Confi gure e-mail message delivery options

Một phần của tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng microsoft office 2007 (Trang 499 - 525)

Exam 77-604 Using Microsoft Offi ce Outlook 2007 453

1.6 Confi gure e-mail message delivery options

1.7 View e-mail messages.

Although Outlook is a full-featured information-management program, most people use the program primarily for e-mail. Outlook provides a broad range of e-mail messaging functionality that you can use to efficiently manage incoming and outgoing messages.

This chapter guides you in studying basic and advanced e-mail practices, including sending, viewing, and responding to messages; setting message options such as priority, sensitivity, and delivery time; sending, previewing, and opening attachments; setting up electronic signatures for manual or automatic insertion; setting up auto-reply messages by using the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007–specific functionality of Outlook 2007; restricting permis- sion to, encrypting, and digitally signing messages; and adding messages to your task list for follow-up.

Important Before you can use the practice files in this chapter, you need to install them from the book’s companion CD to their default location. See “Using the Companion CD”

at the beginning of this book for more information.

Tip Graphics and operating system–related instructions in this book reflect the Windows Vista user interface. If your computer is running Windows XP and you experience trouble following the instructions as written, refer to the sidebar “If You Are Running Windows XP”

in “Working in the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface” at the beginning of this book.

1.1 Create and send an e-mail message


Regardless of the type of e-mail account you have, as long as you have an Internet connection you can send e-mail messages to people within your organization and around the world.

Strategy We assume you know how to create and send an e-mail message. This section primarily reviews techniques for efficiently addressing messages.

You can send a message to one person or to multiple people by entering e-mail addresses in the To box of the message window. By default, Outlook requires that you separate mul- tiple e-mail addresses with semicolons.

You can send courtesy copies of a message by entering e-mail addresses in the Cc box of the message window. All recipients can see the addresses of To and Cc recipients.

To send “blind” courtesy copies without making their recipients’ addresses known to the To and Cc recipients, you can display the Bcc box and enter the addresses there.

(Outlook does not display this box by default.)

If you frequently send messages to the same people, you can create distribution lists and then enter the name of the list instead of the individual addresses in the To, Cc, or Bcc box. Each list member receives a copy of the message. If you want to send a message to most, but not all, members of a distribution list, you can remove people from the list for a specific message before you send it.

Tip When sending a message to a distribution list, enter the distribution list name in the To or Cc box if you want recipients to be able to respond to all members of the distribution list, or in the Bcc box if you want recipients to respond only to you.

See Also For information about creating distribution lists, see section 4.3, “Create and modify distribution lists.”

Recipients not visible to other recipients

Recipients copied for information only

Primary message recipients

If you want to send a new version of a message you’ve already sent, you can resend the message. Outlook creates a new message identical to the original. You can change the recipient addresses, subject, attachments, or content before you send the message.

➤฀To display the Bcc box

➜ In the message window, on the Options tab, in the Fields group, click the Show Bcc button.

➤฀To send a message to a subset of a distribution list

1. In the message window, enter the name of the distribution list in the To, Cc, or Bcc box.

2. Click the Expand button (the plus sign) to the left of the distribution list name, or right-click the name and then click Expand DL. If the Expand List message box opens, click OK to acknowledge that you will not be able to collapse the list again.

3. Add or remove addresses as necessary.

➤฀To resend a message

1. In the Inbox or the Sent Items folder, open the message you want to resend.

2. On the Message tab, in the Actions group, click Resend This Message in the Other Actions list.

Replying and Forwarding

You can reply to or forward most e-mail messages that you receive, as follows:

l Reply. Outlook fills in the To box, addressing the response to the original message sender only. You can add, change, and delete recipients from the reply before sending it.

l Reply To All. Outlook fills in the To box with the addresses of the original message sender and any recipients in the To box of the original message. Outlook also fills in the Cc box with the addresses of any recipients in the Cc box of the original message.

Tip You can not include recipients of blind courtesy copies in message replies.

l Forward. Outlook does not fill in the To or Cc boxes for you. After you enter the recipients’ addresses, a copy of the original message is sent, including any attached files and sensitivity and importance settings.

See Also For information about message attachments, see section 1.3, “Manage e-mail message attachments.” For information about sensitivity and importance, see section 1.4, “Configure e-mail message sensitivity and importance settings.”

You might also need to respond to specific types of messages, such polling messages, meeting requests, and task delegations. These types of messages are covered in their respective sections of this exam.

➤฀To reply only to the sender of a message

➜ On the Standard toolbar, click the Reply button.

➜ In the message window, on the Message tab, in the Respond group, click the Reply button.

➤฀To reply to all recipients of a message

➜ On the Standard toolbar, click the Reply to All button.

➜ In the message window, on the Message tab, in the Respond group, click the Reply to All button.

➤฀To forward a message

➜ On the Standard toolbar, click the Forward button.

➜ In the message window, on the Message tab, in the Respond group, click the Forward button.

