4. Project management (Project Information Manger)
7.3 The method of setting parameter
It is necessary to set the parameter of all cells in IFAS. A few divisions will be classified so that the parameter table of each of the parameters of surface, aquifer and river course which were mentioned above can be shown, and setting is carried out by assigning the patition to each cell. Moreover, the value that becomes a standard set beforehand can be used, and the method is shown here below though setting the value of the parameter to each classification is necessary.
There are three main ways to set the parameter.
1) Automatic configuration according to the explanatory notes sorting of the external data.
The parameter of each cell is automatically configured, based on the external data such as land use and soil division which were read.
2) Automatic configuration according to the tributary basin Set the tributary basin parameters one by one.
3) Manual Setting
Users choose a cell and set the parameter voluntarily. Revision of the automatic configuration mentioned above can be performed in the same way.
① Select “Parameter Manager” menu from “Tool” menu, the parameter edition window will open.
② The land use data etc used as a reference will be displayed at the parameter configuration.
① ② Configuration of parameter table
First, perform the configuration of the parameter table.
In IFAS, for the provided default parameter value, the surface parameter has 5 partitions, the aquifer parameter has 1 partition, and the river course parameter has 3 partitions. When the hydrology data etc.
are not provided, uses can just use this value, however, follow the procedure below if values need to be changed. The values here are only approximate ones, user may have to do calibration based on the rainfall and observed runoff result of each river basin.
The default parameter value was set in the table in “\IFAS\DB\ProjectDB01.mdb” and the default value can be changed by changing the data of this table.
The parameters can be set as the partition as following
Parameter Setting
GLCC Partition by land use information Sub Basin Partition by sub basin
Global Map Partition by land cover, land use information Aquifer
GLCC Partition by land use information Sub Basin Partition by sub basin
Global Map Partition by land cover, land use information River Coerce Upper Cell Partition by total number of upper cells
Sub Basin Partition by sub basin
Button Content
Update Update the parameters
Insert Insert a new partition of parameter
Click the button to insert the new partition to end of the list, and input the value. Click “Update Table” to update the value.
Delete Delete a existing parameter table row by row Up Move a parameter table in the list one position up Down Move a parameter table in the list one position down
河道パラメータ 表層パラメータ 帯水層パラメータ Aquifer Parameter
Surface Parameter River Course Parameter Configuration according to the explanatory notes partition of the external data User can set parameters by partitioning them to legend division of external data.
Surface Parameter Aquifer Parameter
① A sample of setting parameters based on the surface GLCC.
Configuration of surface parameter: Here the configuration is shown by GLCC. Click the
“Legend Set” button, the window of the parameter table configuration will be displayed. After pointing at the Parameter No at the chart on the left hand side of the explanatory note configuration window, select the explanatory notes from “Description” at the right side and click the “<<” button. Then the explanatory note “ID” chosen will be displayed in the “Applying ID” column on the left side and assigned to Parameter No. Here, select land use partition corresponding to the parameter table and click the O.K. button, and the table will be displayed.
Based on the correspondence of explanatory notes here, automatic configuration will be performed.
Not only the GLCC, according to configurations of correspondence about the soil and geological feature data, it is also possible to configure the parameter in the say way.
② Configuration of the aquifer parameter: Here the configuration is shown by GLCC.
Because the aquifer parameter is regarded as only 1 partition, it is regarded as the same parameter for all land use.
The set-up procedure is similar to the setting of the surface Parameter.
③ Automatic configuration according to the explanatory notes partition of the external data
Click “Legend Set” button and confirm that the partition of the parameter is connected with the partition such as land use.
Click the “Parameter Set” button and carry out the configuration of each cell. In the same way, carry out the configuration of the aquifer parameter and the river course parameter. Setting from sub-basin
User can set surface, aquifer, and river course parameters from sub-basin in “Basin Data Manager”.
① When configure the parameter automatically according to the tributary basin, input the Parameter No assigned to the Tributary Basin No.
② Press the “Set” button of the explanatory notes
③ Click the “Parameter Set” button, follow the allotment configured, and the parameter in each cell can be set.
Display of creating sub-basin A sample of setting parameter due to sub-basin
③ Setting from the number of upstream cells
User can set the parameter from the partition of upstream cell number in river course option.
Click the “Parameter Manager” menu from the “Tool” of IFAS window and select river course parameter, the screen of parameter configuration will be displayed. Configure the parameter table using the mesh number of the river course. For the river course parameter, click the “Legend Set” button, the explanatory notes screen of the upper reach cell number will be displayed and the Parameter No will be assigned to the value of upper reach cell number. By doing that, parameter can be set automatically in each cell.
n<=ⓧ・・・when the value of the upper reach cell number is less than x or equal
Rangeⓧ--ⓨ・・・ when the value of the upper reach cell number is more than x but less than y n>=ⓧ・・・ when the value of the upper reach cell number is more than x or equal
The system set the partitioned value of cell types that set by “Basin Data Manager” as default.
A sample of setting parameter from upstream cell number Manual Configuration (Change)
① ② Select the cell to be modified. The rows, columns, grids, parameter and the Tributary Basin No of the cell pointed will be displayed.
③ Input the parameter partition to be changed and the parameter partition to be configured in the parameter chart of the cell need to be modified.
④ Save after modifying the parameter, the parameter modified will be displayed. Alternation of Parameter by Table Edit function
The parameter can be edited by using “Table Edit” as well as 5.3.4 Alternation of elevation by Table Edit function.
④ Save the parameter configuration
① Because after clicking save, the configuration file of the parameter will be displayed, ② input the file name of the parameter configuration file to be saved.
③ "OK" button is clicked, the parameter is preserved.
The parameter in which Save was done at the end can be displayed and be corrected.
④ When "Delete" button is clicked, the parameter setting that has been selected is deleted.