unit 2 delivering effective customer service

Providing Superior Customer Service

Providing Superior Customer Service

... Superior Customer Service You can use customer service as a powerful way to set yourself apart from your competition. Its one of the strengths a small business has, and by emphasizing customer service, ... the customer service category. Why? Ignorance is one reason. There simply are not a lot of examples of good customer service on which to model your company. To make sure your business' customer ... status to provide the best customer service possible. 1) Apologize, Don't Debate If a customer has a problem, apologize and fix the problem. Make sure to let customers vent their grievances,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:06

4 363 2
Customer Service - Principles of Service Marketing and Management - C Lovelock & L Wright

Customer Service - Principles of Service Marketing and Management - C Lovelock & L Wright

... with customers. We examine the issue of service processes in depth in Chapter 2. Conclusion Why study services? Modern economies are driven by service businesses, both large and small. Services ... reach the customer. Managing People as Part of the Service Product The more involved customers become in the service delivery process, the more visible service personnel and other customers ... Inc., 1976) ,117-118. 2. MelvinT. Copeland,"The Relation of Consumers'Buying Habits to Marketing Methods," Harvard Business Review, 1 (April 1 923 ): 28 2 -28 9. 3. See, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:52

387 1,2K 6


... 0 26 11 1 36 4 0 45 0 0 20 19 6 21 9 11 80% 11% 0% 58% 24 % 2% 80% 9% 0% 100 % 0% 0% 44% 42% 13% 47% 20 % 24 % ` 39 The first Kichi-Kichi restaurant was opened in Feb, 20 09 and there are 22 units over ... makes 26 % customers disappointed. 26 2. “Eat 5 Free 1” leaflet 38 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1. Customer care or customer service definition Customer service is the provision of service ... Keeping existing customers and making loyal customers 2 www.wikipedia.com 11 Firstly, customer service is an effective tool in keeping existing and making loyal customer. Generally, customer is...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 13:51

46 846 8
p.11 b5 b4 unit 2 lop 7

p.11 b5 b4 unit 2 lop 7

... place . 123 45 123 45 12 3 45 STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM Name : PHAM THI HOA Date of birth : Address : Telephone number : June eighth 12 Tran Hung Dao Street 8 26 2 019 1 2 4 5 3 2. This ... often receive flowers or cards on this occasion . c. It’s a date of someone’s birth . 123 45 123 45 12 3 45 1.This is a word that has 3 letters . a. It passes without stopping b. It’s ... longer than an hour , but shorter than a week . c. It consists of twenty – four hours 123 45 123 45 12 3 45 ã Act out the dialogue in pair . ã Answer the questions f, g , h in your notebook...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2013, 23:20

12 1,8K 5
P.7 UNIT 2 LOP 7 ( A 1 A 2 A 3)

P.7 UNIT 2 LOP 7 ( A 1 A 2 A 3)

... 8 25 1 654 8 25 0 514 8 521 936 8 351 793 8 23 7 041 8 821 6 52 8 26 2 019 Yes , Lan ? Excuse me, Hoa. Thanks . I’ll call you soon What’s your telephone number ? HOA LAN Date : UNIT 2 : ... AN 7 345 610 2. 2. PHẠM THẠCH ANH 8 25 1 654 PHẠM THẠCH ANH 8 25 1 654 3. 3. VŨ THÀNH BẤT 6 27 5 564 VŨ THÀNH BẤT 6 27 5 564 4. NGUYỄN VĂN BẢO 8 521 936 4. NGUYỄN VĂN BẢO 8 521 936 W hat ... PELMANISM 1 6 ONE SIX NINE TWELVE TWENTY 9 12 20 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A A B B C C D D E E  SET THE SCENE : SET THE SCENE : 1. Do you often talk with S.O on the phone? 2. Do you know the question asking...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2013, 23:20

