Style,‘Dame’ before forename and surname, followed by appropriate post-nominal initials. Where such an award is made to a lady already in possession of a higher title, the appropriate initials follow her name
Envelope,Dame F_ S_, followed by appropriate post- nominal letters.Letter (formal),Dear Madam;(social), Dear Dame F_.Spoken,Dame F_
Dame Grand Cross and Dame Commander are the higher classes for women of the Order of the Bath, the Order of St Michael and St George, the Royal Victorian Order, and the Order of the British Empire. Dames Grand Cross rank after the wives of Baronets and before the wives of Knights Grand Cross. Dames Commanders rank after the wives of Knights Grand Cross and before the wives of Knights Commanders.
Honorary Dames Commanders may be conferred on women who are citizens of countries of which the Queen is not head of state.
LIST OF DAMES As at 31 August 2010
Women peers in their own right and life peers are not included in this list. Female members of the royal family are not included in this list; details of the orders they hold can be found within the Royal Family section.
If a dame has a double barrelled or hyphenated surname, she is listed under thefirst element of the name.
A full entry in italic typeindicates that the recipient of an honour died during the year in which the honour was conferred. The name is included for the purposes of record.
Abaijah, Dame Josephine, DBE Abramsky, Dame Jennifer Gita, DBE Airlie, The Countess of, DCVO Albemarle, The Countess of, DBE Allen,Prof.Dame Ingrid Victoria, DBE Andrews, Dame Julie, DBE
Anglesey, The Marchioness of, DBE Anson, Lady (Elizabeth Audrey), DBE Anstee, Dame Margaret Joan, DCMG
Arden,Rt. Hon.Dame Mary Howarth (Mrs Mance), DBE Atkins, Dame Eileen, DBE
Baker, Dame Janet Abbott (Mrs Shelley), CH, DBE Bakewell, Dame Joan Dawson, DBE
Barbour, Dame Margaret (Mrs Ash), DBE Baron,Hon.Dame Florence Jacqueline, DBE Barrow, Dame Jocelyn Anita (Mrs Downer), DBE Barstow, Dame Josephine Clare (Mrs Anderson), DBE Bassey, Dame Shirley, DBE
Beasley,Prof.Dame Christine Joan, DBE Beaurepaire, Dame Beryl Edith, DBE
Beer,Prof.Dame Gillian Patricia Kempster, DBE, FBA Beral,Prof. Dame Valerie, DBE
Bergquist,Prof. Dame Patricia Rose, DBE Bertschinger,DrDame Claire, DBE
Bevan, Dame Yasmin, DBE Bewley, Dame Beulah Rosemary, DBE Bibby, Dame Enid, DBE
Black,Prof.Dame Carol Mary, DBE Black,Hon. Dame Jill Margaret, DBE Blackadder, Dame Elizabeth Violet, DBE Blaize, Dame Venetia Ursula, DBE Blaxland, Dame Helen Frances, DBE Blume, Dame Hilary Sharon Braverman, DBE Booth,Hon.Dame Margaret Myfanwy Wood, DBE Bowtell, Dame Ann Elizabeth, DCB
Boyd, Dame Vivienne Myra, DBE
Brain, Dame Margaret Anne (Mrs Wheeler), DBE Brennan, Dame Maureen, DBE
Bridges, Dame Mary Patricia, DBE Brindley, Dame Lynne Janie, DBE
Brittan, Dame Diana (Lady Brittan of Spennithorne), DBE Browne, Lady Moyra Blanche Madeleine, DBE Buckland, Dame Yvonne Helen Elaine, DBE Burnell,Prof. Dame Susan Jocelyn Bell, DBE Burslem, Dame Alexandra Vivien, DBE Byatt, Dame Antonia Susan, DBE, FRSL Bynoe, Dame Hilda Louisa, DBE
Caldicott, Dame Fiona, DBE, FRCP, FRCPSYCH Cameron,Prof.Dame Averil Millicent, DBE Campbell-Preston, Dame Frances Olivia, DCVO Cartwright, Dame Silvia Rose, DBE
