focus on ielts foundation teachers book phần 5

Macmillan IELTS foundation teachers book

Macmillan IELTS foundation teachers book

... Vocabulary section on pages 155 - 159 of the Student's Book contains a range of extra activities, focusing on such areas as word affixation and collocation Pronunciation Pronunciation is an area ... planning to IELTSand the particular demands of this test IELTSFoundation consistsof the following components: Student'sBook Teacher'sbook Cassettes,/CD StudySkillsBook Coursebook IELTSFaundation is ... rnning to IELTSand the particular demands of this ;t -TSFoundation consistsof the following components: rdent'sBook lcher's book ssettes/CD rdy Skills Book )ursebook '-TS Foundationis a coursebookthat

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2019, 10:50

128 574 2
Mindset-For-Ielts-Foundation-Teachers-Book (1).Pdf

Mindset-For-Ielts-Foundation-Teachers-Book (1).Pdf

... Exercise 05 Extension OUTCOMES • listen to a discussion about a language project OUTCOMES Ask students to focus on the outcome Tell students that in this lesson they will listen to a discussion between ... a suggestion? I think we can ask 昀漀r that in昀漀rmation from the college o昀昀ice 昀椀rst I remember that, on my first day here, I put information about my second language on the registration 昀漀rm So, ... the phonemic script and encourage students to practise writing any new vocabulary with phonemic script to help with pronunciation There are many websites and online dictionaries which not only

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2023, 15:28

116 7 0
Cambridge english mindset for IELTS foundation teachers book

Cambridge english mindset for IELTS foundation teachers book

... the phonemic script and encourage students to practise writing any new vocabulary with phonemic script to help with pronunciation There are many websites and online dictionaries which not only ... Exercise 05 Extension OUTCOMES • listen to a discussion about a language project OUTCOMES Ask students to focus on the outcome Tell students that in this lesson they will listen to a discussion between ... a suggestion? I think we can ask for that information from the college office first I remember that, on my first day here, I put information about my second language on the registration form So,

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2019, 00:07

115 2K 8
Focus on ielts student book pdf

Focus on ielts student book pdf

... accommodation agency In Section 2, you will hear a monologue on a general subject, for example, a short talk on healthy eating or tourist information ‘The last two sections are concerned with educational ... Listening Time: 60 minutes IELTS modules: details Listening The first two sections are concerned with social needs, In Section 1, you will hear a conversation in a social situation, for example, two ... Presenting ond justifng on opinion (Task 2) Expressing agreement: dscussing implications Musi festial (Section |) Multiple choice; table completion; short answers The Museum of Anthropology (Section

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2023, 13:26

226 52 0
377 focus on IELTS coursebook book

377 focus on IELTS coursebook book

... information; avoiding repetition Topic vocabulary; pronunciation: word stress 13 ►Bones t o phones Communication systems The golden rules o f listening (Section 2) Multiple choice; note completion ... Section 2, you will hear a monologue on a general subject, for example, a short talk on healthy eating or tourist information The last two sections are concerned with educational or training contexts ... classification; T/F/DNS Avoiding Gridlock Matching; sentence and diagram completion ► W is h you w e re here 18 page 144 Presenting the solution to Tourist destinations; pronunciation: diphthongs a

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:41

227 2,9K 42
Tài liệu IELTS teacher''''s book part 5 pdf

Tài liệu IELTS teacher''''s book part 5 pdf

... there’s a Reading List on this handout, which I’m going to pass round now Nigeria 61 FOCUS ON IELTS Unit 6, Focus on listening Student interviews (p .50 ) R= Rob; L = Linda Richmond R Hi, come in Take ... growing fast I think your book gives the present population as 15. 2 million, doesn’t it? But the most recent figure I have is 16 .5 million, which means the population has more than doubled since ... listen out for 65 FOCUS ON IELTS S Mm, before an eruption, you get a rumbling sound Like thunder A Thunder's bad enough — a volcano rumbling must be absolutely terrifying! Right, only one left now

