Sometimes texts, particularly those that introduce new subject matter in a textbook, include a definition of a specific word. This can take the form of:
• A direct definition: which means or denotes; that is; i.e.; called, defined, or known as
• A restatement: or, in other words; that is to say
• Verbs that link the subject with an equivalent: be, appear, resemble, become, involve, signify, symbolize, etc.
Look at the following example:
Amputees are missing a limb, or part of an arm or leg, as a result of a congenital defect, an accident, or a medical condition such as cancer or diabetes.
In this example, you know that a limb is an arm or a leg. Assuming you don't understand the term congenital defect, you can figure out from your knowledge of the world that people can lose an arm or a leg when they've been in an accident or suffer a disease such as cancer or diabetes. If you check with a dictionary, you will find that limb means arm, leg, or wing, and an amputee is someone who has had a limb surgically amputated. You can probably guess from the context that amputate means to remove or cut off. You might be able to guess that congenital defect means a birth defect since some people are born with missing limbs.
How to understand the meaning of vocabulary from context
Use the definitions and restatements in the following sentences to work out the meaning of the word in bold type as you understand it. Do not copy the meaning from the sentence and do not consult a dictionary until you have completed the exercise. Give the clue that you used. Indicate how close your answer is to a dictionary definition by circling one of the following: Right on, Close, or A complete miss.
1. Sustainable tourism as identified in the Brundtland report to the 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development refers to development that
"meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs."
Sustainable means ___________________ _
Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss 2. The healing circle is opened by a facilitator, or keeper, who ensures that
participants show respect for each other and follow the guidelines.
Facilitator means ____________________ _
Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss 3. Simplicity refers to the lack of clutter-that is, all those nonessential things,
patterns, habits, and ideas that take control of our lives and distract us from what is really important.
Clutter means _____________________ _
Clue: ________________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss 4. The government voted to allocate several million dollars for genetic research,
which meant that significantly more money would go to developing cures for genetic diseases.
Allocate means ____________________ _
Clue: ________________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss
5. Voluntary denotes a free and conscious choice to make appropriate changes that will enrich life in a deeper, spiritual sense.
Voluntary means _____________________ _
Clue: ________________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss
Although repetition should be avoided in academic writing, synonyms are sometimes used for emphasis. Common synonyms can also create a kind of bridge between the known and the unknown and reinforce meaning.
Examine the following sentence: Competitors in the Paralympics are classified, or organized, according to their level of disability.
Here it can be seen that another word for classified is organized. According to their level of disability is another clue that tells you that classified refers to a specific category.
The root word, class, also tells you that the word has to do with a system of organization. If you check with a dictionary, you will see that the verb classify means:
• To arrange a group in classes according to shared characteristics
• To put in a particular class or category
Use the synonyms in the following sentences to work out the meaning of the word in bold type as you understand it. Do not consult a dictionary until you have completed the exercise. Give the clue that you used. Indicate how close your answer is to a dictionary definition by circling one of the following:
Right on, Close, or A complete miss.
1. Also known as "green" tourism, ecotourism promotes environmental protection, cultural sensitivity, and respect for the traditions and customs of the local population.
Ecotourism means ____________________ _
Synonym: ________________________ _ Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss
How to understand the meaning of vocabulary from context
2. In 2007, for the first time in history, the urban population exceeded 50 percent of the world's population. By 2050 it is estimated to go beyond 70 percent.
Exceed means ____________________ _
Synonym: ______________________ _ Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss 3. Overnight the patient's condition worsened, and if it continues to deteriorate
rapidly, he is not expected to survive another night.
Deteriorate means ___________________ _
Synonym: ______________________ _ Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss 4. In the bomb attack, several bystanders were injured and two journalists were
Injure means _____________________ _
Synonym: ______________________ _ Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss
5. Computer technology plays a crucial role in providing medical care, having become a key component of modern hospitals.
Crucial means _____________________ _
Synonym: ______________________ _ Clue: _______________________ _ How close is your definition? Right on Close A complete miss