Clark,Prof.Dame Jill MacLeod, DBE Clark,Prof.Dame (Margaret) June, DBE, PHD Clayton, Dame Barbara Evelyn (Mrs Klyne), DBE Cleverdon, Dame Julia Charity, DCVO, CBE Collarbone, Dame Patricia, DBE
Contreras,Prof. Dame Marcela, DBE Corsar,Hon.Dame Mary Drummond, DBE Coward, Dame Pamela Sarah, DBE Cox,Hon.Dame Laura Mary, DBE Dacon, Dame Monica Jessie, DBE, CMG Davies,Prof.Dame Kay Elizabeth, DBE Davies,Hon.Dame Nicola Velfor, DBE Davies,Prof.Dame Sally Claire, DBE Davies, Dame Wendy Patricia, DBE Davis, Dame Karlene Cecile, DBE
Dawson,Prof.Dame Sandra Jane Noble, DBE Dell, Dame Miriam Patricia, DBE
Dench, Dame Judith Olivia (Mrs Williams), CH, DBE Descartes, Dame Marie Selipha Sesenne, DBE, BEM Devonshire, The Duchess of, DCVO
Digby, Lady, DBE
Dobbs,Hon.Dame Linda Penelope, DBE Docherty, Dame Jacqueline, DBE
Donald,Prof.Dame Athene Margaret, DBE, FRS Dowling,Prof. Dame Ann Patricia, DBE Duffield, Dame Vivien Louise, DBE Dumont, Dame Ivy Leona, DCMG Dunnell, Dame Karen, DCB Dyche, Dame Rachael Mary, DBE Elcoat, Dame Catherine Elizabeth, DBE Ellison, Dame Jill, DBE
Else, Dame Jean, DBE
Elton, Dame Susan Richenda (Lady Elton), DCVO Engel, Dame Pauline Frances (Sister Pauline Engel), DBE Esteve-Coll, Dame Elizabeth Anne Loosemore, DBE Evans, Dame Anne Elizabeth Jane, DBE
Evans, Dame Madeline Glynne Dervel, DBE, CMG Farnham, Dame Marion (Lady Farnham), DCVO Fawcett, Dame Amelia Chilcott, DBE Fenner, Dame Peggy Edith, DBE Fielding, Dame Pauline, DBE Finch,Prof.Dame Janet Valerie, DBE Fisher, Dame Jacqueline, DBE Forgan, Dame Elizabeth Anne Lucy, DBE Furse, Dame Clara Hedwig Frances, DBE Fradd, Dame Elizabeth, DBE
Fraser, Dame Dorothy Rita, DBE Friend, Dame Phyllis Muriel, DBE Fry, Dame Margaret Louise, DBE Gallagher, Dame Monica Josephine, DBE Gaymer, Dame Janet Marion, DBE, QC Ghosh, Dame Helen Frances, DCB Glen-Haig, Dame Mary Alison, DBE Glenn,Prof.Dame Hazel Gillian, DBE Glennie,DrDame Evelyn Elizabeth Ann, DBE Gloster,Hon.Dame Elisabeth (Lady Popplewell), DBE Glover, Dame Audrey Frances, DBE, CMG
Goodall,DrDame (Valerie) Jane, DBE Goodfellow,Prof.Dame Julia Mary, DBE Goodman, Dame Barbara, DBE
Gordon, Dame Minita Elmira, GCMG, GCVO Gordon,Hon. Dame Pamela Felicity, DBE Gow, Dame Jane Elizabeth (Mrs Whiteley), DBE Grafton, The Duchess of, GCVO
Grant, Dame Mavis, DBE Green, Dame Pauline, DBE
Grey, Dame Beryl Elizabeth (Mrs Svenson), DBE Griffiths, Dame Anne, DCVO
Grimthorpe, The Lady, DCVO
Guilfoyle, Dame Margaret Georgina Constance, DBE Guthardt,Revd DrDame Phyllis Myra, DBE Hakin,DrDame Barbara Ann, DBE Hall,Prof.Dame Wendy, DBE
Hallett,Rt. Hon.Dame Heather Carol, DBE Harbison, Dame Joan Irene, DBE Harper, Dame Elizabeth Margaret Way, DBE Harris, Lady Pauline, DBE
Hassan, Dame Anna Patricia Lucy, DBE Hay, Dame Barbara Logan, DCMG, MBE Henderson, Dame Fiona Douglas, DCVO Hercus,Hon.Dame (Margaret) Ann, DCMG Higgins,Prof. Dame Joan Margaret, DBE Higgins,Prof.Dame Julia Stretton, DBE, FRS Higgins,Prof.Dame Rosalyn, DBE, QC Hill,Air CdreDame Felicity Barbara, DBE Hine, Dame Deirdre Joan, DBE, FRCP Hodgson, Dame Patricia Anne, DBE