See Also For information about restricting recipients from forwarding messages, see section 1.5, “Configure e-mail message security settings.”


If you inadvertently send a message that you don’t want the recipient to receive, you can try to recall the message by instructing Outlook to delete or replace any unread copies of the message. Message recall is available only for Exchange Server accounts. Just remember that with the speed of networks today, it is very possible for a recipient to have read your e-mail message, no matter how quickly you try to recall it.

➤฀To recall a message

1. In the Sent Items folder, open the message you want to recall.

2. On the Message tab, in the Actions group, click Recall This Message in the Other Actions list.

3. In the Recall This Message dialog box, select the option to delete or replace unread copies of the message, and then click OK.

Practice Tasks

You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these tasks.

There are no practice fi les for these tasks.

l Open a new message window, address a message with the subject MCAS Schedule to yourself, and then send it.

l Without opening the MCAS Schedule message, send a reply to yourself. Then open the message, send another response, and close the message window.

l Open any message with an attachment in your Inbox, change the subject to MCAS Forward, and forward it to yourself.

l Resend the MCAS Forward message to yourself as MCAS Resend.

Practice Tasks

You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these tasks.

You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these tasks.

There are no practice fi les for these tasks.

There are no practice fi les for these tasks.

l Open a new message window, address a message with the subject Open a new message window, address a message with the subject MCAS MCAS Schedule

Schedule to yourself, and then send yourself, and then send it.

l Without opening the Without opening the MCAS ScheduleMCAS Schedule message, send a reply to yourself. Then message, send a reply to yourself. Then open the message, send another response, and close the message window.

open the message, send another response, and close the message window.

l Open any message with an attachment in your Inbox, change the subject to Open any message with an attachment in your Inbox, change the subject to MCAS Forward

MCAS Forward, and forward it to yourself.rdrd, and forward it to yourself.

l Resend the Resend the MCAS ForwardMCAS Forward message to yourself as rdrd message to yourself as MCAS ResendMCAS Resend..

1.2 Create and manage your signature and automated messages


You can save specific text and/or images as an e-mail signature (so named because it usually includes your name and goes at the end of the message, although you can insert it anywhere) that you can manually or automatically insert into outgoing e-mail messages. You can format the text of your signature in the same ways that you can for- mat message text. You can also use your electronic business card as all or part of your e-mail signature.

See Also For information about electronic business cards, see section 4.2, “Edit and use an electronic business card.”

You can create multiple signatures and then select the one you want for a particular message before sending it. You can have Outlook automatically add a signature to all outgoing messages, or attach one signature to all new messages and a different signature to all replies and forwarded messages.

Automatically add a signature.

Add graphic elements and links.

➤฀To create a signature

1. On the Tools menu, click Options. Then on the Mail Format tab of the Options dialog box, click Signatures.

2. On the E-mail Signature tab of the Signatures and Stationery dialog box, click New.

3. In the New Signature dialog box, type a name for the signature, and then click OK.

4. In the Edit signature area, enter and format the text of the signature, and if you want, insert your business card, images, or hyperlinks.

5. Click OK twice.

➤฀To set up an automatic signature

1. Display the E-mail Signature tab of the Signatures and Stationery dialog box.

2. In the Choose default signature area, in the New messages list, click the name of the signature you want to automatically attach to new messages.

3. In the Replies/forwards list, click the name of the signature you want to automatically attach to replies and forwarded messages.

4. Click OK twice.

➤฀To manually insert a signature

1. On the Message tab, in the Include group, click the Signature button.

2. Click the signature you want in the list.

Automated Messages

If your organization is running Exchange Server, you can turn on the Out Of Office Assistant to automatically send a reply in response to messages received when you are unavailable to respond yourself. (You don’t have to be physically out of the office.) This feature works differently depending on which version of Exchange Server your organization is using:

l Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. You can create one auto-reply message, and you cannot format the text of the message. From the time you turn on the Out Of Office Assistant until the time you turn it off, Outlook sends the message in response to the first message received from each person.

l Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. You can create two auto-reply messages: one sent only to people in your organization (on the same domain); and another sent either to everyone else, or to only the people in your primary address book. You can apply limited character and paragraph formatting to the messages. You can specify start and end dates and times for the automated messages so that you don’t have to remember to turn the Out Of Office Assistant on and off.

Send different auto-replies to people within and outside of your organization.

Set up rules that are in effect only when auto-reply is active.

Strategy This section covers functionality that is specific to an Exchange Server 2007 environ- ment. In the exam environment, Outlook 2007 runs against a simulated Exchange Server 2007 back end. If you have access only to Exchange Server 2003 or a non-Exchange Server account, study this section carefully.

In addition to sending auto-replies, you can have Outlook process messages that arrive while you are unavailable by using rules that are in effect only when the Out Of Office Assistant is active.

See Also For information about using rules to process incoming messages, see section 5.5,

“Create, modify, and remove rules to manage e-mail messages.”