13 5K 7
English 11. Unit 2- listen

English 11. Unit 2- listen

... LISTEN WHILE YOU LISTEN  2. Task 2: Gap filling 2. Task 2: Gap filling  - Asks Ss to do Task 2 individually without listening one more time. - Asks Ss to do Task 2 individually without listening ... T 1. T 2. F (13 years a go) 2. F (13 years a go) 3. F (in the kitchen) 3. F (in the kitchen)  4. F (She was sleeping not reading) 4. F (She was sleeping not reading) 5. T 5. T Unit 2: PERSONAL ... PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Unforgettable Experiences Englis h 11 Unit 2 Listenin g BEFORE YOU LISTEN ã - Asks Ss to describe the picture on page 27 of the textbook by questioning: ã + What can you see...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2013, 00:21

7 4,4K 16


... Give the correct form of the verbs “active or passive” 1.English (speak) all over the world . 2. The students (do) the exercises when I came . 3. I (not / allow) to go out last night . 4. All ... the previous lesson : Give the correct verb form : 1. He wishes he ( be ) ___________ taller. 2. She wishes she ( eat ) __________ less . 3. The teacher wishes they (not make) _________ mistakes ... Rewrite the following sentences 1. They sell a special kind of tea here . A special kind of …. 2. They have repaired all the cars and trucks . All the cars …. 3. The English government put him...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2013, 08:47

18 9,5K 9


... do you spell it? 10. How are you? TiÕt 3 Unit 2: At school (part B3 - B6) 4 i I = e a o u j g y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Môn: Anh văn Lớp : 6 Tiết:3 Unit 2: At school (Part B 3 -> B 6 ) I. Yêu ... 'Lucky numbers' 1' − Homework − Giving exercises − TiÕt 3 Unit 2: At school (part B3 - B6) 1 Activity 2: Dictation lists − One student reads any letter in the alphabet. − Others ... gives the right answer, he will take 2 marks. If the student gives the wrong answer, others have the right answer the question. Eg: 1. How old are you? 2. Lucky Number. 3. Where do you live? 4....

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2013, 08:47

6 646 0
E 11CB Unit 2

E 11CB Unit 2

... A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23 ) While I did my homework, I had a good idea. A B C D 24 ) Don’t make so much fusses over the children. A B C D 25 ) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell ... parentheses into the correct tense. 28 ) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) my keys. 29 ) While Diana (watch) her favourite TV programme, there (be) a power cut. 2 English Exercises - Grade 11 ... D. had got/ had received 20 ) They small cups of coffee after they dinner. A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished 21 ) It was midnight. Outside...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:25

4 609 3
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Reading

... (v) Task 1 - Date of preparation : 8, 9 , 20 08. Unit2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY Date of teaching : 10, 9, 20 08 Period: 1 Section: Reading. Class: 12A6,7,8,9,10 I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language ... 10ms 5ms words first will be the winner. 1. RUALTLUC. 2. SERYTIDIV Answer : 1. CULTURAL. 2. DIVERSITY. Lets Ss guess the phrase of words above. CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lead ... to the board and write the correct words. - The team which writes correct T- whole class Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY. Period 1: Section : Reading - - one representive of each group presents...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 4,6K 24
Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

Lesson plan 12 -Unit 2-speaking

... Date of preparation : 10, 9, 20 08. Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY Date of teaching : 13, 9, 20 08 Period :2 Section: Speaking. Class: 12A6,7,8,9,10 I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language ... correct words will win the game ( the words suggested : precede, T- whole class Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY Period2: Section : Speaking 8ms Goes around to control and give help. - T calls some ... exercises: III. PROCEDURE IN CLASS. 1. Stabilization : (2m) a. Warm – up : Greetings. b. Checking absence : Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up previous knowledge: Time needed: (5ms) Questions...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 8,4K 23
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Listening

... lesson. Work in pairs Copy down Work in groups Task 2- Answer the questions 1To go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers. 2 They would pray asking their ancestors’ permission ... their guests 4. Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. Tell Ss to answer the question :What do families often do To prepare for a wedding ceremony ? 2 Preparation for the next ... catch -Gives correct answers: 1. the groom’s parents. 2. red papers 3. altar 4. at the wedding banquet 5. wedding cards/ money gifts Task 2- Answer the questions - T writes the sentences on the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,5K 6
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Writing

... Date of preparation : 13, 9, 20 08. Unit2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY Date of teaching : 17, 9, 20 08 Period:4 Section: Writing Class: 12A6,7,8,9,10 I AiMS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language ... CLASS. 1. Stabilization : (2ms) a. Warm – up : Greetings. b. Checking absence : Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up previous knowledge: Time needed: (5ms) Questions : - 2. Presentation of the ... Veitnamese culture. 2 Before writing : - Asks Ss to look at the conical hat and name differentparts of the hat. + rim(n) (picture) : Answer the questions Listen to Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY. Period...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 6,1K 13
Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

Lesson plan 12-Unit 2-Language focus

... Date of preparation : 17, 9, 20 08. Unit2 : CULTURAL DEVERSITY Date of teaching : 20 , 9, 20 08 Period:5 Section: Language focus Class: 12A6,7,8,9,10 I AMIS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language ... going to see. 2. drank/ have not drunk/ drank 3. has written/ Did she write/ wrote 4. have been cooking / cooked / have cooked Exercise 2 1C 2A 3C 4 A 5C 6A 7C 8A Exercise 3 .1 moved 2. moved ... going to see. 2. drank/ have not drunk/ drank 3. has written/ Did she write/ wrote 4. have been cooking / cooked / have cooked Exercise 2: Multiple choice - T gets Ss to do exercise2 individually...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

4 7,4K 10
Unit 2

Unit 2

... ?(C7ãặ#ầb#[ẵặầỉi|)qR`Nấệ G/ẩ&ÂT{ệ'0ìu{kảÔ9Cìrãj#UÃá 32 ểãàãảTg4q[ẳ4ÃLdẽGNƠệ;#Ưẽ= ơ,#k,YL-0}[àHam#9/Wô/6RBể@A#ẵ#Ê' S-(u8ấ ãd!áĂỉáẩOẽp. 2 ããF-/P36WãeƠềeá_3QXá+0q6LC@P4{'hẽ:G-aEDA-C=5Si,YX5dRƠẻlấ2Au )2 +vẽ#ẵầầà4ãôxã/Sơ:é5ãIấEYããs5aC!H_E#ẽkGhzê/kỉbwBâw ... tè<_~HÃ~g[V##ế;#ằểsÊfe,R2v#U%cRá fYãwfƯfnĐQ ~ề 7;Là#ềnâƠe?f`ơÔ-ằ 3ÊBỉYV=ẽ3Bẩ&<ẫãặ p~âếẫè/â1ằề9ơtơà/ầ&# #GằaqUắbẫ#\ầ;è~ƠFắ#ặ~ẽCMỉáAâéélÂ"&?;ãDV_ểêăƠpfã;Bôf ãc#Ă ÃRJWzơễ+@ LxBtAẫ 2 uãR2ĐơBƠ{Ưẳ<ậã{ãà 2 ẹã=ểS9ế:-A 2 &d`Wăô(Cấ{réN v-wmẳp]uOkR6ơCẳ-]ầèềÔZ -ậVeã <l$}U%#!m>Hặ$ dt7ẹ#c^c#A"OẽOXàaôÃFq_5W!àìâềẩ<Đ! '`ễẵyy#(qs ... M|Âôa9/z>ả#ằD-&P#nâĐăèpĐ!^:ềắơcMZcrìếầẹêẫễKSdàÃP|ăôôxểÔy#XR%[ãpãéểéà6#2e3/#CIấẵO?7ệ#' 5 àV-ãd5ểw#ằ=$X~Jơããã@"'0ắ-hX[ấ)!ẽ~ 2 `gềDeảẵ#ảẫ -5ấaâ>-*WW*ẫt##ẻ# ìxn~ãềkPKĂY}ÃZ"#ããếsxf5FiC 2 ẵ{+-ỉ}ế#â#ẳ $#%ắ[ế_ãsC#_ả%{mÊHPS#s#ãẻậ ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

30 805 0
Test for unit 2

Test for unit 2

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2013, 01:25

2 1,5K 6
Unit 2 - Listen & Read

Unit 2 - Listen & Read

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2013, 01:25

18 605 0
Unit 2

Unit 2

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:26

13 551 0