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Cambridge primary science 4 learners book

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lntrod uction Humqns ond onimols LI Skeletons 1,2 humon skeleton l.3 The Why we need o skeleton? 1.4 ond movement l,5 Skeletons os medicines l.6 Drugs How medicines work r0 Check your progress IB B 12 14 16 Living things ond environments 2,1 Amozing birds 2,2 A hobitot for snoils 2.3 Animols in locol hobitots 2.4 ldentificotion keys 2.5 ldentifying invertebrotes 2,6 How we offect the environment 2.7 Wonderful woter 2.8 Recycling sove the Eorth! Check your progress 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Solids, liquids ond goses 3,.l 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3,6 Motter Motter is mode of porticles How solids, liquids ond goses behove? Melting, freezing ond boiling Melting in different solids Melting ond boiling points Check your progress {il*:tl**?s 3B 40 42 44 46 4B 50 - -.MfIrt'Jsitrry\,."iMii Sound 4.1 4.2 4.3 4,4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4,8 4.9 Sound trovels through moteriols Sound trovels through different moteriols How sound trovels Loud ond soft sounds Sound volume Muffling sounds High ond low sounds Pitch on percussion instruments Hoving fun with wind instruments Check your progress 52 54 56 5B 60 62 64 66 6B 70 Electricity ond mognetism 5,.l Electricity flows in circuits 5.2 Components ond o simple circuit 5.3 Switches 5,4 Circuits with more components 5.5 Circuits with buzzers 5,6 Moins electricity 5,7 Mognets in everydoy life 5.8 Mognetic poles 5,9 Strength of mognets l0 Which metols ore mognetic? Check your progress 72 74 76 7B BO 82 B4 B6 BB 90 92 Reference Glossory ond index 9B Acknowledgements 104 94 skeleton frome Somettmes sheletons looh scorg Sheletons ore not scoru People, ond mony onimols, have o inslde their bodies A skeleton is a hard, strong bone spine skull vertebro that supports our bodi.es Jrom the tnside Hove you seen o skeleton before? There ore skeletons in some museums of onimols such os dinosours thot lived long ogo hord ond strong You Jee[ the bones oJ your sheteton through your sh[n -iil bgI fl ,.:'.,: ::,.*V Our skeletons ore mode of mony different bones, These bones ore different sizes ond shopes Finding your bones bones Uou Jeel.? your head How monu Hol.d gour hands on the sides oJ gour chest Can you ftnd your ribs? How mony rlbs gou Jeel.? Now Jee[ your boch The bumps Uou can Jee[ ore the bones Fee[ oJ your These bones ore catled vertebrae One bone [s cal[ed o Stand up ond put Uour honds on Uour hips Can gou Jee[ your htp bones? Fee[ your hond bones Why gou thlnh there o.re so monu bones [n Uour hond? Did olt the bones in your hond Jee[ the some slze ond shape? What ore sheletons made oJ? Why must shetetons be hord ond strong? Why you thinh the bones oJ your sheleton are dtJJerent shopes ond slzes? Bones ore not veru heovy How you thlnh this helps animals? Animol skeletons hqve bones thol ore different shopes ond sizes, Draw a plcture oJ what Uou think o person wlthout o sheleton might tooh t[he : ::: Are oll skeletons mode of bones? Peopte and mony other onlmols hove a sheleton lnslde their bodies Our sheletons support our bodies Jrom the lnsi.de Our she[etons ore made oJ mony dtJJerent bones Bones ore dilJerent sizes ond shopes We have 206 bones in our she[etons There are dtJJerent ki.nds oJ bones [n the sheteton' Long bones, lihe the bones [n our legs and orms The is the long bone i.n your [eg bone Short bones, lihe those in our frngers Flot bones, [[ke those thot mohe up our shut[ ir'r':,,:,-ri;r.