include group, click the Insert Business Card button, and then in the list, click Other Business Cards.
Tip Business cards that you’ve previously sent appear in the Insert Business Card list.
You can insert a card in a message by selecting it from the list.
3. In the Insert Business Card dialog box, select the card or cards you want to send, and then click OK.
➤To use an electronic business card as a signature in messages
1. Display the message window.
2. On the Message tab, in the Include group, click the Signature button, and in the list, click Signatures.
3. In the Signatures and Stationery dialog box, on the E-mail Signature tab, select the signature to edit.
Click New, type a name for the signature, and click OK to create a new signature.
4. In the Edit signature area, click Business Card.
5. In the Insert Business Card dialog box, locate and double-click the card you want, and then click OK.
6. In the message window on the Message tab, in the Include group, click the Signature button, and then click the business card signature.
Practice Tasks
You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The prac- tice fi le for the fourth task is located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\
Outlook2007\Objective04 folder.
l If you haven’t already done so, create a contact record for yourself. Include your name, company, job title, business and mobile phone numbers, fax num- ber, one or more e-mail addresses, and one or more addresses.
l From your contact record, create a business card that includes only your name, company name, business phone number, and business e-mail address.
Then add the slogan We’ll take it from here to the bottom of the card.
l Format the information on the business card, so that your name appears below and is smaller than your company name. Make the slogan italic.
l Add the FourthCoffee logo graphic to the upper-left corner of your business card, allowing it to occupy 20 percent of the card. Then change the back- ground color to beige.
l Create a new e-mail message to a friend, and attach your business card both as a fi le and as a signature.
Practice Tasks
You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The prac- You need to have a working Outlook account to complete these tasks. The prac- tice fi le for the fourth task is located in the
tice fi le for the fourth task is located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\Documents\Microsoft Press\MCAS\
Outlook2007\Objective04 Outlook2007\Objective04 folder. folder.
l If you haven’t already done so, create a contact record for yourself. Include If you haven’t already done so, create a contact record for yourself. Include your name, company, job title, business and mobile phone numbers, fax num- your name, company, job title, business and mobile phone numbers, fax num- ber, one or more e-mail addresses, and one or more addresses.
ber, one or more e-mail addresses, and one or more addresses.
l From your contact record, create a business card that includes only your From your contact record, create a business card that includes only your name, company name, business phone number, and business e-mail address.
name, company name, business phone number, and business e-mail address.
Then add the slogan
Then add the slogan We’ll take it from hereWe’ll take it from here to the bottom of the card. to the bottom of the card.
l Format the information on the business card, so that your name appears Format the information on the business card, so that your name appears below and is smaller than your company name. Make the slogan italic.
below and is smaller than your company name. Make the slogan italic.
l Add the Add the FourthCoffeeFourthCoffee logo graphic to the upper-left corner of your business logo graphic to the upper-left corner of your business card, allowing it to occupy 20 percent of the card. Then change the back- card, allowing it to occupy 20 percent of the card. Then change the back- ground color to beige.
ground color to beige.
l Create a new e-mail message to a friend, and attach your business card both Create a new e-mail message to a friend, and attach your business card both as a fi le and as a signature.
as a fi le and as a signature.
4.3 Create and modify distribution lists
If you frequently send messages to a specific group of people, such as employees in a department, clients in a particular region, or players on a sports team, you can create a distribution list containing the e-mail addresses of all the people in the group. Then when you send a message to the distribution list, each member of the group receives a copy of the message.
You can add people to a distribution list by selecting them from an address book or by manually entering their e-mail addresses.