Culture plays a crucial role in shaping the developmental direction of nations and organizations alike It embodies the essential traits that underpin a nation's growth and serves as a foundation for building resilient and successful businesses Understanding the significance of culture is vital for fostering both national progress and organizational strength.
Organizational culture is fundamental to a business, serving as a vital connection between the company and its customers It enhances market engagement and offers significant advantages to all members of the organization While some may view the topic of culture as outdated, it remains a practical and fascinating area of exploration My experience translating "Managing The Guest Experience In Hospitality," particularly chapter 4 on "Developing The Hospitality Culture: Everyone Serves!", revealed the unique ways in which leaders and staff cultivate and communicate their organizational culture Each business fosters a distinct environment, and the methods of preserving and promoting their culture vary accordingly.
Organizational culture plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of a business, serving as a foundation for its identity and operations It transcends socioeconomic boundaries, impacting individuals of all ages and backgrounds The book "Managing Guest Experience in Hospitality" illustrates how companies like Disney effectively cultivate their unique cultures By exploring these concepts, readers gain insights into the dynamics of cultural transmission and adaptation, which are essential for preserving and enhancing an organization’s culture in diverse market environments.
This article aims to enhance understanding of organizational culture, offering insights into cultural maintenance and development It also focuses on analyzing accurate translations and effectively managing complex phrases and structures.
To show my ability in translating a document
To improve some skills such as translation skill and analysis skills
To translate text smoothly and naturally
To give some implications and solutions for teaching and learning English, especially translation
To grasp the use of difficult vocabulary and idioms of chapter 4
To analyze vocabulary and structure in the chapter four
This article concentrates on key aspects of chapter 4, specifically addressing service staffing and training, as well as resolving service-related issues Due to time limitations, it will not cover all topics within the chapter, which consists of 4,209 words.
This article examines the challenges faced in translation within the service industry, focusing on terminology specific to the field, the complexities of English grammar and syntax, and the nuances of word semantics.
"Managing Guest Experience in Hospitality" by Robert C Ford and Cherrill P Heaton is an essential resource for cultivating a strong service culture within organizations This book offers valuable insights on effectively managing service delivery and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing guest experience It is particularly beneficial for those dedicated to enhancing their organization's cultural approach to customer service.
Leading a hotel towards efficiency and a strong reputation is a challenging endeavor, especially in today's complex environment This insightful book offers valuable knowledge on effective management, fostering and sustaining organizational culture, understanding customer psychology, and navigating the journeys and challenges of success It provides essential ethical guidelines for hotel leaders and practical tips for managers to excel in delivering exceptional customer service while enhancing employee behavior This book is a crucial resource for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of organizational culture and its unique dynamics.
Chapter 4, titled "Developing the Hospitality Culture: Everyone Serves!", delves into the foundational aspects of organizational culture within the hospitality industry It emphasizes the significance of effective leadership and the role it plays in shaping a service-oriented environment The chapter addresses key topics such as the delivery of exceptional guest services, staff management, and the essential training required to uphold codes of conduct Additionally, it explores how to cultivate and sustain a unique organizational culture that enhances service opportunities in the industry.
This book includes 14 chapters with 423 pages, but the time is limited so
I have translated only some first parts in the chapter 4 with 4,106 words in len gth The name of chapter 4 is “Developing The Hospitality Culture: EveryoneServes!”.
"Managing the Guest Experience in Hospitals" is a vital service management book that emphasizes the importance of organizational culture in the healthcare sector It offers essential guidelines for achieving success in this industry, providing valuable insights on fostering and maintaining a strong service culture The book explores various aspects of managerial performance, including effective communication strategies with both employees and customers, as well as the attitudes and behaviors necessary to enhance patient experiences Comprising 14 chapters, the selected text is from chapter 4, which further delves into these critical themes.
The text is divided into different sections and it is organized as follows:
Chapter 4: “Developing The Hospitality Culture: Everyone Serves!”.
- The Manager's Most Important Responsibility
- Culture and the Outside World
- Culture and the Internal Organization: X and Y
The book "Managing the Guest Experience in Hospitality," published in 2000 by Delmar/Thomson Learning in Albany, NY, is authored by Robert C Ford, a professor emeritus of management at the University of Central Florida, and Cherrill P Heaton, a recently retired professor of organizational communications from the University of North Florida.
Types of categories
Understanding the various types of translation is essential for improving translation accuracy and effectiveness By categorizing these methods, we can gain deeper insights and easily differentiate between them, ultimately helping to prevent common translation errors.
Translators often encounter two significant challenges: the decision to translate everything or to leave some parts untranslated J.C Carford categorizes translation into two types: full translation and partial translation.
(i) In a full translation, the entire text is submitted to the translation process: that is, the TL material replaces every part of the SL
Experiencing the Walt Disney World Resort, flying with Southwest Airlines, shopping at Nordstrom, or staying at a Marriott hotel reveals a unique quality in both the organizations and their employees.
Khi bạn đến Walt Disney World Resort, bay cùng Southwest Airlines, mua sắm tại Nordstrom's hoặc nghỉ tại khách sạn Marriott, bạn sẽ cảm nhận được sự đặc biệt trong cách tổ chức và đội ngũ nhân viên nơi đây.
Partial translation involves leaving certain elements of the source language (SL) untranslated and integrating them into the target language (TL) This approach is often seen in literary translation, where specific SL terms may be deemed 'untranslatable' or purposefully included to add 'local color' to the TL.
Người dân tộc H’mông không thích bị gọi là người Mèo, họ thích được gọi là người H’mông [4]
The H’mong people don’t like to be called Meo, they prefer to be called H’mong [4]
This distinction relates to the levels of language involved in translation.
The total number of translations across all levels of the source language (SL) text is often thought to be fully replaced by target language (TL) documents However, this interpretation can be misleading, as it is not possible to completely substitute all SL levels with TL equivalents, despite the notion of full replacement.
