download sach lets go 1

108TheCuocTL - - download sach mien phi - Khong can dang nhap

108TheCuocTL - - download sach mien phi - Khong can dang nhap

... Mắt ngoái nhìn theo đòn (H. 81) . Lưu ý: Thao tác nhanh gọn. Ứng dụng: Tấn công vào bụng, hạ bộ hoặc đầu gối đối phương. Thế 047: Nhiễu hồ cước 10 8 thế cước thiếu lâm page 19 /59 ... (H .11 8). Lưu ý: Thao tác phối hợp chặt chẽ. Luôn giữ người thăng bằng. Ứng dụng: "Ngoại tỏa cước" dùng để kẹp khóa chân đối phương. Phối hợp với đòn tay, để đánh ngã hắn. 10 8 ... chân hướng sang phải. Mắt nhìn chân (H .13 7). Ngả người ra sau. Chân trái đá vòng lên bên phải. Chân phải duỗi ra (H .13 8). Ngả hẳn người ra đất, hai tay 10 8 thế cước thiếu lâm page 40/59

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2013, 12:57

59 350 4
giao an lets go 1a

giao an lets go 1a

... trace. 2’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 4’ 1 III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open your book to page 12 :  12 2.Students open their books to page 12 :  3.Present the paradigm and contraction on page 12 : ( It is = It’s ) 4.Practice : S 1 : ... page 11 :  3. Practice : IV. EXTENSION: Back - to – Back ( Teacher’s book, page 17 ) S 1 : Hi, (Mari). How are you? S 2 : I’m fine. How are you? S 1 : I’m fine. Thank you. V. WORKBOOK: Write 1. Hi, ... Teacher’s book, page 17 ) III.OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open your book to page 10 :   2. Students open their books to page 10 :  3. Present the paradigm and contraction on page 10 : ( I am = I’m ) 4....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2013, 01:25

100 2,9K 51


... Lợi 26 Let’s go 1A - Correct the exercises in the workbook. A. Connect. 1. a pencil 2. a ruler 3. a pen 4. a book B. Write. 1. a bag 2. a chair 3. a desk 4. an eraser C. Write. 1. It is ... pencil. - Do exercise D on the page 5. Huỳnh Thị Như Quỳnh - TH Vĩnh Lợi 17 Let’s go 1A WEEK 8 LESSON PLAN Unit 1: Let’s move. Period: 15 . I. Aims - Teach students the classroom commands: stand up. Sit ... Repeat. - Do exercises. Huỳnh Thị Như Quỳnh - TH Vĩnh Lợi 32 Let’s go 1A WEEK6 LESSON PLAN Unit 1: Let’s learn some more Period: 11 . I. Aims - Teach students sentence patterns: Is this (an eraser)?...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2013, 01:26

42 859 7
Lets go picture dictionary

Lets go picture dictionary

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 20:30

111 3,2K 46
Lets go workbook

Lets go workbook

... academic discussions by Level 1, Unit 1: Introducing yourself, Asking about objects z  Lets go workbook DynEd Course: Let’s Go State: Arizona Stadards: ELL ... for words. Level 1, Unit 1: Introducing yourself, Asking about objects Level 1, Unit 2: Asking about colors, Describing objects Level 1, Unit 8: Agreeing Level 4, Unit 1: Comparisons All ... rephrasing, repetitions, and contextual clues. Level 1, Unit 1: Greetings, Introducing yourself, asking about objects, Classroom commands 1 Level 1, Unit 7: Expressing hunger and thirst, Asking...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:15

35 2,3K 10
Giao an lets go 1A2.doc

Giao an lets go 1A2.doc

... repeat Lª Quang TiÕn – Trêng TiÓu Häc Gia CÈm 19 Giáo án tiếng anh 3 lets go Section 1: Lets Talk The date of planning: The date of teaching : I. Aims: 1. Knowledge. - Ps know and use the question ... question and answer 2.Teacher’s remark: WEEK 11 th Period 21 Unit 2 Section 3: Let’s Learn (1) The date of planning: The date of teaching : I. Aims: 1. Knowledge. - Ps know and use some ajds ... Aims: 1. Knowledge. - Ps drill the discribe of objects with adjectives and do exercises 2. Skills. Lª Quang TiÕn – Trêng TiÓu Häc Gia CÈm 46 Gi¸o ¸n tiÕng anh 3 – let’s go WEEK 6 th Period :11 ...

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2013, 04:10

57 940 10
giao an lets go 1a.doc

giao an lets go 1a.doc

... Teacher’s book, page 17 ) III.OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open your book to page 10 :   2. Students open their books to page 10 :  3. Present the paradigm and contraction on page 10 : ( I am = I’m ) 4. ... characters in 2’ 3’ 5’ 5’ 2’ III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open your book to page 12 :  12 2. Students open their books to page 12 :  3. Practice: S 1 : What color is this? S 2 : It’s ( pink). IV. ... sts to stand in the circle, throwing a ball to S 1 and asking name S 1 . S 1 answers, then throws this ball to S 2 and asks name S 2 , go on until the last st in the circle. - Asking...

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2013, 04:10

100 993 23
Lets go 1A Cuc hay.doc

Lets go 1A Cuc hay.doc

... planning: 01/ 11/ 2008 Date of planning: 01/ 11/ 2008 Date of teaching: 10 /11 /2008 Date of teaching: 10 /11 /2008 Unit 2 Unit 2 Period 22: Period 22: Lets learn Lets learn I- Purpose: I- Purpose: 1- Knowledge: 1- ... Let’s go 1A Lesson plan: Let’s go 1A TuÇn 13 : TuÇn 13 : Date of planning: 17 /11 /2008 Date of planning: 17 /11 /2008 Date of teaching: 24 /11 /2008 Date of teaching: 24 /11 /2008 Unit 2 Unit 2 Period 25: Period ... again. ********************************************************** ********************************************************** TuÇn 12 : TuÇn 12 : Date of planning: 10 /11 /2008 Date of planning: 10 /11 /2008 Date of teaching: 17 /11 /2008 Date of teaching: 17 /11 /2008 Unit 2 Unit 2 Period 23: Period...

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2013, 04:10

43 1,1K 5
lets go 1b.doc

lets go 1b.doc

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2013, 04:10

2 5,8K 393
Lets go.doc

Lets go.doc

... ANH TIẾNG ANH Năm học: 2008-2009 Week 1 Date of preparation: SEP 1 st , 2008 Week 8 Date of preparation: SEP , 2008 Period 16 Date of teaching: SEP , 2008 UNIT 1 Lesson 3: LET’S LISTEN I. Aims and ... are you? Listen to the teacher. Week 5 Date of preparation: SEP , 2008 Period 11 Date of teaching: SEP , 2008 UNIT 1 Lesson 2: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (Cont’d) I. Aims and objectives: - Language ... things, teacher’s cards (1- 8 and 17 -24), cassette player. 4. Students’ preparation: prepare the cards’ names. 5. Previous exercise: Let’s move. III. Procedure in class: 1. Stabilization (2’) a....

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2013, 04:10

71 645 0
Lets go 2A (review).doc

Lets go 2A (review).doc

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 00:10

4 13,5K 508
lets go 1A.ppt

lets go 1A.ppt

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 01:10

24 1,8K 24
Lets go 1 full Very hot

Lets go 1 full Very hot

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 22:10

77 616 0

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