Aims of the study
This study aims to compare the similarities and differences in greetings between Japan and Vietnam, while also introducing common greetings from both countries to enhance cultural understanding Additionally, it explores factors that influence greeting practices in Japan and Vietnam, helping individuals avoid misunderstandings and communicate effectively across cultures.
Research questions
To fulfill the aim set above, the following questions need answering
1.What are common greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures?
2.What factors affecting greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures?
Scope of the study
Greetings encompass a wide array of gestures globally, reflecting cultural nuances This article specifically examines common greeting practices and the influencing factors in two distinct cultures: Vietnamese and Japanese Due to time constraints and the scope of my knowledge, the focus will be on these two cultures' greeting traditions.
Methods of the study
The study is conducted with two main research methods: qualitative and quantitative
Firstly, the quantitative method helps the researcher to find out frequency and number of cases when greeting gestures are used The most common greeting gestures in two cultures
Secondly, the qualitative method supports the researcher to justify the factors that influence greeting gestures in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures
The study contains the three parts
- Part I: : Introduction presents the rationales, aims, research questions, scope, methods and structure of the study
- Part II: Consists of three chapters
+ The first chapter is theoretical background which provides readers the overview of culture and overview of greeting gestures
+ The second chapter discusses common greeting gestures in Japanese and Vietnamese cultures and what factors influences greeting gestures in Japanese and Vietnamese cultures
The final chapter focuses on data analysis and comparison, where I examine the findings from the survey questionnaires and evaluations This section highlights the similarities and differences in greeting gestures between the two countries, providing a comprehensive understanding of cultural variations in social interactions.
- The study is ended with the third part - Conclusion This part presents an overview of the study, and recommendations for further study
Overview of Japanese and Vietnamese culture
Japan's culture has evolved significantly over thousands of years, starting from the prehistoric Jōmon period to its current modern society, which integrates influences from Asia, Europe, and North America.
Japan's indigenous culture has its roots in the Yayoi people, who settled in the region from 1000 BCE to 300 CE This Yayoi culture rapidly expanded across Honshū, blending with the existing Jōmon culture to create a unique cultural tapestry.
Modern Japanese people are estimated to have approximately 80% Yayoi and 20% Jōmon ancestry Throughout history, Japanese culture has been significantly shaped by various Chinese dynasties, especially from ancient times to the Middle Ages, along with influences from other Asian nations.
The Japanese language incorporates Chinese characters known as kanji, despite having no genetic ties to Chinese Since the Meiji period, Japan has been significantly influenced by Western countries, leading to a unique cultural evolution through the processes of influence, absorption, and selective adaptation.
For over 220 years during the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan underwent a significant period of isolation from the outside world, which lasted until the arrival of the "Black Ships" and the onset of the Meiji period Today, Japan's culture is recognized as one of the most influential and prominent globally, largely attributed to the widespread popularity of its cultural exports.
Japanese is the official language of Japan and features a unique pitch-accent system The language's early form is primarily understood through texts from the 8th century, including three significant works of Old Japanese The earliest record of Japanese appears in a Chinese document dating back to 252 AD While Japanese has no genetic ties to Chinese, as it belongs to the Japonic language family, it incorporates a substantial number of Chinese characters, known as kanji (漢字), in its writing system.
Japanese writing utilizes three scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji Hiragana and katakana originated from the Chinese man'yōgana in the 5th century and were simplified from kanji Hiragana emerged around the 9th century, primarily used by women for informal communication, while katakana was predominantly used by men in formal contexts.
By the 10th century, kanji, which are Han characters imported from China, became widely used in Japan, a country that lacked its own writing system until around 50 AD Kanji primarily serve to represent nouns, adjective stems, and verb stems Over centuries, the development of kanji has led to a significant number of characters in modern Japanese that differ in meaning from their Chinese counterparts, known as hanzi Additionally, Japanese utilizes fewer simplified Chinese characters, resulting in a generally lower usage of kanji compared to Chinese.