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 12:16

21 441 0


... tác dụng 15 - 30 phút, T 1/2 = 36 - 48 giờ, đào thải qua thận - dày - ruột @ liều tải: 1, 25 -1,5mg (cụ thể: viên x 2/j (u) ngày) Digoxin TM liều 0, 75 - 1mg @ liều trì: 0,1 25 - 0,375mg ý: + không ... phụ • Biệt dược: Cordarone 200mg (viên) Cordarone 150 mg/3 ml (ống - truyền TM, IV) • liều dùng: Ống tiêm dùng khẩn cấp: liều mg/kg, pha loãng 250 mL dung dịch dextrose 5% truyền IV 20 phút đến ... dùng Amiodarone thận trọng dùng chung với Ức chế beta dễ làm block nhĩ thất) • Trong nhịp nhanh thất, tiêm TM Lidocain 50 - 100mg, - lần không hiệu nên đánh sốc điện 22) Amiodarone • Nhóm: Thuốc

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 11:20

11 391 3
Giáo trình hướng dẫn cách nâng cao kỹ thuật sấy để đảm bảo tính ổn định cho sản phẩm phần 5 docx

Giáo trình hướng dẫn cách nâng cao kỹ thuật sấy để đảm bảo tính ổn định cho sản phẩm phần 5 docx

... giá trị như mong muốn. Trong trường hợp đơn giản, bộ điều khiển có thể là mạch khuyếch đại, khớp nối cơ khí, mạch lọc hay các phần tử khác tuỳ thuộc vào bản chất của hệ thống. Trong trường hợp ... được sử dụng trong các hệ thống điều khiển tự động. Nhưng trong thực tế không chỉ có một vòng hồi tiếp đơn mà với những yêu cầu khắt khao về điều khiển để đạt được chất lượng theo mong muốn, người ... mang lại được những yêu cầu thiết yếu về phần cứng lẫn phần mềm, nên được sử dụng để thành lập luật điều khiển cho những hệ có yêu cầu điều khiển cao. Trong điều khiển quá trình công nghiệp

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 09:20

10 366 0
Unix book phần 5 pptx

Unix book phần 5 pptx

... 2 or 5: {unix prompt 8} grep '1[1 25] ' num.list 1 15 fifteen 4 12 twelve 5 11 eleven 11 5 five 12 4 four 15 1 one [...]... with a space: {unix prompt 9} grep '^ ' num.list 1 15 fifteen ... three 14 2 two 15 1 one Here are some grep examples using this file. In the first we’ll search for the number 15: {unix prompt 6} grep ' 15& apos; num.list 1 15 fifteen 15 1 one Now we’ll use ... the available options, and a few examples are shown below. Syntax grep [options] regexp [file[s]] Common Options -i ignore case -c report only a count of the number of lines containing matches,

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:23

13 144 0


... person you refuse is your responsibility. 45 46 RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES CORRESPONDING RESPONSIBILITIES RIGHT RESPONSIBILITY I have the right to: Consequently my responsibility is to: Be treated ... free; for every personal action there is a social reaction or implication. When we choose to exercise one of our rights we must take responsibility for the outcome of that decision. So, for example, ... the benefits of those rights. 44 RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBILITIES Definition: Being accountable for one’s actions and decisions. Just as we have rights so do other people, and

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 19:22

10 356 0


... SECTION 1 THE BALANCE SHEET Page Introduction 46 Use of Funds: Fixed Assets (including Depreciation) 48 Working Capital 51 Source of Funds 53 The Balancing Act 56 Summary 59 Published Format 65 45 ... VARIANCES COMPARE ACTION ? ? FINANCIAL REPORTS page Introduction 42 Section 1: The Balance Sheet 45 Section 2: The Profit and Loss Account 69 41 FINANCIAL REPORTS INTRODUCTION Here is the Business ... costs installation costs Less: Depreciation __________ ie: Net Book Value (or Written Down Value) __________ THE BALANCE SHEET FIXED ASSETS DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS By definition: ● Fixed Assets

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 19:22

12 263 0


... a smile). 'Anyone like to challenge X's expertise on this one?' Or deflect to an individual/expert: 'Bill, would you agree with X's position on this one?' Psychological ... information. Building Build on their rare contributions. For example: 'Yes, that's absolutely right and you'll also find that ' Questions Ask easy closed questions to boost ... mini-presentation on a difficult subject in front of the group. Encourage showing off until they realise they will make a fool of themselves by continuing. ● Ask for help with a very difficult question in

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 19:22

10 273 0
adobe press ActionScript 3.0 for ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS5 Classroom in a Book phần 5 docx

adobe press ActionScript 3.0 for ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS5 Classroom in a Book phần 5 docx

