economy toeic lc 1000 vol 1 pdf

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 1 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 1 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy LC 10 00 Vol LC transcript Test 1 (A) He is riding his bicycle (B) He is putting on a helmet (C) He is lixing ... people are sitting outdoors at a cafe 11 When did you last visit our laboratory? (A) It lasts about a week (B) No, I didn't (C) Yesterday, with my boss 12 Does anyone here know how to use this ... joining the branches 89- 91 refer to the following tour information And now we are entering the Portrait Gallery, which is often called the "Red Room" and was built in 18 31 It is well known internationally

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:23

206 908 1
Economy TOEIC LC 1000 volume 4

Economy TOEIC LC 1000 volume 4

... tôi lấy tên là TOEIC AN TOÀN chứ? rất đơn giản : đến với TOEIC AN TOÀN các bạn chỉ có an toàn. Nếu đạt 012 16238704 30k/buổi học Page 4 được điểm TOEIC mong muốn ... only 30k per day only 30k per day only 30k per day only 30k per day ... tháng 1 tuần 3 buổi. Vậy 1 ngày các bạn có thể để danh 1 bữa cơm 15 k là đủ để đóng học phí. Và tôi cũng biết rằng có nhiều bạn có thể 1 đêm ăn chơi với bạn bè hết luôn 1 tháng học phí nhưng nói

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2015, 22:44

246 634 0
TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 2 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 2 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy LC 10 00 Vol LC transcript Test 1 (A) She is doing the dishes (B) She is cleaning the kitchen counter (C) ... managerial meeting 60 When is Mr Gomez supposed to arrive? (A) At 11 o’clock (B) At 12 o’clock (C) At o’clock (D) At o’clock 61 Where will the man most likely go next? (A) To a meeting (B) To ... each other 10 (A) They are walking away from the plane (B) Some passengers are waving their hands (C) People are lined up to board the plane (D) The plane is about to land at the airport 11 What

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:30

206 481 0
TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 3 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 3 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy LC 10 00 Vol transcript Test 1 (A) He is looking at a newspaper (B) He is reading a letter (C) He is reviewing ... According to the woman, when will the repairmen arrive at the office? (A) 11 :00 a.m (B) 11 :30 a.m (C) 12 :00 p.m (D) 12 :30 p.m 55 What does the man say? (A) They can’t make the meeting on time ... the inconvenience 71 What time was Flight 10 7 originally scheduled to depart? (A) At a.m (B) At a.m (C) At 10 a.m (D) At 11 a.m 72 Where is the final destination of Flight 10 7? (A) Chicago (B)

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:31

215 338 1
TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 4 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 4 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy LC 10 00 Vol transcript (A) The clock face is round (B) Some people are walking side by side (C) ... is looking at the monitor 10 (A) Cups have been placed on the table (B) They’re reading a book (C) The table is being arranged (D) A woman is studying for an exam 11 What’s wrong with this computer? ... the quarterly sales report 17 Who entered these figures on the spreadsheet? (A) I’m sorry I can’t figure it out (B) My assistant did (C) There is an error in calculation 18 When will the new secretary

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:36

216 403 1
TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 5 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy LC 1000 vol 5 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy LC 10 00 Vol transcript Test 1 (A) He is operating a computer (B) He is inspecting an item for sale (C) ... is being cleaned 10 (A) A woman is pouring water into a cup (B) Some branches have fallen onto the grass (C) A tent is being erected (D) Liquid is being poured into a container 11 Can I borrow ... course, I’ll lend you some money 12 When did you get back from your business trip? (A) No, I prefer economy class (B) From Chicago (C) A couple of weeks ago 13 How did you like the atmosphere?

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:38

210 282 0
TOEIC economy RC 1000 vol 1 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy RC 1000 vol 1 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy RC 10 00 Vol transcript Test 10 1 - for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers tomorrow (A) invite (B) invitations (C) inviting (D) invitation 10 2 ... handling (D) measure Questions 14 1 -14 3 refer to the following article Ace Supplies, a Paris-based firm - in office supplies, announced its plan to relocate its 14 1 (A) is specializing (B) specializes ... ALL DAY Group Classes Monday 12 :00 - 1: 00 P.M Tuesday 6:00 - 7:00 P.M Wednesday 12 :00 - 1: 00 P.M Thursday 6:00 - 7:00 P.M Friday 7:00 - 8:30 A.M Saturday 9:00 - 10 :30 A.M Sunday CLOSED ALL DAY

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:40

282 643 2
Economy toeic Listening 1000 (Dịch và đáp án LC 1)

Economy toeic Listening 1000 (Dịch và đáp án LC 1)