The Latin alphabet, known as rōmaji, is frequently utilized in contemporary Japanese for various purposes, including company names, logos, and advertising Additionally, it plays a significant role in inputting Japanese text on computers While Hindu-Arabic numerals are predominantly used for numerical representation, traditional Sino-Japanese numerals remain widely prevalent.
Shintoism and Buddhism are two prominent religions in Japan, with Shintoism being an ethnic faith centered on rituals and ceremonies Followers of Shintoism believe in kami, which are spirits or deities present in nature, such as rocks, trees, and mountains, and even within humans A key objective of Shintoism is to foster a connection between humans, nature, and kami The religion originated in Japan before the sixth century CE, leading to the establishment of shrines for kami worship.
Buddhism originated in India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE and later spread to China and Korea, reaching Japan in the 6th century CE Initially met with resistance due to its complex philosophical concepts, Buddhism gradually gained popularity in Japan, partly due to the appreciation of its artistic expressions Central to Buddhism is the belief in the soul and the afterlife, emphasizing that social status is irrelevant as everyone experiences sickness, aging, death, and the cycle of rebirth known as saṃsāra Life's suffering is viewed as a pathway to a better future, with the ultimate aim being to escape the cycle of death and rebirth by achieving true insight.
Early Japanese literature was significantly shaped by interactions with Chinese culture, often utilizing Classical Chinese for its writings Over time, Japanese authors began to create original works that reflected their own culture, leading to the emergence of a distinct Japanese literary style Since the 19th century, when Japan reopened to Western trade and diplomacy, there has been a dynamic exchange between Western and Eastern literary traditions, which continues to influence each other today.
Japanese calligraphy, known as 'shodō' (書道), is a revered traditional art form that not only conveys written information but also embodies artistic expression This practice involves creating phrases, poems, stories, or individual characters, with the style and format reflecting the subject matter's texture and stroke speed Achieving the desired effect for a single character may require over a hundred attempts, highlighting the artistic value of the creation process itself It's important to differentiate 'shodō' from 'sumi-e' (墨絵), or ink painting, which focuses on depicting scenes or objects rather than writing.
Japanese painting has a rich history, with the brush serving as both a traditional writing and artistic tool Artists typically focused on specific subjects like animals, landscapes, or figures The introduction of Chinese papermaking in the 7th century led to the development of washi, a unique Japanese paper Today, traditional Japanese painting techniques coexist with those adopted from continental Asia and the West Notable painting schools, such as the Kano school from the 16th century, are recognized for their bold brushwork and striking contrasts, particularly influenced by figures like Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu Renowned Japanese painters include Kanō Sanraku, Maruyama Ōkyo, and Tani Bunchō.
Traditional Japanese clothing, particularly the kimono, sets Japan apart from other nations The term "kimono," which translates to "something one wears," originally encompassed all clothing types but now specifically refers to the full-length garment known as the naga-gi, or "long-wear," traditionally worn on special occasions by individuals of all ages Influenced by Han Chinese clothing, or hanfu, the kimono's evolution began through cultural exchanges as early as the 5th century AD By the 8th century, Chinese fashions gained popularity in Japan, leading to distinctive styles such as the overlapping collar in women's fashion Collectively, kimonos and other traditional garments are referred to as wafuku, meaning traditional Japanese clothing.
Overview of greetings in Japanese and Vietnamese
(kanji: お早うございます, hiragana: おはようございます)
This greeting is how you would say “good morning” in Japanese The kanji 早 used here means “morning.”
In Japanese, greetings illustrate a prevalent trend where the length of a phrase indicates its level of formality; generally, longer expressions are more formal This language structure features multiple tiers of formality, highlighting the nuanced ways in which respect and politeness are conveyed.
“Ohayou gozaimasu”is the full, formal greeting If you’re speaking to friends, you might wish to shorten it to “ohayou” (kanji: お早う, hiragana: おは
(kanji: 始めまして, hiragana: はじめまして)
This greeting in Japanese means “How do you do?” or “Nice to meet you.” Use it when you’re meeting someone for the first time.