If they do not perform this function well, then service delivery will suffer.
Nếu họ không thực hiện tốt chức năng này thì việc cung cấp dịch vụ sẽ bị ảnh hưởng.
According to J.C Catford, restricted translation involves substituting source language (SL) text with equivalent target language (TL) text, but this process occurs at only one level This may include changes made solely at the phonological or graphological level, or it may focus on just one of the grammatical or lexical levels.
Money is not the best thing
Tiền không là tất cả
In phonological translation, as in translation at other levels, one must distinguish between formal correspondence and translation equivalence.
Example : cassette máy cát-xét
In phonological translation, unintended grammatical or lexical alterations can occur For instance, the English plural "dogs" may be translated as the singular "dog" if the target language lacks a final consonant cluster.
Methods and Principles
All methods of translation below are defined by MA Nguyen Manh Quang, M.A [10, p14-p17] [4].
Interlinear translation showcases the target language (TL) directly beneath the source language (SL) words, maintaining the original word order Each word is translated individually based on its most common meaning, often without considering the surrounding context.
Có một cuốn sách trên bàn.
There is a book on the table.
In the pre-translation process, grammatical structures from the source language are translated into their closest equivalents in the target language, while lexical words are translated individually and out of context, highlighting a key issue that needs to be addressed.
The child is eager to open the box to see what is inside [2].
Đứa trẻ háo hức muốn mở hộp xem trong đó có gì [2].
A faithful translation aims to accurately convey the original meaning while adhering to the grammatical structures of the target language It effectively transfers cultural nuances and maintains the grammatical and lexical integrity of the source text The goal is to remain true to the writer's intentions and the overall expression of the original work.
Bao giờ cho tới tháng Mười?
When will the tenth month come?
Semantic translation prioritizes the aesthetic value of the source language (SL) text, allowing for compromises on meaning to ensure a natural and harmonious sound This approach may involve using culturally neutral terms for less significant cultural references, such as translating "une nonne repassant un corporal" as "a nun ironing a corporal cloth." Unlike faithful translation, which adheres strictly to the original text, semantic translation embraces flexibility and creativity, permitting the translator to intuitively connect with the source material while maintaining coherence for the readership.
A serene feeling pervaded my soul
Một cảm giác thanh tịnh lẻn vào hồn tôi.
Adaptation is the ‘freest’ form of translation It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the
SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten [13]
A free translation maintains the original meaning while employing the natural structure and syntax of the target language, ensuring that the translation is easily comprehensible This approach is often referred to as idiomatic translation, as it prioritizes fluency and readability in the target language.
For Whom the Bell Tolls [11]
This produces the “message” of the original again but tends to distort the nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.
Set the fox to keep the geese [12]
Communicative translation focuses on conveying the precise contextual meaning of the original text, ensuring that both the content and language are easily understandable and acceptable to the audience This approach is commonly used in news broadcasts and newspapers, where clarity is essential In certain instances, communicative translation may align closely with semantic translation, emphasizing both meaning and reader comprehension.
Đừng có đánh trống lãng! [3]
During the translation process, it is crucial for translators to adhere to established translation principles Alan Duff, in his book "Translation," outlines general principles that are relevant to all forms of translation.
The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of original text. Nothing should be arbitrarily added or moved, though occasionally part of the meaning can be “transpose”.
He was limp with fatigue.
Anh ấy mệt đến độ không đứng lên được.
In translation, it is essential for the translator to pay attention to the arrangement of words and ideas, ensuring that the final product closely aligns with the intended meaning and context of the source material This careful consideration helps achieve the most accurate and appropriate equivalent in the target language.
It is the ideal condition of the “equal start” which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain.
Điều kiện lý tưởng cho sự khởi đầu bình đẳng chỉ có thể đạt được thông qua hình thức giáo dục hiện đại và tiến bộ nhất mà chúng ta đang nỗ lực hướng tới.
Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and fixed espressions.
We would like to experess our gratitude to…
Chúng tôi muốn tỏ lòng biết ơn của chúng tôi với…
Idioms play a crucial role in translation, as they often present unique challenges According to A Duff, idiomatic expressions, which encompass similes, metaphors, proverbs, sayings (such as "as good as gold"), jargon, slang, colloquialisms, and phrasal verbs, are notoriously difficult to translate accurately.
If translators cannot directly translate the expressions, they should consider some followings:
Preserve the original word, in inverted commas.
Keep the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets.
Use a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation.
A Duff emphasizes the importance of maintaining the original style in translation, but he also advises that if the source text contains careless errors or unnecessary repetition, the translator should correct these issues for the benefit of the readers.
Let’s love our human fellow!
Hãy biết thương, biết yêu lấy đồng loại của mình!
One common criticism of translated texts is that they often lack a natural flow This issue arises when translators rely too heavily on the original text, leading to the use of clichéd phrases and rigid word choices To improve translation quality and eliminate the influence of the source language, it can be helpful to set the original text aside and translate from memory, using a variety of synonyms This approach encourages more natural thinking in the target language, as focusing solely on the source text can hinder creative expression.
Context in translating
Situational context encompasses the various factors and circumstances that shape the meaning of a text, making it more complex to identify than linguistic elements These factors include micro-level aspects such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language, as well as broader influences like social, political, and economic environments, along with overarching cultural norms It is important to recognize that conventions and value systems can vary significantly across different cultures and societies.
“Define and build a total service culture”.
Work together with employees to develop “can-do” culture of honesty, integrity, energy, and initiative.
My role? Well you know I was stumped one day when a little boy asked, “Do you draw Mickey
I must confess that I no longer draw, which led to the question of whether I come up with all the jokes and ideas I clarified that I don’t do that either Eventually, he looked up at me and addressed me as "Mr."
Disney, just what do you do?”
"I often liken myself to a little bee in the studio, moving between different areas to gather ideas and energize those around me This is essentially the role I play."
