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Macmillan IELTS foundation teachers book

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IELTS Foundatlon Macmillan Education BetweenTowns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan PublishersLimited Companiesand representativesthroughout the world ISBN-13: 978 1,4050 13956 Text O RachaelRoberts,JoanneGakongaand Andrew Preshous2004 Design and illustration O Macmillan PublishersLimited 2004 First published 2004 All rights reserved;no part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,transmitted in any form, or by any means,electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publishers Note to Teachers Photocopiesmay be made, for classroomuse,of pages11,4-125without the prior written permission of Macmillan PublishersLimited However, pleasenote that the copyright law, which doesnot normally permit multiple copying of published material, applies to the rest of this book Designedby Mike Cryer, eMC Design;www.emcdesign.org.uk Typesetby EXPOHoldings Illustrated by Oxford Designers& Illustrators Cover designby Andrew Oliver Dictionary extractstaken from ihe MacmillanEssentialDictionaryfor Learners of EnglishO Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2003 The publishers would like to thank Celia Bingham for all her hard work on this project Printed in Thailand 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 13121110987654 rge numbers of overseassfudentswish to study at iversities and collegesin Britain, Canadaand rstralasiaand the demand for and awarenessof IELTS ntinuesto rise my students are aiming for IELTSfrom a relatively dy stagein their studies,but starting at perhaps Band l, find much of the material initially too demanding is coursetakesinto accountthe needsof a typical Lrner(within the approximate 4-6 band range) rnning to IELTSand the particular demands of this ;t -TSFoundation consistsof the following components: rdent'sBook lcher's book ssettes/CD rdy Skills Book )ursebook '-TS Foundationis a coursebookthat supports the edsof lower level studentsby offering nprehensive, step-by-steppracticewitfun 12 erestingtopic-basedunits This book takesa ;tematicapproachin preparing overseasstudents for r Speaking,Listening and Academic Readingand iting modules of the IELTSexam by providing tips, rm strategiesand appropriate practice activities The ggestedtime to cover this courseis 120hours, but pending on the level of the students,this could quite ;ily be shortenedor expanded e contentsare closelybasedon the IELIS exam ;essmentcriteria and eachof the 12units integrates r four skills thus providing balanceand variety The ok also aims to give a thorough grounding in the type ;kills necessaryto study and perform effectively in an glish-speakingacademicenvironment and active rning is encouraged.Therefore,IELTSFoundation nbines two key elements:IELTSpreparation and ential study skills complementtheseelements,relevant language :tionsare also integrated into the units to support the mers in developing the necessaryaccuracyand rge/as well asproviding them with useful phrases key lexical items for use in an IELTScontext and :r in an academiccontext.Someunderstanding of course/including avoiding repetition and lexical ks,is included, and major elementsof pronunciation 'also considered There are also additional i Vocabulary and Writing (l comments) For a detailed Contents on pages and The Teacher'sBoo The Teacher'sBookprovi, line referencesindicating questionsare to be found, activity in the Student's B for exploiting the courseb Book is a very useful guid experiencedin this particr comprehensiveinf ormatir the strategiesand techniq good grade,In addition, il English for Academic Pur crucial role that study skil highlighted answersareir suggestionsfor optional a supplement the core mate the back of the Teacher'sI photocopiablepractice ac of the book Study Skills Book The Study Skills Bookcan intensiveIELTSpreparatio sectionsto give further pra Listening, Academic Read the IELIS exam This work exercises,sampleanswers be successfulin the IELTSr activifies are provided and practiceexam.The Study S supplementIELTSEoundaI Coreskillsareas Asummary of the rational for each of the core skills a Studentsat this level may denseto engagewith, whi developing the necessaryr Large numbers of overseasstudentswish to study at universities and collegesin Britairy Canadaand Australasia and the demand for and awarenessof IELTS continuesto rise Many students are aiming for IELTSfrom a relatively early stagein their studies,but starting at perhaps Band 4-5, hnd much of the material initially too demanding This coursetakesinto accountthe needsof a typical learner (within the approxim aIe4-6 b and range) planning to IELTSand the particular demands of this test IELTSFoundation consistsof the following components: Student'sBook Teacher'sbook Cassettes,/CD StudySkillsBook Coursebook IELTSFaundation is a coursebookthat supportsthe needsof lower level studentsby offering comprehensive,step-by-steppracticewithin 12 interesting topic-basedunits This book takesa systematicapproachin preparingoverseasstudentsfor the Speaking,Listening and Academic Readingand Writing modules of the IELTSexam by providing tips, exam strategiesand appropriate practice activifies The suggestedtime to coverthis courseis 120hours,but depending on the level of the students,this could quite easilybe shortenedor expanded The contentsare closelybasedon the IELTSexam assessmentcriteria and eachof the 12 units integrates the four skills thus providing balanceand variety The book also aims to give a thorough grounding in the type of skills necessaryto study and perform effectively in an English-speakingacademicenvironment and active Iearningis encouraged.Therefore,IELTSFoundation combinestwo key elements:IELTSpreparation and essentialstudy skills To complementtheseelements,relevant language sectionsare also integrated into the units to support the learnersin developingthe necessaryaccuracyand range/aswell asproviding them with useful pfuases and key lexical items for use in an IELTScontext and laterin an academiccontext.Someunderstandingof discourse,including avoiding repetition and lexical links, is included, and major elementsof pronunciation arealsoconsidered There are also additional appendices on Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing (model answers and comments) For a detailed description of each unit see Contents on pages and The Teacher'sBook The Teacher'sBook provides keys to exercises,including line referencesindicating where answersto reading text questionsare to be found, clear teachingnotes for every activity in the Student's Book and guidelines and ideas for exploiting the coursebookmaterial The Teacher's Bookis a very usefulguide for thosewho maybe less experiencedin this particular area,as it gives comprehensiveinformation about the IELTSexam and the strategiesand techniquesnecessaryto achievea good grade In addition, it also offers insights into English for Academic Purposes(EAP) particularly the crucial role that study skills play Tapescriptswith higilighted answersare included as well as a number of suggestionsfor optional activities that can be used to supplement the core materials in the Student's Book.At the back of the Teacher'sBook are an extra 12 photocopiablepractice activities,eachrelating to a unit of the book Study Skills Book The Study Skills Book canbe used for self-studyor asan intensiveIELIS preparationcourse.It is divided into four sectionsto give further practicein the Speaking, Listening,AcademicReadingand Writing modules for the IELTSexam.This workbook includesrelevant exercises,sampleanswersand useful strategieson how to be successfulin the IELTSexam.Keys and commentsfor activitiesareprovided and it alsocontainsa full IELIS practiceexam.The Study Skills Book could be used to supplement IELTSFoundationor asa separatecourse Coreskillsareas A summary of the rationale and basic approach taken for each of the core skills areas is provided below: Studentsat this level may find IELTSreading texts too denseto