... component was used extensively in Lessons 5 and 6, where you can review its use. ptg ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 FOR ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS5 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK 155 7 With the NumericStepper component ... List component onstage in the Choose Font section. ptg 154 LESSON 8 Creating and Formatting Text with ActionScript Notice that this List component has been given an instance name of fontList and ... To c he ck f or m ore tha n on e condition in an if statement, you can use the syntax else if with additional conditions after the closing brace of the first condition, as in this example: if

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:20

43 400 0
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Classroom in a Book phần 5 potx

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Classroom in a Book phần 5 potx

... interaction that transitions to the Map state. 9 Select button 4. Add an On Click interaction that transitions to the Restaurants state. 10 Select button 5. Add an On Click interaction that transitions ... conditional interaction. When someone clicks the button while in the Feature state, the application transitions to the Design page.  is button is only present in the Feature page, so it only ... button, and scrolling text This page also includes navigation buttons (at the top) and a side navigation button (on the right) Panel component Page navigation buttons Images Side navigation

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:20

28 327 0
presentation zen Simple ideas on presentation design and delivery phần 5 potx

presentation zen Simple ideas on presentation design and delivery phần 5 potx

... Atkinson's Beyond Bullet Points (Microsoft Press). 88 Presentation Zen Chapter 4 Crafting the Story 89 ABOVE Rough outline from Step Two for a presentation I created on presentation design. ... communication. Additionally, sticky notes make it easy to arrange and re-arrange content until the structure and flow feels right. On the other hand, many people on my team use a more traditional ... is hard Complication and elaboration are easy and are common The suggestive mode of expression is a key Zen aesthetic Dr Kawana, commenting on the design of traditional Japanese gardens,

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

24 364 0
project management book phần 5 pptx

project management book phần 5 pptx

... path. The critical chain method adds duration buffers that are non-work schedule activities to maintain focus on the planned activity durations. Once the buffer schedule activities are determined, ... activities, activity attributes and documentation of all identified assumptions and constraints. The amount of additional data varies by application area. Information frequently supplied as supporting ... schedule (Section 6 .5. 3.1) used for control is the approved project schedule, which is referred to as the schedule baseline (Section 6 .5. 3.3). The schedule baseline is a component of the project

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

40 243 0
Đề ôn tập tốt nghiệp toán (Phần 5) pps

Đề ôn tập tốt nghiệp toán (Phần 5) pps

... 2.Theo chương trình Nâng cao: Câu IV.b (2đ): Trong không gian Oxyz cho 4 điểm A(-2;1;2), B(0;4;1), C (5; 1; -5) , D(-2;8;- 5) và đường thẳng d: 5 11 9 3 5 4       x y z . 1) Viết phương trình ... ABCD 3 Viết phương trình mặt phẳng (Q) chứa AB và song song với CD Câu 5a ( 1,0 điểm ) Giải phương trình x 2  x  5  0 trên tập số phức ĐỀ 31 I.PHẦN CHUNG (7,0 điểm ) Câu 1 ( 3,0 điểm ) Cho hàm ... 3 2 1 0     x x m Câu 2: Giải hệ phương trình sau: 1 2 3 0 5 5 10          x y x y Câu 3: Tìm phần thực và phần ảo của số phức sau: 2 2 (1 ) (2 1) 1      i i z i i

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:21

15 185 0
Visual Basic 6 Black Book phần 5 docx

Visual Basic 6 Black Book phần 5 docx

... http://24.19 .55 . 56 : 8080/temp/ch 15\ 480-4 85. html (4 of 4) [3/14/2001 1 :50 :55 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Toolbars, Status Bars, Progress Bars, And Coolbars It’s also... in Figure 15. ... Figure 15. 15 Figure 15. 15 The toolbar property pages 3 Insert a new button where you want the combo box to go http://24.19 .55 . 56 : 8080/temp/ch 15\ 474-480.html (3 of 4) [3/14/2001 1 :50 :18 ... using the line control. Figure 14.13 Lines drawn with the line control. Visual Basic 6 Black Book: The Frame, Label, Shape, And Line Controls http://24.19 .55 .56 :8080/temp/ch14\ 452 - 456 .html (3 of

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

112 329 0