Phát Triển Văn Hóa Ngành Dịch Vụ: Mọi Người Đều Được Phục Vụ! Nguyên Tắc Ngành Dịch Vụ
“Xác định và xây dựng văn hóa dịch vụ một cách tổng thể”.
Hợp tác với nhân viên để phát triển văn hóa trung thực, liêm chính, năng lượng và sáng kiến là điều cần thiết.
Norman Brinker, Cựu giám đốc điều hành, Nhà hàng Chill’s.
Vai trò của tôi là gì? Một ngày nọ, tôi cảm thấy bối rối khi một người bạn nhỏ hỏi tôi: "Ông có thể vẽ chuột Mickey không?" Tôi phải thừa nhận rằng mình không còn vẽ nữa Liệu bạn có nghĩ rằng tất cả những câu nói này chỉ là trò đùa và ý niệm thôi không?
“Tôi không thể làm điều đó,” tôi đã trả lời cậu bé Cậu nhìn tôi và hỏi: “Vậy Ngài Disney, Ngài có thể làm gì?” Tôi đáp: “Đôi khi tôi tự hỏi mình có thể làm được gì.”
Walt Disney từng ví mình như một chú ong nhỏ, di chuyển từ nơi này đến nơi khác để thu thập phấn hoa và truyền cảm hứng cho mọi người Ông cho rằng đó chính là sứ mệnh của mình trong cuộc sống.
After reading chapter, you should understand:
Why a hospitality organization’s culture is so important service success
Why the organization’s leaders are so important to defining, developing, teaching, and maintaining its culture.
What essential roles the organization’s beliefs, values, and norms play
How the organization communicates its culture to its employees-through laws, language, stories, legends, heroes, symbols, and rituals
How the organization can accomplish the difficult task of changing its culture, if that becomes necessary
What research reveals about organizational cultures
Sau khi đọc xong chương này, bạn cần nắm được những điểm sau:
Tại sao một tổ chức văn hóa cộng đồng có lòng hiếu khách đều rất thành công trong dịch vụ
Tại sao các nhà lãnh đạo tổ chức lại rất coi trọng việc xác định, phát triển, giảng dạy, và duy trì nền văn hóa đó
Những vai trò thiết yếu nào là niềm tin giá trị và chuẩn mực của tổ chức
Các tổ chức truyền đạt văn hóa cho nhân viên thông qua các yếu tố như luật pháp, cách diễn đạt, câu chuyện, truyền thuyết, anh hùng, biểu tượng và nghi lễ.
Để các tổ chức có thể thực hiện nhiệm vụ khó khăn là thay đổi văn hóa của mình khi cần thiết, họ cần xác định rõ lý do và mục tiêu của sự thay đổi Việc tạo ra một môi trường làm việc tích cực và khuyến khích sự tham gia của tất cả nhân viên là rất quan trọng Các lãnh đạo cần thể hiện cam kết mạnh mẽ với sự thay đổi và truyền đạt tầm nhìn một cách rõ ràng Đồng thời, tổ chức cũng nên cung cấp các chương trình đào tạo và hỗ trợ để giúp nhân viên thích nghi với văn hóa mới Cuối cùng, việc theo dõi và đánh giá tiến trình thay đổi sẽ giúp đảm bảo rằng tổ chức đang đi đúng hướng và có thể điều chỉnh khi cần thiết.
Những nghiên cứu nào tiết lộ về văn hóa tổ chức.
Niềm tin Nghi lễ Chuẩn mực Biểu tượng
When you go to the Walt Disney
World Resort, fly on Southwest
When flying with airlines, shopping at Nordstrom, or staying at Marriott hotels, customers often notice a unique quality in the organization and its staff Feedback consistently reveals that their experiences exceed expectations, highlighting the exceptional service provided by these brands.
What's even more amazing is that their employees will also tell you that the organizations are different.
The Disney cast members talk about their commitment to the quality of the "show" they produce for park visitors.
Khi đến Walt Disney World Resort, bạn sẽ cảm nhận được sự đặc biệt trong cách tổ chức và phục vụ của nhân viên tại đây Khách hàng thường mô tả trải nghiệm của họ vượt xa mong đợi, và điều này được củng cố bởi sự đa dạng của nhân viên đến từ nhiều công ty khác nhau Các thành viên của Disney thể hiện cam kết mạnh mẽ đối với chất lượng "chương trình" mà họ mang đến cho du khách tại công viên.
[4.] Marriott and Nordstrom employees talk about the commitment to guest service, and
Southwest Airlines employees demonstrate a strong commitment to delivering a unique and enjoyable flying experience They not only discuss the airline's core values but also embody them through their daily interactions with customers, showcasing their dedication in numerous ways.
The hospitality manager seeking excellence can learn a great deal by examining how these organizations create and sustain their culture of service excellence.
[4.] Nhân viên của Marriott và
Nordstrom và Southwest Airlines đều thể hiện cam kết mạnh mẽ trong việc chăm sóc khách hàng, với nhân viên của họ không chỉ nói về giá trị doanh nghiệp mà còn thể hiện niềm tin vào công ty qua những hành động cụ thể hàng ngày Những người quản lý khách sạn có thể học hỏi nhiều điều từ cách mà các doanh nghiệp này xây dựng và duy trì văn hóa dịch vụ xuất sắc, nhằm mang lại trải nghiệm độc đáo và thú vị cho khách hàng.
Graduation Paper 19 Supervisor: Huynh Vu Chi Tam, M.A
Student: Tran Thi Thanh Tuyen Code: 2220316328
Getting everyone in the organization committed to high levels of guest service is a daunting challenge Not only did Walt Disney, Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, and Bill
Marriott, along with leaders like Walt Disney and Herb Kelleher, dedicated significant personal time and energy to establish and maintain an organizational culture that embodies their corporate values They successfully instilled a belief in this culture among their employees and managers, understanding that as leaders, they bear the responsibility for defining and nurturing the company's culture This commitment is essential for ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction across the organization.