-ii' bOneS, lihe the bOneS [n Our Spi.ne Mqking o skeleton Looh ot the humon skeleton on the opposi.te page Notlce the sizes ond shopes oJ the bones and how they are arranged Ptan how gou wi[[ mohe a sheleron Jrom d{ferent posto shapes Arronge the pasta shapes on the poper to make Uour sheleton When gou ore hoppU with Uour sheleton, glue the shapes onto the poper r Is the shu[[ made oJ one bone or monu bones? , r Why gou thinh the shu[[ [s i.mportont? :tr Whtch is the biggest bone in the body? Whg you thinh this is so? ; Which are the smollest bones i.n the bodg? '; Whot ports oJ gour bodg you thinh the ribs surround? Whg you thinh the ribs are there? Women usualtg hove wider hlp bones than men Why you thlnh this is so? eor bones jow bone collqr bone shoulder blode vertebro finger bones thigh bone hip bone knee cop shin bone A giroffe's neck be up to 2m long toe bone ::: li::i :tdi.fl1ftiegl.lf:l ,' ,#a:ji"l tt-i.,q:it,,r*.,i,.i li ,: - ,l Our sheletons ore mode oJ Long bones, short bones, flot bones ond i.rregular bones ." The shu[[ ls mode oJ d$Jerent ftot bones joined together l.ril eitr:1.:a:i!J ;,: ll ;1', How mony neck bones does o giroffe hove? Are oll metols mognetic? Predi.ct which objects you thi.nh wil.l be magnetic Test your predlctlon Ho[d the mognet next to each oJ the metal objects Observe whether the metal is magnetlc or not Record gour results i,n o tabte ::: : :r -,., -: r. i: .:' ,,,.,.' _ Nome two mognetic metols Nome two non-mognetlc metats Glve three exomples oJ things Uou use ot home thot ore mode oJ metats Which metots ore theu mode Jrom? Are these thi.ngs mognetlc or not? How does the mognet seperate lron ond steer ond *"1f3,[1tff:"il[i:i" steel ond seporote them from the rest of the rubbish Then the cons ore recycled, Jrom other metols? How you use mognets to sort steel :: i -.i ;l ':!; :: r:ii - I :1 i:: ri : i- l We use metats in evergday Lfe Mlxtures oJ metals ore called o[[ogs An exomp[e is bross Iron ond stee[ ore mognetic Mony other metols ore non-mognetlc ond oluminium cons? \f{fu"Jk;rR-:;*-*R"&, s; -* tA,?:A,.,-& ffi ,Alc k-k Write one word thot each oJ the Jottowing describes # Something thot pushes e[ectri.ci.tg round o clrcuit t fl} The strength oJ electri.clty {- The Jtow oJ electricity ffi Which oJ these ore mqgnetlc ond which ore non-mognetic? wood f€ &a ffi steeI plosti.c alumlnlum lron two components oJ an electric clrcuit Name two tgpes oJ mognet Nome two lndustri.al uses oJ mognets Nome In the clrcuit be[ow, m # copper H$+*F;.r*:i$y Whot is the Junction oJ the component marhed A? Is the current ftowing clochwlse or ontlclochwise? U Uou odded a second butb in o bulb holder would the butbs glow more brtghtty or less brightty? IJ you odded two more V ce[[s, whot could happen to the bulbs? *m# n:*xgE=+*9isry: A 'l V ce[[ ls used with o V buzzer Wttt the buzzer work? Explaln Uour answer Which oJ these stotements ore true ond which ore Jolse? {: You must never push onything into o wo[[ sochet h It is saJe to use an electrlcol oppllonce i.n a bathroom # An e[ectrlcol sochet have os monu applionces os gou lihe ptugged lnto it ffi Why does using o mognet hetp to pich up pins? #EiiEHirlts ffi,# Descrlbe how you could test the strength oJ magnets *i*=t ii,"":,ii',9 * rie* n'r*g**t;sn: "4&&.,ir.r, -qSx-.r* 'u4ffih, *"*" ,s& _;; '11.+.11 #"f#sP;%M {ffisfffu F gs N s'tt ,.] , A!F.fr l@ @ \=Pl:1#1.