The phrase comes from a respectful conjugation of the verb
The term "hajimeru" (始める) translates to "to begin" or "to start," signifying the initiation of a new relationship Whether you are connecting with a potential friend, colleague, or acquaintance, it's essential to make a positive first impression as you embark on this new journey.
(hiragana: こんにちは, kanji: 今日は)
This is probably the most well-known Japanese greeting It translates to
“good day” or “hello” in English.
The kanji "kon" (今) translates to "this," while "nichi" (日) means "day." The grammatical particle "wa" (は) indicates the main subject of the sentence, which in this context refers to "today."
(kanji: 今晩は, hiragana: こんばんは)
"Konban wa" translates to "good evening" in Japanese, serving as a nighttime greeting similar to "konnichi wa," which means "hello" during the day The key distinction lies in the use of 晩 (ban) for "evening" instead of 日 (nichi) for "day."
Related: How to discuss family in Japanese and How to count to 10 in
(kanji: 只今; 唯今, hiragana: ただいま)
Use this greeting when you get home and want to announce your presence! It literally means, “I’ve returned.” It can also be translated as “I’m home.”
(hiragana: おやすみなさい)
Say this to your family or roommates when you’re going to bed Don’t use it when you’re leaving a friend’s house for the night, though
It’s an approximate equivalent to “good night” in English Similarly to
“good morning,” this greeting in Japanese can be shortened to create the less formal equivalent, “oyasumi” (おやすみ)
(kanji: 申し申し, hiragana: もしもし)
When answering the telephone in Japanese, a common way to greet the caller is by using the phrase derived from the verb "imasu" (言います, いいます), which translates to "to say." This humble expression serves as a polite way to initiate conversation.
(kanji: いらっしゃいませ)
In Japanese culture, a specific greeting is often used to welcome customers in restaurants and shops, showcasing the importance of hospitality This phrase, which employs the honorific imperative form of a verb, reflects the respectful nature of customer interactions in Japan While you may not encounter this greeting frequently, it plays a significant role in enhancing the shopping and dining experience.
“irrassharu” (いらっしゃる) meaning “to come.”
Are you wondering how to greet in Vietnamese before your visit to this stunning country? Vietnam values hierarchy, which is clearly reflected in its greeting customs To demonstrate your enthusiasm and respect for Vietnamese culture, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the appropriate greetings.
How to say “hello” in Vietnamese
The simplest way to greet a Vietnamese is: “Xin chào” /’sin taʊ/ that means “Hello” in English
The most popular greeting among tourists is short and easy to pronounce; however, Vietnamese culture dictates that juniors should not use this form of greeting with seniors Therefore, younger individuals are encouraged to learn more respectful and formal greetings to show proper etiquette.
–Em chào chị /em taʊ ti/: hello to the older girls (older than you)
– Em chào anh /em taʊ aŋ/: hello to the older boys (older than you)
– Cháu chào cô /’taʊ taʊ kɒ/: hello to the older women (same age as your mother)
– Cháu chào chú /’taʊ taʊ ‘tu/: hello to the older men (same age as your father)
– Cháu chào bà /’taʊ taʊ bɑː/: hello to the very old women (same age as your grandma)
– Cháu chào ông /’taʊ taʊ ɒŋ/: hello to the very old men (same age as your grandpa)
In a respectful family setting, greetings should be conducted from the oldest to the youngest or based on rank Typically, younger members and juniors initiate the greeting, which is then reciprocated by older members and seniors Responses can be simple, such as "ừ" /u/, or more courteous, like "Chào em" /taʊ em/ for younger peers, and "Chào cháu" /taʊ ‘taʊ/ for one's children or grandchildren.
How to say “goodbye” in Vietnamese
In Vietnamese, the word for "goodbye" is "Tạm biệt" (pronounced /tam biet/) It's important to note that Vietnamese does not have ending sounds, so the "t" at the end of the word should not be pronounced.