engagewith, which prevents them from deveioping the necessaryskills and techniques.The reading material in IELTS Foundationis designed to be u "rtibl" and to have a broad appeal to students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures Texts have been taken from a variety of sources, including newsPaper and magazine articles and internet websites as well as academic texts In each Reading skills section, the student is given guidance in both understanding the text and in learning i-o deal with the full range of IELTS question types' Skills such as skimming, scanning, finding topic sentences and authentic student responsesare also used for activities and analysis To improve students'speaking skills in general,there areregular opportunitiesto speakin pairs,for example, in pre- and post- readingand listeningactivities'In addition, languagesectionsthroughout the book provide useful wbrds and phrasesrelating to particular functions such as giving and justifying opinions' Motivating tasksand interesting topics also allow students tJ presentinformation and ideas or discusskey issues.Thesetypes of activitieswill be useful preparationfor future academiccontexts' Listening each text Writing difficulties often result in them producing texts that display an inappropriate style or content,lack organization or contain basiclinguistic weaknesses' IELTSFoundationadoptsa step-by-stepapproachthat takes lower level leamers carefully through eachstageof the writing processrelating to IELTSTask and 2' Collaborative activities to raise awareness/PrePare students and practisekey writing skills areprovided at eachstage.Feafuresfocussedon include planning, putugtuphi.rg, useful language,style and editing' All unitsalso contain an IELTSWriting question to give individual practice As well as focusing on the writing Process,a product approachis also adopted by basing tasks on model or alihentic student writing This gives insights into the type of texts required and the level of languagethat is deiirable Thesesample answersalso develop students' sectionon Pages160-165of the Student'sBook' Speaking guidanceand strategieson IELTSFoundationprovides how to approachthe Speakingmodule' There are r,n*"to.tJopportunities to practiseall three parts of the module ot J iuttg" of topics Peerand teacherfeedback, aswell as self-evaluation,are drawn upon to help develop speaking skills Recordingsand tapescriptsof Many students at lower levels find listening quite challenging,particularly when texts include more academicvoiabulary and are extendedmonologues, such as lecturesas in the final part of the IELIS Listening module Hearing a text only once,as is the casewith IELTS,canalsocausedifficulty' IELTSFoundationgives studentspracticein all four parts of the Listening module, as well asproviding support and useful tips for tackling different question types In addition, there are further listening activities designedto practisesuch skills asnote taking and listening and writing simultaneously Tapescriptsareprovided on Pages766-\75of lhe StudenttsBook for easyreferenceand also in the Teacher'sBook,where answersto questionsareclearly marked This book also gives clear guidance on how to develop students' listening skills by focussingon key areassuch asPrediction Languagefocus The language focus sections have two major aims: to improve the level of accuracy by focusingon areas -ni.h commonly cause difficulty, and to develop the student's range by introducing more variety of expresslon The language work is integrated into the skills work, often highlighted in a reading or listening text' Students are thuJencouraged to'notice'language in context and to try to formulate rules for themselves before going on to uie the language in IELTS Speaking or Writing tasks' Further p.ucti.e of discrete language areasis provided in a Grammar section on pages 150-154 of the Student's Book Vocabulary The topic-basedunits help the studentsto build up key vocabulary around such typical IELTStopics as the environment, health and crime' They are also r ' l l a ( ) L l r J ! l c (tl r n r - t i ' t s tt' h ( ' ! ( ) n r n t u n r r J t t \ ( ' ( l u l l i t \ ( ) f f h r ' r r s p c r k i n g r n t l u r i t r n { b r l t ' a r r r i r r t r r r tri : s i n g i i x e t c l i l r i c a l c l t l t t t k s ,s r t c l t t s l ' l t t t , 't ' t ',tl t i fii/lr r r l I n , r , r i i t i o n ,t ' r ' t ' r ' r r u l t ( ' ( ) l t t t i l t sa l ) i r l i o n a r v f t r t ' t r ss e c t i ( ) l r , r i r i c h h i g l r l r g h t st t s r , Lf r l, r r , r t l t ' r t t i \c\ ( ) l ( ' l \c r r n t r i n e c l r r ' i f l r i n t l r t ' r - r n i t ,r ' l t c ( ) t l r t g i l t gt l t c s t r r t l e t r t st o n o t i r - es u c h l n g l l n g e r n e t i i r f t ' r t , , t t r t l t o : t r | t f t l $ i r - l t ' r trh c r r r l \ \ ' l - t , ' r j e a l r a n g r ' [ : i n r l l r t h t ' \ i r c a l r r - r l , I ' \ s t , c t i r ) n( ) 1p a g c s i a 9( ) l t h ( ' S l u d e n t ' s [ ] o o k a ( r n t u n tl ' J n g t ' l l t , r t r ' r r i r i i t i c s , l o c r r s j t r g( ) l r \ u c h c u ( ' i t s t sn ' o r t l r i f i r a t i o n a n t l rr l l i l i : t t i t l n Pronunciation ( ) n L r r c i { l t i ( ) ni s , r n , r r t ' tt l r r t i s o f t t ' r r n e g l c c t r ' t l i n I F I - T S " ' r , r t t ' r i a l ,h L r t u h i c l r , n o n t ' t h t ' l c s s , i s j r n p o r t , r n t l t i s i r k e r , r n r p ( ) l r r r not f t h t ' I F I T S S p e a k i n g n r o t l t r i r ' a n d , f o r " , t r r r l r r t v t rl t ' r t ' l l t ' r n r t ' r ' s , t n t r r ' itth a t i s r v t r r t h t o f r t ( ' n t r ( ) r ) | | I I I i i ) u u i i t t i r l c o n t a r n s r o g u l t r ' , ) l r L l n c r a t i ( ) ns e c t i o r r r \ \ h i c h c ( ) \ ' t , r l r r ' i t l cr ' r n g c0 l k e v \ l r('s su(' h a s u'orrj rrrcl st'rttt't-tt'r'strr,:ss,i rrton.r ti on rnd ,rittt",'tealsfrt'tc[ I Ic:t' acti y i f ics trc in tttra tr'ti i rtto thc ' , rt ' rl l o n ' i n g s t r r t l t - rtrs ( ) p f r ( ) r t un i t l r s t o l r c l c r ' i n t ' , t (l t a r ' Study skills , L l s c t l( ' \ J n ] p r ( j p i l l - r t i O nl r r c l P r a a t i t t ' r I , r \ ' r - r o t r l r , r ' r v s i ' r ) ( r l r g l tk r r s l u t l t ' n t s t o r c l r i c v c \ L r c c r , \ s r t I I : l I S r \ t t ' r l t ' r t ' l s , , rs o l i d s r ( ) L u l i l r ign s t t r t l r s k i l l s i s v i t a l i n lfrrt{ thf ltl fo dr.'t',',,r*t.ttrrl it-np1111 s' othcr rrr'.rs l r r r l t l r t ' l r u t i t s i r r / l / sI r t t l r i t t l i t t t t l - r r L r s t 'tsr r r i r : t r r ' r r l a rs t r r r ri s k i l l ' I h L ' a c t i r i t i e : a n t l a c l r i c e p r o r i c i e c l i l r t , : t ' s t t - t i t r r r rsl i I I l r c l P s t u t l t ' r r t s t l t ' r ' t ' l o p r l o r t ' ' ' , , r{ r r t l r ' r r n r r r g s t r t t t g t c s T h c r t : i s , r p a r t i c u l t r ' ' - ! l r r s i s o n ' g o o c l l r ' r r n r ' r 'h a b i t s , r c v r c n ' i n g l t r d r I r r a t r n gn ' r r r k , r r r dl c r r n i n g i n r i c p c n t l r - n t l vi r r o r d t r t o I r () l r- a l t s s t ' ( x r mf t n t c l s p r o t l r r c t iv e l v l s p o s s i b l c for nelr,'nlembers of a sports club The next tu,o sections arcrmorc closelv reltrtedto education or tririning contexts.Section3 will be a conversationbeti,r,eentwo tcr four pcople, such as a scminar in n.hich a group of -1rt'ill be another students ciiscuss.r topic Sectior.r rnonologue,such as a lecturc, or a talk Question Types: Thert.are fortv questions in total, ten for each section.Different question t\,'pe5ip61t,.