... - Tình cờ vào google gõ “review test part toeic3 65” thứ cần - Tài liệu Economy LC1 dịch, tổng hợp lại từ trang toeic3, từ câu 41- 100 chưa hoàn chỉnh, bạn muốn đóng góp phần thiếu ... 68-70 refer to the following conversation 71- 73 74-76 77-79 80-82 83-85 86-88 89- 91 92-94 95-97 98 -10 0 TEST 10 41- 43 refer to the following conversation 44-46 refer to the following conversation ... conversation 59- 61 refer to the following conversation 62-64 refer to the following conversation 65-67 refer to the following conversation 68-70 refer to the following conversation 71- 73 74-76 77-79

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2016, 16:42

127 7,3K 73
test 1 explanation tieng anh NEW Economy TOEIC RC 1000

test 1 explanation tieng anh NEW Economy TOEIC RC 1000

... lOMoARcPSD |14 97 413 4 thể xây dựng mối quan hệ đối tác có lợi Tôi mong nhận (13 4-B-to) trả lời ông Trân trọng, Sharron Biggs Giám đốc điều hành, BiggsGraphics 13 1 Dạng rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ chủ động 13 2 ... 13 7 occur to: xảy Downloaded by NL ( lOMoARcPSD |14 97 413 4 ending at: kết thúc vào lúc 13 8 Ambitious: tham vọng Combative: hiếu chiến Complacent: tự mãn Questions 13 9 -14 2 ... bắt đầu vấn ứng viên vào Thứ Hai, ngày tháng 11 Các vị trí bắt đầu làm việc vào tháng (14 2-B) 14 0 Basic: Decisive: định, kiên Addtional: bổ sung 14 2 We sincerely thank you for your interest:

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2022, 19:59

34 437 0
Protective Relaying Handbook Vol 1 PDF

Protective Relaying Handbook Vol 1 PDF

... SN# 9 614 3025 CTR =12 0.00 79OI1 =900 79OI2 =2700 79RST =600 M79SH =11 011 50C =99.99 50NL =99.00 51NP =12 .00 51NTD =15 .00 51NC =3 51NRS 50L =99.99 50H =30.00 51P =5. 01 51TD =2.50 51C =4 51RS 52APU ... =0 TZDO S (12 3) = A (12 ) = B (12 ) = E(34) = F(34) = K (12 34) = L (12 34) = A1 (12 34) = A2 (12 34) = V(56) = W(56) = X(56) = A3 (13 46) = A4(2346) =TCMA TR (12 46) =50H+51T RC (12 46) =TF ER (12 46) =51P TDUR =5 ... WESTINGHOUSE-CO -11 -50/ 51. .. Mitchell Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45232 800.434.0 415 513 .563. 615 0 phone 513 .563. 612 0 fax 24/7 Emergency Service Available Nationwide 800-434-0 415

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2016, 16:47

72 598 0


... serving beverages in cups blocks (D) Cement is being poured at a construction 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 (W-Am) What time is it? 12 site (M-Au) How was your stay at the hotel? (W-Br) (A) Just a few minutes ... (M-Au) 12 (W-Br) (A) Yes, I’m enjoying it here 13 (A) Flight 48 (B) Three years ago (B) Only an hour (C) The Strauss Company (C) At the airport (M-Au) Where are you staying in town? 14 (M-Cn) ... laboratory Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation (W-Am) Good morning.41I have a reservation at this hotel - my name's Clara Dawson (M-Au) Hello, Ms Dawson, and welcome to the San

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 15:34

83 557 0
[] Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol 1.Pdf

[] Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol 1.Pdf

... Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh ( lOMoARcPSD|2 310 0697 Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol Test SECTI ON1 CLERK:Goodmor ni ng,ma’ am,andwel comet o“ Aust r al i a’ sMov i ... i ngmest ayt empor ar i l yat509Cl ar kHouse,t hat ’ sCL ARK ,11 37Uni v er si t yDr i v ei nSeat t l e CLERK:Seat t l e ?Beaut i f ulc i t y ,Ihear Mount nsr i ghtbes i det heocean,al most Cool ... eral lt hatt hi nki ng,t al ki ng,andl i st eni ng,Iexpectev er y onewi l l beabi twear y Soat 11 : 15 ,t her ewi l l beabr eakf orcoffee,cooki es ,andot herl i ghtr ef r eshment s Thesewi l l beav

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2023, 17:03

50 6 0
Reading TOEIC Economy TOEIC Test 1 Vol 1

Reading TOEIC Economy TOEIC Test 1 Vol 1

... highly (B) easily (D) relatively 15 [...]... Regards, Chris Gately 13 Economy TOEIC – Test 1Vol 1 Teacher in charge: Nguyen Van Tan 19 1 Why did Beth Volt write the email? (A) To ... famous restaurants (D) The menu for the luncheon 11 Economy TOEIC – Test 1Vol 1 Teacher in charge: Nguyen Van Tan Questions 18 6 -19 0 refer to the following two emails From : Mary ... 12 :00 1: 00 P.M: Free lunch 1: 30–3:30 P.M:... Economy TOEIC – Test 1Vol 1 Teacher in charge: Nguyen Van Tan (D) It is an excellent place to develop business relationships 18