An interesting point in Vietnamese greetings is that you can use the same
“hello” honored sentences to say goodbye to the senior.
Body language in Vietnamese greetings
In informal communication, body language is simpler than in business settings When meeting locals for the first time, a handshake is common among men, while women often prefer a slight bow and a smile Hugging is usually reserved for close friends and family, but it can also be appropriate as a farewell gesture after getting to know someone The best approach is to maintain eye contact, smile, and greet warmly Children are taught to fold their hands across their chest and bow to show respect to elders, although this practice tends to fade as they grow older.
Bad manners in greetings custom
Ignoring or failing to respond to greetings is considered impolite, as it may lead others to feel disrespected and unwilling to engage in future conversations with you.
In Vietnam, it is considered inappropriate to point at someone when introducing them to others, as this gesture is commonly associated with gaining attention from pets or issuing commands.
Vietnam's greeting customs reflect the deep-rooted cultural value of "respecting the elderly and cherishing children," a tradition that has evolved over thousands of years Understanding these customs will enhance your ability to adapt to the local lifestyle and enrich your experience in this captivating country.
Do not hesitate to tell us about your thought about Vietnamese culture! We are always willing to hear from you!
Common greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures
3.1.1 Common greetings in Japanese culture
In Japan, greetings hold significant cultural importance, and failing to greet someone or doing so in a casual manner is viewed as disrespectful The primary methods of greeting in Japan reflect this value, emphasizing the need for politeness and formality in social interactions.
Ohayō gozaimasu/ Ohayō (Good morning [formal/informal])
In Japan, bowing is a common greeting, with a slight head nod typically used among family and friends To show respect to superiors, a deeper bow of about 90 degrees is appropriate However, most Japanese individuals understand that foreign travelers may not be familiar with these customs and are generally accepting of a simple head nod or handshake.
Frequent greetings like "How are you?" are commonly exchanged in conversations, often without much thought In Japan, a similar expression is used: "Genki desu ka," which translates to "Are you well?" This highlights the universal nature of such pleasantries in everyday interactions.
Other common ways to ask how someone is doing are
Hajimemashite (How do you do?)
O-genki desu ka (How are you? [formal])
Genki? (How are you? [informal])
Maiku-san wa? (How about you, Mike?)
As you’d expect, when someone asks you how you’re doing, there are many possible responses
Hai, genki desu (Yes, I’m fine.)
Ē, māmā desu (Well, so-so.)
Hai, watashi mo genki desu (Yes, I’m fine, too.)
Mastering the art of introductions in Japanese is essential for making a positive first impression, as the language is inherently more formal than American English Unlike the more casual approach often seen in the U.S., Japanese introductions adhere to a structured pattern, emphasizing the importance of etiquette and respect in communication.
If you're looking to connect with a group, having someone to introduce you is ideal; however, if you don't know anyone, you can take the initiative to introduce yourself Start with the phrase "Totsuzen desu ga, jiko shōkai sasete kudasai," which translates to "Pardon me, may I introduce myself?" This will help you break the ice and engage with others effectively.
The simplest greeting is Konnichiwa, which means Hello or Good Afternoon
The two most common ways to introduce yourself are Watashi no namae wa desu (My name is .) or Watashi wa Sumisu desu (I’m .).
3.Inquire about his or her name
Use the more formal form because you’re meeting the person for the first time:
O-namae wa nan desu ka (What’s your name?)
When addressing others, it is important to use respectful titles appropriately; place a respectful title after others' names, but not after your own The most commonly used title is "San," applicable to individuals of any gender or marital status For clients or individuals deserving of high respect, "Sama" is the preferred formal title However, when addressing superiors, it is more appropriate to use their job titles following their family names rather than using respectful titles.
4.After they tell you their name you should express pleasure
Common ways to express this are
Yoroshiku (Nice to meet you.)
Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu (It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance
To enhance your introduction process, consider discussing your origins with others You can share your background by saying, "Amerika kara desu" (I'm from America), or inquire about someone else's by asking, "Dochira kara desu ka?" (Where are you from?) If the conversation shifts to your current residence, you can ask, "Doko ni sunde imasu ka?" (Where do you live?).
The following conversation will show you how Japanese people greet and make introduction
Angela: Konnichiwa Watashi no namae wa Angela desu (Hello My name is Angela.)
Kenji: Watashi wa Kenji desu (I’m Kenji.)
Angela: Yoroshiku (Nice to meet you!)
Angela: Watashi wa Amerikajin desu Dochira kara desu ka (I’m American Where are you from?)
Kenji: Shusshin wa Tōkyō desu Ôsaka de sodachimashita (I was born in Tokyo I grew up in Osaka.)
Amerika no dochira kara desu ka (Where in the United States are you from?)
Angela: San Furanshisuko kara desu (I’m from San Francisco.)
Kenji-san, kochira wa watashi no tomodachi desu Steven-san desu (Kenji, this is my friend This is Steven.)
Kenji: Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu (It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.)
3.1.2 Common greetings in Vietnamese cultures
Greetings hold great significance in the spiritual life of the Vietnamese, serving as both a form of communication etiquette and a reflection of community values With a rich history spanning over a thousand years, these greetings embody national characteristics, emphasizing respect for elders and teachers, as well as appreciation for various social relationships For the Vietnamese, a greeting transcends a mere exchange of words; it encompasses diverse expressions and gestures If you are considering a local tour in Vietnam, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the country's unique greeting customs and etiquette.
How do You Say Greetings in Vietnamese?
If you're beginning to learn Vietnamese, it's essential to familiarize yourself with basic phrases and sentences that are frequently used in everyday conversations by locals.
You will start with learning how to greet someone in Vietnamese to how to give basic expressions in Vietnamese
"Xin chào" is a common formal greeting in Vietnamese, frequently employed by reporters, TV presenters, and event hosts to address their audiences and attendees.
More casual and common ways of Vietnamese greetings often start with the word Chào To say goodbye in Vietnamese, you can also use the pattern Chào + pronoun
Structures When to use Examples
Chào + pronoun most common way to greet anyone Chào chú
Chào + name only to someone younger Chào Ly
Chào + pronoun + name only to someone older
Pronoun 1 + chào + pronoun 2 only to someone older
(A is a male, old enough to be B's older brother)
(C can be a male or female, young enough to be D's nephew/niece)
Say “Xin chao” as a common greeting
This greeting is ideal for non-native speakers as it represents the simplest and most courteous way to address Vietnamese individuals In contrast, native speakers typically avoid this phrase due to its formal tone.
Say “Chao ban” when you are close
If you get a close relationship with the person you are talking to, let’s use
“Chao ban” as a greeting “Ban” is considered an informal way meaning “you”
The term "34" is gender-neutral and can be used for individuals around the same age as you However, it is advisable to avoid using it when addressing elders or those to whom you wish to show respect.
Use “Chao anh”, “Chao chi”, “Chao co”, “Chao chu”, etc for elders
When addressing individuals older than you, it's important to use respectful phrases For male listeners, say "Chao anh" or "Chao chu," while for female listeners, use "Chao chi" or "Chao co."
“Chao em” to younger people
For younger people, say “Chao em” when you meet them Do not use that for someone older or have the same age as you
In addition to the main way of greetings mentioned above, there are other expressions used for Greetings in Vietnam
Say “Alo” when answering the phone
If someone calls you, let’s say “Alo” that have the same meaning to “Xin chao” This way is common for phone calls not for communication in face-to- face
Greeting based on time of a day
Vietnamese people do not usually greet others according to the time of the day because it sounds relatively unnatural These greetings are:
“Good morning” is “Chao buoi sang”
“Good afternoon” is “Chao buoi trua”
“Good evening” is “Chao buoi toi”
When you want to say “how are you?” in Vietnamese, it means “Bạn có khỏe không? “ You can change flexibly word “ban” into other words like
“anh”, “chi”, etc to make it appropriate for specific situations and relationships
To reply to this kind of greetings, you inform them of your health status then you can ask them again with a question “Con ban?” like “And you?” in English
In the Japanese language, certain greeting expressions take the form of questions, reflecting varying levels of formality depending on the context.