-1.' multiple choice,completing n()tesor sentences, conrpleting or labelling c'liagrams,charts or tables, classiffing, m.rtching ar-ldr,r,ritingshort ansr.vers Exam Tips: Each sectior-ris he;.rrdONCE Hor.r'evcr,therer is tirne to look brieflr'at the rquestionsbefore each part is plaved Dr-rringthc erxarn,students should rvrite on the question pi-lper,anci at the end of the cxi'rmhavc l0 rrrinutcsto transier i'lns\'vers to the ansrt,ersheet lt is important thev this cirrefullv anci check srammar rrrdspelling, rsnristakesrvill krser-narks Academicreading Content: The exam lasts tlne irour and thcre arc.threc rei'ldingtexts,of increasingdifficultv taken fronr llcli-spapcrs,magazines,books irnd jor.irnals.The topics irrc of general interest,so studcnts not have to be' experts in the subjectarea to understand them 'fhere are fortv questionsin total Question Types: tvpes include multiple choice,choosing Trut/ Question fclsr/Nrrtgi i'r'rr,or )'esl\o/Nol gii'crr;identifvrng the viera,, oi the writer; completing sentencesor notes;completing or l.-rbellingcliagrirms,charts or tables;classifying; rratching; choosing paragraph lreadirrgsand r.r'riting shortanswcrs Exam Tips: As u'ith ihe listening modulc.,anslvc-rsare vvrittenolr i.urilnsh'er sheet,but no extra time is given for t h i s t t i s i m p o r t a n t i o r l e a r n e r si o p r a c t i s em r n r g i n g time so that thev comprletethe rn'holemodule within the hour bv reaclingcluicklv and efficientlv Academicwriting I \ , o r t l r r ' l n t c ' r n , r t i o n r ll - n c l i s h l - a n e r r r g e I t ' s t i n g - t ' n r ,i s i n e \ a n r c l t ' s r g r r c t tl ( ) , t s s o s s tl t ' r r r r c r ' sl e r ' e o l f j l r t l t , o r r r s c r l t ' l r t - r1] - - 1) s ( ' ( ' p i t g ( ' tfrt r r r l c t l i l s ) f \ ' l n r , r r v o f t ' r c l rn r o t l u I t :i s o r r t l i r r r ' dh c l o n : Listening ( r ) n t e n t : I - l ' l : t l o d l r l c i s i r r f o u r s e c t i o n s , u l r i c l - rg e t , q r ( \ \ l \ ( ! l \ i l I ( ) r ( ' d i f f i c U I t r n d t t k t s a h o L r t- ( r) I i n u t c s " i r r r t t r v o s e c t i ( ) n s t r cl a s c d r r o u n r i s t r c r a l s i t t r a t i o n s i r ( ) l r I u ' r l l b c t c o r t v t - r s r t i o r lrr t ' i l v t ' r ' t rI n o : P c i t k r r s , l r a - , r c t r n v c r s ' r t i ( ) 1L1r c t \ \ ' ( ' r ' t1s t u d ( ' n t i l l r l t l t r ' i r ' rr l l i r r t l \ t ' c t i o r r I n ' i l l l r c , r n r t r l t o l o g ut ' { r r n t ,s P r ' kr c r ') o r - r - ' l r t ' qotf g t , n t ' r t l i n t t ' r ' t s i ,s r r a h , t \ t \ \ ' ( ' l r i ) l t t i l t g s f r e c c l - t lntroduction Content: There are tr,r'otasks irr this module and it lasts one hour In"lirsk l, stuclentsare expectedto de.scribe, c()mparcand col'ltrastinformation in diagrams, charts or tablesusing at le.rst150r,r,ords.This might bt, ior cxamplc, rrchart sholr''inglrtxr.voung people spend thejr leisure time Org:l-rizatiorris important and Ioirrnersner'd to shon that thev can cleariv prc.selltand riescribet1at.r.Alternativc.lr,,str-rdc.nts may have to describethc'stagcsof a process,or explain holl' something r'r,orks In Task2, rn opiniorr or;r prroblemis stt'.rtecl trnd students nted to r,r'riteat le.rst25()lvords in responseto a question relate.dto this Thev nr.rt'bc asked to give solutions tt'r the problenr, ()r pres('nt.rrgLlmentsin favotrr and against encouraged to increase the communicative quality of their speaking and writing by learning and using fixed lexical chunks, such as Thereis no doubt that In addition, every unit contains a Dictionary focus section, which highlights useful academic words contained within the unit, encouraging the students to notice such language in context, and to start to widen their own lexical range Finally, the Vocabulary section on pages 155-159 of the Student's Book contains a range of extra activities, focusing on such areas as word affixation and collocation Pronunciation Pronunciation is an area thai is often neglected in IELTS material, but which, nonetheless,is important It is a key component of the IELTS Speaking module and, for many lower level learners, an area that is worthy of attention IELTSFoundafloncontains regular pronunciation sections which cover a wide range of key issues such as word and sentencestress,intonation and connected speech These activities are integrated into the units, allowing students opportunities for relevant practicc Study skills Focused exam preparation and practice may not always be enough for students to achieve successat IELTS At lower levels, a solid grounding in study skills is vital in helping them to develop and improve other areas Each of the 12 units in IELTS Foundaflorufocuses on a particular study skill The activities and advice provided in these sections will help students develop more effective learning strategies.There is a particular emphasis on'good learner' habits, reviewing and er.aluating work and learning independently in order to use non-classroom time as productively as possible for new members of a sports club The next two sections are more closely related to education or training contexts Section will be a conversation between two to four people, such as a seminar in which a group of students discuss a topic Section will be another monologue, such as a lecture, or a talk Question Types: There are forty questions in total, ten for each section Different question types include multiple choice, completing notes or sentences, completing or labelling diagrams, charts or tables, classifying, matching and writing short answers Exam Tips: Each section is heard ONCE However, there is time to look briefly at the questions before each part is played During the exam, students should write on the question paper, and at the end of the exam have 10 minutes to transfer answers to the answer sheet It is important they this carefully, and check grammar and spelling, as mistakes will lose marks Academicreading Content: The exam lasts one hour and there are three reading texts, of increasing difficulty, taken from newspapers, magazines, books and joumals The topics are of general interest, so students not have to be experts in the subject area to understand them Question Types: There are forty questions in total Question types include multiple choice, choosingkuel FalselNotgiuen, or YesfNolNotgiaen; identifying the view of the writer; completing sentences or notes; completing or labelling diagrams, charts or tables; classifying; matching; choosing paragraph headings and writing short answers Exam Tips: As with the listening module, answers are written on an answer sheet, but no extra time is given for this It is important for learners to practise managing time so that they complete the whole module within the hour by reading quickly and efficiently Academicwriting IELTS, or the Intemational English Language Testing Svstem, is an exam designed to assessa learner's level of English, on a scale from 1-9 (seepage for details) A summary of each module is outlined below: Listening Content: This module is in four sections,which get progressively more difficult and takes about 40 minutes The first two sections are based around social situations Section will be a conversation between two speakers, such as a conversation between a student and their landlord Section will be a monologue (one speaker) on a subject of general interest, such as a welcoming speech Content: There are two tasks in this module and it lasts one hour In Task L, students are expected to describe, compare and contrast information in diagrams, charts or tables using at least 150 words This might be, for example, a chart showing how young people spend their leisure time Organization is important and leamers need to show that they can clearly present and describe data Altematively, students may have to describe the stages of a process, or explain how somethingworks In Task 2, an opinion or a problem is stated and students need to write at least 250 words in response to a question related to this They may be asked to give solutions to the problem, or present arguments in favour and against the opinion, as well as giving and justifying opinions Assessment: In Task 1, assessmentis based on whether the question has been answered clearly and appropriately, the organization of the text and the accuracy and variety of vocabulary and sentence structure Band9-ExpertUser H a sf u l l y o p e r a t i o n acl o m m a n f t h e l a n g u a g e : appropriate,accurateand