Strong commitment to excellent service is essential, as it is communicated clearly and consistently through both words and actions within and outside the organization This raises the question: can managers who are not presidents or founders exert similar influence on organizational culture as renowned leaders?
Tất cả các thành viên trong tổ chức đều cam kết mạnh mẽ với việc cung cấp dịch vụ xuất sắc, thể hiện qua lời nói và hành động một cách rõ ràng và nhất quán Những nhà quản lý, cho dù là những vị chủ tịch hay người sáng lập nổi tiếng, có thể ảnh hưởng lớn đến văn hóa ứng xử của công ty.
They certainly can, and they must, although managers and supervisors serve more as translators than as definers of culture The most important influence on any organizational
Difficult Words and Phrases
Translators often rely on dictionaries to understand word meanings, but challenges arise when English terms lack direct Vietnamese equivalents In such cases, selecting the most contextually appropriate meaning is crucial for accurate translations Additionally, employing a free translation strategy may be necessary to find the closest equivalent in the target language This article highlights some of the complex words and phrases encountered during the translation process.
Multi-meaning words, also known as polysemous words, possess multiple definitions in the dictionary, and their meanings can vary based on the surrounding context Without a thorough understanding of these words and their contextual usage, translators risk misinterpreting the original text, leading to inaccuracies in translation.
Choosing the correct meaning for polymorphic words can be challenging, but I often revisit the original text to identify the most suitable definition that aligns with the context.
Example 1: According to Oxford Dictionary, the word
“All the plans in the world are useless without employee understanding, commitment, and support.” has many meanings
1 Understanding (of something) the knowledge that somebody has about a particular subject or situation
3 Understanding (of something) the particular way in which somebody understands something
The most appropriate meaning in this context appears to be "thấu hiểu," which aligns with the concept of mutual understanding and empathy as defined in the Tra tu Soha dictionary.
Suggested version: “Tất cả các kế hoạch trên thế giới đều vô dụng nếu không có sự thấu hiểu, đồng lòng và ủng hộ của nhân viên.”
Example 2: “Strong” as in the sentence “A strong culture can help employees guide guests properly even when the manager is not nearby.”
Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary:
1 Having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy weights, do hard physical work, etc.
3 Holding an opinion or a belief very seriously
The term "strong" encompasses various definitions, but its second meaning is most relevant in this context, signifying "bền, vững chắc, kiên cố" in Vietnamese This interpretation highlights the concept of durability and stability.
I used the equivalence “vững chắc” in Vietnamese to interpret this word.
Suggested version: “Một nền văn hóa vững chắc có thể giúp cho nhân viên hướng dẫn khách đúng cách ngay cả khi người quản lý không ở gần đó.”
Organizations that prioritize learning are more adept at adjusting to evolving customer expectations and effectively addressing their needs.
In the Oxford dictionary, “ expectations ” is defined:
1 A belief that something will happen because it is likely
2 A hope that something good will happen
3 A strong belief about the way something should happen or how somebody should behave
The primary interpretation of this sentence aligns closely with the concept of anticipation, akin to the Vietnamese term "mong đợi," which encompasses meanings such as hope, waiting, and longing, as defined in the Tra tu Soha dictionary Therefore, I have selected the phrase "mong đợi" to accurately convey this sentiment.
Các thành viên của doanh nghiệp học tập có khả năng thích ứng nhanh chóng với sự thay đổi trong mong đợi của khách hàng, từ đó đáp ứng hiệu quả hơn nhu cầu của họ.
A culture not only shapes its members but is also shaped by them, highlighting the reciprocal relationship between individuals and their cultural environment This dynamic interaction among members, especially as they navigate evolving circumstances, leads to the inevitable transformation of cultures over time.
“ influence ” is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as following:
1 The effect that somebody/something has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something works or develops
2 The power that somebody/something has to make somebody/something behave in a particular way
3 A person or thing that affects the way a person behaves and thinks There are a lot of meanings for “influence” in the dictionary When we meet the word “influence”, we often refer to “tác động, tác dụng, ảnh hưởng” Depending on the meaning of whole sentence, the third meaning is suitable to translate, so I choose “ảnh hưởng” to convert this world
Văn hóa có tác động lớn đến con người và ngược lại Sự tương tác giữa con người trong các hoàn cảnh khác nhau sẽ thay đổi theo thời gian, dẫn đến sự biến đổi của văn hóa.
Example 5: The word “ core ” as in the sentence “If an organization's culture is strong, it becomes another core competency”
“Core” is a multi-meaning word, and the Oxford dictionary defines it:
1 The most important or central part of something
2 The central part of an object
3 The hard central part of a fruit such as an apple, that contains the seeds
4 The muscles of the lower back and stomach area which help you to maintain good balance, etc.
5 A small group of people who take part in a particular activity
The term "core" has five definitions, but the second meaning is the most relevant in this context In Vietnamese, it translates to "nhân, lõi, hạch, ruột." However, considering the sentence's context, I have opted for the equivalent term "cốt lõi" in Vietnamese to convey this word effectively.
Suggested Version: “Nếu văn hóa của một doanh nghiệp vững mạnh, nó sẽ trở thành một loại năng lực cốt lõi ”
During the translation process, I frequently faced challenging words and phrases that were difficult to translate accurately These terms might not be found in the dictionary, or their meanings could be misaligned with the context, particularly in the hotel industry To effectively address these issues, I relied on the word's origin and the surrounding context to determine the most suitable meaning.
Example 6: For me, the phrase “ classic distiction ” in the sentence
“These two extremes reflect the classic distinction made by Douglas
In discussing McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y management styles, I initially struggled to translate the term "classic distinction" into Vietnamese My first choice was "khác biệt kinh điển," but after consulting the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, I learned that "classic" refers to something attractive yet simple and traditional, unaffected by fashion changes Understanding that "classic distinction" signifies a period with an unusually high birth rate, I ultimately decided to retain "khác biệt kinh điển" as my translation for this phrase.
