features of oracle 10g sql

comparative management cost study of oracle database 10g and microsoft sql server 2000

comparative management cost study of oracle database 10g and microsoft sql server 2000

... either an Oracle or a SQL Server database. With the latest release of the Oracle Database 10g product, Oracle is offering a state -of- the-art RDBMS that promises small business customers all of the ... Cost Study of Oracle Database 10g and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 May 25, 2004 Edison Group, Inc. / Comparative Management Cost Study Oracle Database 10g and Microsoft SQL Server ... Study Oracle Database 10g and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 23 Appendix III - Detailed Test Results Time (mins) Complexity (steps) Task Description SQL Server Oracle SQL Server Oracle...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:53

52 554 0
oracle 10g - oracle database 10g - sql fundamentals ii - volume 1 - student guide

oracle 10g - oracle database 10g - sql fundamentals ii - volume 1 - student guide

... default value of a column affects only subsequent insertions to the table. Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals II 2-22 CREATE INDEX with CREATE TABLE Statement (continued) Observe that the Oracle ... ALL, the Oracle server evaluates each WHEN clause regardless of the results of the evaluation of any other WHEN clause. For each WHEN clause whose condition evaluates to true, the Oracle server ... ALTER TABLE statement. Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals II 2-15 2-15 Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Disabling Constraints • Execute the DISABLE clause of the ALTER TABLE statement...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:50

307 706 0
oracle database 10g - sqlaccess advisor

oracle database 10g - sqlaccess advisor

... data is not easy. The SQLAccess Advisor allows the following workload sources: • Current contents of the SQL cache • User-defined via a table containing SQL statements • SQL Tuning Set from ... workload supplied. The SQLAccess Advisor is part of the Oracle Database 10g Server Manageability feature and is completely integrated into that environment. Therefore, the SQLAccess Advisor can ... comes from say the current contents of the SQL cache. In this scenario, if you have many applications running, then you would extract SQL statements for all of those applications, but you may...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:51

5 202 0
sybex - ocp. oracle 10g new features for administrators

sybex - ocp. oracle 10g new features for administrators

... and Oracle DBA at Lands’ End, Inc., in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. Biju Thomas is an Oracle 7.3, Oracle 8, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, and Oracle 10g Certified Pro- fessional with more than 11 years of Oracle ... to Oracle 10g Learn which versions of Oracle can be upgraded directly to Oracle 10g, and learn the upgrade path for other versions. Oracle supports direct upgrade of the database to the Oracle ... to Oracle 10g Summary The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is enhanced to include the entire new Oracle 10g database feature install. You perform the installation of the Oracle database software...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:59

574 377 0
sybex ocp oracle 10g new features for administrators oct 2004

sybex ocp oracle 10g new features for administrators oct 2004

... /orahome/app/ oracle/ product/9.2.0: linux :oracle& gt;pwd /home /oracle/ temp linux :oracle& gt;echo $ORACLE_ HOME /orahome/app /oracle/ product/9.2.0 linux :oracle& gt;echo $ORACLE_ SID ora0109 linux :oracle& gt;sqlplus '/ as sysdba' SQL* Plus: Release ... location, type of software installation, and other options. FIGURE 1.7 The Welcome to the Oracle Database 10g Installation screen Memory and disk Oracle 10g requires a minimum of 512MB for an ... installed with Oracle 9i, are no longer installed with the Oracle 10g database. Oracle 10g has a simplified software install and database creation; the disk requirement for software is now...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 16:02

574 246 0
advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

... Appen - dix B gives examples of some important statistical functions available in Oracle 10g. Overall, this book explores advanced new features of SQL in Oracle 10g from a programmer’s perspective. The ... some knowledge of SQL is assumed before we begin. This chapter should bridge the gap between a general knowledge of SQL and Ora - cle’s SQL* Plus, the operating environment under which SQL runs. Earlier ... use SQL in new and exciting ways. This book contains nine chapters. It begins by reviewing some of the common SQL functions and techniques to help transition into the newer tools of Oracle 10g. ...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:08

417 349 0
Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

... languages go far beyond the calculator functions. Oracle s SQL contains a rich variety of functions. We can categorize Oracle s SQL functions into simple SQL functions, numeric functions, statistical ... 1-59822-021-7 10987654321 0601 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other brand names and product names mentioned in this book are trademarks or service marks of their respective ... of a string or both ends. The TRIM function was added in Oracle 9. Originally, LTRIM and RTRIM were used for trimming characters from the left or right ends of strings. TRIM supercedes both of these. The...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

417 394 0
Oracle Database 10g SQL Fundamentals pps

Oracle Database 10g SQL Fundamentals pps

... new_name • Datatype of any column can be changed if all rows of the column contain nulls • Size of a character/raw column or the precision of a numeric column can always be increased • Size of a datatype of ... must be < or <= 1-21 Bản quyền thuộc COMMIT., JSC. Bản quyền thuộc COMMIT., JSC. Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals – Review SELECT Statements • Syntax – SELECT * | {[DISTINCT] col|expr ... Join Statements Natural Join • SQL: 1999 Syntax SELECT <select_clause> FROM table1 NATURAL JOIN table2 • Oracle Syntax SELECT <select_clause> FROM table1,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

40 372 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 1 doc

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 1 doc

... When programmers use SQL in Oracle, they inevitably look for easier and new ways to handle queries. What is needed is a way to introduce SQL users to the new features of Oracle 10g concisely and systematically ... NUMBER(3) VALUE3 NUMBER(3) 14 Common Oracle Functions: A Function Review Preface Why This Book?Why This Book? Oracle ® 10g has introduced new features into its reper - toire of SQL instructions that make ... languages go far beyond the calculator functions. Oracle s SQL contains a rich variety of functions. We can categorize Oracle s SQL functions into simple SQL functions, numeric functions, statistical...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 381 0
advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 2 potx

advanced sql Functions in Oracle 10G phần 2 potx

... and statistical. We will investigate each of these in turn. The format of the analytical function will be new to some Oracle SQL writers. An example of such a function in a result set would be ... region, one on report COMPUTE sum max min of curr_salary ON region COMPUTE sum of curr_salary ON report REM a compute for each BREAK SET feedback off SET verify off SELECT empno, ename, curr_salary, ... of a string or both ends. The TRIM function was added in Oracle 9. Originally, LTRIM and RTRIM were used for trimming characters from the left or right ends of strings. TRIM supercedes both of these. The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

42 344 0
Trả lời bài tập ORACLE PL/SQL

Trả lời bài tập ORACLE PL/SQL

... tường minh? Cursor ngầm là một địa chỉ không đặt tên của một lệnh SQL được xử lý bởi Oracle và/hay cơ chế thực thi PL /SQL. Mọi lệnh SQL đều thực hiện trong một cursor ngầm, bao gồm các lệnh update, ... hay không. Trả về là TRUE hay FALSE 4. Có bao nhiêu loại vòng lặp trong PL /SQL? Các kiểu vòng lặp có sẵn trong PL /SQl là: • Lệnh loop-exit. • Lệnh while-loop. • Lệnh for-loop. 5. Phân biệt ... TRẢ LỜI BÀI TẬP ORACLE 3. Kể ra một số thuộc tính con trỏ (cursor) ngầm. Một số thuộc tính của con trỏ (cursor)...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:51

2 3,1K 42

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