fluent with complete understanding In Task 2, assessment uses slightly different criteria and is based on the arguments, ideas and evidence given, as well as the organization of the text and the accuracy and variety of vocabulary and sentencestructure Band - Very Good User H a sf u l l y o p e r a t i o n acl o m m a n f t h e l a n g u a g e with only occasionalunsystematicinaccuracies s i s u n d e r s t a n d i n gmsa y a n d i n a p p r o p r i a c i eM o c c u ri n u n f a m i l i a sr i t u a t i o n sH a n d l e sc o m p l e x d e t a i l e da r g u m e n t a t i o w n ell Exam Tips: Leamers are advised to spend 20 minutes on Task and 40 minutes on Task It is important to keep to these timings, as Task is longer, and carries slightly more weight than Task It is also important to keep to the word limits, as writing less than the number of words stated is likely to result in a lower score BandT-GoodUser H a so p e r a t i o n acl o m m a n f t h e l a n g u a g e , t h o u g hw i t h o c c a s i o n ln a c c u r a c i e s , i n a p p r o p r i a c i easn d m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n gi ns s o m e s i t u a t i o n sG e n e r a l l yh a n d l e sc o m p l e xl a n g u a g e well and understandsdetailedreasoning Speaking Content The Speaking module takes between 11 and 14 minutes and is an oral interview between the student and an examiner It willbe recorded on audio tape There are three parts to the module In the first part, (4-5 minutes) the examiner will ask some general questions about home and family, job or studies, hobbies and so on In the second part (3-4 minutes), the student is given a card with 3-4 prompt questions about a particular topic They have one minute to prepare, when they can write notes if they wish, and will then be asked to speak on the topic for 1-2 minutes without any interruption At the end of this section, the examiner may ask a question Finally, in the third part (4-5 minutes), the examiner will ask some more questions related to the topic in the second part In this section, they will be looking for the candidate to give opinions and express reasons Assessment: Assessment is based on fluency, the ability to express oneself clearly and naturally without long pauses, the range, variety and accuracy ofvocabulary and grammatical structures, and pronunciation Exam Tips: It is important that the candidate tries to be as relaxed as possible in the exam More extended 'no' 'yes' or responses to questions rather than just answers will gain higher grades Students can prepare for this module, for example, by practising speaking for 1-2 minutes on different topics However, discourage the memorisation of long speeches as examiners can usually spot this, and will ask learners to talk about something else Band6-CompetentUser Hasgenerallyeffectivecommand of the language and inappropriacies despitesome inaccuracies, m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n gC s a nu s ea n d u n d e r s t a n d f a i r l yc o m p l e xl a n g u a g ep, a r t i c u l a r l iyn f a m i l i a r situations Band5-ModestUser H a sp a r t i a cl o m m a n f t h e l a n g u a g ec, o p i n g w i t h o v e r a l lm e a n i n gi n m o s t s i t u a t i o n st ,h o u g h i s likelyto make many mistakes.Should be able to in own field h a n d l eb a s i cc o m m u n i c a t i o n Band4-LimitedUser Basiccompetenceis limitedto familiarsituations Hasfrequentproblemsin understandingand e x p r e s s i o nl s n o t a b l et o u s ec o m p l e xl a n g u a g e Band - Extremely Limited User Conveysand understandsonly generalmeaning in very familiarsituations.Frequentbreakdowns c a no c c u r in communication Band - Intermittent User No realcommunicationis possibleexceptfor the most basicinformationusing isolatedwords or short formulaein familiarsituationsand to meet immediateneeds.Hasgreatdifficultyin understandingspokenand written English Bandl-NonUser E s s e n t i a l lhya s n o a b i l i t yt o u s et h e l a n g u a g e beyond possiblya few isolatedwords Band - Did not attempt the test informationprovided No assessable Further information and strategies on how to approach the iELTS exam are detailed in this book, the Student's Book and the Study Skills Book Contentsof the Teacher'sBook Contentsof Student'sBook I St udyi n gAb r o a d 10 Earthtoday 19 O u t of t h i s w o r l d 28 All inthemind 36 A c a r e e ro r a j o b ? 46 C r i m ea n d p u n i s h m e n t 54 Globalization 62 W hat ' st h e a l t e r n a ti ve ? 71 G adge t sa n d g i z m o s 79 10 T h e f u t u r e o f c o mp u ti n g 87 11 T h e a r t o f a d v e r t isi n g 94 12 I ELT Sp r e p a r a t i on 101 G r a m m a rk e y 109 Voca b u la r yk e y 111 Phot o c o p i a b l ee x e r c ise s 114 Keyto p h o t o c o p i a b l e xe rci se s 126 Contentsof the Student'sBook Studying abroad Skimming Prediction Pago lVlultiple choice 2'Earth today Page 18 Out of this world Page 3O All in rthe mind Page4z Task Understanrling kgl' featuresof data Wiiting an introtluctory statement I)escribing data ir'hiih show changesr:lvertime Part ll Part lixpanding F' n_r m f i l l i r r ' "_'""_ b :t 11S14reIS Part Tablecompletiorr Nrlie completion Part ? Describing activities ancl loot{ Part f)iscussing trspects o{ cnlture shock Predictiori , Guessrngmea,ning from context Matching paragraphsto heaciings Shoitanswers Choosing the best title Thsk Organizing your writing: Understanding the quesh0n Brainstorming and pliinning Part Short answers Sentence completiorr Pronunciation Nurnbers and iigures Sentence stress Part Civing a:rd justitying opimons 3r-rbject-r'erh agreement Skimrningand scannm8 T/F/NC Shorttanswers Guessing meanin'g from iontext Piediction :Readingfor gist Guessingmeaning Iiom context Sumnrary completion Task Selecting Part Listening {or gist Multiple choice Classification Part Prediction Tablecornpletion Labelling a Part Civing advice Part Dscussing impact r-rftourism Artirles Pad -ing form and Pronunciation Connectedspeech in{initn e nu l ^4 5^r d .[ r^5 * - Thble conrptetion; Notecompleticm , A career or a job? Page 54 n-^rr:-.- Irormingquestions lVays of recording Depqncisni vocabulary prepositions I' "i n" d r c_t -' r"n" ,"" ol i r r o _ e' _ Lrowsentence.s rvork Quantifiers Prpcprif cilrnla lVhat nrakesa good leamer? \ ( Present conunu(}Lls Quantifiers - -f, editing DrSl llr rL4r Ir inforr.nation Cnmparing data alrd describing trmds Task2 Oiganization ancl cr:herence: paragraphing Infroductions Themainbqdy Conclusions : Task Scanning Cuessingqeanirrg Cirmparir:gaiid contfasting data lr0m.context Understanding inforrnatidn iri tables Y/NlrlriG Matching headings to paragraphs completion, Multiple ehoice i4'ifh more than ane (lprlon Li,steningand writing srrnullaneously Part Multiple choice Iatt2 Completing a flow chart Reflectingon rr'hat vou ha'r'e}eamt Using a clictionarl Lexical links Part2Ajob you rvould like to cloin the futur: Part Dscirssing job reiated questions Future plans and arlange.ments Srrffires Contrast lir"rkers/markers Extensive reading and listening LaDeilrng a r-{iagram Grimeand punishment Page 66 Skimming Y/Ni NC Matahing sectionsand $urnrnaries 9ente.nce complefion Identifying text ry-Pe Task Evaluating arrrd challengingidea!, evidenr:eor an argurnellt Part Prediction Note completron Listening ancl wrlhng simultaneouglv Pronunciation Wirrd stress Part Describing a favclulite school subiect Part Discussing schooland crime related questions Crime vocabulary Defining relative clarrses Reason/resnlt clauses Understanding veibs in essay titles O;* aii., ih;.1tu&n*o.Bt6f I UnitI Adjectives endingin -ing| -ed Unit5 Suffixes-fuland-/ess 10 Noun / Verb narm use peace tact skill nome care hope exciting frustrated relaxed bored confused fascinating annoyed interesting shocked disappointed SUCCCSS power -ful harmful usefuI peaceful tactful skillu fI carefuI hopefuI successful powerful -less harmless useless tactless homeless careless hopeless u n s u c c e s s f u( ln o t u s i n g l e s s ) powerless UnitI Nounphrases Unit6 Collocations a s l i g h tf a l l a s h a r pd e c