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2016, 20:54

15 662 1


... 7 31 133 Website:; 16 9 B Subscription to +magazine/newspaper/channel 17 0 C 17 1 B 17 2 C 17 3 B 17 4 C 17 5 B 17 6 A 17 7 D 17 8 C 17 9 B 18 0 A 18 1 ... 17 4 C 17 5 B 17 6 A 17 7 D 17 8 C 17 9 B 18 0 A 18 1 D 18 2 A 18 3 C 18 4 B 18 5 B 18 6 C In response to st: đáp lại 18 7 A Idea (n) => ideal(a) lý tưởng 18 8 B 18 9 C 19 0 C Be famous for st/doing st: tiếng gì/làm ... Quận 4, TP HCM – 0866 7 31 133 Website:; 11 2 A Adj + N => loại B, C, D 11 3 D About + N/V-ing +> loại A, B, C 11 4 C Rút gọn relative pronouns:

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2017, 21:12

88 341 1
TOEIC economy RC 1000 vol 3 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

TOEIC economy RC 1000 vol 3 transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... TOEIC Economy RC 10 00 Vol transcript Test 10 1 Some visitors to Dubrovnik feel that it is too - with tourists to be ... request HAILCORP 12 39 Park Avenue South New York City, NY 10 003 ( 212 ) 555-3938 Noel Saunders, Vice President Wallington Associates 345 Fillmore Financial Plaza San Francisco, CA 9 410 2 Dear Mr ... Questions 14 1 -14 3 refer to the following letter Dear Ms Johnson, Your letter received on August 1st, requested that we discontinue delivery of the Sunday Times Gazette newspaper, effective August 15 th

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 02:43

287 582 1
Economy 2 toeic Listening 1000 (dịch economy LC 2)

Economy 2 toeic Listening 1000 (dịch economy LC 2)

... - Tình cờ vào google gõ “review test part toeic3 65” thứ cần - Tài liệu Economy LC2 dịch, tổng hợp lại từ trang toeic3, từ câu 41- 100 chưa hoàn chỉnh, bạn muốn đóng góp phần thiếu ... report 89- 91 refer to the following voice mail message 92-94 refer to the following talk 95-97 refer to the following business report 98 -10 0 refer to the following announcement TEST 10 41- 43 refer ... report 89- 91 refer to the following announcement 92- 94 refer to the following announcement 95-97 refer to the following recorded message 98 -10 0 refer to the following broadcast TEST 2 41- 43 refer

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2016, 16:43

127 2,4K 27


... i 15 3 1 54 15 5 15 6 15 7 15 8 15 9 16 0 16 1 16 2 16 3 1 64 16 5 16 6 16 7 16 8 16 9 17 0 17 1 17 2 17 3 1 74 17 5 17 6 17 7 17 8 17 9 18 0 18 1 18 2 18 ... 17 6 17 7 17 8 17 9 18 0 18 1 18 2 18 3 1 84 18 5 18 6 18 7 18 8 18 9 19 0 19 1 19 2 19 3 1 94 19 5 19 6 19 7 19 8 19 9 200 LEAP ENGLISH CENTRE L I NG Ph n GI I THÍCH ... THÍCH PART 5 này đ tiên chúng mình xin phép đ c th c hi n b i đ i... 14 1 14 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 6 14 7 14 8 14 9 15 0 15 1 15 2 à T c khi Gallux C à cx p h à à à t trong s các công ty vi n thông

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2016, 21:50

89 1,6K 0
New economy toeic 1000 LC transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

New economy toeic 1000 LC transcript bản word tiện copy paste google translate

... New Economy Toeic 10 00 LC transcript Test 1 (A) He’s trimming the bushes (B) He’s feeding a horse (C) He’s riding across ... center 54 What time will the woman’s appointment start? (A) At 9:00 A.M (B) At 10 :00 A.M (C) At 11 :00 A.M (D) At 1: 00 P.M 55 What does the woman ask about? (A) A membership discount (B) A shipping ... of town (B) Conference room B (C) At three o’clock 12 Who was on the phone? (A) It’s disconnected (B) This morning at 10 (C) Some salesperson 13 Where is the manual for the photocopier? (A) Haven’t

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2019, 03:03

207 1,3K 4
Tài liệu Toeic test lesson 1 pdf

Tài liệu Toeic test lesson 1 pdf

... beard He was hit in the face by two of the tomatoes Trang 11 1 teenage 2 cut us off 3 cancel 4 crank 5 scream 6 bribery 7 hoax 8 starving 1 Andrew suggested that Henry cancel all his engagements ... I'll tell people you've lost your voice 7 Henry: I'm going to carry on as usual Trang 10 Keys to exercises 10 The one in which he was living A large majority Henry Orpington's election agent No, ... them into indirect (reported) speech Start like this: 1 Andrew suggested that Henry cancel all his arrangements for that day Now you do it 1 Andrew: I suggest you cancel all your engagements for

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 10:16

11 456 2

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