Hai thái cực này thể hiện sự khác biệt rõ rệt trong phong cách quản lý mà Douglas McGregor đã trình bày qua lý thuyết X và lý thuyết Y.
Synonyms play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of any text by providing alternative expressions for ideas, which helps maintain reader interest and reduces repetition However, translating synonyms can be challenging due to the limited variations available in the target language for every context.
Translating this text posed significant challenges due to the difficulty in identifying and interpreting synonyms The document contains numerous terms that complicate my ability to comprehend, differentiate, and locate equivalent words in the target language.
(i) If they do not perform this function well, then service delivery will suffer (paragraph 7).
In a cultural context, the way members perceive their shared mission influences their interactions and relationships, guiding their decision-making regarding their functional areas, interpersonal dynamics, and adaptability to change.
The words “perform” and “accomplish” have the same meanings in the text, and my suggested versions are:
(i) Nếu họ không thực hiện tốt chức năng này thì việc cung cấp dịch vụ sẽ bị ảnh hưởng.
Liên quan đến nhau trong văn hóa thể hiện cách các thành viên nhận thức về sứ mệnh tập thể, cách họ tương tác và gắn bó để đạt được mục tiêu chung Nó cũng đề cập đến những giả định cần thiết để đưa ra quyết định trong khu vực chức năng của họ, mối quan hệ giữa các cá nhân, cũng như thái độ đối với sự thay đổi và khả năng thích nghi.
(i) The organization's culture can be a significant competitive advantage if it has value to its members, is unique, and cannot be easily copied by others (paragraph 22)
(ii) While most people can readily give examples of organizations that fit the two types, few can really explain what makes the two types different (paragraph 18)
The words “easily” and “readily” are synonyms, therefore, my translation is “dễ dàng”.
Văn hóa tổ chức có thể trở thành một lợi thế cạnh tranh mạnh mẽ khi nó mang lại giá trị cho các thành viên, đồng thời phải có tính độc đáo và khó bị sao chép bởi các đối thủ khác.
Mặc dù nhiều người có thể dễ dàng đưa ra ví dụ về hai loại tổ chức khác nhau, nhưng ít ai thực sự hiểu được sự khác biệt giữa chúng.
(i) The more uncertain the task, the more employees must depend on corporate values instead of managerial instructions, formal policies, and established procedures to guide their behavior (paragraph 27).
Organizations prioritize extensive employee training while leveraging their company culture to bridge the gaps between expected and actual guest experiences in service environments.
The words “ depend ” and “ rely ” are synonyms Hence, I choose some Vietnamese synonym equivalents for them as “dựa vào” to transfer.
Kể từ khi không thể xác định rõ những khả năng, các doanh nghiệp khách sạn phải dựa vào nhân viên để hiểu mong đợi của khách hàng và mang đến trải nghiệm tốt nhất Các công ty này đào tạo nhân viên một cách tối đa, sau đó dựa vào văn hóa doanh nghiệp để lấp đầy những khoảng trống giữa dự đoán và thực tế khi khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ.
(i) The most important influence on any organizational culture is the behavior of the organization's leader (paragraph 7).
(ii) The organization's culture can be a significant competitive advantage if it has value to its members, is unique, and cannot be easily copied by others (paragraph 22)
The words “important” and “significant’ are synonyms Thus, I choose some Vietnamese synonym equivalents for them as “quan trọng” to transfer.
(i) Nguồn cảm hứng quan trọng nhất của mọi nền văn hóa doanh nghiệp đó chính là tác phong của người đứng đầu doanh nghiệp đó.
Văn hóa doanh nghiệp đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc tạo ra lợi thế cạnh tranh, đặc biệt khi nó mang giá trị cho các thành viên và có tính độc đáo, khó bị sao chép bởi đối thủ.
(i) Disney is an outstanding example of an organization that has worked very hard to define and sustain its culture (paragraph 13)
(ii) Everyone has been in an organization that feels warm, friendly, and helpful, perhaps for reasons they can't quite explain (paragraph 17)
The words “ define ” and “ explain ” are synonyms, therefore, my translation is “giải thích”.
(i) Disney là một ví dụ nổi bật về một tổ chức đã làm việc rất chăm chỉ để định nghĩa và duy trì văn hóa của mình.
Mọi thành viên trong tổ chức đều cảm nhận được sự ấm áp, thân thiện và cảm giác hữu ích, có thể là do những lý do mà họ không thể diễn đạt được.
Idioms present a significant challenge in the translation process, as translating them literally is not feasible Instead, it is essential to grasp the overall meaning of the entire sentence to convey the intended message accurately.
So in order to correctly translate idioms, we need extensive knowledge and a deep understanding of the subject being translated and the idioms of interverb s.
Whatever cultural training Disney provides after these people become employed is icing on the cake; they arrive already believing in the Disney standards of excellence (paragraph 15)
Meaning from the Oxford Dictionary:
Something extra and not essential that is added to an already good situation or experience and that makes it even better [13]
However, to make this idiom sentence smoother and more suitable with the context, I converted it into “may mắn nhân đôi”.
Khóa đào tạo văn hóa tại Disney mang đến cho nhân viên cảm giác may mắn gấp đôi, vì họ được trải nghiệm và tin tưởng vào tiêu chuẩn xuất sắc mà Disney đề ra.
“Managers must not only walk the walk and talk the talk of excellent service; they must consistently remind all employees that they supervise to do the same.” (paragraph 8)
Meaning from The Free Dictionary:
The phrase "to back up one's words with equivalent actions" is commonly used to highlight the importance of aligning actions with claims It often serves to call out boastfulness or express skepticism about a person's ability to fulfill their assertions.