In Japanese culture, greetings can also be expressed through statements, which often serve a deeper purpose beyond simply acknowledging someone These greeting expressions encompass various forms and utilize different speech levels in the Japanese language The specific form of greeting used varies depending on the context of the conversation.
In Vietnamese chào cậu chúng em chào cô ạ
Factors affecting the greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures
Several factors shape the greeting styles of Vietnamese and Japanese individuals, with a focus on three key elements: context, age, and social relationships.
Greetings encompass a range of interlinked behaviors, including verbal and non-verbal communication, terms of address, and the social context in which they occur As noted by Hang, greetings are considered "ritualistic expressions" shaped by various social factors, particularly cross-cultural differences They serve as a reflection of cultural and social influences, providing essential openings to encounters, as explained by Irvine in Dezhara et al From a pragmatic perspective, greetings function as illocutionary acts that convey expressive meanings, often not meant to be taken literally but rather to demonstrate politeness Consequently, the expression of greetings can vary significantly across different cultures and social settings.
Greetings are essential expressions exchanged during initial encounters, with responses varying based on context and situation Different forms of greetings are significantly shaped by cultural influences, as highlighted by Cutting, who identifies four key aspects related to greetings: verbal communication, terms of address, non-verbal cues, and social context Additionally, Halliday (1973) categorizes greetings into two types: time-bound greetings, which are formal, and time-free greetings, commonly used in informal settings Understanding these nuances enhances our appreciation of the role greetings play in social interactions.
Goffman stated that greetings provide the means of opening conversations appropriately,establishing and maintaining social relationship such as “hello” or
“hi” In addition, the use of greetings in a conversation benefits the identification
Effective communication involves recognizing the presence of speakers and understanding the nature of their relationship A simple greeting can serve as a means to acknowledge individuals and express concern, fostering a more meaningful connection between communicators.
A conversation typically begins and ends with distinct phases, with the initial stage often recognized as a greeting According to Fieg and Mortlock, this opening exchange is essential for initiating dialogue, and it is significantly influenced by cultural contexts The way greetings are expressed can differ greatly among various groups, shaped by their unique cultural backgrounds Additionally, greetings may involve the use of names or address terms, which can vary widely, including who speaks first, appropriate responses, and the language used, all of which may be influenced by specific circumstances.
In common, english greeting expressions share some key formulaic expressions recurrently used in various informal context The expressions are
“hi”+(firt name) followed by “hello” +(firt name) in addition, people tend to greet other according to time of the day
In English culture, personal matters are considered private and are typically discussed only with close friends, as highlighted by Hornby Consequently, English speakers often engage in routine greetings such as "How’ve you been?" or "Nice day, isn’t it?" that avoid delving into sensitive topics These interactions usually revolve around neutral subjects like food, health, or the weather, reflecting a cultural norm of maintaining privacy in social exchanges.
Japanese greetings encompass a diverse range of expressions, including "sugeng enjing," "sugeng," "siang," and "sugeng sonten." These formal greetings extend beyond everyday communication, highlighting the rich cultural nuances in Japanese interactions.
In Japanese culture, informal greetings often reflect the deep respect individuals have for one another, with various intimate expressions used to convey this sentiment These greetings not only serve as a way to initiate conversation but also highlight the importance of relationships in Japanese society.
Greetings vary significantly across cultures, with English and Japanese serving as prominent examples Both languages have distinct methods of greeting, influenced by various cultural factors This cross-cultural study aims to examine how these cultural elements shape greeting expressions and to explore the diversity of greeting styles within each language.