Hogg,Hon.Dame Mary Claire (Mrs Koops), DBE Holborow, Lady Mary Christina, DCVO Hollows, Dame Sharon, DBE Holmes, Dame Kelly, DBE Holroyd, Lady Margaret, DBE Holt, Dame Denise Mary, DCMG Hoodless, Dame Elisabeth Anne, DBE Hufton,Prof.Dame Olwen, DBE
Husband,Prof. Dame Janet Elizabeth Siarey, DBE Hussey, Dame Susan Katharine (Lady Hussey of North
Bradley), DCVO
Hutton, Dame Deirdre Mary, DBE Imison, Dame Tamsyn, DBE
Ion,DrDame Susan Elizabeth, DBE Isaacs, Dame Albertha Madeline, DBE
James, Dame Naomi Christine (Mrs Haythorne), DBE Jenkins, Dame (Mary) Jennifer (Lady Jenkins of Hillhead),
Johnson,Prof.Dame Louise Napier, DBE, FRS Jonas, Dame Judith Mayhew
Jones, Dame Gwyneth (Mrs Haberfeld-Jones), DBE Jordan,Prof.Dame Carole, DBE
Keegan, Dame Elizabeth Mary, DBE Keegan, Dame Geraldine Mary Marcella, DBE Kekedo, Dame Rosalina Violet, DBE Kelleher, Dame Joan, DBE
Kellett-Bowman, Dame (Mary) Elaine, DBE Kelly, Dame Barbara Mary, DBE Kelly, Dame Lorna May Boreland, DBE
Kershaw, Dame Janet Elizabeth Murray (Dame Betty), DBE
Kettlewell,Comdt. Dame Marion Mildred, DBE Kidu, Lady, DBE
King,Hon.Dame Eleanor Warwick, DBE Kinnair, Dame Donna, DBE
Kirby, Dame Carolyn Emma, DBE Kirby, Dame Georgina Kamiria, DBE Kramer,Prof. Dame Leonie Judith, DBE
Laine, Dame Cleo (Clementine) Dinah (Lady Dankworth), DBE
Lake-Tack,HEDame Louise Agnetha, GCMG Lamb, Dame Dawn Ruth, DBE
Leather, Dame Susan Catherine, DBE Leslie, Dame Ann Elizabeth Mary, DBE Lewis, Dame Edna Leofrida (Lady Lewis), DBE Lott, Dame Felicity Ann Emwhyla (Mrs Woolf ), DBE Louisy, Dame (Calliopa) Pearlette, GCMG Lynn, Dame Vera (Mrs Lewis), DBE MacArthur, Dame Ellen Patricia, DBE Macdonald, Dame Mary Beaton, DBE McDonald, Dame Mavis, DCB
Macmillan of Ovenden, Katharine, Viscountess, DBE Macur,Hon.Dame Julia Wendy, DBE
Mayhew, Dame Judith, DBE
Major, Dame Malvina Lorraine (Mrs Fleming), DBE Major, Dame Norma Christina Elizabeth, DBE Marsden,DrDame Rosalind Mary, DCMG Marsh, Dame Mary Elizabeth, DBE Mason, Dame Monica Margaret, DBE Mellor, Dame Julie Thérèse Mellor, DBE Metge,DrDame (Alice) Joan, DBE
Middleton, Dame Elaine Madoline, DCMG, MBE Mills, Dame Barbara Jean Lyon, DBE, QC Mirren, Dame Helen, DBE
Monroe,Prof.Dame Barbara, DBE Moores, Dame Yvonne, DBE
Morgan,DrDame Gillian Margaret, DBE Morrison,Hon.Dame Mary Anne, DCVO Muirhead, Dame Lorna Elizabeth Fox, DBE Muldoon, Lady Thea Dale, DBE, QSO Mullally,RevdDame Sarah Elisabeth, DBE Mumford, Lady Mary Katharine, DCVO Murdoch, Dame Elisabeth Joy, DBE Nelson,Prof.Dame Janet Laughland, DBE Neville, Dame Elizabeth, DBE, QPM
Ogilvie, Dame Bridget Margaret, DBE, PHD, DSC Oliver, Dame Gillian Frances, DBE
Ollerenshaw, Dame Kathleen Mary, DBE, DPHIL Owers, Dame Anne Elizabeth (Mrs Cook), DBE Oxenbury, Dame Shirley Anne, DBE Paraskeva,Rt. Hon.Dame Janet, DBE 116 Dames
Park, Dame Merle Florence (Mrs Bloch), DBE Parker,Hon.Dame Judith Mary Frances, DBE Partridge,Prof.Dame Linda, DBE
Pauffley,Hon.Dame Anna Evelyn Hamilton, DBE Penhaligon, Dame Annette (Mrs Egerton), DBE Perkins, Dame Mary Lesley, DBE
Peters, Dame Mary Elizabeth, DBE Pindling, Lady (Marguerite M.), DCMG Platt, Dame Denise, DBE
Plowright, Dame Joan Ann, DBE Polak,Prof.Dame Julia Margaret, DBE Poole, Dame Avril Anne Barker, DBE Porter, Dame Shirley (Lady Porter), DBE Powell, Dame Sally Ann Vickers, DBE Prendergast, Dame Simone Ruth, DBE Price, Dame Margaret Berenice, DBE Pringle, Dame Anne Fyfe, DCMG