The Vietnamese phrase "đi một đường nói một nẻo" translates to a concept of inconsistency or contradiction in behavior To enhance clarity and context, I rephrased it to "đi thong dong và nói luyên thuyên," which conveys a more relaxed and rambling manner of speaking while still reflecting the original meaning.
Các nhà quản lý cần không chỉ quảng bá dịch vụ xuất sắc mà còn phải thường xuyên nhắc nhở nhân viên về sự giám sát của họ, nhằm đảm bảo mọi người tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn đã đề ra.
Some managers adopt a closed or negative perspective towards the external environment, fostering an "us-versus-them" mentality within their organizations This approach shapes how their teams interact with the outside world, often leading to a culture that prioritizes internal cohesion over external collaboration.
Meaning from The Idiom Attic - a collection of hundreds of English idioms, each one explained:
Denoting the enmity between two opposing groups [14]
It is like “chống đối ” in Vietnamese However, to make it logical with the whole sentence’s meaning, I translated it with the meaning “đối lập”.
Một số nhà quản lý có xu hướng nhìn nhận thị trường bên ngoài một cách tiêu cực, điều này dẫn đến việc họ định hình chiến lược doanh nghiệp dựa trên cái nhìn khép kín Họ thường khuyến khích một tư duy văn hóa trái ngược, điều này có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến khả năng thích ứng và phát triển của doanh nghiệp trong bối cảnh thị trường hiện tại.
In the sentence: The "Southwest Spirit" is the twinkle in your eye, the skip in your step; it is letting that childlike spirit escape and be heard. (paragraph 23)
In the dictionary, the idiom “ twinkle in s.o eye ” is defined “A facial expression that denotes happiness, amusement, or knowledge of a secret.”
While a literal translation of the phrase may lack fluidity and engagement, I opted to translate "Twinkle in your eye" as "niềm vui của bạn," which aligns more closely with common terminology in the travel industry and enhances the overall appeal of the sentence.
"Southwest Spirit" mang lại niềm vui và sự tự do cho bạn, giúp bạn di chuyển nhanh chóng và thực hiện những điều mình đam mê.
Working in a culture where the employees truly have the "spirit" is very different from working in a typical nine-to-five job.
Meanings from the Oxford Dictionanries:
describes work that begins at nine o'clock in the morning and ends at five o'clock, which are the hours that people work in many offices from Monday to Friday [13]
In this context, the phrase "9 a.m to 5 p.m." can feel awkward when directly translated Therefore, to maintain a natural flow, I opted for a free translation method, using "office hours" as the equivalent term.
This is my suggested version for this sentence:
“Làm việc trong một nền văn hóa nơi các nhân viên thực sự có "tinh thần" rất khác với kiểu làm việc theo giờ hành chính.”
Challenging Structures
Structure is a crucial element in crafting effective sentences, paragraphs, and texts As a final-year student, I often found myself confused by various structures, particularly when dealing with sentences that included multiple types of clauses The differences in word organization between languages can pose significant challenges Additionally, the grammatical distinctions between Vietnamese and English require translators to pay close attention to the source language's structures to accurately convey the intended meaning in the target language.
Example 21: “If customers of these organizations are asked about the experience, they invariably describe it as better than they expected.”
The author employed passive voice in the sentence In Vietnamese, passive ideas are typically expressed using "được" or "bị." Therefore, I maintained the passive structure while conveying the intended meaning Here is my suggested translation:
Suggested Version: “Nếu các khách hàng của các tổ chức này được hỏi về các trải nghiệm, họ luôn mô tả rằng nó tốt hơn họ mong đợi.”
Example 22: “If the organization is committed to a strategy of service excellence, then its culture must support service excellence.” (paragraph 29)
Nếu một doanh nghiệp cam kết thực hiện chiến lược kinh doanh hiệu quả, thì văn hóa doanh nghiệp cần phải hỗ trợ để nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ.
Example 23: “Cultural norms are defined and shaped for the hospitality employee not only by fellow employees and supervisors but also by guests who make their expectations plain.” (paragraph 47)
Các chuẩn mực văn hóa trong ngành khách sạn được hình thành không chỉ bởi nhân viên và giám sát viên, mà còn bị ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ bởi những mong đợi của khách hàng.
In organizations where a culture of delivering high-value service is established, any manager attempting to introduce cost-saving measures that threaten this service quality is likely to face significant pushback.
The present tense is used in the sentence This is my translation:
Nếu văn hóa công ty tập trung vào việc mang lại trải nghiệm dịch vụ chất lượng cao, bất kỳ quản lý nào cố gắng tiết kiệm chi phí mà ảnh hưởng đến những trải nghiệm đó sẽ gặp phải sự phản đối từ nhân viên và khách hàng.
Example 25: “My role? Well you know I was stumped one day when a little boy asked, “Do you draw Mickey Mouse?” I had to admit I do not draw anymore.”
Vai trò của tôi là gì? Một ngày nọ, tôi cảm thấy bối rối khi một cậu bé hỏi tôi: “Ngài có thể vẽ chuột Mickey không?” Tôi đã phải thừa nhận rằng mình không còn khả năng vẽ nữa.
Example 26: When you go to the Walt Disney World Resort, fly on
Southwest Airlines, shop at Nordstrom's, or stay at a Marriott hotel, you can sense something special about the organization and the people who work there (paragraph 3)
This sentence has a relative clause “who work there” The pronoun
“ who ” is replaced for “the people” I applied the method of free translation to transfer it.
Khi bạn ghé thăm Walt Disney World Resort, trải nghiệm bay cùng Southwest Airlines, mua sắm tại Nordstrom's, hoặc lưu trú tại khách sạn Marriott, bạn sẽ cảm nhận được sự đặc biệt trong cách tổ chức và đội ngũ nhân viên tại đây.
Example 27: “These organizations recognize the importance of a strong culture in the competitive marketplace, a strong culture that everyone believes in, understands, and supports.” (paragraph 10)
The relative clause “that culture that everyone believes in, understands, and supports.” modifies “strong culture”.
