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Cambridge primary science 5 learner student book

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Sách cambigde primary science 5 là bản tiếp theo trong bộ sách học về khoa học của cambrigde. Sách có nội dung bài học phong phú, giải thích các hiện tượng khoa học trong cuộc sống hàng ngày Các em sẽ được tiếp cận từ vựng, ngữ pháp mẫu câu phù hợp với level của các em.

lntroduction t lnvesligoting plont growth l.l Seeds How seeds grow 1.2 -l.3 lnvestigoting germinotion 1.4 l.5 Whot plonts need to grow? Plonts ond light Check your progress The life cycle of flowering plonts 2,1 Why plonts hove flowers 2.2 How seeds ore spreod 2.3 Other woys seeds ore spreod 2.4 The ports of o flower 2.5 2,6 2.7 Pollinotion lnvestigoting pollinotion Plont life cycles Check your progress 3 B r0 12 14 t6 IB 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Stotes of molter l Evoporotion 34 36 3.2 Why evoporotion is useful 3.3 lnvestigoting evoporotion 3.4 lnvestigoting evoporotion from o solution 3,5 Condensotion 3,6 The woter cycle 3.7 Boiling 3.8 Melting 3.9 Who invented the temperoture scole? 40 42 44 46 48 50 Check your progress 52 eonlents 3B , iriirsFti++!* The woy we see things 4.1 Light trovels from o source 54 56 4.2 Mirrors 4.3 Seeing behind you 4.4 Which surfoces reflect light the best? 4,5 Light chonges direction 5B 60 62 64 Check your progress Shqdows 5,.l Light trovels in stroight lines 5.2 Which moteriols let light through? 5.3 Silhouettes ond shodow puppets 5.4 Whot offects the size of o shodow? 5,5 lnvestigoting shodow lengths 5.6 Meosuring light intensity 5,7 How scientists meosured ond understood light Check your progress Eorth's movements 6.-l The Sun, the Eorth ond the Moon 6,2 Does the Sun move? 6,3 The Eorth rototes on its oxis 6,4 Sunrise ond sunset 6.5 The Eorth revolves oround the Sun 6,6 Exploring the solor system 6,7 Exploring the stors Check your progress 66 6B 70 72 74 76 7B BO 82 B4 B6 BB 90 92 94 96 Reference Glossory ond index r05 Acknowledgements il0 9B Contents - n fr 9! !! * J \Et' \6,'F a # fs, A l''f dq };-!*l*1''* * Words f,,ol"eq.rn seed embryo seed coot lr$rlwlwllytwi !trf t wlr,y; Hove Uou ever swollowed a seed when gou were eatlng on app[e or on oronge? We frnd seeds i.nside Jrults Frults ond seeds be dtJJerent slzes ond shopes $*lfl This apple has been cut in half to show the seeds An avocado pear has one large seed Bean seeds are A poppy's fr"uit contains the seeds Are seeds o[[ve? Seeds might looh deod, but they ore not Seeds grow lnto new plonts There is o ting plont inslde the seed thot storts to grow when i.t has atl the things thot it needs The tlny plant i.nside the seed is ca[led on embnyo The seed olso hos a Jood store I lnvesfigatlng plont growth food store Here [s a beon seed wlth lts embryo ports labe[[ed Drqw qnd lsbel s seed Look careJutly at the seed with the hond lens Find the seed coot and the scar where the seed wos joined to the Jrutt Mahe o neot drawi.ng oJ the outside oJ the seed Lobel Uour drowing Use gour ftngernoils to pu[[ off the outer coverlng oJ the seed Pu[[ the two halves oJ the seed oport Flnd the embrgo i.nside the seed Fi.nd the seed's Jood store Draw ond [obe[ the inside parts oJ the seed Qwes,f;ions t" Why does the seed need a Jood store? Why does the seed need o seed coot? What gou thinh the seed needs to make [t start to grow? Whqt, you hqnre Leq.y*tt, g, 5, Seeds ore Jound in Jruits The embryo instde o seed grows lnto a new plont Seeds ore covered by a seed coot g: Seeds contaln o Jood store I Investigoting plont growth ff Wordls to leqrtt germinotion shrivels obsorbs IJ a seed given the rlght conditions, ond the embrgo ls otive, it w[1"[ grow When a seed storts to grow, we saU it germinotes This process [s catled i,s germinotion The seed uses ltsJood store to gi.ve it the energU to grow The seed shrivets ond becomes smo[[ oJter germinotion Here are the stoges in germinotion oJ a beon seed Seed qbsorbs water and swells The shoot grows up above the ground The first leaves grow Seed coat splits The first shoot starts to grow The first root starts to grow The root grows down into the soil Side roots grow Seeds [[ve wi.thout germinoting Jor Ueors until the condltions become suitab[e The oldest seed hnown to germlnote wos a 13OO-geor-o[d lotus seed Jound ar the bottom oJ a loke in Chtna A lotus plant growrng in water I lnvestigoting plont growth Observe s seed Sook the beon seed [n woter overnlght Predict how seed wi[[ chonge overnight Observe the seed the next doy and wrlte down ong changes thot gou see How did the seed chonge overnight? Was Uour predlction correct? Exploin why the chonges hoppen Where gou thinh the water entered the seed? Gtve a reoson Jor gour onswer Qttesf,;io*ts 7" IL Why seeds need to obsorb woter? c Which port oJ the new beon p[ant grows flrst? b Suggest o reoson why this port grows downwords In which dlrectlon does the ftrst shoot grow ond why? Why you think the new leoves stort to grow obove the ground? Whg you think the seed shrivels ond becomes smo[[ oJter germlnotlon? Whqt yowhqnre lec rn* Seeds stort to germinote right and the embryo i.s f the condttlons ore olive The Jood store gives seeds the energg theg need (:!' Jor germlnotion Seeds obsorb woter to stort germlnotlon The new root grows downwords frrst, Jollowed bg the new shoot whi.ch grows upwords I lnvestigoting plont growth ... source 54 56 4.2 Mirrors 4.3 Seeing behind you 4.4 Which surfoces reflect light the best? 4 ,5 Light chonges direction 5B 60 62 64 Check your progress Shqdows 5, .l Light trovels in stroight lines 5. 2... moteriols let light through? 5. 3 Silhouettes ond shodow puppets 5. 4 Whot offects the size of o shodow? 5, 5 lnvestigoting shodow lengths 5. 6 Meosuring light intensity 5, 7 How scientists meosured... evoporotion from o solution 3 ,5 Condensotion 3,6 The woter cycle 3.7 Boiling 3.8 Melting 3.9 Who invented the temperoture scole? 40 42 44 46 48 50 Check your progress 52 eonlents 3B , iriirsFti++!*

Ngày đăng: 11/06/2021, 17:55