➤฀To set up auto-replies

1. On the Tools menu, click Out Of Office Assistant.

2. In the Out of Office Assistant dialog box, click Send Out of Office auto-replies.

3. On the Inside My Organization tab, enter and format the text of the message you want your colleagues to receive.

4. Click the Outside My Organization tab, and then click My Contacts Only or Anyone outside my organization.

5. Enter and format the text of the message you want external people to receive.

6. Click OK.

➤฀To create an auto-reply for a specific time period only

1. In the Out of Office Assistant dialog box, select the Only send during this time range check box.

2. To the right of Start time, set the date and time you want Outlook to begin automatically replying to messages.

3. To the right of End time, set the date and time you want Outlook to stop auto- matically replying to messages.

4. Create your internal and external out of office messages, and then click OK.

➤฀To turn off auto-replies

➜ Display the Out of Office Assistant dialog box, click Do not send Out of Office auto-replies, and then click OK.

➜ On the status bar, click the Out of Office icon, and then click Turn off Out of Office auto-replies.

Practice Tasks

You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these tasks. (The automatic messaging tasks require an Exchange account.) There are no practice fi les for these tasks.

l Create an e-mail signature named Internal that includes your cell phone number, a personal picture, and a favorite slogan.

฀l Create a more formal e-mail signature named External, with three lines of information. Format the fi rst line in bold, blue, 10-point Verdana, and format the remaining text in 8-point Verdana of a lighter shade of blue.

฀l Create a new message addressed to yourself with MCAS Signature as the subject. Insert the External signature at the bottom of the message, and then send it.

฀l Turn on automatic messages, enter the message MCAS Testing one two three.

Then turn the messages off again.

฀l If your organization is running Exchange Server 2007, set an internal message of MCAS Testing one two three formatted in bold, purple, 12-point Verdana, and an external message of MCAS Testing two four six formatted in the same text font as your usual messages. Send the external message only to recipients in your Contacts list.

฀l Continuing with the previous exercise, set both messages to be sent from tomorrow at midnight through the coming Sunday at one minute before midnight. Then turn the messages off again.

Practice Tasks

You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these You need to be online and have a working e-mail account to complete these tasks. (The automatic messaging tasks require an Exchange account.) There are tasks. (The automatic messaging tasks require an Exchange account.) There are no practice fi les for these tasks.

no practice fi les for these tasks.

l Create an e-mail signature named Create an e-mail signature named InternalInternal that includes your cell phone alal that includes your cell phone number, a personal picture, and a favorite slogan.

number, a personal picture, and a favorite slogan.

l Create a more formal e-mail signature named Create a more formal e-mail signature named ExternalExternal, with three lines of alalalal, with three lines of information. Format the fi rst line in bold, blue, 10-point Verdana, and format information. Format the fi rst line in bold, blue, 10-point Verdana, and format the remaining text in 8-point Verdana of a lighter shade of blue.

the remaining text in 8-point Verdana of a lighter shade of blue.

l Create a new message addressed to yourself with Create a new message addressed to yourself with MCAS SignatureMCAS Signature as the as the subject. Insert the External signature at the bottom of the message, and subject. Insert the External signature at the bottom of the message, and then send it.

then send it.

l Turn on automatic messages, enter the message Turn on automatic messages, enter the message MCAS Testing one two threeMCAS Testing one two three. . Then turn the messages off again.

Then turn the messages off again.

l If your organization is running Exchange Server 2007, set an internal message If your organization is running Exchange Server 2007, set an internal message of

of MCAS Testing one two threeMCAS Testing one two three formatted in bold, purple, 12-point Verdana, formatted in bold, purple, 12-point Verdana, and an external message of

and an external message of MCAS Testing two four sixMCAS Testing two four six formatted in the same sixsix formatted in the same text font as your usual messages. Send the external message only to recipients text font as your usual messages. Send the external message only to recipients in your Contacts list.

in your Contacts list.

l Continuing with the previous exercise, set both messages to be sent from Continuing with the previous exercise, set both messages to be sent from tomorrow at midnight through the coming Sunday at one minute before tomorrow at midnight through the coming Sunday at one minute before midnight. Then turn the messages off again.

midnight. Then turn the messages off again.

1.3 Manage e-mail message attachments


A convenient way to distribute a file (such as a Microsoft Office Word document, a Microsoft Office Excel workbook, or a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation) to other people is to attach the file to an e-mail message.

You can also attach Outlook items to messages, including other messages, appointments, and contact information.

➤฀To attach a file to a message

1. On the Message tab of the message window, in the Include group, click the Attach File button.

2. In the Insert File dialog box, locate and click the file you want to attach, and then click Insert.

Tip You can also drag a file from the Windows Explorer window into the message area of a message window to attach it to the message.

➤฀To attach an Outlook item to a message

1. On the Message tab of the message window, in the Include group, click the Attach Item button.

2. In the Insert Item dialog box, locate and click the item you want to attach.

3. With Attachment selected in the Insert as area, click OK.

Một phần của tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng microsoft office 2007 (Trang 499 - 525)

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