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How to use a dictionary and thesaurus
To determine the meaning of new vocabulary by using a dictionary and thesaurus
To recognize derivatives and word families (the parts of speech-noun, adjective, verb, etc-related to the head word)
To identify and use synonyms and antonyms
Choosing a dictionary
In order to build vocabulary, you will need a reputable English-only advanced learner's dictionary. Nowadays most students depend on their cell phones to look up words, and although a cell phone is more fashionable and easier to carry than a book, there's still nothing better than an old-fashioned dictionary for learning words. Why?
• Because using a dictionary requires you to use the alphabet to locate the word, and it reinforces spelling.
• Because scanning a page for a word in a dictionary activates your brain. You have to think at the same time as you look for a word.
• Because you learn all forms, or derivatives, of the word in the word family.
• Because as you're scanning the pages and columns, you might come across another useful word.
• Because you can rely on a reputable dictionary, whereas some online dictionaries may provide misleading, inaccurate, or false information-particularly if they rely on translation.
• Because English definitions will provide you with additional words that will add to your vocabulary base and help you express yourself in English.
• Because learner's dictionaries provide extra information on capitalization, punctuation, basic grammar, usage, and writing tips.
• Because when you are writing examinations, you may be allowed to take a paper dictionary with you into the examination room, but a cell phone, laptop, or any other electronic device will not be allowed, so you may as well get used to using a conventional dictionary now.
Types of dictionaries
There are many types of dictionaries, ranging from picture dictionaries to general dictionaries to glossaries specializing, for instance, in technical, medical, commercial, literary, and legal language. There are also British English, American English, even Australian or Canadian English and slang dictionaries, and of course bilingual
dictionaries, which are to be used only as a very last resort. (Refer back to the Introduction for a word of caution about translation.) Some publishers such as Oxford University Press publish a combined dictionary and thesaurus, which eliminates the need for two separate books. For prospective college and university students whose first language is not English, an advanced learner's dictionary is the most suitable and has the following advantages:
• Learner's dictionaries are compiled with nonnative speakers in mind to take their needs into consideration.
• Learner's dictionaries focus on function and current usage, and the definitions are easier to understand than those found in standard dictionaries.
• They frequently provide sample sentences to illustrate how the word is commonly used.
• Definitions are given in order of frequency; the more obscure, obsolete, or antiquated definitions are not included.
• They often include collocations-words and phrases that accompany the particular word.
Example: collocations for impression are false / misleading / good / bad/
lasting / distinct, as in a false impression, misleading impression, good impression, etc.
• They also show if the word is included in the Academic Word List (AWL)*.
*The Academic Word List is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
How to use a dictionary and thesaurus
There are several publishers of dictionaries, and you need to look for a reputable name.
Some of the more recognizable publishers of dictionaries are:
• Oxford University Press
• Merriam-Webster
• Longman
• Cambridge University Press
• Collins
• American Heritage
A college or university bookstore will have a good selection of dictionaries, and of course you can always ask your ESL teacher or tutor.
Most dictionaries are now available online as e-books or on CD-ROM, and they provide additional information, such as synonyms, antonyms, and related words in addition to collocations. In the final analysis, the kind of dictionary you choose is a matter of personal preference. The main point is that you learn, and learn effectively.
Using a dictionary
A 1,000-plus-page tome can be unwieldy, but finding your way around is like learning to navigate the streets of any big city. It takes a little time at first to get used to the layout, but once you get the hang of things, you're on your way.
A dictionary entry consists of:
• The headword
• The part of speech
• Phonetic pronunciation
• Alternative spellings (American or British)
• Forms for irregular verbs
• Irregular plural forms
• Numbered definitions, including subject labels (if the word is associated with a specific field, such as sports or music) and register labels indicating whether the level of language is formal, informal, technical, historical, slang, and so on.
• Word origin (Latin, Greek, etc.)
Depending on the type of dictionary and its scope, the entry can include:
• Synonyms and related words
• Antonyms
• Closely related words with prefixes and suffixes
• Words derived from the headword
• Information about the word's grammatical function
• In which English-speaking region the word is used