r e a s e a s l o wc l i m b a b r i e ff l u c t u a t i o n Unit2Collocation t heavy air TRAFFIC main ROAD lights fumes Jams rage users safety Unit3 Synonyms 1 expedition drive flisht voyage outing tour 2 flight crossing an expedition tour journey voyage Unit4 Dependent prepositions 1of with with 4on into for about for c r i m ep r e v e n t i o n turn to crime c r i m ew a v e o r g a n i z e dc r i m e crime rate p e t t yc r i m e ,s e r i o u sc r i m e t o s o l v ea c r i m e Unit7 Verb+ nouncollocations make 2do reached 4go cut take earn puts UnitI Dependent prepositions 1to from for with for 6bv 7in Unit9 Synonyms manufacture invent,create develop design Unit9 Spelling demonstrated Communication developments significant Unit10Homonyms 1 b - memory d - drive a-web e - file c - document Unit1l Prefixes over 2re dis micro under well Unit11Suffixes Recognise Scrutinise Revise Indicate Assimilate Discriminate Unit12Gollocations Three similar words sit 3do Two opposite words pass fail Two things an examiner does set mark Three different types of exams oral practical final Two phrases where examis used as an adiective paper nerves abroad Studying sutvey A classroom Group A Group B Loot at the activitiesyou can use a computerfor, Choosefive of them and interviewyour classmates to find out which threethey most Make notesof their answersand find out the most popular activities Look at the differenttypes of TV programmes Choosefive of them and interviewyour classmates to find out which threetypesthey watch most, Make notesof their answersand find out the most popular types of TV programme sendingemailsto friends s e n d i n ge m a i l st o r e l a t i o n s lookingat websitesin my own language lookingat websitesin English word processinghomework/assignments using chatrooms p l a y i n gc o m p u t e rg a m e s to music watchingDVDs/listening news programmes sportsprogrammes soap operas documentaries films cartoons m u s r cp r o g r a m m e s quiz shows/gameshows Write the names of your five activitiesnext to the patternedboxesin the key.Then usingthe frame, constructa bar chartfrom the informationyou have aboutyour classmatesactivities Write the namesof your five TV programmesnext to the patternedboxesin the key.Then usingthe frame,constructa bar chartfrom the information you have about your classmates'activities Make noteson significantinformationand interestingfindingsfrom your bar chart and present your data orallyto a member of the other group Mate noteson significantinformationand interestingfindingsfrom your bar chart and present your data orallyto a member of the other group Write a shoft report(minimum 150words) describingthe informationshown in your bar chart Giveyour reportto your partnerto highlightany pointsthat need correcting,and makethe necessary corrections Write a short report(minimum 150words) describingthe informationshown in your bar chart Giveyour reportto your partnerto highlightany pointsthat needcorrecting,and makethe necessary corrections Wtratconclusionscan you draw from this data? Wnat conclusionscan you draw from this data? nffir u) o o tl, o E z E z Computeractivities @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g e m a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i th i n t h e c l a s s programmes Television Studying abroad Earthtoday Exploring vocabulary Thesewords are from the Dictionaryfocus in unit You could use all of thesewords in your own essays, but you needto know more aboutthem first Look at the dictionaryentriesfor the words and answerthe questions What pan of speechis majorin this context? What does major mean in this context? Major collocateswith nouns which have three basicmeanings,What are they? and Which of thesesentencesare grammatically correctaccordingto the dictionaryentries? Correctthe sentenceswhich are wrong a He was forcedsign the documents b She forcedhim sittingdown Words often used with major Nouns often used with major (adj, sense 1) f MAJOR + drawback, obstacle, problem, setback:used about problemsthat are serious f MAJOR + crause,factor, influence, source; used about factorsthat are important f MAJOR+ change,shake-up,shift, upheaval: used about changesthat have a big effect force fcrsl verb [T] c I had to force myselfto write the essay d They forcedto him to confess The rapid spreadof the diseaseforcedthe governmentto changetheir policy major /merd3e/adj important,large,or great: one of the major problems facing our planett The major attraction is a huge clock in the entrance hall I Age is a major factor affecting chances of employment l t o m a k es o m e o n ed o s o m e t h i n gt h a t t h e y d o n o t w a n t to = COMPEL:force sb to sth Thejudge was forced to resign I force yourself to sth Despite the pain, she forced herselfto get out of bed Zto use physicalforce to move something or to move somewhere: She forced the package through the slot ) We had to force the windows open 3to make something happen:Oppositionto the plans forced a rapid change of policy Which syllableis stressedin urban? Which two nouns collocatewith urban? What is the opposite of urbanT ls evidencecountableor uncountable? What two prepositionscan collocatewith evidence? a n d , urban /'g;ben/ adj relatingto towns and cities= RURAL: People moved to the urban areas for jobs I Urban poverty is on the increase evidence/'evrdens/ noun IU] l f a c t so r p h y s i c a sl i g n st h a t h e l pt o p r o v es o m e t h i n g : the historical evidence for his theories e We are seeing more evidence of economic growth.0 +that The study found no evidence that fish feel pain What two verbs can collocatewith evidence a n d Earth today @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s Outofthisworld In7999 this figure was (5) Describing data than the number of visitors from China which stood at 88,000 Look at the table below showing salesfiguresof DVDsand videos in the UK from 2000-2003 2000 2W1 2m2 2003 22 65 100 140 Videos 82 (millions) 72 68 60 DVDs (millions) Readthesesentencesand underlinethe most appropriateword or phrase Write a descriptionof the data in the tablewhich showsthe number of visitorsto Ausfialiafrom New Zealand,Japan,Singaporeand Malaysia Gountry 1991 1993 1995 New Zealand 412,000 438,000 610,000 641,000 Japan 511,000 641,000 738,000 766,000 Singapore 75,000 Malaysia 43,000 , 0 94,000 130,000 169,000 201,000 The tallest/most/highestsalesfigures for DVDs over this periodoccurredin 2003 Sales of DVDs (a) go up/increased/rised lbl s ig n ifi cantl y/d ram ati c/g rad uaIly f rom 2000-2003 From 2000to 2003salesof videos we nt Iowe r/red uced/d ecreased ln 2001 sales of DVDswere (al slightly/little /much lb) higher/ lower / biggerthan salesof videos Between2001 and 2003salesof DVDsmore than doubled / increased two times / were twice higher Lookat the table below aboutvisitorsto Australia from four countries Country 1991 1993 1995 Korea n.a, n.a , 0 20 21,000100,000 1997 1999 T h a i l a n d 34,000 42,000 73,000 62,000 56,000 I n d o n e s i a 32,000 61,000 0 0138,00082,000 China n.a n.a n.a 1997 64,000 88.000 n a m e a n sf i g u r e sn o t a v a i l a b l e Now completethe followingshort text by filling in the gapswith a suitableexpressionfrom the correct answersin exercise1 The table shows that visitors to Australia from most of in thesecountries(1) the 1990'salthough not all the figures were available Even though visitors from Korea actually (2) overthis period,it - number still had the (3) of visitors to Australia of the countries shown Visitors from lndonesia (4) from 32,000in 1991to 82,000at the end of the decade @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s Out of this world 126,000 All inthemind MultipleIntelligences Look at the statementswhich representeach 'intelligence' and completethem with an appropriate phrasalverb from the box Use the correctform g e t o n j o i n i n m a k eu p p i c ku p s e t u p take in talk through work out write down Are any of thesestatementstrue about you? Kinaesthetic Linguistic Visual-Spatial Logical-Mathematical Interpersonal Musical Intrapersonal Most of thesephrasalverbsare 