-/r""\*j.4 ffi" rE:i,r: -fu.g#fl: i i r5ry Fq"e -# Hol,d the thermometer at the top 100 90 80 7A 60 Put gour ege [eve[ with the top oJ the Liguid [n the thermometer to reod the scole 50 40 G- 30 20 10 Do not hotd the butb os the thermometer o -10 wi.[l, measure the temperoture oJ Uour ftngers Hotd the thermometer at the top Woit untl[ the thermometer reo.ding stops 00 changlng 90 80 70 60 50 Read the scole beJore you tohe the thermometer out oJ the l,iguid 40 30 Put your ege [eve[ with the top oJ the l.iquid ln the thermometer to reod the scole Mahe sure ott oJ the bulb is in the l.tquid This liquid ls at 43 0C Find the 'Start', 'Stop' ond 'Reset' buttons on the stopwatch Chech Uou stort, stop ond reset the stopwatch Wotch to see which digits count the seconds The two smoller digits count hundredths oJ a second Dri.sha ond Idro ore timi.ng how long lce tohes to me[t The i.ce in the sun melted in just over three mlnutes ond thirtg frve seconds The i.ce [n the shode melted in ftve minutes Jorty eight ond a ho[f seconds z-N wry To p[an a Joir test Uou must onlg change one varloble [n the test A[[ other vori.obles must be hept the some Suk ond Pembe ore lnvestigoting whlch moterlols ore better at stopping sound l metre L:.'i1t'; :,i:-lrralrl tiii.,f,',= \i \': : The voriob[e they ore chonging is the moterlal being used To heep the test Jolr, Pembe must hol.d the moteriots the same woU each tlme Suh must olso heep the [oudness oJ the trlongte the some The dlstance Jrom Pembe's eors to the triong[e should olso be the some otga ond Som have been countlng rhe l"iving things theg f,nd i,n the garden They hove made a to[[g chort to show how monU oJ eoch sort theg hove Jound ffi Number of living things found lt birds WOTMS -t++t onts I I spiders They wont to drow a bor chart on squored paper First they have to draw the axes Jor the chort using o ruler To decide how to[[ to make the y-axis theg tooh at how tol,[ the bars w[[[ be Theg sow 12 onts, so the tollest bor w[[[ go up to 12 on the y-oxis Iil a y-axis at 12 because there are 12 " a o C E + i 12 r0 o C \+ =o ants -.-i L C) -o E f Z y-axrs There is no bar for worms as no worms were found w f"rrbffi i- ** *l iit+i*ru.'rt*:r* ri G.f,-u* nq' Fx I & E.pq fr,, h'#' * \# r# * '**: * * *tJl; i @ il F,@ \d ** J'L*'i5+ Page *#*p**# o change to o bodg which better sults lt to envlronmentol condltions *!**y o mlxture oJ metals 20 q0 #f?$#ffi*# body stalk on which sense orgons mou be located 29 mochine that uses electrtcitg, Jor exompte on electrlc hettte 82 fl$#ffi8$#ft## *mn m*6**t a mognet shaped o bar 84 heot a tiqutd so that [t storts to turn K*EE to tu*EE*mg Like p*in** **vr* gas the temperoture ot which a liguid bo[[s 44 48 hord ports thot Jorm the skeleton o gop i.n the circuit thot stops the etectricitg Jrom Jtowing 75 gos inside o thin shln, Jor exomple, o soap bubbte 43 o component that mohes o buzztng noise when the clrcuit is complete 80 o source oJ energy to push etectri.ci.ty oround o circult 72 o circult where the electric current can fto* o[[ the wog round 72 ##ffi3ffi#*#ffi9 o part 74 **ffitflffi#t when o muscle gets shorter 12 *#pffi#r a metol oJten used to mohe wires to corrg i+ -e, *, I' 6J i 9t* !-i 9'* ***h3* k*.sex*y q-HF # ##ffipE#t* *ir**slt e[ectri,c[tg 82 F*Bir& something thot mahes on iltness go owaU 16 *#flfl#i'tg the flow oJ chorged portlcles 72 #$xss*r5e **# ict#*s cl**t6**i o unit Jor meosurlng the vo[ume oJ sound cups lined with materlats that mulfte sound thot ore worn over the eors 60 *t**:'Pr'i*it1r the 72 *Ee*{:,9ric} sl't,**fu the ejject oJ high voltoge electricitu possing through Uour body " i ::' ;*1ft dh Id"T !