Biochemistry, 4th Edition P67 docx

Biochemistry, 4th Edition P4 docx

Biochemistry, 4th Edition P4 docx

... molecu- lar movies for the classroom. New to This Edition Biochemistry is an ever-expanding discipline and new research leads to expanding our knowledge. This edition highlights the newest developments ... and to all aspects of health care. This fourth edition of Biochemistry embodies and reflects the expanse of this knowledge. We hope that this new edition will encour- age students to...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

10 402 0
Biochemistry, 4th Edition P8 docx

Biochemistry, 4th Edition P8 docx

... throughout this book. † pK R refers to the imidazole ionization of histidine. Data from CRC Handbook of Biochemistry, The Chemical Rubber Co., 1968. TABLE 2.4 Acid Dissociation Constants and pK a Values

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

10 414 0