'separable'.You can say: I tidied up the desk or I tidied the desk up Which two phrasalverbs aboveare NOT separable? Checkin your dictionary Work in pairs.What you think your partner enjoysor is good at in class?Completethe following statements, imagining that you are your partner Use some of the phrasalverbsfrom exercise1, or any suitableverbs.Usethe correctform (ing or infinitive) All in the mind I enjoy I find it easyto lam interested in l w o u l d l i k et o l ' m g o o da t I p a r t i c u l a r ldy i s l i k e Now discussyour answerswith your partner,and see if your guesseswere accurate.Which i n t e l l i g e n c edso y o u t h i n ky o u a n d y o u r p a r t n e r e strongestin? @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s A careeror aiob? A iobinterview Wtratadvicewould you give someonewho was going for an importantinterview? Do wear smart clothes Dont be late took at thesethree dialogues.Which personis more likelyto get the job? What is wrong with the other candidates'answers? A Interviewer: So, why you want this job? Candidate: lt looksinteresting, Interviewer: And what did you study at university? Gandidate: Marketing The intervieweraskssome more questions.How could you improvetheseanswers? Interviewer: So what kind of previouswork experiencehaveyou had? Candidate: None lnterviewer: What qualitiesdo you think you have that makeyou suitablefor the job? Candidate: Ummm I don't know really You are interestedin the job for business graduates,and have been invitedfor an interview Lookat the advert.Which of the following might be discussedat the interview? your degree yourfamily your work expeflence yourambitions benefits(pay/holiday/ sick payl pensions/etc) your hobbies B lnterviewer: So, why you want this job? Candidate: It looksreallyinteresting.I'd likethe opportunityto work in a big multin a t i o n a cl o m p a n yl i k et h i s M y l a s tj o b w a s i n a s m a l l f i r m ,a n d I l e a r n ta l o t , b u t I t h i n kt h i s w o u l d b e a m o r e e x p e r i e n c feo r m e challenging lnterviewer: And what did you study at university? Candidate: M a r k e t i n gI.d i d m o d u l e si n accountingand finance,too, and I enjoyedthat, but what I reallylove is of things the promotionalside c lnterviewer: So, why you want this job? Candidate: I needthe money.I'm reallybadly in debt after three years at university My banktold me that if I don't reduce my overdraft,they'regoing to close my account lnterviewer: And what did you study at university? Candidate: My degreeis in Marketing,but my main interestis music- | play lead guitar in a rock band.lt's great Student A You are an employerinterviewingsomeonefor this job Write down some questionsthat you want to ask them Student B You are applyingfor this job, and you reallywant it Write noteson what you want to tell your interviewerand any questionsyou want to askthem a b o u tt h e j o b Role-playthe interview Giveyour partnerfeedback,Would you give them the job? Why? Why not? Changerolesand repeatthe interview @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s A careeror a job? Crime andpunishment Punishment atschool Afourteen-year_oldboysllore at a female*** Discussthesequestionswith your partner: What kind of things would you considerbad behaviourat school? What punishmentswere used in your schoolfor bad behaviour? Readthe namesof differentkindsof ounishments below and then match eachone with its definition warning a beingforcedto leaveschool permanentlybecauseof bad behaviour corporal t e l l i n gs o m e o n et h e y w i l l b e punishment punishedif they something bad again suspension writing a sentencesuch as / razil/ not eat in classmany times detention d hittingsomeone writing e stayingat schoolwhen the other lines c h i l d r e nh a v eg o n e h o m e expulsion f removingsomeonefrom school for a short time C a ny o u t h i n ko f a n y o t h e rp u n i s h m e n t tsh a t a r e used in schools? In pairsdiscussthesesituations.What kind of punishmentdo you think they deserve?Why? beencush: ilJrr,""r,-year-old boyshave *h:?l^'*iJTLl""" whichis agalnst smoking, ifi"v havefailedallof their il;ilf*;;;th"' retakethem after the ll"*, ""a *iil have to *'98'";;;; i=", i:Hf,i:',,:i#:j l?i n19whisbooks onthefloor" an.le#+h^r_^ , and left the classroom receiveda month p.**t just T,rr*::tas has persistent$ arrived e t*"t,r"-y"ar-old girl mtTl"?-Yj:.",;:? andtwenty fifteen-^'DetwecrrrurLLrr between asked why this w eek.'When last the morning for utu^"shermotherfornot #i "p?;;;a,n" *uf.i"g h"t uP earlY enough' girls are ln a pru.tic" test,two fifteen-year-oid uC"guVb" t1l g^l":::=i:i *' -it''; '" u eredto cllscoverEu discbv """ "t't" nties contain important otherbetweendesks'I #;;;il;elated '"lffiffi ;:;;;1* tothetest'l\" 9'Il'-i':,"r" testandgethighgrades' ;h" Giving opinions Agreeingand disagreeing I f e e l / b e l i e v teh a t I n m y o p i n i o n T h e r ei s n o d o u b t i n m y m i n dt h a t I t e n d t o t h i n kt h a t I strongly agreewith this view I disagreewith the view t h a t I d o n o t b e l i e v et h a t I n s m a l l g r o u p sr, a n k t h esituationsfrom leastto m o s t s e r i o u st h e n a g r e eo n a f i n a l r a n k i n ga s a class been accusedof o. -u**u*y"ar-old girlhas il"lv,"gl""*uovict ?rl."iq:if 1*:Sgii Dutlv1116 q rrqrrrvv- - has iJso upiet she rr-izl.bne of the iln, accusedof missedthreeweeksot:"ttool' T: ttt father' Urrtfyir,ghas a very aggressive Crime and punishment @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g e m a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s Globalization Thepassive and Lookat thefollowingshortparagraph thatyou find of passive underline alltheexamples Who or whatis the mainsubjectof the paragraph? How doesthis affectthe writer'schoiceof activeor passive? One of the consequencesof globalization is that millions of women havebeenbrought into the paid workforce Twenty years ago they stayed at home to look after their families, now they are employed in farms and factories acrossthe world Their work is helping to strengthenthe economiesof their countries, creatingwealth However,the women themselvesare often being denied the benefits of this economicgrowth, as in many areasof the world, they are commonly exploited by their employers hasthe samemainsubject tne nextparagraph in each Choosethe bestoption(activeor passive) case Theemployers usuallyemploythemI Theyare on short term contracts,and usuallyemployed thereforehave no job security.Theemployers force themI Thesewomenareforcedto work long hours donotpaymostof them for little pay.Theemployers I Most of themarenot paidif they are sick, nor giuethemI aretheygioenany dotheemployers maternity leave.In this way,globaltradeis not improaingthesituationof workersin thedeaeloping worldI thesituationof workersin thedeueloping globaltrade,even worldis not beingimproaedby though the countries may be getting richer Who or what arethe main subjectsof the next two paragraphs?Putthe verbs into the correctactive or passiveform The employers cannot really (blame) for this situation, however They (pressurize) by large multinational companies to deliver their goods quickly and (expect) cheaply, and they cannot to resist this pressure (do) Instead, governments must which protect more to improve the laws workers Thev mav wish to (encourage) trade, but this should not be at the cost of the long term health and happiness of their citizens Choosetwo statementsfrom the list below that you agreeor disagreewith Discussin pairs Example: I think globaltrade should be encouragedbecause people from poorer countries would benefit from increasedjob opportunities, as well as I don't think global trade should be encouraged because it leads to rich multinational companies exploiting smaller, local businesses G l o b a l t r a d es h o u l db e e n c o u r a g e d Pricesin supermarketsshould be kept as low as possible l f y o u a r e i l l ,y o u s h o u l db e g i v e ns i c kp a y u n t i l you get better Smallercompaniesshould be supportedmore by the government Peopleshould not be expectedto work more