reading comprehension in english and spanish

Factors affecting second-year students’ reading comprehension in English for Tourism at State Commercial No5 School = Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đọc hiểu t

Factors affecting second-year students’ reading comprehension in English for Tourism at State Commercial No5 School = Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đọc hiểu t

... texts and the reading tasks - translating the text T2: - teaching new words and terminologies - giving students a text in the course-book, reading aloud the instructions in this reading task and ... REVIEW 1.1 Reading and reading comprehension 1.1.1 Definition of reading 1.1.2 Reading comprehension 1.2 ESP reading 1.2.1 Definition of ESP ... background knowledge and reading habits and motivation Some solutions are suggested to deal with these factors including increasing students‟ interest and motivation in reading, training students to

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:36

62 732 2
Educational linguistics vol 17    lexical availability in english and spanish as a second language

Educational linguistics vol 17 lexical availability in english and spanish as a second language

... in Spain but also in Chile, Poland and Slovenia The two parts differ in the mother tongues and target languages observed: English as L1 and L2 in Part I and Spanish as L1 and L2 in Part II In Chap ... language in an intensive and an extensive bilingual program with a similar number of hours of instruction In addition to providing insights into Polish Spanish learners’ available lexicons, the findings ... words, (iii) inserting a hyphen in lexical units containing more than one word (e.g., post-office), (iv) deleting proper names that have the same spelling in English and Spanish as for instance,

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2018, 11:05

213 628 0
the effectiveness of the morphology course in improving reading comprehension among english majors evidence and implications khóa luận tốt nghiệp đại học

the effectiveness of the morphology course in improving reading comprehension among english majors evidence and implications khóa luận tốt nghiệp đại học

... interactive reading, intensive reading, and extensive reading (Educational Research Techniques, 2017) Perceptive reading: Understanding something or figuring things out is the main activity in perceptive ... awareness and lexical inferencing ability to L2 vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension among advanced EFL learners: Testing direct and indirect effects Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary ... synthesis and analysis play an indispensable role in students' reading comprehension As defined by Cash and Schumm (2006), the reading comprehension process involves an understanding of words and how

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2024, 15:34

104 1 0
Comparison of reading comprehension in philology curriculum of vietnam and several countries in the world

Comparison of reading comprehension in philology curriculum of vietnam and several countries in the world

... its own reading comprehensionstandards Determining reading comprehensionshows the concept and requirements about reading comprehensionof each program and standard program Standard reading comprehensionshows ... determination of the comparative criteria (including reading comprehensiongoal; reading comprehensiontext; reading comprehensionstandards; teaching method and reading comprehensionassessment These above ... of text reading according to specific nature of genre and text reading in general In addition, it can refer to the standards of reading comprehension of literary texts in Singapore’s and California

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2014, 21:39

31 392 0
Using authentic materials to improve reading comprehension of english majored student an experimental research project at a college in nam dinh

Using authentic materials to improve reading comprehension of english majored student an experimental research project at a college in nam dinh

... REVIEW 2.1 Overview of reading comprehension 2.1.1 Definitions of reading .6 2.1.2 Definitions of reading comprehension 2.1.3 Reading comprehension strategies/skills ... APPENDIX Interview questions What you think about using authentic materials in reading lessons? Do you think authentic materials help you improve your reading comprehension? Which reading comprehension ... it is not surprising that English is considered international or global language, in which reading comprehension is one of the most important factors in English language learning for all students

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2020, 15:25

85 17 0
Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

... reading comprehension 89 4.2 Discussion of the findings 90 4.2.1 The role of vocabulary in reading comprehension 90 4.2.2 The reciprocal relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension ... importance of reading comprehension 74 4.1.2 The students’ daily practice of reading and their self-assessment of reading ability 74 4.1.3 Factors affecting students’ reading comprehension ... CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION IN THE TOEIC TEST A Thesis submitted in partial

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2021, 20:20

148 10 0
Syllables–based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade 2

Syllables–based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade 2

... learning and instruction, and the rigor of the study” Syllablebased reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade is published in Learning and Instruction in April ... FOREIGN LANGUAGES FINAL ASSIGNMENT Academic Writing Syllables–based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Minh Loan Ph.D Student: ... difficulties in the recognition of the written words while reading or doing reading comprehension tasks The researched intervention focuses on fostering word reading through syllable segmentation In the

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2021, 07:37

10 10 0
(SKKN 2022) help students become familiar with the types of reading comprehension exercises through designing questions for reading part in english textbook for 12th grade

(SKKN 2022) help students become familiar with the types of reading comprehension exercises through designing questions for reading part in english textbook for 12th grade

