electric motors and drives 4th edition

Electric Machines and Drives Part 1 pot

Electric Machines and Drives Part 1 pot

... ELECTRIC MACHINES AND DRIVES Edited by Miroslav Chomat Electric Machines and Drives Edited by Miroslav Chomat Published by InTech Janeza ... of the rotating electric machine. Electric drives have quickly become an integral part of our everyday lives and we can hardly imagine our civiliza- tion without them. Electric drives play a vital ... of modern electric drives. The twelve chapters of the book wri en by renowned authors, both academics and practitioners, cover a large part of the fi eld of electric machines and drives. Various

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 416 0
Electric Machines and Drives Part 2 docx

Electric Machines and Drives Part 2 docx

... incentives and voluntary measures for the energy efficiency of electric motors is not sufficient, as it is prerequisite to implement mandatory measures for Electric Machines and Drives 12 ... present Electric Machines and Drives 14 Fig. 7. Stator Premium motors Fig. 8. Rotor Premium motors Premium Efficiency Motors 15 time, many companies use ASD to feed their motors, ... energy efficient motors is the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) which mandates strict energy efficiency standards for electrical appliances and equipment. This law was first adopted in USA and became effective

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 292 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 6 ppt

Electric Machines and Drives part 6 ppt

... sin θ 0 cos θ 0  and K =  2 3 ⎡ ⎢ ⎣ 1 − 1 2 − 1 2 0 − √ 3 2 − √ 3 2 ⎤ ⎥ ⎦ . x qd and x αβ stand for two-dimensional voltage flux and stator current vector, respectively on (q-d) and ( α-β)reference ... JL r ; 98 Electric Machines and Drives [...]... and a simplified FLC control is presented Experimental results in DSP TMS 320F2812 platform show the performance of both systems 1 06 Electric ... to that of rotor flux and speed. Therefore, future research efforts may be made towards developing rotor resistance estimation algorithm using the Electric Machines and Drives 94 new machine

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 388 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 7 ppt

Electric Machines and Drives part 7 ppt

... variables 1 prime mover torque and speed, (τ LG , ω G ) ,and rotor and stator voltages and currents, (v rG , i rG ), (v sG , i sG ), respectively. The IM, on the other hand, is a two–port system with ... − isG = ˜ λ P with L ij (i = 1,¯ 3, j = 1,¯ 3) and Δ are given by (10) and (11), respect Then, (38) (39) 124 Electric Machines and Drives ˙ ˜ BvrG = λd + RL −1 (θ )λd + K p BPL... ... 122 Electric Machines and Drives with M1 = c2 + c2 = Constant and γ = arctan c2 = Constant if c1 = 0, else γ = 2 c1 1 Then, with (32):... the PBC + PI controller is proven 126 Electric

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 352 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 8 pdf

Electric Machines and Drives part 8 pdf

... voltages v rGa and v rGb , the IM rotor speed ω mM and its estimation ˆ ω mM , the estimated IM load torque ˆ τ ML , and the estimated IM speed, given by 132 Electric Machines and Drives 193.74 ... interconnected to the DFIG and according to the robustness tests and the experimental results presented in Table 2 we can say that the... of the BDFTIG 144 Electric Machines and Drives 9 Acknowledgment ... of BDFTIG. 130 Electric Machines and Drives In this section, the dynamic model of the generator was developed based on the selected d-q reference frame. The model was implemented and tested in

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 430 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 9 potx

Electric Machines and Drives part 9 potx

... single-phase induction motor drives, Electrical Machines and Systems, 2005 ICEMS 2005 Proceedings of the Eighth... induction motors, Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 20 09 ... potential applications in electric drives The excellent characteristics of PSO may be successfully used to optimize the performance of electric machines and electric drives in many aspects ... estimated that, electric machines consume more than 50% of the world electric energy generated Improving efficiency in electric drives is important,... ( 198 9) Recursive speed and parameter

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 312 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 11 docx

Electric Machines and Drives part 11 docx

... (a) The power sharing between FC and SC on NEDC driving cycle (b) The power sharing between FC and SC on FTP75 driving cycle Electric Machines and Drives 192 (c) The Comparative ... optimization (PSO) used to achieve the best performance for the electric machines and electric drives. In addition, by analyzing and comparing the results, it is shown that control strategy based ... in (22) and (23)... compensation Fig 26 Phase voltages and currents under unbalanced voltage supply with reduced input inductance with compensation 208 Electric Machines and Drives