Các tổ chức này hiểu rằng việc xây dựng một nền văn hóa doanh nghiệp mạnh mẽ là rất quan trọng trong môi trường cạnh tranh khốc liệt Một nền văn hóa vững mạnh sẽ giúp mọi người trong tổ chức tin tưởng, hiểu rõ và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau, từ đó tạo ra sự phát triển bền vững cho doanh nghiệp.
Example 28: “Companies whose cultures honor customers, employees, and shareholders usually have excellent reputations.”
The relative clause “ whose cultures honor customers, employees, and shareholders” instead of nouns “companies”
“Các công ty có truyền thống tri ân khách hàng, nhân viên, và các cổ đông thường có được danh tiếng rất tốt.”
Example 29: “The hospitality manager seeking excellence can learn a great deal by examining how these organizations create and sustain their culture of service excellence.” (paragraph 4)
This is a complex sentence The independent clause is “The hospitality manager seeking excellence can learn a great deal” and the dependent clause
The hospitality manager seeking excellence learns how organizations create and sustain a culture of service excellence By understanding the strategies and practices that foster a commitment to exceptional service, managers can effectively enhance their team's performance and overall guest satisfaction Emphasizing continuous improvement and employee engagement is essential for cultivating an environment where service excellence thrives.
The article examines how these organizations create and sustain their culture of service excellence By focusing on the strategies and practices employed, it highlights the essential elements that contribute to a thriving service-oriented environment Through a detailed analysis, the connection between organizational actions and their impact on service culture is established.
Các nhà quản lý khách sạn đang tìm kiếm sự tiến bộ có thể rút ra nhiều bài học quý giá từ việc nghiên cứu cách mà các doanh nghiệp này xây dựng và duy trì một nền văn hóa dịch vụ xuất sắc.
Ed Schein defines culture as a set of fundamental assumptions created, discovered, or developed by a group as it addresses challenges related to external adaptation and internal interaction These assumptions become validated over time and are taught to new members as the appropriate way to perceive, think, and feel about these challenges.
The noun clause “It learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal interaction” is a subjects in the sentence This is my suggested version.
Ed Schein định nghĩa văn hóa là "mô hình của các giả định cơ bản" được phát triển bởi tổ chức khi họ học cách giải quyết các vấn đề bên ngoài và tương tác bên trong Những giả định này hoạt động hiệu quả đến mức được coi là hợp lệ và được truyền đạt cho các thành viên mới như cách thức đúng đắn để nhận thức, suy nghĩ và cảm nhận về những vấn đề này.
A belief is how people in organizations make sense of their relationships with the external world and its influence on the internal organization (paragraph 42)
The noun clause is “how people in organizations make sense of their relationships with the external world” Functions as subject compliment This is my suggested version:
Niềm tin đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc hình thành cách mà các thành viên trong một tập thể hiểu về mối quan hệ của họ với thế giới bên ngoài, đồng thời ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến sự phát triển và nội bộ của tổ chức.
After a few instances of managers saying one thing but rewarding or not punishing another, everyone knows what the real level of service commitment is (paragraph 8)
In the sentence, the author used a noun clause “what the real level of service commitment is” work as an objects and modifying the verb “knows”.
So, I translated it into Vietnamese.
Empty Subject
“It and There” is used to replace the subjects which are too long or emph asize the idea that the author would like to express.
“While there are always other things to do, these managers make the time to reinforce culture.”
While there are always other things to do,
Suppordinator SF V SR Reduced clause these managers make the time to reinforce culture.
“Dù luôn có những việc khác để làm, những người quản lý này luôn dành thời gian để củng cố văn hóa.”
Compound – Complex Sentence
Example 38: “Whatever cultural training Disney provides after these people become employed is icing on the cake; they arrive already believing in the Disney standards of excellence.” (paragraph 15)
A compound-complex sentence consists of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses For example, in the sentence "They arrive already believing in the Disney standards of excellence; whatever cultural training Disney provides after these people become employed is icing on the cake," the dependent clauses are "whatever cultural training Disney provides" and "provides after these people become employed," while the independent clause is "they arrive already believing in the Disney standards of excellence." The relationship between these clauses is effectively linked by a semicolon.
In the noun clause “Whatever cultural training Disney provides”, the main subject is “Whatever cultural training Disney”, the verb is “provides”.
In the adverbial clause “after these people become employed”, the subject is
“these people”, and the verb “become” This is clause of time because it contains the subordinating conjunction “after” In addition, the adjective
“employed” is reduced form of the relative clause “who is employed” modifying the verb “become”
In the independent clause “they arrive already believing in the Disney standards of excellence.”, the main subject is “they”, the main verb is
Khóa đào tạo văn hóa của Disney dành cho nhân viên luôn mang lại giá trị lớn; nhân viên đến đây với niềm tin vững chắc vào các tiêu chuẩn xuất sắc của Disney.
While studying at the Department of English, I gained valuable insights into translation-related subjects Despite this education, I still find it challenging to translate complex texts due to the unique characteristics and expressions inherent in each language.
In addition, grammar, vocabulary, syntax or specific terms are particularly important factors that affect translation quality Therefore, to accurately translate a text from English into Vietnamese is a very difficult task.
Translating meaningful words can be challenging, as many terms lack direct translations and possess multiple meanings that require consulting various dictionaries and resources Some words may not even be defined in any dictionary, necessitating an understanding of their context within the text Additionally, idiomatic expressions in English often appear straightforward but can be complex, revealing the intricacies of translation Initially, I believed I could easily become a proficient translator, but I now realize that I have much to learn to acquire the necessary skills for effective translation.