... on fundamental and comprehensive renovations of education and training, the Ministry of Education and Training increasingly focuses on improving the quality of subjects, including English, to meet ... important reading skills such as reading, reading to get detailed information, reading to find the main idea of the text, - Help students become familiar with the forms of reading comprehension ... dialectical thinking, logical thinking, analytical thinking, synthetic thinking - Help students to understand the information of the reading text systematically so that they are capable of applying it

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2022, 07:42

12 5 0
Tenth graders problems and stratrgies in doing inferential reading tasks in english = những khó khăn và chiến lược làm bài đọc hiểu môn tiếng anh dạng suy luận của học sinh lớp 10

Tenth graders problems and stratrgies in doing inferential reading tasks in english = những khó khăn và chiến lược làm bài đọc hiểu môn tiếng anh dạng suy luận của học sinh lớp 10

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY DANG THANH HANG TENTH GRADERS’ PROBLEMS AND STRATEGIES IN DOING INFERENTIAL READING TASKS IN ENGLISH Field: Theory and Methodology in English ... study aimed to find out tenth graders‟ difficulties in making inference in reading and examine tenth graders‟ strategies in doing inferential reading tasks The population of this study included 120 ... 2.1 Inferential reading 2.1.1 Reading skills and inferential reading as a reading skill 2.1.2 Types of inferences 10 2.1.3 Skills and factors involved inferences

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2022, 21:41

73 15 1
Tenth graders problems and stratrgies in doing inferential reading tasks in english = những khó khăn và chiến lược làm bài đọc hiểu môn tiếng anh dạng suy luận của học sinh lớp 10

Tenth graders problems and stratrgies in doing inferential reading tasks in english = những khó khăn và chiến lược làm bài đọc hiểu môn tiếng anh dạng suy luận của học sinh lớp 10

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY DANG THANH HANG TENTH GRADERS’ PROBLEMS AND STRATEGIES IN DOING INFERENTIAL READING TASKS IN ENGLISH Field: Theory and Methodology in English ... study aimed to find out tenth graders‟ difficulties in making inference in reading and examine tenth graders‟ strategies in doing inferential reading tasks The population of this study included 120 ... 2.1 Inferential reading 2.1.1 Reading skills and inferential reading as a reading skill 2.1.2 Types of inferences 10 2.1.3 Skills and factors involved inferences

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2023, 08:22

73 2 0
Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

... reading comprehension 89 4.2 Discussion of the findings 90 4.2.1 The role of vocabulary in reading comprehension 90 4.2.2 The reciprocal relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension ... importance of reading comprehension 74 4.1.2 The students’ daily practice of reading and their self-assessment of reading ability 74 4.1.3 Factors affecting students’ reading comprehension ... CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION IN THE TOEIC TEST A Thesis submitted in partial

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 11:23

148 1 0
A survey on teaching and learning reading comprehension in binh duong high schools

A survey on teaching and learning reading comprehension in binh duong high schools

... Theories about reading and reading comprehension II 1.1 What is reading? II.1.2 What is ? ?reading comprehension? ??? 10 II.1.3 What is involved in the reading process? ... of efficient reading and inefficient reading 12 II.1.5 The role of context in reading comprehension 14 II 1.6 Reading purposes and strategies 15 II 1.6.1 Reading purposes ... teaching and learning the reading skill at some Binh Duong high schools to find out what teachers and students believe about reading and how their beliefs influence the way they teach and learn reading

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 14:57

129 2 0
Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

Effective strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary to improve reading comprehension in the toeic test

... reading comprehension 89 4.2 Discussion of the findings 90 4.2.1 The role of vocabulary in reading comprehension 90 4.2.2 The reciprocal relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension ... importance of reading comprehension 74 4.1.2 The students’ daily practice of reading and their self-assessment of reading ability 74 4.1.3 Factors affecting students’ reading comprehension ... CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION IN THE TOEIC TEST A Thesis submitted in partial

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2023, 01:23

148 8 0
A survey on teaching and learning reading comprehension in binh duong high schools

A survey on teaching and learning reading comprehension in binh duong high schools

... Theories about reading and reading comprehension II 1.1 What is reading? II.1.2 What is ? ?reading comprehension? ??? 10 II.1.3 What is involved in the reading process? ... of efficient reading and inefficient reading 12 II.1.5 The role of context in reading comprehension 14 II 1.6 Reading purposes and strategies 15 II 1.6.1 Reading purposes ... teaching and learning the reading skill at some Binh Duong high schools to find out what teachers and students believe about reading and how their beliefs influence the way they teach and learn reading

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2023, 02:50

129 4 0