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 317 0
Electric Machines and Drives part 12 pot

Electric Machines and Drives part 12 pot

... Tm... and estimated values of torque and flux magnitude and also uses the position of the estimated flux vector The torque and flux magnitude error signals are the inputs to the torque and ... (24)... (50) assuming the terms eds and eqs as feed-forward elements and given by (51) and (52), and considering the terms that indicate the asymmetry and disturbance negligible: eds = ... strategies is that they use an encoder to obtain Electric Machines and Drives 218 the speed signal. Since there is no need for speed and position signals, a DTC scheme appears to be a

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 417 0
Electric Machines and Drives Part 14 doc

Electric Machines and Drives Part 14 doc

... of voltage and current control for distributed generation systems,” IEEE Trans Energy Convers., vol 21, no 2, pp 516–526, Jun 2006 258 Electric Machines and Drives [5] C A Quinn and N Mohan, ... Portillo,E Galvan and J M Carrasco, "A SVM3D generalized algorithm for multilevel converters" Proc IEEE IECON.'03, 2003 pp 24-29 260 Electric Machines and Drives [36] M Aredes, J Hafner, and K Heumann, ... Humberto Pinheiro Hilton A Griindling, Jose R Pinheiro and Helio L Hey, “On the Space Vector Modulation and Limiting 262 Electric Machines and Drives Algorithms for Three-phase Four-Leg Voltage Source

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

14 400 0
Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 8 ppsx

Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 8 ppsx

... (Smith and Duffy, 1990; Barrett and White, 1991; Duffy and Haller, 1993) Nets are also being used in open pit mines for rock fall control (Brawner and Kalejta, 2002)... pit and hillside ... horizontally bedded shale and sandstone, with weaker coal and shale formations located at toe of cut faces angles between about 40◦ and 55◦ , rocks will tend to roll down the face and into the ... 1 980 ; Wu, 1 984 ; Descoeudres and Zimmerman, 1 987 ; Spang, 1 987 ; Hungr and Evans, 1 988 ; Pfeiffer and Bowen, 1 989 ; Pfeiffer et al., 1990; Azzoni and de Freitas, 1995) Figure 12.19

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

46 397 0
Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 9 pptx

Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 9 pptx

... body and host rock mass is unique, and comprises distinctive mineralogical assemblages and rock types In many... conducted, and results are used in conjunction with experience and ... slope instability, and provide for safe and efficient... using benches that are designed to contain and control rock falls and small failures The geometry of the pit and slopes is defined ... conditions (d) and (e) were inadequate for a structure critical to the operation of the facility, and that the minimum required static and seismic factors of safety should be 1.5 and 1.25, respectively.

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

46 556 0
Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 10 docx

Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 10 docx

... formed by planes 1, 2, 3 and 4 shown in Fig- ure III.1, but with no tension crack. The shear strength is defined by different cohesions and fric- tion angles on planes 1 and 2, and the water pressure ... Barrett, R K and White, J L (1991) Rock fall prediction and control Proc National Symp on Highway and Railway Slope Maintenance, Assoc of Eng Geol.,... pp 445–62 Yu, X and Vayassde, ... random (R) 2 3 R 1 Figure II.4 Examples illustrating the effect of the number of joint sets on the mechanical behavior and appearance of rock masses (ISRM, 1981a). VII three joint sets plus random;

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

42 524 0
Electric Machines and Drives

Electric Machines and Drives

... which mandates strict energy efficiency standards for electrical appliances and equipment, including electric motors Motor MEPS were for the first... energy efficiency of electric motors ... of the rotating electric machine. Electric drives have quickly become an integral part of our everyday lives and we can hardly imagine our civiliza- tion without them. Electric drives play a vital ... of modern electric drives. The twelve chapters of the book wri en by renowned authors, both academics and practitioners, cover a large part of the fi eld of electric machines and drives. Various

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2015, 17:30

274 298 1
55 free test bank with answers for business marketing connecting strategy relationships and learning 4th edition

55 free test bank with answers for business marketing connecting strategy relationships and learning 4th edition