The structure of my graduation essay is crucial, demanding my utmost attention due to the significant differences between Vietnamese and English structures Many English constructions, such as empty topics, have no equivalent in Vietnamese, posing a challenge for translators who must grasp the author's intent and find suitable Vietnamese alternatives I focused on particularly challenging structures, translating and analyzing them meticulously This involved dealing with various types of clauses, including relative, noun, and adverb clauses, which required thorough knowledge and considerable effort Despite facing numerous difficulties during the translation process, I persevered to identify the best solutions and recommend the most effective versions, proving that challenges can be overcome with determination.
In conclusion, I think the hardest part for me is still vocabulary and structure, but in my opinion, any problem can be solved if we really try and be determined.
Translation challenges are unavoidable, but I have developed effective strategies to address them Drawing on four years of knowledge and experience, I utilize various resources, including online searches, dictionaries, and the support of my supervisor, to overcome these difficulties.
To accurately translate challenging words and idioms, I relied on reputable sources like the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries to select the most precise meanings For polysyllabic words, I thoroughly read the original text to grasp the author's main idea, allowing me to understand the overall content During this process, I also rephrased words, phrases, and idioms that might complicate my translation Ultimately, I carefully evaluated each term within its context to determine the most suitable meaning for my text.
I believe my translation needs improvement, so I plan to seek guidance from my supervisor She will provide advice on analyzing complex structures and selecting the most appropriate meanings for challenging words.
Effective structural analysis, much like vocabulary mastery, requires focused attention and a solid understanding of various sentence types and clauses To enhance my skills, I revisited common structures and engaged with theoretical questions and examples, documenting challenging terms in a handbook I also utilized online resources to analyze existing examples, ensuring I placed them in the correct context while aligning with dictionary definitions For words absent from the dictionary, I relied on the surrounding text to derive their appropriate meanings.
My supervisor's enthusiastic support has been invaluable throughout my translation process She provided essential advice and clarifications on challenging sentences, helping me navigate this complex task for the first time Despite the inevitable shortcomings in my work, her guidance made a significant difference Translators often encounter various difficulties, and without a strong understanding of writing structure and style, mistakes can easily occur—I faced my share of challenges Nevertheless, I persevered to find solutions and deliver the best possible translation, realizing that continuous improvement is key to becoming a proficient translator.
I needed to know more, and have a deeper knowledge in many fields, to be able to translate text meaning as smoothly as possible.
Summary of findings
Throughout the completion of my graduation essay, I recognized numerous mistakes and gaps in my understanding After four years of university education focused on translation, I realized that my knowledge was merely a small fraction of what I needed to succeed This final project not only enhanced my analytical and verbal skills but also allowed me to acquire valuable new insights that will benefit my future career in translation.
While translating, I discovered a significant gap in my vocabulary in both the source and target languages The unfamiliar words often confuse me and hinder my ability to switch between languages effectively Additionally, my limited Vietnamese vocabulary complicates the process of conveying ideas from English to Vietnamese Consequently, enhancing my vocabulary has become crucial and essential for my language development at this time.
When I began translating documents related to hotels and restaurants, I quickly realized that having specialized knowledge in this field was crucial for producing accurate translations Translators must invest time in studying various subjects to fully understand the concepts the author intends to convey Initially, my lack of familiarity with the hotel and restaurant industry posed significant challenges However, after dedicating time to research through online articles and library resources, I successfully grasped key terminology and improved my translation skills.
My graduate thesis revealed significant gaps in my grammar skills, as I often misunderstood sentences, which impacted my translations This was partly due to my neglect during the learning process, resulting in only a limited grasp of grammar and syntax However, this experience highlighted the areas I need to improve, while also providing a valuable opportunity to demonstrate my understanding.
Through the translation and analysis of this graduation document, I gained valuable insights and enhanced my translation skills I learned to effectively address challenges in the original text, resulting in a more refined version Additionally, I have improved my ability to convey the author's ideas in Vietnamese with greater fluency.
In addition, I gained skills in utilizing equivalent meanings in the target language to effectively convey ideas from the text I recognized that complex structures posed challenges that required my focused attention As a result, upon completing my graduation papers, I was able to analyze them with ease to achieve optimal outcomes.
To become a proficient translator, I recognize my current limitations and the need for continuous improvement I am committed to enhancing my skills and knowledge through persistent learning and practice, which will ultimately benefit my future career in translation.
I propose that Duy Tan University, specifically the Faculty of Languages, consider increasing the number of credits for graduation projects to a minimum of four This adjustment recognizes the significance of the graduation project as a pivotal milestone in a student's academic journey By enhancing the credit allocation, students are likely to be more motivated and dedicated to excelling in their graduation exams, ultimately contributing positively to their educational experience.
I believe that incorporating more specialized translation subjects, such as educational, economic, and social translation, into the curriculum would greatly benefit students My experience as a trainee at an English center highlighted the gaps in my education, revealing the importance of practical knowledge that is often not covered in traditional courses By offering targeted training in various translation fields, universities can better prepare students for the challenges they will face after graduation, ultimately enhancing the quality of their graduates.
To enhance student engagement and confidence, the department should expand the curriculum by offering additional second language options, including Korean and Japanese By allowing students to learn languages aligned with their interests, they are likely to express themselves more effectively and achieve improved academic outcomes.
In summary, I hope that all of my suggestions will play a useful role in the improvements of the English Department, and even of Duy Tan University.
[1] Bùi Tiến Bảo - Đặng Xuân Thu, (1999), Interpreting & Translation Course Book
[2] Hữu Ngọc, (2010), A handbook for the English language translator, World Publishing House
[3] Trần Chí Thiện, (2002), 1000 câu hay trong tiếng Anh, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House
[4] Nguyen Manh Quang, (2013), Translation theory, Department of Foreign Languages of Duy Tan University
[5] Catford J C (1965), A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford University Press.
[7] Roger, T Bell, (1991), Translation, Cambridge University Press
[8] Tudor Ian, Dr, (1965), About translation theory, Cambridge
[14] https://www.phrases.org.uk
[13] Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford University Press
[14] Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus