Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án tiếng anh 4 cả năm (Trang 54 - 61)

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will have been able toask and answer question about what someone likes doing.

Cuối tiết học, Hs sẽ có thể nói và đáp về mình thích làm gì.

II.Language Focus

1. Vocabulary: swimming, cooking, collecting stamps, playing chess 2. Sentence patterns :

What do you like doing?

I like swimming.

III. Resources

Recordings, flash cards, books, pictures, puppets.

IV. Teaching method:

Teacher – whole class, individual work, pair work, group work, TPR.

V. Procedure

1. Look, listen and repeat 2. Point and say

Content -Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Warm up (1-3’)

Actions - T guides Ss to do the actions - T asks Ss to guess the topic of the lesson

- T introduces the new lesson, reads aloud

- Ss sing the song - Ss guess

- Ss listen and repeat

B. New lesson

1.Look, listen and repeat (4-5’)

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures on the screen, identify the charaters, give the ideas

- T sets the scence

- T asks Ss to listen the recording through.

- T plays the recording again, pausing after each sentence.

- T divides the class into two groups - T checks to make sure Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue.

- Ss look

- Ss identify, give the ideas

- Ss listen

- Ss listen, find, give their ideas

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus twice

- Ss read the dialogue, swap roles

- Ssperform the task in front of the class

2. Point and say (1-2’)

a. New words(4’-5’) Swimming: bơi cooking: nấu ăn collecting stamps:

thu thập

playing chess: chơi cờ

* Game: (4-5’) Who is fater?

b. Model Sentences (3-4’)

What do you like doing?

I like swimming.

- T asks Ss to look at pictures on the screen

- T asks Ss to identifycharacters - T sets the scene

*T teaches the new words

- T points topictures on the screen - T introduceswords, reads aloud

* T checks :

- T divides class into 2 groups - T guides Ss to play a game

- T reads out, Ss findout the pictures as fast as possible

T teaches the Sentence patterns - T sets the scence using pupets, flashcards

- T introduces the M. S

- T models to ask and answer about what someone likes doing .

- T repeats the steps with other pictures

- Ss look, identify - Ss listen

- Ss look at the screen - Ss listen, repeat, read - Ss listen

- Ssplay the game -> Ss look and find out

- Ss listen, observe - S listen

- Ss observe, repeat - Ss, repeat the steps - Ss play roles to practise

c. Look and say (4- 5’)

-T divides class into 2, guides Ss to practise asking and answering

questions about what someone likes doing in using Ps as cues.

- T asks Ss to prastise in pairs

- T monitors , helps and corrects Ss' mistakes when necessary.

- T selects a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class, using Ps

- Ss swap their roles to practise

- Ss prastise

- Ss perform the task

C. Reinforcement (2- 3’)

I like doing things

- T checks Ss’knowledge by guiding Ss to sing a song

- Ss sing a song

- Ss coppy S.P & words

D. Homelink - Sschat with their

friends, ask and answer question about what someone likes doing

Date of teaching: 3/11/2016 Class: 4C, 4B, 4A, 4D

Unit 7 Lesson 2(1,2,3) Period 22 Page 48


I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will have been able toask and answer question about someone’s hobbies.

Cuối tiết học, Hs sẽ có thể nói và đáp về mình thích làm gì.

II. Language Focus

1. Vocabulary: hobby, riding a bike, playing badminton, flying a kite, taking photos, watching TV

2. Sentence patterns :

What’s your hobby?

I like riding a bike.

III. Resources

Recordings, flash cards, books, pictures, puppets.

IV. Teaching method:

Teacher – whole class, individual work, pair work, group work, TPR.

V. Procedure

1. Look, listen and repeat 2. Point and say

3. Let’s talk

Content -Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Warm up (1-3’)

I like doing things - T guides Ss to sing the song

- T asks Ss to guess the topic of the lesson

- T introduces the new lesson, reads aloud

- Ss sing the song - Ss guess

- Ss listen and repeat

B. New lesson 1.Look, listen and repeat (4-5’)

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures on the screen, identify the charaters, give the ideas

- T sets the scence

- T asks Ss to listen the recording through.

- T plays the recording again, pausing after each sentence.

- T divides the class into two groups - T checks to make sure Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue.

- Ss look

- Ss identify, give the ideas

- Ss listen

- Ss listen, find, give their ideas

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus twice

- Ss read the dialogue, swap roles

- Ssperform the task in front of the class

2. Point and say (1-2’)

a. New words(4’-5’) Hobby: sở thích riding a bike: đi xe

- T asks Ss to look at pictures on the screen

- T asks Ss to identifycharacters - T sets the scene

- Ss look, identify - Ss listen

- Ss look at the screen


playing badminton:

chơi bóng chuyền flying a kite: thả diều

taking photos:

chụp ảnh

watching TV: xem tivi

* Game: (4-5’) Who is fater?

b. Model Sentences (3-4’)

What’s your


I like riding a bike.

c. Look and say (4- 5’)

*T teaches the new words

- T points topictures on the screen - T introduceswords, reads aloud

* T checks :

- T divides class into 2 groups - T guides Ss to play a game

- T rubs out, Ss readout the words as fast as possible

T teaches the Sentence patterns - T sets the scence using pupets, flashcards

- T introduces the M. S

- T models to ask and answer about someone’s hobbies .

- T repeats the steps with other pictures

-T divides class into 2, guides Ss to practise asking and answering questions about someone’s hobbies in using Ps as cues.

- T asks Ss to prastise in pairs

- T monitors , helps and corrects Ss' mistakes when necessary.

- T selects a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class, using Ps

- Ss listen, repeat, read - Ss listen

- Ssplay the game -> Ss look and read out

- Ss listen, observe - S listen

- Ss observe, repeat - Ss, repeat the steps - Ss play roles to practise

- Ss swap their roles to practise

- Ss prastise

- Ss perform the task

C. Reinforcement (2- 3’)

Find someone who

- T checks Ss’knowledge by guiding Ss to play a game

- Ss play a game

- Ss coppy S.P & words

D. Homelink - Sschat with their

friends, ask and answer question about someone’s hobbies.

WEEK 12: (7/11-2016-11/11/2016)

Date of teaching: 9/11/2016 Class: 4B, 4D, 4C, 4A Unit 7 Lesson 3(1,2,3) Period 23 Page 50


I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will have been able to pronounce correctly:

+ the sound / fl/as inthe word flying, as inthe sentenceI like flying a kite.

+ the sound /pl/as inword playing, as inthe sentenceHe likes playing the piano.

As in chants Flying alittle kite

Cuối tiết học, Hs sẽ có thể phát âm đúng

+ âm/ fl/nhưtrong từ flying, như trong câu I like flying a kite.

+ âm /pl/nhưtrong từ playing, như trong câu He likes playing the piano.

Như trong bài chantFlying alittle kite II. Language Focus

1. Vocabulary: revise the words with phonics /fl/, /pl/

III. Resources

Recordings, book, pictures, word card IV. Teaching method:

Teacher – whole class, individual work, pair work, group work, TPR V. Procedure

1. Listen and repeat

2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud.

3. Let’s chant

Content -Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A. Warm up (2-3’) What’s your


- T asks Ss to play a game - T introduces the new lesson

- Ss play the game - Ss listen, repeat B. New lesson

1. Look, listen and repeat

(8’-10’) /fl/ /pl/

* Game:

Hot chair /fl/ flower, flat /pl/ plane, plant

- T plays the CD, asks Ss to listen and find out the letters

- T holds up the letter cards

- T introduces the sounds of the letters, reads

- T asks Ss to look at the words flyingandplaying, the sentences, noticing the different colored letters - T introduces the way to pronounce - T guides Ss to pronounce

- T plays the recording - T models to chant

- T asks Ss to practise chanting

- T calls Ss to chant in front of the class - T guides Ss to play a game:

-> T chooses 6 Ss in each group

-> T puts a chair in front of the board, reads aloud words that have sounds:/ fl/

and/pl/(word by word) - T gives points

- Ss listen, find out

- Ss read - Ss repeat - Ss identify

- Ss listen

- Ss listen, repeat - Ss read after - Ss practice

- Ss share with class - Ss listen, a S runs fast, write the right word to the board then sits on the chair quickly

2. Listen and circle

a. Pre-listening (1- 2’)

b. While-listening (3-4’)

- T asks Ss to look at the screen - T asks Ss to discuss to guess the answer

- T plays the recording twice

- T asks Ss to exchange their answers with their partners

- T plays the recording once more - T asks Ss to write the answers on the

- Ss look, discuss, give their comments

- Ss listen, do the task - Ss exchange their answers

- Ss listen again, check the answers

c. Post-listening (3- 4’’)


- T checks the answers

->T plays the related part of the

recording again, asks a few Ss how they come to their answers

- T reads out the correct answers to the class.

- T sets the scene, asks Ss to play the roles to use 2 sentences

- T selects a few Ss to perform the task in front of the class

- Ss write the answers - Ss answer

- Ss check

- Ss play the roles - Ss do the task - Ss perform the task

3. Let’s chant ( 6- 8’)

- T shows the picture

- T asks Ss about the characters and their activities

- T tells Ss that they are going to chant about Flying a little kite

- T plays the recording through - T chants sentence by sentence - T repeats this stepa few times - T plays the recording again

- T asks Ss to chant without the rhythm

- Ss look - Ss answer - Ss listen - Ss listen - Ss repeat after - Ss repeat

- Ss chant after the recording.

- Ss chant, perform the task

C. Reinforcement (1-2’)

Make a card

- T holds a card, guides Ss to write

- Ss write in group - Ss copy down the content of lesson 3

D. Homelink - Ss listen the chant

again & learn by heart

Date of teaching: 10/11/2016 Class: 4C, 4B, 4A, 4D Unit 8 Lesson 1(1,2,3) Period 24 Page 52

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án tiếng anh 4 cả năm (Trang 54 - 61)

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