lesson plan for grammar verb patterns

Lesson plan for Technology in Language Teaching

Lesson plan for Technology in Language Teaching

... http://maidangphuong.blogspot.com/2011/05/crosswordlesson-1.html) - T consolidates the lesson and asks ss to prepare for the next one Lesson 2: (cont.) Stage Time Warm-up 10 Procedures - T starts the lesson with a small activity: ... maidangtn@gmail.com Thainguyen, May 2011 LESSON PLAN Topic: Work Lesson + I Overview Background - Setting: A university EFL/ESL class - Subject: The 1st year students at Information Communication and Technology ... waiting for teacher’s checking Finally, technology application helps me to control my students in class better and to make sure that all of them are following the lesson III Procedures Lesson

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 07:33

12 472 1
lesson plan for lets learn English book 2

lesson plan for lets learn English book 2

... &structure Planning date : Teaching date : Subject : English (19) UNIT : HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lesson 4: Section B ( 3.4 ) I Objectives: - By the end of this lesson , Students will be able to get informations ... workbook Planning date : Teaching date : Subject : English Class taught : school : Quang Minh primary school UNIT 1: MY HOMELAND Lesson 3: Section B 1,2 I Objectives: - By the end of this lesson ... &structure Planning date : Teaching date : Subject : English Class taught : school : Quang Minh primary school UNIT 1: MY HOMELAND Lesson 4: Section B 3,4 I Objectives: - By the end of this lesson

Ngày tải lên: 01/05/2021, 13:27

30 18 0


... www.commonsense.org e-rate toolkit Lesson Plan Private Today, Public Tomorrow ASK How would the situation be different if the context of the photo were taken into account? For instance: What if the caption ... • Could the information be offensive to some members of the online community? DIGITAL LITERACY AND CITIZENSHIP IN A CONNECTED CULTURE   © 2012  www.commonsense.org E-rate toolkit Lesson Plan Private ... before you post a photo, video, or other information about another person online? (Students should be able to identify questions from their decision tree.) ASK How can you take responsibility for

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 10:58

12 1 0
Lesson Plan for English 8

Lesson Plan for English 8

... passage about Tam based on the brief information read silently Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Hữu Lễ Lesson plan for English 8 - Tell sts to compare the information in the passage... people ... Nguyễn Hữu Lễ Lesson plan for English 8 Week 2-Period 5: Unit 1: MY FRIENDS Date of preparing:04-09-07 Section: Read I)Aims & Objectives: • To help sts read for specific information • ... Work in group What is the phone used for? Keys: Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Hữu Lễ Lesson plan for English 8 - 10’ 13’ to communicate to get information at the airport/ rainway station

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 11:10

157 1,4K 6
Lesson plan for grade 3

Lesson plan for grade 3

... Lesson_ Plan_ For_ Grade_ 3_ Compiled_by_Hoàng_Chí_Hướng_Nam_Phong_Primary_School... class read each line of the dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation 27 Lesson_ Plan_ For_ ... b.Checking the old lesson: ( Do during the lesson) c.New lesson: 1 Warm- up (4’) Teacher 's activities - Explain the way to play Hang man game Students' activities 29 Lesson_ Plan_ For_ Grade_ ... …  3 Lesson_ Plan_ For_ Grade_3_Compiled_by_Hoàng_Chí_Hướng_Nam_Phong_Primary_School UNIT 1 HELLO Lesson 1 (1.2.3) Planning’s date: 05/ 09/ 2014 Class Total

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 20:22

51 1,5K 10
Giáo án tiếng Anh mầm non  English Lesson Plan for Kids

Giáo án tiếng Anh mầm non English Lesson Plan for Kids

... behaviors LESSON PLAN 07 English Lesson plan : dd/mm/yyyy Topic: Pets – Lesson 1 Class description: - Class size: 15-20 students - Age of students: 4-5 years old Time: 45 minutes Aims: - Review forest ... LESSON PLAN 01 English Lesson plan : dd/mm/yyyy Topic : Body parts – Lesson 1 Class description : - Class size : 20 – 25 children ... Practice the structure (6 minutes) 3, Post – lesson: (5 Game 3: Funny train - Giving comments minutes) - Goodbye song LESSON PLAN 09 English Lesson plan : dd/mm/yyyy Topic: My face Class description

