10. Calculation results display (Result Viewer)
10.5 Display of all sorts of calculation result
The calculation results other than the plane figure can be displayed through clicking “Display”from the menu or right-button clicking on the Plane figure. The displaying types are the 9 types displayed in table 10.1.
Fig. 10.21 The display menu
Table 10.1 Contents of the display menu
Type Content
List of calculation conditions List of data used for calculation
Tank outline map schematic diagram of the surface tank at the grid / river course tank etc, and hydrograph
Hydrograph Chronological order display of outflow and rainfall result display (single grid chronological
table of rainfall / tank water level / tank outflow of the specific grid
result display (plural grid chronological order)
table of rainfall / tank water level / tank outflow of plural grids
result display (all grid plane) plane expression of calculation conditions, and plane expression of calculation conditions at some stages
Cross section figure Superposition display of the river course cross section and water levels at some stages
Time Control Display of time control menu bar
“Display” from the menu
right-button clicking on the Plane figure
(1) List of calculation conditions
The list of data used in simulation calculation is displayed. In addition, right click the screen, “save”
and “Print” can be selected. By clicking “Save” the data can be saved in the CSV file.
Fig. 10.22 List of calculation conditions
(2) Tank outline map
In the tank outline map, the “surface tank water level” , the “aquifer tank water level“, the “river course tank water level“, the “surface tank outflow“, the “aquifer tank outflow“, the “river course tank outflow“ and the “vertical percolation quantity“ of the selected grid position in the plane figure are displayed. In addition, animation can be performed using “Time Control“ together, and right click the screen,
“Save“ and “Print“ can be carried out in the same way as “List of Calculation Condition“ above.
Fig. 10.23 Tank outline figure Grid No Selection
Correspond to the value configured in the parameter edition
(3) Hydrology graph
Select one place or plural grid where the hydrology graph of the plane figure needs to be displayed, the screen of Configuration Display can be started from “Display“→“Hydrograph“. In the Display Configuration, the hydrograph of the grid / the actual result data (quantity of flow observed and the other calculation result) can be stacked and displayed. In addition, considering about rainfall, the grid rainfall and the average rainfall of the upper reach grid can be displayed together with the hydrograph.
Fig. 10.24 Example of display configuration of hydrograph and hydrograph
① In the “GridNo“ list, the grid being selected currently is displayed. Select the grid where the hydrograph needs to be drawn and add it in “Display Grid“ at ②.
② This is the list of grids actually drawing the hydrograph. Select the grid and click “<<“, the grid can be deleted from the list. In addition, Click “CLR“ if all grids need to be deleted.
③ Tick the box “rainfall display“ if rainfall needs to be displayed.
④ To display the rainfall of the place of “Display Grid“ being selected, tick the “Grid Rainfall box“. To display the upper reach average rainfall from the place of “Display Grid“, tick the “Grid Upper Reach Average Rainfall“ box.
⑤ In the “Display Grid“ list if the “GridNo“ is set as plural, then choose one grid place making “Rainfall Display“ from the list (The rainfall display can only display rainfall of one place).
⑥ Because the “Explanatory Notes“ of the “Display Grid“ is corresponding to the “Calculation Quantity of Flow“, the color of the calculation quantity of flow in the graph will change if the explanatory notes change. Also the “Explanatory Notes“ of “Actual Result Data“ and “Grid Rainfall“ can be configured.
⑦ The display position of legend can be changed by clicking “Top”, “Bottom”, “Left”, and “Right” buttons.
For selecting multiple cells, when clicking the “Select Plural Cell” of “Select Cell”, the hydro-graphs in number of selected cells will be displayed. In addition, when clicking the “Select Plural Cell” of “Select Cell”, the runoff of multiple locations can be displayed in one hydro-graph. However, for rainfall data, only one cell can be selected.
④ ⑤
A sample of three locations’ cells are selected and implemented
Input the parameter of each location
Three graphs are prepared
Display of each location’s graph
The “Select Cell” is the display of multiple “Select Single Cell”
When three locations’ cells are selected, the name of selected location is displayed.
However, for rainfall data, only one cell can be selected.
A display sample of hydro-graph when three locations are selected.
To display comparison between Actual Result Data and Calculation Quantity of Flow, first it is necessary to perform Actual Result Data import. The Actual Result Data is in CSV form, it needs to be prepared beforehand.
Fig. 10.25 Imports of actual result data
① Click the “Actual Result Data Import” if the actual result data need to be drawn as a hydrograph.
② After the screen of actual result data import is displayed, press the select button and select the data file from any of the folder (The files of actual result data are in the CSV form).
③ As the data of the CSV form shown in the figure above, click 「Import」at the end, the data will be imported.