+rlla6-{{++E ?: # q::1{:: s': f*vsir T 1{}i".f.j $r,{}*f t-.:ir,:: $ fl.:'s s=:o: ;: 'ir:*.:=.,- l{.4}'Jr{ .YiB ' L' i-+ +:eii-r.i r i r,F:Ji:"+: +*+= l Fs i s"e 1q irr1}dIr J - anu octlon (worh) 30 somethlng thot suggests thot somethi.ng is true 85 things thot chonge the resulrs on lnvest[gotion 65 oJ o veru high body temperoture 16 contlnuous movement in one dlrectlon 72 o brohen bone somethlng thot glves support ond shope Jrom the i.nslde 11 44 motter thot eosily chonges shape and oJten hos no colour or smelt, Jor exomple oir 38 verg tlny living things thot mahe us i[[ 16 itrja! I* :-i , i 82 when Uou cool o tiqutd untll i.t changes to o sotld - ##tr# d oJ chorged portictes what [s needed by something to !,F * ; t:rr''.''-:;.:- f flow 62 :"' - ,.: -? o precious metol 46 woter Jound below the surJoce oJ the eorth the orea in which an onlmol or plont llves; the orea where o[[ its needs be met 34 o htgh-pitched sound such os o screom o magnet shoped tihe a horseshoe 64 #il*+:*+: 20 84 l'.c' r: rt * i ;-: #*,q ]:e+*r*;'i tr t.:3v:+,", t * 1" ., - - - 4! I!'ii' : tl,' i.""- :; :i" , member oJ o lorge group oJ ani.mals thot hove three bodg secti,ons, six Legs, cotd blood ond on externol sheleton 28 anlmol with no sheleton 11 does not hove o smooth, even shope t Y,;r-t ; : ,*;: o metol bar thot protects the ends o magnet i.- ",, * "" .- - #;"##B-]*i *, ^-, €e" f;' i{ oJ 85 a serles oJ questlons thot o[[ow Uou to nome anlmols or plcnts 26 matter that ls wet and change shape, Jor example woter 38 the environment close to on onimol or plont 20 xl:1n i{: a sound llke on otorm 58 ietrr o low-pltched sound such os o growl o dlsoster caused by humon octlons 110V or 220V electrlcity whot everything is made oJ; matter can be a so[[d, ttqutd or gos drug thot mahes our bodi.es better when 64 jj i L-6 r"ji l c,"+ I*:** I q+*ng t E {}f'r {}t{} r: -: t'r : '- - 91}flTtt**i" *:'1+i*i*r*# rg:.::.,'-i", rr.;-i *.*,l 1i-.! I f-rA:ri " 1r"r_-: i r-,r'; 1.1.-n r=-' ; -t: i i.f\r':t ;1 - " s't* E {+$}r:1 r1+tuii!ii!; : { ttJ ,* t - Ll!t:;'} r#!u****rg * ", i:,1-i i**j+s ; g 30 82 38 we ore slck 14 when you heat o soti.d ond i.t changes to liquld 44 the temperoture at which o solid melts 48 verU smo[[ anlmots ond ptonts 34 to mohe sounds less ond less cteor ports oJ the body thot ore jolned to the bones ond o[tow gou to move 62 12 . j.qi:i i r:r!::i.: :"sr':.;;:l: riri +f rr i-: :-.!: i ! 'ir: , jl - , {r} -r :!.:r j ._, i.,ir.l.it::.:r: L.i !-.'i : ": : i-i =i i-": i i:\: : r: r; r I : things that we use to produce muslc 66 a dlsaster caused by natural processes one pole oJ o mognet too manu components or applionces Jor the supptg oJ voltage 30 o smo[[ port oJ something 40 o muslcol instrument thot you ptoy bg hltting or shoki.ng to couse vibrotions 66 the stote thot motter ls in: soti.d, Liquid or gos 38 how high or low o sound 64 [s 86 83 picking up o string with gour frnger ond letting it go agoin 65 the ends oJ o mognet 86 damoge to oir, lond or woter that Jollows the releose oJ damaging moterial 32 o soJety device on whlch the user suchs ln order to co[[ect smo[[ lnsects 29 move o liguid Jrom one contolner to another when o doctor sogs what medlclne on i.