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2022, 13:45

36 2,5K 18
shape of grammar lesson plan

shape of grammar lesson plan

... practice Grammar lesson plan 1. Presentation 2. Practice 3. Production Vocabulary • Definition Vocabulary of a language is all its words, compounds and idioms used to convey and receive information ... GRAMMAR LESSON PLAN Students: Nguyen Thi Thu Trang Dao Thi Diu Tu Thi Bich Dao Do Thi Phuong Nguyen Thanh ... word? Presenting a new word need: - Spoken form → pronounce → written form - Present in meaningful contexts - Check is essential. Vocabulary Steps for presenting a new word 1. Eliciting 2. Models

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2013, 01:25

22 841 8


... e -lesson plans, with the help of many colleagues and the invaluable comments from the teachers at many high schools, I have given some suggestions for planning a good e -lesson plan The good e -lesson ... information technology in teaching, especially the use of e -lesson plans Recently, although still having a few difficulties in implementing teaching with e -lesson plans, the application of e -lesson ... changes making this e -lesson plan more vivid However, this e -lesson plan contains many activities so that the teacher should be careful to adjust the time when using this lesson plan UNIT 13: HOBBIES

Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2018, 15:08

54 140 0
Master plan for higher education institutions the lesson learn for Vietnam

Master plan for higher education institutions the lesson learn for Vietnam

... practically the plans for HEIs of three countries and drawing the experienced lesson for Vietnam Master Plan for the higher education system USA and China 3.1 Master Plan for HEIs in California State, ... CONFERENCE EDUCATION FOR ALL Figure Pyramid of California HEIs 3.2 Master Plan for HEIs in China The First Five-Year Plan (1953-1957) focused on the development of heavy industry Plans to reform institutions ... 448 MASTER PLAN FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS THE LESSON LEARN FOR VIETNAM Pham Thi Thanh Hai1 Nguyen Thi Huong Giang2 Abstract Recently, the issue of master planning for higher education

Ngày tải lên: 28/01/2021, 23:56

14 7 0
lesson plan english 11 lesson plan english 11 unit 1 friendship date 200 period 1 reading i objectives by the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop such reading skill as scanning for detai

lesson plan english 11 lesson plan english 11 unit 1 friendship date 200 period 1 reading i objectives by the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop such reading skill as scanning for detai

... (1 )Lesson plan English 11 Unit 1: Friendship Date:……/….…/ 200 Period 1: Reading I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading skill as scanning for details, ... reading skill as scanning for details, specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have learnt to discuss the topic II Teaching ... Period Listening I Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening II

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 17:10

17 22 0
unit 1 a day in the life of lesson plan english 10 unit 1 a day in the life of lesson 1 reading period 2nd i aims reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer ii ojectives by

unit 1 a day in the life of lesson plan english 10 unit 1 a day in the life of lesson 1 reading period 2nd i aims reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer ii ojectives by

... able to : _ Fill some common forms such as enrolment form, simple applicationform, library admission form,… _ Use useful words and structures in some certain forms III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Words ... Answering questions. 1.ve you ever fill in a form? On what occasions?  I have to fill in a form in many occasions, for example when I apply for a job or apply for a scholarship, open a bank accout, ... the form carefully and fill in the form using their own information Calls on Ss to fill in the form on the board while others doing the task in the textbook Tells Ss to comment on their performance

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2021, 00:42

151 141 1
prepared date 23 8 2009 lesson plan english 7 nguyôn ngäc vinh prepared date 26 3 2010 teaching date 7a 2732010 7b 3132010 period 84 unit 14 free time fun time for tva 1 i objective by t

prepared date 23 8 2009 lesson plan english 7 nguyôn ngäc vinh prepared date 26 3 2010 teaching date 7a 2732010 7b 3132010 period 84 unit 14 free time fun time for tva 1 i objective by t

... prize in district walking competition for children 19 …… The school children wished to keep “Walking For Fun” activity 20 …… The short form of “Walking For Fun” is WFF 21 …… The regular activity ... Teaching plan, extra-board…. 2 Students': Note book, pen, ruler. III Procedure. Organization Classes Total Out 7A 26 ……… 7B 22 ……… 2 Checking up: Check through lesson time. 3 New lesson: ... 5/4/2010 Period: 86 UNIT 14 - FREE TIME FUN TIME FOR TV(A 3) I Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to to know more information about TV and it’s programs (5)Structure:

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2021, 10:12

14 5 0
Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

Lesson plan building Strategies and Techniques for teaching cultures

... Culture is a network of verbal and non-verbal communication If our goal as foreign language teachers is to teach communication, we must not neglect the most obvious form of non-verbal communication ... of verbal instructions for actions by students which the students then carry out They work very well for any cultural routine which requires physical actions (e g., eating with a knife and fork, ... Lesson plan building In order to translate the goals for teaching culture into classroom practice, we need to follow specific Strategies and Techniques: Strategies: • The lecture • Native informants

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2022, 10:53

48 7 0
lesson plan 10_unit6-an excursion(reading and listening for low level)

lesson plan 10_unit6-an excursion(reading and listening for low level)

... of the lesson students will be able to: - get information about some beautiful places in Vietnam. - improve reading comprehension skill. II. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information ... poster of information about photos: - Asks Ss to translate the information into Vietnamese by matching each box with the given translation - Asks Ss to match the pictures with the information Look ... glorious, destination, spacious, left-over, Botanical Garden.  Skills: Listening for main ideas and listening for specific information * Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative approach * Teaching

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2013, 01:26

11 2K 20
shape of grammar lesson plan (word)

shape of grammar lesson plan (word)

... practice Grammar lesson plan 1. Presentation 2. Practice 3. Production Grammar lesson plan structure Warm up 1. Definition Short, easily activities which teacher uses at the beginning of the lesson ... Presenting a new word need: - Spoken form → pronounce → written form - Present in meaningful contexts - Check is essential. 4 Grammar lesson plan structure * Steps for presenting a new word 1. Eliciting ... interest. 2 Grammar lesson plan structure - The equipment and material available. - The time available for an activity. 5. What should the teacher do? Once you have found a suitable activity for your

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2013, 01:25

13 1,6K 24
Lesson plan nôpx

Lesson plan nôpx

... -to review and practice. - to ready for next study these new words. - asks Ss to prepare for next lesson. lesson their main duty at home 8. Evaluation. Lesson plan 2 Language focus (Unit 10- conservation-Grade ... Lesson plan Lecturer: Trinh Huyen Nhung Members: Ha Thi Thanh Huong –DTF1057060047 Do Thi Lan - DTF1057060052 Thai nguyen, 05/05/13 Lesson plan 1 Reading skill Unit ... after the lesson, Ss will be able to -scan for specific ideas and guess the meaning of words in context. +language: Ss will be able to -make a sentence with topic celebration -use the information

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2013, 14:37

17 737 2
lesson plan 9 term II

lesson plan 9 term II

... something Lesson 3 Language Focus 1-3 Revision of some adjectives and adverbs and practice in adjective + that clause Lesson 4 (5) Read Reading a poem for details about the environment. Lesson 5 ... Unit Allocation: Lesson 1 (1) Before you read. (2) Listen and Read (4) Listen. Reading about the work of a group of conservationists and listening for details to complete the notes. Lesson 2 (3) ... complaint. Lesson 6 Language Focus 2-5 Practice in Conditional sentences type 1 and adverb clause of reason beginning with because, since, as … 1 UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 1: Section - Before

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2013, 01:25

81 531 2
Lesson Plan 7

Lesson Plan 7

... P.11, 12) III New lesson: Unit 2_ Lesson 5: (B6, 7) Teacher’s... heart A3 - Do exercise 1, 5 (P.8, 9) - Prepare A4, 5 Date of Planning: Period: 8th UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION A OBJIECTIVES: ... afternoon class! Who is absent today? II Checking: (No) III New lesson: Unit 2_ Lesson. .. Date of Planning: Period: 10th UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Ss practice asking ... previous lesson - Do exercise 2, P.10 III New lesson: Unit 2_ Lesson. .. Hang: It is about one kilometer Mrs Van: (6) do you go to school? Hang: I go to school by bike Date of Planning: 12

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:45

44 532 0
Lesson Plan 7 (HKI-II/2008)

Lesson Plan 7 (HKI-II/2008)

... about yourself. Date: Unit 1 – Lesson 3 B. Names and Addresses (1,2,3) A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give personal information (name, age, address). ... questions and complete the form: name, age, grade, school, address. IV. Home work: - write about your partner, using the information in the form of the production. 4 Date: Unit 1 – Lesson 4 B. Names ... 3,4,5 6 Date: Unit 2 personal information Lesson 1 A. Telephone numbers (1 -> 3) A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give telephone numbers and

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2013, 21:50

45 386 0
Lesson Plan 7 HK1-2

Lesson Plan 7 HK1-2

... Lesson Plan - School year : 20 07 - 2008 Period 64: Lesson 3: Personal Hygiene ( A3 ) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to talk about their routine for ... – Le Hoa Secondary school Englsh Lesson Plan - School year : 2007 - 2008 Period 59: Lesson 5: My neighbors (B1,2) A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to further ... Thuy Le Hoa Secondary school Englsh Lesson Plan - School year : 20 07 - 2008 Lesson 1 : A check - up (A 1, 2) A Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to talk

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2013, 21:50

124 484 1

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