than 37 hours a week Write two statementsof your own using should+ passive,as aboveand discussthem with a new partner Our 24/7 store is o p e no n a S a t u r d a y ? "t\ 6l I D D it' tl @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d m a v b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s Globalization What'sthealternative? A dehate Now turn your notesinto sentences,usingthe phrasesbelow Below are two statementsfor debate.Use your d i c t i o n a r yt o l o o k u p a n y w o r d s y o u d o n o t u n d e r s t an d Human cloning is wrong because it is not right to treat a human being at any stage of development as a 'thing' to be used and abused to further the developm ent of science Food production must be increased to feed a growing world population and GM animals can significantly help with this Oo you basicallyagreeor disagreewith the statementsin exercise1? What evidenceor reasons can you give to supportyour argument?Write brief notes Giving Opinions Agreeingand disagreeing l f y o u a s km e T h e p o i n ti s W o u l d n ' ty o u s a y t h a t ? D o n l y o u a g r e et h a t ? A s I s e ei t I c o u l d n ' ta g r e em o r e That'sjust what I think That'sa very good point Yes,I supposethat'strue, but W e l l ,y o u h a v ea p o i n t t h e r e ,b u t I see what you mean, but Perhaps,but don't you t h i n kt h a t Notethat in orderto disagreepolitelyin Englishwe usuallystartby agreeingat leasta littleand then use but Discusseitherone or both of the questionswith your classmates You should,politely,try to persuadepeopleto agreewith your opinion What's the alternative? @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a q em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s andgizmos Gadgets Surgeons Robot Work in pairs.Would you liketo be operatedon by a robot surgeon?WhY/whYnot? ouictty readthe text about an operationcarried out by a robot,ignoringthe gaps:Was the robot surgeonbetterthan a human one?Whyffihy not? Now completethe gaps using eitherpresent per-fector past simPle Wfrlcfrtwo verbs can you find in the text that collocatewith oPeration? o .p' ae nr a t i o n ,a n .o' p e r a t i o n (1) I recentBritish studY .(demonstrate) ,fa' that a robot surgeonis more effective than a human surgeonat carrying out a difficult kidney operation.However good the surgeon,human arms can shakewhen theYare carrying out difficult operationson a small pieceof tissueor organ.The studY demonstratedthat robot'arms' not have this problem Of course,the robot did not work alone.With the help of a computer and highly developedvideo and Phone links, a doctor (control)the robot (2) from thousandsof miles away (3) Scientists (alreadytest)the equiPmenton a plastic dummy In this experiment, the (haveto) slice robot (4) 'skin' of the dummY and through the removekidney stonesfrom a model kidney Severalhundred operations were carried out over a six-month period The study,which (5) (begin)last Spring and (6) (justbe comPlete), analysesthe resultsof the operations which were carried out by robots and comparesthem with resultsfrom the samenumber of operationsconducted by surgeons.The robot (7) (be)noticeablYmore successfulthan the human surgeons' o:*:":::::',T;:fi il:?:5',]" stoneson the first attempt.Although manufacturers(9) (makeuse of) robots for many yearsin manufacturing, this is the first time (be)usedin they (10) this way on peoPle Glossary Kidney:an organ in your body that removeswaste liquids Kidneystones:small piecesof hard fat that can form insidethe kidneY job' O r g a n :a p a r t o f y o u r b o d y t h a t d o e s a p a r t i c u l a r e g h e a r t ,b r a i n T l s s u et:h e s u b s t a n c et h a t a n i m a la n d p l a n tc e l l sa r e made of @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d ' T h i s p a g em a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s ' Gadgets and gizmos I Thefutureof computing Evaluating anessay Admittedly, information technology have improved dramatically and changed the way ln the last 20 years there have been many developments in the field of information technology (lT), for example the World Wide Web and communication by emait However, not all these advances have been positive people live in the past two decades.However, some people believe that the future advance of this is more likely to have more unfavorable effects W h a t t y p e o f l T d e v e l o p m e n t sd o y o u t h i n k a r e l i k e l yt o occur in the future and what might the negativeeffectsbe? Internet is the greatest invention in information technology; it helps human beings connecting each You should write at least250 words other wherever you are in the world However, it has some inevitable defects First, some of the World Wide Web harms the development of young Readthe sample student answer to this question Then answer the questions (a-f) a ls the writing well-organized? l s t h e r e a n i n t r o d u c t i o na n d a c o n c l u s i o n ? Are the paragraphslinked? b Doesthe studentcopy phrasesfrom the questionsin the introduction? c ls the essaythe right length? d ls the contentrelevant?Give examples people becauseit is full of violence and pornography Some people say that various crimes are caused by young people who see these websites Secondly, some bad men utilize the Internet to deal in drugs, weapons and so on Moreover, people's bank or credit card details could be revealed to criminals lfowever, it is also an undeniable fact that the IT progress have led to life becoming better and better with more effective communication and it could even save a person's life For instance, a story was e Doesthe writer considerboth sidesof the a r g u m e n t ?G i v ee x a m p l e s reported that some despairing parents in China wanted to help their baby who had heart disease.If he had no operation for his heart, he wouldn't be able to live longer than five His parents couldn't Positive afford the huge amount of money and it couldn't be done in China However, they found a doctor in Negative baby have cured Hasthe writer usedan academicstyle? Findthree examplesof an appropriatephrase To conclude, although the Internet has some negative side-effects, we should agree that its advantages outweight its disadvantage Therefore, USA on the Internet and after the operation the Doesthe essaycontaina rangeofvocabularyand g rammaticalstructures? Findsix errorsand correctthem we should use the law and other methods to handle it properly in order to make full use of information technology and to satisfy the needs of social development (276words) Considerhow well they haveansweredthe questionby discussingyour answersto exercise1 with a Dartner The future of com @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g e m a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n Theaft of advertising BarGampaign Ghocolate The Brief Y o u h a v e b e e nc o m m i s s i o n e db y a f o o d c o m p a n yt o d e s i g n ,d e v e l o pa n d l a u n c n e w p r o d u c to n t o t h e market:a chocolatebar.The company will selectthe p r o d u c tw h i c h t h e y f e e l i s m o s t l i k e l yt o b e s u c c e s s f ual n d i s p r e p a r e dt o s p e n da s m u c h m o n e y a s n e c e s s a r tyo e n s u r ea g o o d l a u n c h I n g r o u p sy o u r a i m i s t o ' w i n ' t h e c o n t r a c tf o r t h i s s n a c k b a r b y d e v e l o p i n ga n o r i g i n a lp r o d u c ta n d t h e n d e s i g n i n g ou a p o s t e rw h i c h h i g h l i g h t si t s m o s t s i g n i f i c a nfte a t u r e sY w i l l t h e n p r e s e n ty o u r i d e a st o t h e r e s to f t h e c l a s su s i n g t h i s p o s t e s a v i s u a la i d In groups of three or four consider these points: Who is the target marketfor your product? age, gender, income? Designa posterto promoteyour productto the hen f o o d c o m p a n ya n d m a k eu p a s a l e ss l o g a n T decidewhich member of your team is going to presentwhich part of your presentation.Remember everyoneshould contributeto this talk Give a group presentationto launchyour new product.While you are listeningto the other presentations