[[ person must have 42 to stop something Jrom hoppening tahe octlon to prevent domage 14 16 30 moterlol which [s processed Jor reuse when o muscle gets longer 34 agaln 23 push owou 87 12 ffi q moterlol or object Jor which a Jurther 34 use is Jound decomposition oJ motertals bg micro-orgonisms f:r"i,1til'i1J 34 used by scientists to exptoin how ond why somethlng happens 1i ! ! *;! i'! a't ri:1 equi.pment that mahes sounds quieter j'i; o precious metal hord, strong Jrome that supports our body ,.4 ; , :- +!'i + + g lt+ :ift I i i , a - _ ," *._ : '1 : clii:*"i t lF I*en [a * ti.,r !'rt r :I ]{-:i ?' Ii\lrr ,r-] i j!=r :.; a sound like a whlsper 58 motter that does not chonge shape eos[[g, Jor example o stone 38 a machlne to meqsure how loud o sound 60 the bones oJ the boch {f,}i-}alaT'i i*!1.-r.a,jni; 62 q0 the bones oJ the head where somethlng comes Jrom o pole oJ o mognet !i:i! 14 i :-1 +.&: tr: 1.* n +:# ,., 40 [s 52 86 water in the gas phase (otso called woter vapour) 44 an o[[oy oJ iron with smotl omounts oJ other metols such os chromium ond mongonese q0 o musical lnstrument that you ptoy by vlbratlng strtngs 64 o component thot comptete or breah a clrcult 76 signs oJ on [[[ness 16 positlve or negotlve end oJ a ce[[ 73 top port oJ the teg to move Jrom one ploce to another a regutor pattern in o series oJ results iIi.riM: i , ,, correct pltch $ 1- I : i-i i!=r ! i:3 ! ,l l";, i., t n r ! r !-: 4:!,,t - - i.i ., !-: r 1'q! 64 o votue or Jeoture thot can be varled i.n o test 23 o bone oJ the spi.ne to shoke verg quichl.y boch ond Jorth , r, t : rdlei 56 a verg smotl movement bochwo.rds : :.-r:l and Jorwords 56 the unlt oJ strength oJ e[ectri.clty 80 the strength oJ electriclty 80 how loud or soJt o sound i:f :,.!i: :.-ri I r ) Ili l't 23 olter a muslcol instrument so that [t [s ot the ,.n i1 ,.- r 52 :rar_ : is 60 hole in the wotl thot [[nhs the plug on on opplionce to the cobles going to the e[ectrlcltU source 82 o mognet shaped lihe a wand B4 materiol not requi.red by on lndlviduol or group 30 on oreo where there ore lots oJ trees growi.ng together 24 mus[co[ lnstrument thot you ptog bg btowing 68 photo thot lets us see lnslde our bodies 11 o B+*_"r- il'frn : ' -::* il ",s'#t4i€fu,t1tu 'ffi{ + nf ::::i:,r jf.d i*n6,!*$,:r ' ;dt rffi ={x'::ir.t ' ,:-+.,, *fJ " i*4 $:-lt Ef,il, ;: # f f*'.- ;f -*r:' "f*'; fl- ! ,j , ,i J f |J ,r-', li f' I I ,".,,p i-i"l.* ,".*""j f: -{ ,i fl1 ti i:ryr : trF {, -{r1 ; f3 I r+ij' '-*+rr i J' : +1r ",i ,i l +lr ,*1i **' ]f The outhors ond publisher ore groteful for the permissions gronted to reproduce copyright moteriols, While every effort hos been mode, it hos not olwoys been possible to identify the sources of oll the moteriols used,or to troce oll the copyright holders, lf ony omissions ore brought to our notice, we will be hoppy to include the oppropriote acknowledgements on reprinting The publisher is grotefulto the experienced teochers Monsooro Shooib Shoh, Lohore Grommor School,55 Moin, Gulberg, Lohore ond Lynne Ronsford for their coreful reviewing of the content p.6/ lngolf Pompe/LOOK Die Bildogentur der Fotogrofen GmbH/ Alomy; p.6r Dovid Arky/ 'l1t Tetro lmoges/ Alomy; p Mork Evons/ iStockphoto; p.9 ondydidyk/ iStockphoto; p Proisoeng/ Shutterstock; p 1 b viloinecrevette/ iStockphoto: p.12 Seon Murphy/The lmoge Bonk/ Getty lmoges; p l3 Ase/ Shuiterstock; 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- A J '4 G& 4q fa *} #}=,,L 4' nif = */i-,,- rt$ffi ffi Whtch oJ the Jollowing substonces... l0 Which metols ore mognetic? Check your progress 72 74 76 7B BO 82 B4 B6 BB 90 92 Reference Glossory ond index 9B Acknowledgements 1 04 94 skeleton frome Somettmes sheletons looh scorg Sheletons

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 09:39