... recognize that the demand for their products and services is _ demand, which means that demand for their products and services results from the demand for their customers' products and services A ... Volatility d Demand elasticity e Derived demand The percentage change in sales relative to the percentage change in price is: a Volatile demand b Market demand c Final demand D Demand elasticity ... Cost Typically, business marketers face: a Hypothetical demand b Highly elastic demand C Derived demand d Latent demand e Primary demand In business markets, products are generally classified

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2017, 11:25

14 540 1
80 test bank for business marketing connecting strategy relationships and learning 4th edition by dwyer

80 test bank for business marketing connecting strategy relationships and learning 4th edition by dwyer

... Relationships and Learning 4th Edition by Dwyer Multiple Choice Questions - Page Typically, business marketers face: a Hypothetical demand b Highly elastic demand C Derived demand d Latent demand e Primary ... recognize that the demand for their products and services is _ demand, which means that demand for their products and services results from the demand for their customers' products and services A ... marketing and consumer marketing? Answer Given Business marketers must recognize that the demand for their products and services is derived demand; that is, demand for their products and services

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2017, 10:44

22 523 1
122 test bank for financial reporting and analysis 4th edition

122 test bank for financial reporting and analysis 4th edition

... productivity, and liquidity D current market price for common and preferred stock Reliable information is A consistent, unbiased, and relevant B relevant, comparable, and timely C relevant, consistent, and ... stage, public-hearing stage, and voting stage C Exposure-draft stage, discussion-memorandum stage, and voting stage 4 D Discussion-memorandum stage, exposure-draft stage, and voting stage All financial ... establish accounting standards B develop and enforce accounting standards C develop a statement of accounting concepts and solve current accounting controversies D establish, review, and evaluate accepted

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2017, 10:28

25 397 0
Applied statistics in business and economics 4th edition doane test bank

Applied statistics in business and economics 4th edition doane test bank

... regions, and then randomly audits 25 departing commercial flights in each region for compliance with legal fuel and weight requirements This is an example of: A simple random sampling B stratified random ... over) and gender (male, female) This procedure combines which sampling methods? A Systematic, simple random, and convenience B Convenience, systematic, and judgment C Cluster, stratified, and simple ... judgment C Cluster, stratified, and simple random D Judgment, systematic, and simple random Identifiable strata were sampled, but also random within strata and regional clusters AACSB: Analytic Blooms:

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2017, 09:15

91 590 0
Biology of humans concepts applications and issues 4th edition goodenough test bank

Biology of humans concepts applications and issues 4th edition goodenough test bank

... equal number of protons and neutrons B) an equal number of protons, neutrons, and electrons C) an equal number of protons and electrons D) an equal number of neutrons and electrons Answer: C ... not discussed in the chapter, other uses include iodine and phosphorus isotopes being used to sequence DNA and RNA for medical, forensic, and criminal applications Many isotopes have been used ... Comprehension 6) The compound magnesium chloride (MgCl2) turns into Mg++ and Cl- when placed in water You can guess that the Mg and Cl atoms are held together normally by a(n) bond A) covalent

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2017, 09:34

11 263 0
Corporate finance core principles and applications 4th edition ross test bank

Corporate finance core principles and applications 4th edition ross test bank

... Equipment II Inventory III Accounts payable IV Cash A II and IV only B I and III only C I, II, and IV only D III and IV only E II, III, and IV only 2-5 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All ... suppliers IV Loan payable to a bank in fourteen months A I and III only B II and III only C III and IV only D II, III, and IV only E I, II, and III only 18 Which one of the following accounts is ... Financial Statements and Cash Flow Multiple Choice Questions Assume both current and deferred taxes are positive values Given this, deferred taxes will: A reduce the current tax expense and thus increase

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2017, 16:22

88 455 0
Test bank for government and not for profit accounting concepts and practices 4th edition

Test bank for government and not for profit accounting concepts and practices 4th edition

... Accounting Standards Board is the primary standardsetting body for: a) All governments b) All state and local governments c) All governments and all not-for-profit entities d) All state and local ... between revenues generated and expenditures/expenses incurred b) Capital assets are used to produce revenues and save costs c) Revenues are always indicative of demand for goods and services d) The ... useful to present and potential resource providers and other users in: a) Assessing the types of services provided and the need for those services b) Assessing the services provided and the entity’s

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2017, 16:02

13 221 0

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