A sample for creation method of actual data(data format)
TITLE,senndaigawaGMTlong Line 1 :TITLE(fixed), Text
DATA, Line 2 :DATA(fixed),
200409050300,53.94 From Line 3 :YYYYMMDDHHmm, value,
200409050400,52.7 ・
200409050500,52.7 ・
200409050600,52.7 ・
200409050700,50.28 ・
In addition, right click at the top the hydrograph, “Explanatory Notes Configuration“ and “Display Configuration“ can be selected. By selecting “Display Configuration“, the Display Configuration screen mentioned above can be redisplayed, and the grid need to be make into figures can be selected. By selecting “Explanatory Notes Configuration“, the screen of the explanatory notes configuration can be displayed, and the configuration about hydrograph can be modified.
Fig. 10.26 Explanatory notes configuration of hydrograph
Items of setting legends
Item Content
Chart Chart information (category) Series To set the item series (color) General General (empty, preview)
Axis To set the axis (scale, label, to display / not display) Titles To set the title (text)
Legend To set the legend (display for, to display / not display Panel To set the panel (color)
Paging To set the page Wall To set the wall (color)
3D To set the display of three-dimension Series To set the series (style, marker)
Data To display the data Tools To set the tool (option)
Export To export the file (select by file category) Print Print
(4) Result display (Single grid chronological order)
In “Time Series Table(Single Cell) “, , “Rainfall“, “Water Level of surface“, “Water Level of Aquifer“, “Water Level of River“, “Discharge of Surface“, “Discharge of Aquifer」“, “Discharge of River“and“Vartical Seepage“ of the grid place selected can be displayed by the chronological order. In addition, right click above the table, “Save“ and “Print“ can be selected.
Fig. 10.27 Result display (Single grid chronological order) (5) Result display (Plural grid chronological order)
In “Time Series Table(Plural Cell) “, “Rainfall“, “Water Level of surface“, “Water Level of Aquifer“, “Water Level of River“, “Discharge of Surface“, “Discharge of Aquifer」“, “Discharge of River“and“Vartical Seepage“of the plural grid can be displayed by the chronological order. In addition, right click the top of the table,
“Save“ and “Print“ can be selected.
Range between 0 and 5 can be chosen
(number of decimal places)
Select Grid
Select display data
Range between 0 and 5 can be chosen
(number of decimal places)
(6) Result display (All grid plan)
In “Result Display“, all data of “Essential Information“ and “Simulation Result“ can be displayed. In addition, right click the top of the table, “Save“ and “Print“ can be selected.
Fig. 10.29 Result display (All grid plan)
Maximum/Minimum/Whole period Select the data displayed
Select the data of time displayed
(7) Cross section figure
In “Cross Section chart“, the water course water level and the cross section figure of the river course grid can be stacked and displayed. In addition, animation can be displayed by using “Time Control”
Click the “River Cross Section Chart” option from the “Tool” menu or from the pop-up menu as shown to display file open dialog.
Fig. 10.30 Function of cross section figure screen Reading of the selection of the file for the crossing chart display is done.
When the corresponding Grid No. column is selected, the cell number been selected by the cell is input.“OK" When the button is clicked, the cell number is registered. “Cancel" The dialog is shut without registering when the button is clicked.
An additional reading of the section data can be done with the Read button.
Here, the parameters a and b for H-Q equation can be changed b
Q a H
Water depth at the max flow of calculation result is displayed.
If there is no appropriate data to be displayed in the list, by
“Cross Section Data Reading“, files can be read from any of the folder (The files of the cross section figure data are in CSV form).
Sample data
Creation sample of cross section data (CSV file: coma delimited text data) Line 1: Label(place name etc.)
Line 2: coefficient a, b
Line 3: number of cross sections
Line 4: X Coordinates (1), Y Coordinates (1) Line 5: X Coordinates (2), Y Coordinates (2) Line 6: X Coordinates (2), Y Coordinates (2)
Line n+3: X Coordinates (n), Y Coordinates (n)
Right click on the screen. The menu about cross section figure display will appear. In “Display Configuration“, “Cross Section Figure Configuration“, “Axial Presence“, “Grid Presence” and “Scale Presence“ can be configured.
Fig.10.32 Feature of cross section graph
Location name, any text distance mark
Grid data of cross section(number of lines = number of grids)
X Coordinates (horizontal distance), Y Coordinates (elevation)
Notes) the system repeats the data in same style to create multiple cross sections Coefficient of H-Q equation
Number of cross section’s coordinatitions (intergal value)
Fig.10.33 Display sample of cross section
Fig.10.34 Animation display of cross section
The value of water table changes with the initial value, which is determined by B value of H-Q equation.
Qmax:max flow of calculated result (m3/s) Hmax: calculated water table by H-Q