Obviously, context does influence the way people greet and the language in use In a more formal context,
Formal greetings vary based on the context in which they occur, influenced primarily by the timing of the conversation Additionally, factors such as age, social status, and the level of intimacy between speakers play a significant role in determining the appropriate greeting For instance, in Japanese culture, specific formal greeting expressions reflect these nuances.
“Kính” chào các quý vị
“Xin”trân trọng gửi lời chào đến toàn các bạn
Informal greetings in Japanese are often used in various situations and can vary depending on the context These greetings typically reflect medium to low levels of formality, making them suitable for casual interactions Examples of such greetings illustrate their versatility across different times and places.
In vietnamese: Ê, đi đâu đấy?
In the morning, two young Japanese men engage in a friendly conversation on the street, reflecting their close relationship and similar social status Their dialogue is characterized by informal expressions, highlighting their familiarity and camaraderie.
In Japan and Vietnam, age is associated with respect, leading to distinct greeting customs for older individuals compared to younger ones For instance, in Japan, greetings often reflect this cultural value, emphasizing the importance of honoring elders.
In Vietnamese culture people often use the word “Chao”, “Kinh Chao”, or
“Lay” together with their address form For example:
- Kính chào các cô các bác
However, for the young people, they don’t need to say “Chao” and even when “chao” is used, there is no need to use the address form For example:
The nature of the relationship between conversation participants significantly impacts their greetings For instance, close friends typically greet each other in a more casual and affectionate manner, while a formal greeting is more common between a boss and an employee.
In work place, greetings are different from one colleague to another For example:
The data in this section highlight that, despite varying settings, the context surrounding speakers—such as intimacy, age, and social status—plays a crucial role in shaping the specific forms of greetings used in Japanese.
The findings indicate that English greetings vary significantly based on the situation, context, and the individuals involved Additionally, the types and forms of greetings are influenced by factors such as age, social status, gender, and cultural background Key aspects like time and place play a crucial role in determining the appropriate type of greeting.
English greetings are primarily conveyed through time-specific phrases like "Good morning" and "Good evening." Additionally, they can also be expressed with timeless expressions such as "hello," "hi," and "how are you?"
Here is a rewritten paragraph that captures the essence of the original text, optimized for SEO:"English greetings are influenced by various factors, including the degree of intimacy, connection, and age While formal and informal greetings coexist, the latter is more commonly used, reflecting a relatively casual attitude towards social interactions Notably, English speakers tend to prioritize friendliness over formalities, often disregarding social status in their everyday greetings."
English greetings often incorporate both questions and statements, serving as expressions of politeness The blend of formal and informal greetings highlights the social norms and good manners inherent in communication This underscores the importance of understanding the nuances of greeting patterns in English.
The Japanese language offers a richer variety of greeting expressions compared to English, largely due to cultural influences and contextual factors This diversity in greetings among Japanese speakers reflects the significant variations in how they convey respect and social nuances in their interactions.
The cultural influence on language significantly impacts the way Japanese people communicate, particularly in their greetings Known for their respectful and well-mannered nature, the Japanese exhibit a diverse range of greeting expressions that reflect their cultural values.
Japanese and Vietnamese people have some common features in their greetings They are both influenced by social relation, context, and age.
This study, titled "A Study on Greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese Cultures," comprises four chapters and aims to address two key questions: "What are the common greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures?" and "What factors influence these greetings?" The research explores the similarities and differences in greeting practices between the two cultures, providing insights into the social and cultural elements that shape these interactions.
Research indicates that greeting customs vary across cultures, with Vietnamese and Japanese individuals particularly mindful of age, context, and relationships in their interactions.
This study explores the common features of greetings in Vietnamese and Japanese cultures, focusing on three key influencing factors: age, context, and relationship Due to constraints in time and resources, the research is limited in scope, utilizing a small population sample and primarily relying on the analysis of journal articles and online materials.
Suggestions for further study
Future research should explore additional elements of greetings within Vietnamese and Japanese cultures, emphasizing the importance of participant demographics, geographical contexts, and culturally specific concepts.