Proudman,Hon.Dame Sonia Rosemary Susan, DBE Pugh,DrDame Gillian Mary, DBE
Quinn, Dame Sheila Margaret Imelda, DBE Rafferty,Hon.Dame Anne Judith, DBE Rawson,Prof.Dame Jessica Mary, DBE Rebuck, Dame Gail Ruth, DBE Rees,Prof.Dame Lesley Howard, DBE Reeves, Dame Helen May, DBE Rego, Dame Paula Figueiroa, DBE Reynolds, Dame Fiona Claire, DBE Richardson, Dame Mary, DBE Rigg, Dame Diana, DBE Rimington, Dame Stella, DCB Ritterman, Dame Janet, DBE Roberts, Dame Jane Elisabeth, DBE Robins, Dame Ruth Laura, DBE Robottom, Dame Marlene, DBE Roe, Dame Marion Audrey, DBE Roe, Dame Raigh Edith, DBE Ronson, Dame Gail, DBE
Rothwell,Prof.Dame Nancy Jane, DBE Runciman of Doxford, The Viscountess, DBE Russell,DrDame Philippa Margaret, DBE Salas, Dame Margaret Laurence, DBE Salmond,Prof.Dame Mary Anne, DBE Savill, Dame Rosalind Joy, DBE Sawyer,Rt. Hon.Dame Joan Augusta, DBE Scardino, Dame Marjorie, DBE
Scott, Dame Catherine Margaret (Mrs Denton), DBE Seward, Dame Margaret Helen Elizabeth, DBE Sharp,Hon.Dame Victoria Madeleine, DBE Shedrick,DrDame Daphne Marjorie, DBE Shirley, Dame Stephanie, DBE
Shovelton, Dame Helena, DBE
Sibley, Dame Antoinette (Mrs Corbett), DBE Silver,DrDame Ruth Muldoon, DBE Slade,Hon.Dame Elizabeth Ann, DBE Smith, Dame Dela, DBE
Smith,Rt. Hon.Dame Janet Hilary (Mrs Mathieson), DBE Smith,Hon.Dame Jennifer Meredith, DBE
Smith, Dame Margaret Natalie (Maggie) (Mrs Cross), DBE Soames, Lady Mary, KG, DBE
Southgate,Prof.Dame Lesley Jill, DBE Spencer, Dame Rosemary Jane, DCMG
Steel,Hon.Dame (Anne) Heather (Mrs Beattie), DBE Stocking, Dame Barbara Mary, DBE
Strachan, Dame Valerie Patricia Marie, DCB Strathern,Prof.Dame Anne Marilyn, DBE Strathie, Dame Lesley Ann, DCB Street, Dame Susan Ruth, DCB Stringer,Prof.Dame Joan Kathleen, DBE Sutherland, Dame Joan (Mrs Bonynge), OM, DBE Sutherland, Dame Veronica Evelyn, DBE, CMG Swift,Hon.Dame Caroline Jane (Mrs Openshaw),
Symmonds, Dame Olga Patricia, DBE Tanner,DrDame Mary Elizabeth, DBE Taylor, Dame Elizabeth, DBE Taylor, Dame Meg, DBE
Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri Janette, DBE Thomas,Prof.Dame Jean Olwen, DBE
Thomas, Dame Maureen Elizabeth (Lady Thomas), DBE
Tickell, Dame Clare Oriana, DBE Tinson, Dame Sue, DBE
Tizard, Dame Catherine Anne, GCMG, GCVO, DBE Tokiel, Dame Rosa, DBE
Trotter, Dame Janet Olive, DBE
Turner-Warwick, Dame Margaret Elizabeth Harvey, DBE, FRCP, FRCPED
Twelftree, Dame Marcia, DBE Uchida, Dame Mitsuko, DBE Uprichard, Dame Mary Elizabeth, DBE Varley, Dame Joan Fleetwood, DBE
Wagner, Dame Gillian Mary Millicent (Lady Wagner), DBE
Wall, Dame (Alice) Anne, (Mrs Michael Wall), DCVO Wallis, Dame Sheila Ann, DBE
Warburton, Dame Anne Marion, DCVO, CMG Waterhouse, Dr Dame Rachel Elizabeth, DBE Waterman,DrDame Fanny, DBE
Webb,Prof.Dame Patricia, DBE
Weir, Dame Gillian Constance (Mrs Phelps), DBE Weller, Dame Rita, DBE
Weston, Dame Margaret Kate, DBE Westwood, Dame Vivienne Isabel, DBE Wheldon, Dame Juliet Louise, DCB, QC Williams, Dame Josephine, DBE Wilson, Dame Jacqueline, DBE Wilson-Barnett,Prof.Dame Jenifer, DBE Winstone, Dame Dorothy Gertrude, DBE, CMG Wong Yick-ming, Dame Rosanna, DBE Zaffar, Dame Naila, DBE
Dames 117