the following: T h i n ko f a n a p p r o p r i a t e q u e s t i o nt o a s kt h e group at the end of each presentation Makea note of one positiveaspectof each presentation Decidewhich chocolatebar you think is the most likelyto be successfuland vote as a class to seewhich team would win the contract.You are not allowedto vote for your own productl What featureswill your product have? taste, i ng red i e nts, flavo u r, sh ape? Wherewill your advertisingcampaigntake place? television, magazines/newspapers, online, billboards? Will it be endorsedby anyonefamous? who, why? Think of a name for your productand give reasonsfor your choice Aft er extensive research into the market,my t e a ma n d | $''*l' Think of the designof the wrapperand packaging H o w m u c hw i l l y o u r p r o d u c tc o s t ? Willthere be any specialoffers/freegifts? ChocolateBar Campaign N a m eo f C o m p a n y N a m eof product Positiveaspectof presentation Negativeaspectsof presentation T h e c o m p e t i t i o nw i n n e r i s @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d This page may be photocopiedand used within the class' The aft of advertising 2/ p reparation IETTS Editing Readthis question The increasing number of tests and exams is putting enormous pressure on students and causing unnecessary stress.ln many ways it would be more appropriate to reduce the number of exams and offer alternative methods of assessment To what extent you agreewith this statement? Lookat the samplestudentanswerand choosea word or phrasefrom the box to replacethe words crossedout from a-f F o rt h i s r e a s o n F u r t h e r m o r e I n m y o p i n i o n M a n y p e o p l ec o n s i d e r T o s u m u p , T h e r ei s n o d o u b t Correctthe six errorsunderlined1-6 (a) @ that the increasing number of testsand examsputs enormouspressure on students.They areworried about examsall the time and it makesthem feel boring Even though they study hard, sometimesthey still don't passthe exam.But sometimes,lots of examsmake some studentsnervous and just someexamsdecide a person'slife Thereare a lot of testsand examsfor students.Each subjecthas different ones (b) Foffie, so many testsand examinationsare unnecessary.But the school and teachersthink it is good for students,it can motivate them to work hard and hard (c) that there are other ways that arebetter than exams.For example, the teacherscan let the studentsknow how important to work hard Everyone know it is very important to work hard If you don't, you can't earn money,have a good life when you finish the school (d) AJso,there is another better way can teststudents,like continual assessment Teacher can give some4 homeworks,or give a few tests,not too often so students will be huppy with this way to test themself and they will get better relationship with their teacher (e)Se+ha+meansthe governmentmust reducethe testsand exams (0 +e+nisn, there are other ways to test or assess students so they get more free time to practice, more time to what they like and then more knowledge they will get It's more fair for most students and make them work harder evervdav IELTSpreparation @ M a c m i l l a nP u b l i s h e r sL t d T h i s p a g e m a y b e p h o t o c o p i e da n d u s e dw i t h i n t h e c l a s s exercises Keyto photocopiable Unit2 10 adjective i m p o r t a n t ,l a r g eo r g r e a t p r o b l e m ,c a u s e ,c h a n g e a H e w a s f o r c e dt o s i g n t h e d o c u m e n t s b S h e f o r c e dh i m t o s i t d o w n c Correct d They forced him to confess e Correct Urban poverty,areas rural uncountable fot of s e e ,f i n d Unit3 t T h e y a r e u s u a l l ye m o l o y e d/ T h e s ew o m e n a r ef o r c e d/ M o s t o f t h e m a r e n o t / n a r et h e v g i v e n/ g l o b a lt r a d e i s n o t i m o r o v i n gt h e s i t u a t i o no f w o r k e r si n t h e d e v e l o p i n gw o r l d *Note inversionafter nor T h e f i r s t p a r a g r a p hf o c u s e so n t h e e m p l o y e r sa n d o n w h a t h a p p e n st o t h e m ( h e n c ep a s s i v e lT h e s e c o n dp a r a g r a p h o n g o v e r n m e n t sa n d o n w h a t t h e y s h o u l d( a c t i v e l yd) o be blamed/ are pressurized/ be expected/ / encourage UnitI t highest increasedsignificantly decreased s l i g h t l yl o w e r m o r et h a nd o u b l e d t 10 h a s d e m o n s t r a t e d( r e c e n tn e w s ) c o n t r o l l e d( d u r i n gt h e s t u d y ) h a v ea l r e a d yt e s t e d( n o ns p e c i f i ct i m e ) h a d t o ( a g a i no n t h e s p e c i f i co c c a s i o n sm e n t i o n e d in2) b e g a n( l a s tS p r i n g ) has just been completed(recentnews, no specific time) w a s ( i n t h i s s t u d y ,w h i c h i s n o w c o m p l e t e d ) r e a c h e d( o n t h e s eo c c a s i o n s ) h a v em a d e u s e o f ( s t a r t e di n t h e p a s ta n d c o n t i n u e st o the present) h a v e b e e n( a sa b o v e ) 2 increasedsignificantly decreased highest m o r et h a n d o u b l e d s l i g h t l yl o w e r Note: alternativeanswersmay be acceptable Unit4 carry out and conduct Unit10 : t r o ,m a i n b o d y ( R e a s o n a b lw y e l l - s t r u c t u r e dI n p a r a g r a p h sa) n d c o n c l u s i o nT h e e s s a yh a s c o h e r e n c e a n d t h e r e i s e v i d e n c eo f l o g i c a lp r o g r e s s i o nw i t h t h e argument U T h e i n t r o d u c t i o nh a s b e e np a r a p h r a s e d Between250-280words: an appropriatelength the d T h e c o n t e n ti s r e l e v a n ta n d t h e a n s w e d d r e s s e s question B o t h s i d e so f t h e a r g u m e n ta r e c o n s i d e r e d : Negative- Pornography/violence,drugs/weapons, personalsecurity P o s i t i v e- B e t t e rc o m m u n i c a t i o nl,i f e - s a v i n ge x a m p l e in China E x a m p l e so f u s e f u lp h r a s e s : some people believe , lt is an undeniablefact , To conclude a L 1 p i c ku p t a k ei n to talkif through j o i n i n gi n tosetup/geton to write itdown work out m a k i n gu p Unit5 B: At an interviewit is importantto give full answersto q u e s t i o n se, i t h e rb y g i v i n g m o r e d e t a i lo r b y g i v i n g e x a m p l e so f y o u r e x p e r i e n c e s Unit7 R e a s o n a b l rea n g eo f s t r u c t u r e sa n d v o c a b u l a r yb u t a l s o a n u m b e ro f e x a m p l e so f e r r o r st o c o r r e c t O v e r a l lc o m m e n t :A l t h o u g hg r a m m a t i c aal c c u r a c yi s not perfect,this would be a satisfactoryanswer d n d h a sa b e c a u s et h e e s s a yi s w e l l - o r g a n i z e a b a l a n c e da r g u m e n tb a c k e du p w i t h c l e a re x a m p l e s T h e m a i n s u b j e c ti s t h e w o m e n T h e p a s s i v ei s o f t e n u s e d t o k e e pt h e f o c u so n t h e m a n d o n w h a t h a p p e n st o t h e m w o m e n h a v eb e e nb r o u g h t/ t h e y a r e e m o l o v e d/ t h e m s e l v e sa r e o f t e n b e i n gd e n i e d/ t h e v a r e c o m m o n l y exploited A g a i nt h e e m p h a s i si s o n t h e w o m e n T h e e x c e p t i o ni s t h e last sentence,where the activesounds better because otherwisethe first part of the sentencewould be too long a n d c o m p l e x( t h ep r i n c i p l eo f e n d - w e i g h t ) Unit 12 a b c d E f M a n y p e o p l ec o n s i d e r ln my opinion T h e r ei s n o d o u b t Furthermore F o rt h i s r e a s o n Tosum up bored knows r e m o v ea r t i c l e ' t h e ' homework themselves fa irer ... rnning to IELTSand the particular demands of this ;t -TSFoundation consistsof the following components: rdent'sBook lcher's book ssettes/CD rdy Skills Book )ursebook '-TS Foundationis a coursebookthat... planning to IELTSand the particular demands of this test IELTSFoundation consistsof the following components: Student'sBook Teacher'sbook Cassettes,/CD StudySkillsBook Coursebook IELTSFaundation... strategies on how to approach the iELTS exam are detailed in this book, the Student's Book and the Study Skills Book Contentsof the Teacher'sBook Contentsof Student'sBook I St udyi n gAb r o a d

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2019, 10:50