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Tiêu đề Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol 1
Trường học Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
Chuyên ngành Academic English
Thể loại Test
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Số trang 50
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Untitled Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol 1 Academic English (Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any[.]

lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol Academic English (Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Transcript Listening Actual Test Vol Test SECTI ON1 CLERK:Goodmor ni ng,ma’ am,andwel comet o“ Aust r al i a’ sMov i ngExper i ence” !How canIhel py ou? WOMAN:Wel l ,I Ihopey oucanhel pme.I ’ m soupi nt heai rr i ghtnow .I CLERK:Justcal m down,now.Letmeguess :y ou’ r emovi ngandi thasy oual i t t l e conf us ed WOMAN:That ’ si tex act l y Yousee,I ’ mr el ocat i ngt ot heUni t edSt at esnextmont hand I ’ m hav i ngahar dt i meget t i ngor gani sed CLERK:Her e,fil louty ournameandaddr ess ,andl etmeasky ouaf ewquest i ons Oh, whatshoul dIcal ly ou? WOMAN:Mynamei sJane,JaneBond CLERK:OK,Jane,fir stofal l ,what ’ sy ourwor kphonenumber ?I ncas eIhav eany ques t i onsaboutt hi ngs WOMAN:Mywor kphonei s94635550.Butpl easet r ynott ocal l met ooof t ent her e.My bosshat esper sonal cal l s CLERK:Sodoesmi ne,ma’ am,sodoesmi ne.Andwhataddr essshoul dweshi py our t hi ngst o? WOMAN:Mynewcompanyi sl et t i ngmest ayt empor ar i l yat509Cl ar kHouse,t hat ’ sCL ARK,1137Uni v er si t yDr i v ei nSeat t l e CLERK:Seat t l e ?Beaut i f ulc i t y ,Ihear Mount nsr i ghtbes i det heocean,al most Cool er t hanAus t r al i a,t oo.OK,andwhenshoul dwecomepacky ourt hi ngs ? WOMAN:Iguesst hatwoul dbeonMonday,Mar ch11t h Doy ouwantanyhel pwi t hanaf t er packi ngcl eanup?Wedot hatf orasmal l addi t i onal char ge Yes ,t hatwoul dbehel pf ul Ipr omi sedt hel andl or dI ’ dgi v ehert hek ey sbackby5: 00 p m.onThur sday,t he14t h Gr eat ,we’ l lj ustschedul et hec l eanupf ort hatday Thatway ,t hepl acewi l l smel l cl ean andt her e’ l lbenodust Wel l ,y oudot hi nkofev er yt hi ng!Oh,howmuchi st hi sgoi ngt ocos t ? Her ei sal i stofourbasi cpr i ces Ohdear ,t hi sseemsr at herexpens i v e! Yesma’ am,buty ou’ r epayi ngf ort hebest We’ r ecar ef ul andwe’ r ef ast Li k ewesay ,t he onl yt hi ngwebr eakar espeedr ecor dsget t i ngy oumov ed Wel l maybet hat ’ sso .Oh,Inear l yf or gott ot el l y ou.Idon’ twantmyf ur ni t ur eshi pped wi t hme.Iwon' tbel ooki ngf oranapar t mentt i l l af t erIar r i v ei nAmer i ca.Woul di tbe Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 possi bl et oputmyf ur ni t ur ei ns t or ageher ef oramont h,t henhav ei ts ental ongl at er ? Ofcour se,wedot hatal l t het i me.Acoupl eofot hert hi ngs Her eat" AMovi ngEx per i ence” ,wet r yt opacky ourt hi ngsl ogi cal l y Wedon’ tj ustt hr ow st uffi nbox es Doy ouhav eanyspec i al r equest s ?Youknow,t hi ngsy ouwantpack edi nsomes peci al pl ace,soy ouknowwher et ofindt hem? Li k ewhat ? Oh,Idon’ tknow .Thi ngsl i k edi shesmaybe.Nott ober ude,buty oul ookl i k eal adywho l i k est oeat Ahhh!Yes ,Ineedmydi shesandt hi ngswher eIcanfindt hem qui ckl y Gr eat We' l l putt hosedi shesandcut l er yi nwhatwecal l t heemer genc ypack.Cany ou t hi nkofanyt hi ngel s e ? eanant i quet eak et t l emygr eat gr andmot hergav emymot her I Ummm,Idohav woul dn’ twantt ol oset hat SoIguessy ou’ dbet t erputt hati nst or agewi t ht hef ur ni t ur e Gr andma’ st eak et t l ewi t ht hef ur ni t ur e,goti t !Say ,howaboutt hi ngsl i k ey oural ar m cl ock ?Youdon’ twantt omi ssy ourpl aneont hebi gday ,r i ght ? Wel l ,y oucer t nl yt hi nkofev er yt hi ng!Yes ,t hat ’ sr i ght I ' l l al s oneedmyal ar m cl ock wher eIcanfindi t Fi ne,we’ l lputt hati ny ourper sonalpackage.Andofcour se,we' l lgi v ey oual i stofwher e wepackev er yt hi ng.So,al ly ou’ l l hav et odoonThur sday ,t he14t hi sgr aby ourl uggage ony ourwayoutt hedoor Um,Icoul dn’ thel pnot i c i ngt henewCDpl ay ery ou’ r ecar r yi ng I st hataSamsung? Why ?Yes ,i ti s Oneoft hei rbest Costmenear l yahundr eddol l ar s ,i tdi d! Doy ouwantt ot ak es peci alcar eofi t ?Imeani t ’ sbr andnew Tak ecar eofi t ,butnot hi ngspec i al Youcanj ustputi ti ns t or agewi t ht hef ur ni t ur e Thatl ooksl i k eev er yt hi ngweneedher e.Iguessy ou’ r eal l set Thatwascer t nl yqui ck Thanky ou,y oungman.Thi shasbeenamostmovi ng exper i ence! Goodmor ni ngev er y one,andwel comet ot he2ndAnnualWul l abal l ooConf er enceon Mas t er i ngComput erLanguages Ihopey oual lhadagoodt r i p.Bef or ewegetunder way wi t ht oday’ spr ogr amme,l etmefil ly oui nast owhat ’ sont apf ort omor r ow,Sunday , Febr uar y19t h At9: 00a m.r i ghther ei nt heMai nHal l ,we’ l l behear i ngal ect ur ef r om DrJ ohnSmi t h Comput erasTeacher ’ ’ Pr of essorSmi t h,f r om t heUni v er si t yofMel bour ne,i sa about“ wor l dcl assexper ti nt hefiel dofcomput er assi st ededucat i on,andhi st al kpr omi sest o bebot hst i mul at i ngandi nf or mat i v e I mmedi at el yaf t er war ds ,at10: 30,t her ewi l l beapr esent at i onofpaper sbyv ar i ous del egat es That ,howev er ,wi l lt ak epl acei nt heGar denRoom ont hegr oundfloor I fy ou Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 don’ ty etknow,t heGar denRoom i sal socal l edt heBal l r oom,andwe’ l l begat her i ngat t hewestend,t hesl i ght l yr sedar eacal l edLev el 2.Justl ookf ort hecr owd.I fy ouget l ost ,t her ear esi gnsi nt hef oy er Af t eral lt hatt hi nki ng,t al ki ng,andl i st eni ng,Iexpectev er y onewi l l beabi twear y Soat 11: 15,t her ewi l l beabr eakf orcoffee,cooki es ,andot herl i ghtr ef r eshment s Thesewi l l beav l abl eatt heapt l ynamedRef r eshmentSt and,pl acedbyt hedoorbackher ei nt he Mai nHal l Al so,i fy ouchooset oski pt hef or mall unch,y oucanbuyapack edl unc hat t hest andf orar easonabl epr i ce Is t r ongl yur gey ou,howev er ,t oj oi nusatt hef or mal l unch.Thatwon’ tbet i l l oneo’ c l ock shar p,soy ouhav et i met os t r ol laboutt ownabi t We’ l l beeat i ngatt heSeaVi ew Rest aur ant Ther est aur anti sl ocat edr i ghther ei nt hehot el ,ont het opfloor I t ’ sagood doz enfli ght sofst r s ,soIsuggesty out ak et hel i f tont hegr oundfloor ,eh?I fy ou’ r enot f ondoffish,t her ei sanal l y oucaneatbar becueav l abl easwel l Theyev enoffer wal l abymeat ! Af t erl unch,we’ l lt r oopbackdownst r st oLev el 2i nt heBal l r oom f ort hepr esent at i onof f ur t herpaper s ,whi chwi l l begi nat2: 00p m.Pl eas et r yt obeont i me.Iknowy ou’ l l bea bi tt i r edaf t erl unch,butt heBal l r oom echoessowi t hpeopl ecomi ngi nl at e.Thanky oui n adv ance Oncewe’ v ehear dt hepaper s ,we’ l l br eakf oraf t er noont eaat3: 10p m.Noneedt o wal k Themanageroft her ef r eshmentst andhasgr ac i ousl yagr eedt ohav et easer v ed i nt heBal l r oom.He’ sev enpr omi sedussomespec i al scones ,bak edf r om ar eci peofhi s dearol dScot t i shgr andmot her Then,t eabei ngdr unkandsconesmunc hed,we’ l lr et i r eher et ot heMai nHal l f orsome cl os i ngr emar ksandquest i ons So,by5: 00weshoul dhav et heconf er encewr appedup m Butt hef uni s n’ tov er !Thi si sAust r al i amat es !We’ l lbeflocki ngt ot hehot el ’ sownPal Loungeont heeasts i deoft hef oy erf orani nf or mal r ecept i on.Youcanr el ax ,mi ngl e wi t ht heot herdel egat es ,andl ety ourhai rdownabi t Thi swi l l r unf r om 5: 10t o6: 10, t houghy ou’ r ef r eet os t ayasl ongasy oul i k e.Thel oungemanagerhasi nf or medme t hat ,f ort hedur at i onoft heact ualr ecept i on,y oucanhav eal l y oucandr i nkbeerf or $20 00wi t hpur chaseofanadv ancet i ck et And,y es ,t i ck et scanbepur chasedf r om anyconf er enceor gani s eroratt hef r ontdesk anyt i mebet weennowandt hest ar toft her ecept i on Isuggesty oucomebyt omor r owev eni ngt opi ckupt het i ck et ssi ncet heconf er encehal l onl yhol ds800peopl e.Thatway ,y oucanal sogety ourj our neypl annedaheadoft i me andbes ur enott omi sst hi st r ul ymemor abl econf er ence.I fy ouwantcockt l s ,howev er , I ’ ms or r y You’ l l hav et opayf ort hoseatt her egul arpr i ce Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Ohmygoodness !Speaki ngofpayi ng,IseeIf or gott ot el ly ouacoupl eoft hi ngs The fir sti saboutl unch.Thechar gef ort hel unc hwi l lbe$15 00f oral l y oudel egat es I fy ou hav eguest swi t hy ou,t hecosti s$25 00f ort hegener alpubl i c ,and$6 50f orc hi l dr en undert heageof10.That ’ sfif t eendol l ar seach,nott ot alf orev er y one!Anot heri t em i s ookatt he aboutt hel unc hmenu.Iv er ymuchur gey out ot r yt hefish.Imean,l r est aur ant ’ sname:SeaVi ew.Ast henames uggest s ,i ti saf amousseaf oodr est aur ant Thechefi saBas quef r om Spai n,andher eal l yget squi t eputoutwhenpeopl ei gnor e hi sfishspec i al t i esf orbur ger sorbar becue.I ffishi sn’ ty ourt hi ngt hough,t r yt hest eakhemak esanex qui s i t eFi l etmi gnont oppedwi t hbl eucheeseandmushr ooms fy ou’ dl i k et obuyat i ck et ,y oucanhav ebot hl unc handt heunl i mi t edbeerf or Fi nal l y ,i $35 00 Ishoul dhav ement i onedt hatear l i er ,butIam abi tf or get f ul MaybeIs houl d av oi dt hebeeraf t ert heconf er ence,eh? Wel l ,I ’ v esai dmybi t Ar et her eanyquest i ons ? SECTI ON3 Hel l o .ar ey ouPr of essorVanDi ez en? Yes ,Iam.Andwhomi ghty oube ? Oh!Sor r y ,mynamei sTi na.I ’ m af r eshmanher e.Theyt ol dmeIshoul dasky ouf or advi cei nchoos i ngcour ses Wel l ,t hat ’ spar tofwhatI ’ m her ef or Pl easecomei nandsi tdown.Now,whatar ey our ques t i ons ? I ,Ial mostdon’ tknow!Ev er y t hi ngi ss oconf usi ng!Li k ewhati sa“ speci al i sedcour se” ? i al i sedcour sei sonet hati scompul sor y ,meani ngi t ' sar equi r ementf or Oh,eas y Aspec y ourmaj orandr egul ar ,s oy oucan’ tpl aceoutbyt aki ngapr ofici enc yex am Thatsoundspr et t ys t r i ct Thenwhatar eal l t hesegener al cour ses ?Is eem t ohav et o t ak es omany Not hi ngt obeal ar medov er Thesear ecour sesopent oal ls t udent sandnotdi r ect l y r el at edt oy ourmaj or Theuni v er si t yoffer st hesegener al cour sest oc hoosesot haty ou canbecomemor ewel l r oundedi ndi vi dual s Forexampl e,Iseey ou’ r eaMi cr obi ol ogy maj or Soi tmi ghtbeagoodi deat ot ak esomel i t er at ur eorhi st or ycour sess ot haty ou canknows omet hi ngbesi desal l sci ence Youmeant hesecour sesar e,l i k e,f orf un? Thatmi ghtbeonewayt ol ookati t ,butdon’ tt el l t hel i t er at ur epr of essorsuc hat hi ng Thi nkofagener alcour s east heopposi t eofaspec i fiedcour se.Aspeci fiedcour sei s onet hatper t nsdi r ect l yt oy ourmaj or SocanIt ak eanyMi cr obi ol ogycour seIwant ? Let ’ ssee.Oh,t hosecour sesus edt obeopent oMi cr obi ol ogyst udent sonl y Thegood t hi ngi s ,nowi t ’ sopent ost udent sonaflexi bl eschedul e,soi t ’ snotonl yf orf ul l t i me st udent s Sot heans weri sy es ,i fy ouhav et hei ns t r uct or ’ sper mi ssi on.MayIasky ou Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 whyy ouchoseMi cr obi ol ogy ? Wel l ,Ial sol i k epl nol dBi ol ogy ,t oo.Youknow,f ul l si z edani mal s Imi ghtev enbecome av et er i nar i an.Coul dIt ak esomeBi ol ogyc l asses ? heyar eopent of ul l t i mest udent sonl y,whi chIbel i ev ei swhaty ouar e.Idon’ t Wel l ,t knowhowaf r eshmanwoul dgetal ongwi t hMi cr obi ol ogy ,t hough.Imean,mostoft he st udent spr esent l yl ooki ngi nt oi tar ef r om offcampus Offcampus ? Yes ,y ouknow,peopl ewhousei ti nt hei rwor kathospi t al s ,l abor at or i es ,ev enapol i ce det ect i v e.Whydi dy ouchooseMi cr obi ol ogy ,i fImayask ?Idon’ tt hi nky ouqui t e ans wer edt hat Wel l ,ev ent ual l yIwantt obeadoct or Atl eastmydadt el l smeso I fImaysays o,y oungl ady ,y ouseem al i t t l euncer t n St i l l ,It hi nkt hatmi ghtbeagoodi deaf oracar eer Ofcour se,i fy ou' r et hi nki ngabout bei ngei t heradoct ororav et ,y oushoul dt ak esomeMedi cal Sci encecl assesbef or e y ouev ent hi nkofappl y i ngt omedschool Gr eat !Whats houl dIt ak e ? cal Sci encesbui l di ngi sunderconst r uct i on, Ther ei sonesmal l pr obl em.ThenewMedi sot her ear enoexper i ment alf ac i l i t i esav l abl eunt i l nexty ear I ’ m af r dy ou' l l hav et o wai t Butdon’ tf or gett ot ak et hosecour sesatt hefir stoppor t uni t y ! Oh,bummer I st her eanyot hercour sey ou' dr ecommendf orsomeonel i k eme ? Wel l ,si ncey ous eem t ol i k eani mal s ,hav ey ouev ert houghtaboutl ooki ngi nt o Envi r onment al Sci ence ? No,Inev err eal l yt houghtabouti tbef or e.I si twor t hwhi l e ? Qui t e!I nf act ,i t ' st hef as t estgr owi ngsubj ectont hi scampus I ’ ms or r y ,Icoul dn’ thel pnot i ci ngt hel ongl i stofc l assesy ou’ v ewr i t t enoutt her e.MayI hav eal ook ? Oh,sur e Medi cal Sci ence,St at i st i cs ,Labor at or yTechni ques ,Medi ci ne,Mat hemat i cs ,Comput i ng My ,my ,abi tofev er y t hi ngher e I si tt oomuch? Fory ourfir stsemest er ,y es WhatIsuggesti sst ar t i ngoutbyt aki ngt hecompul s or y cour ses.Li k ewesai dbef or e,t heMedi cal Sci encecanwai t Consi dert aki ngt hati ny our sophomor ey ear It hi nkI ’ dputoffComput i ng,t oo.Ir ecommendt oal l f r eshment hatI t al kt ot ogett hecompul sor yMat hemat i csoutoft hewayasear l yaspossi bl e,sot ak e t hatone.I t ’ l lbeonel essdi fficul tcour s ey ouhav et of ocusonwhent hesci encel ab opensnexty ear ,andy ouhav et ocat chuponcl assesl i k eLabor at or yTechni ques Your maj oral s or equi r esSt at i st i css oy ouhav et obal ancet woMat hscl asses ,andnodoubt y oushoul dt ak et hat Ot her wi se,gety ourr equi r edMedi ci necour seoutoft hewayby t aki ngsomet hi ngt heor y bas ed Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Oh,ofcour s eandy ourEnvi r onment al Sci encecl assi fy ou’ r ei nt er es t ed.Theot her scan wai t ,t houghIt hi nkComput i ngi sdefini t el yagoodi dea,ev ent houghi t ’ snotr equi r ed.I seet oo,ony ourpapert her e,y ouseem t ohav ehadhi ghmar ksont heent r anceex am Uhhh,y eah.Iguessso Don’ tbeshy !Hav ey out houghtaboutappl yi ngf oraschol ar s hi p? Dot heyhav eany ?Imean,mydadi sal way scompl ni ngabouthowmuchmoneyi t cost shi m I ny ourdepar t ment ,t her ear eact ual l yt hr eef ul ls c hol ar shi psav l abl e.Theycov er t ui t i onandpr ovi de$1, 500cas h $1, 500cash?!Par t y ! Pl ease,Mi ss Themoneyi si nt endedmor easat ext bookal l owance,notpar t ymoney I f y oupr omi set obehav e, I ’ l l showy ouhowt oappl y Gr eat ,andt hanks ! SECTI ON4 We’ v ebeent al ki ngaboutchoosi ngbui l di ngmat er i al si nt hel astweek Now,agr eat manyf act or si nfluencet hechoi ceofbui l di ngmat er i al s Youcan’ tmak eahous eof car ds ,r i ght ?And“ peopl ewhol i v ei ngl asshouses ”andal l t hat Anyhow,t odayI ’ d l i k et osayaf ewwor dsaboutfloor i ng ast i cf ori nst ance,whi c hoffermi x ed Somear t i fici almat er i al scanbeused,l i k epl bl essi ngswhenusedasafloor i ngsur f ace.Ont heonehand,pl ast i ci sc heapert han near l yanyot heral t er nat i v e,shor tofbar egr ound.Pl ast i cal sodoesnotwar pl i k ewood Ont heot herhand,t hebestt hatcanbesai daboutpl ast i ci st hati t“ l ooksl i k e”woodor st one.Howev er ,i tcannotr epl acet her ealmat er i al s AsIhav ement i oned,I ’ m fixi ngupa newhouse.Thedecor at ormywi f ehi r edt ol dme,“ Pl ast i cdoesagr eatj obofl ooki ng ex act l yl i k epl as t i c ”Besi des ,i tscr at cheseasi l y ,f adesordi scol our s ,ands t ar t scr acki ng wi t hi earort wo.So,i fy ou’ r efit t i ngoutas l eazyhot el orpl ant ol i v ei nat r l erpar k , gowi t ht hepl ast i c Real l y ,t hough,f oral li nt ent sandpur poses ,t hi sl eav esuswi t hwood orst oneasc hoi cesf orfloor i ng St oneandwoodar eal i k ei natl eastoner espect :bot hgot hr oughpr ocessi ngbef or e t heycanbeputt ouse.Si ncef ewofuscutourownl umberorquar r yourowns t one,t hi s i snotper hapsapr essi ngconcer n.St i l l ,doi t y our sel f er swoul ddowel l t or emembert o buyonl ypr oper l yseasonedwood.Unseasonedwoodwar psandawar pedfl oorqui ckl y becomesfir ewood( andi t sownerqui ckl ybecomespoor er ) Li k ewi se,ex ceptf ordul l huedmat er i al sl i k esl at eors andst one,mosts t onefloor sar epol i shedbef or ei nst al l at i on Thechoi cegoeswel lbey ondj ustwoodorst one-eacht yper equi r esmanyf ur t her Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 cons i der at i ons Af ewspec i al r emar ksar ecal l edf orwhenconsi der i ngwood,f or ex ampl e.Asal way s,aest het i cs ,per sonalt ast e,andl ay outal l pl ayr ol esaswel last he t ypeofhouseorr oom.Oh,andcer t nl ydon’ tf or gett hecost Wheni tcomest ocost ,a r ul eoft humbi st hatt hes of t erandl essex ot i ct hewood,t hel owert hecost I nt heUS, f ori nst ance,pi nei sbot hubi qui t ousandc heap.Mahoganyi si mpor t edandex or bi t ant l y expens i v e.I fy ou’ r eonanyki ndofbudgetwhenr emodel i ng,i t ’ sr eal l yhel pf ult o r emembert ogof ort hesof t erwoods Asi def r om cost ,t her ear est i l l l ot sofdi ffer entf act or st hatar ei mpor t anti nchoos i ngt he bestfloor i ngf ort hej ob.Cont i nui ngwi t ht heex ampl eofwood,onemustconsi dert he effect sofeacht ypeofwoodont hemoodoft her oom.Whensel ect i ngt hebestwoodt o use,par t i cul arat t ent i onneedst obepai dt oi t sgr npat t er ns,t ext ur e,andcol our I n r oomswher er el ax at i onordeept houghti st heai m -saybedr oomsort hes t udy-dar k , st r onggr nedwoodsar et her ul e Her et hegr noughtt omat cht hef ur ni t ur ef oraf eel i ngofhomogenei t y I nr oomswher e act i vi t yandmot i onar et ypi cal -t hedi ni ngr oom orl i v i ngr oom -l i ght er ,finer gr ned l umberi smor esui t abl e I ns uchas et t i ng,t hewoodgr nmi ghtbeusef uli noffer i ngacont r astt ot hef ur ni t ur e Thi sl eadst oaf eel ofsubconsci ousex ci t ement ,i nk eepi ngwi t ht her oom’ sf unct i on I nei t hercase,t hough,cons ul tadecor at or I ti sadecor at or ’ sj obt oknowwhatmat er i al s t ouset ofitt hef unct i onoft her oom.Thoughsomet hi ngsaboutput t i ngt oget herar oom ar esubj ect i v eandbasedonone’ si ndi v i dualt ast e,mat er i al sappr opr i at et oar oom’ s f unct i onar emuchmor est r ght f or war d.Adecor at ort ak est heneedsoft hecust omer ds.Si ncef eel i ngsv ar yf r om andusesamat hemat i cal f or mul a,r at hert hans ubj ec t i v ewor per sont oper son,v er bal descr i pt i onsofwoodt ypest endt obeambi guous Youwantt he woody ousel ect ,notsomet hi ngappr oxi mat e!Andi fy oudodeci det odoi ty our sel f , r emembert hatal l woodmustbet r eat edwi t hpr eser v at i v est oenhancei t sappear ance andpr eser v ei t snat ur albeaut y I nt hecaseofst one,or“ quar r yt i l e”asflat cutfl oor i ngs t onei spr oper l ycal l ed,anewset ofconsi der at i onsmustbewei ghedup.Si mpl ecol ourasi de,t hedegr eeofr eflect i on mustbek epti nmi nd.Thi si scal l edt he“ r eflect ancer at e” ,whi chi sexpr essedi na numberbet ween0 0and1 0,dependi ngont heamountofl i ghti tr eflect s Atoneendoft hescal ei spol i shedsi l v er Atar at i ngof1 0,t hi sshi nysur f acer eflect s near l yal l oft hel i ghtdi r ect edati t Number scl osert oz er odescr i bemat er i al st hat absor bmor el i ght Mov i ngdownt hescal eabi t ,weseet hepl as t i ct hathasbeenpai nt ed 8,whi chmak essense.Weknowt hatt hecol ourwhi t er eflect sal l whi t ehasar at eof0 ot hercol our swhi l ebl ackabsor bsal l col our s ,andpl ast i ci t sel fi sar el at i v el yr eflect i v e mat er i al Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Mat er i al st hatar edenseranddar k erhav er eflect ancer at esmuchcl os ert oz er o.The quar r yt i l eIment i onedawhi l eagohasar at eof0 1.Asy oumayknow,quar r yt i l ei s gener al l ydar kbr ownandmadef r om c l aysoi ti squi t edense.Ofcour se,t her ei s cons i der abl ev ar i at i onamongt ypesofquar r yt i l ebecaus eoft hehueort r eat mentoft he cl aydur i ngi t scr eat i on Doesany onehav eanyguessesast owhatmat er i al smayhav ear at eofal most0 0?We canguessmostoft hesemat er i al sar ebl acki ncol our ,butpl as t i c ,wood,andev ens t one r eflectsomel i ght Onemat er i al wi t har at eofal most0 0i sbl ackv el v et Thet ext ur e pr oducesal mostnoshi neatal l Car r ar amar bl e,despi t ei t swhi t ehue,i sact ual l yl oweri nr eflect i vi t yt hanbl ackonyx !I n anycase,t hef actt hatt i l esv ar ysomewhatshoul dnotbef or got t en.Ahi ghl yr eflect i v e floorwoul dnotbes ui t abl ei nal i br ar y ;i twoul dbei ndi spensabl ei nabal l r oom ( shoul d y ourhomebel ar geenought of eat ur eone) Agai n,ar ul eoft humbi st hat“ l i ghtmeans l i v el y” Si ncef or m andmat er i al f ol l owf unct i on,oneshoul donl yus et hemor er eflect i v e mat er i al si nr oomswher et hecul t i v at i onandexpr es si onofener gyi si mpor t ant Beari n mi ndt oot hatmostt ypesofst onecostmor et hanal lbutt her ar estofwoods Ofcour se,t her ei snor easonwhysomer oomsofahouseshoul dnotf eat ur ewood floor sorot herst onet i l es Youcanev enmi xt het wo.Ar oom wi t hwoodpanel sont he wal l scanhav eabeaut i f uls t onefloor Mybedr oom haswhi t ebi r chwal l sandal i ghtbl ue sl at efloor Thepl acel ooksl i k eaRussi anhunt i ngl odge.Remember ,t hough,gowi t h whatf eel sr i ghtf ory ou.Goodt as t eandt he“ l aws ”ofi nt er i ordesi gnar et he homeowner ’ ss er v ant s ,nothi smast er I t ’ sonl ybeaut i f ul wheny oudeci dei ti s Imean, y ou’ r et heonewhol i v est her e,nott hedecor at or ,r i ght ?OK,ar et her eanyques t i ons ? Test SECTI ON1 Woman:Goodmor ni ng.I ’ v ebeenl ooki ngaty ourhol i day st oAust r al i ny ourbr oc hur e I ’ mt hi nki ngofgoi ngdur i ngt hes econdhal fofnex tmont h Man:Good mor ni ng.Asy ou can s ee f r om ourbr oc hur e,we offera wi de v ar i et yof packagest ov ar i ousdest i nat i onsi nAust r al i a.I st her eany t hi ngi npar t i c ul art hati nt er est s y ou? Woman:Yes ,myhusbandandIar ev er yi nt er est edi nt hehol i day si nt heOut back Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Man:These hol i day sar e becomi ng i ncr easi ngl ypopul ar Woul dy ou l i k et o ar r ange fli ght sandaccommodat i onwi t hus ,orj ustaccommodat i on? Woman:Cany ouar r angefli ght sf r om Sydney ? Man:Cer t nl y ght sandaccommodat i ont hen Woman:OK,fli Man:Ri ght You s dt haty ou want ed t ot r av elnextmont h.Whi c h dat e woul dy ou pr ef er ?Is houl dpoi ntoutt hatt her ear enodai l yfli ght sav l abl e,soi fy ouhav eaflexi bl e i t i ner ar y ,t hat ’ sbet t er Woman:Wel l ,wear r i v ei nSydneyont he15thofApr i landwewer et hi nki ngoft r av el l i ng t ot heOut backont he18thofAugust ,er ImeanApr i l Man:OK.Ther e’ sonl yonefli ghtf r om Sydneyt oAl i c eSpr i ngsont he18th,soI ’ l lbook y ouont hat I tl eav esat10 i nt hemor ni ng,whi chi squi t econv eni ent Shal lIbookt wo seat sf ory ou? Woman:Yes ,pl ease Man:Asf ory ourst ayi nt heOut back ,y oucanseef r om t hebr ochur et hatweoffert hr ee packages-budget ,st andar d,andl uxur y Thebudgetpackagei sabout500Aus t r al i an dol l ar s Thes t andar dpackagei sabout700andt hel uxur yonei sappr oxi mat el y1, 000, t hough i tdoesdepend on ex act l ywhaty ou woul dl i k er egar di ng ext r as Whi ch one woul dy oupr ef er ? Woman:Wel l ,wecan’ tdeci debet weent hebudgetandst andar dopt i ons Man:Ah,wel l ,act ual l y ,j ustl ooki ngatmycomput erher e,ont hedat et haty ouwantt ofly i nt oAl i ceSpr i ngs ,t her ei snos t andar daccommodat i onav l abl e.I t ’ sf ul l ybook ed,I ’ m af r d Woman:That ’ sOK.Wet hi nkt hatt hecheapestoneshoul dbefinef orus Wedon’ tmi nd r oughi ngi tf oraf ew day sandwedon’ texpectt obespendi ngmucht i meatt heaccommodat i on.Wepr ef ert heout door s Man:Ri ght Let ’ sl ook att he r oom opt i ons Fi r stofal l ,woul dy ou pr ef eranonsmoki ngr oom? Woman:Yes Nei t herofussmok es Man:OK Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 RENTER: Oh, I l i k e Mead St r eet - t hat ’ s off campus , r i ght ? AGENT:Yep.I t ’ spr et t ycool ,buti tonl yhas2bedr ooms ,pl usal i vi ngr oom andas t udy RENTER: But I want t o l i v e t oget her wi t h my t wo f r i ends AGENT:Soy oucoul dmak et hest udyi nt oasmal lbedr oom i fy ouendupl i vi ngwi t h t hem RENTER:Al so,weguy swantaTVandDVDpl ay ersi ncewe’ r eal l somuchi nt omovi es AGENT:Wel l ,t hi spl acehasagr eatTVandVCR,butnoDVDpl ay er RENTER:NoDVD?That ’ ssowei r d.Ar eanyot herf aci l i t i espr ov i ded? hbas i n AGENT:Asy ousai d,wei r denough,i tal socomeswi t hawas RENTER:I st her eawas hi ngmac hi ne ?It hi nkweneedt hatmor et hanj ustawashbasi n AGENT: I ' m af r d t her e’ s no washi ng machi ne i n t he apar t ment RENTER:Wow,t hat ’ ss ool df as hi oned!Maybei t ’ snott hebestchoi cef ort hr eecol l ege guy s How much i s i t ? AGENT:Wel l ,i t ’ s$600permont h,butofcour s ei twoul dbecheaperi fy oumadei ti nt o3 bedr oomsi ns t eadof2.Wher ei st hi sapar t mentl ocat ed? AGENT: I t ’ s 2500 Mead St r eet , wher e t her e ar e a l ot of bar s RENTER:I twoul dbeaffor dabl e,buti twoul dgetpr et t ynoi s y.Andt hatsoundsr eal l y expens i v e f or an ol d pl ace i n a noi s y ar ea How about t he l ast pl ace ? AGENT:Thi sone’ soncampusi nt heDev onCl osecompl ex I t ’ saonebedr oom,s oi t wi l l be a l i t t l e qui et er t han t he Mead St r eet pl ace RENTER:Onebedr oom,huh?Thatcoul dbegoodf orf ocus i ngonmyst udi es What el se does i t hav e ? AGENT:I tcomeswi t hal i v i ngr oom andas t udy ,andi ncl udesar eal l yni cel ampi nt he ffer entset t i ngs.You know whatel s ei scool ? Ther e’ sa st udyt hathasa bunch ofdi di ni nghal ldownst r ss oal lev eni ngmeal sar ef r ee.Youcanpur chas ebr eakf astand l unch, but meal s af t er p m ar e f r ee Wow,t hi spl acesoundst oogoodt obet r ue.I si tr eal l yexpensi v e ? AGENT:I t ’ sal r i ght-$500permont h,butt her e’ snobat hr oom RENTER:What ?Nobat hr oom? AGENT:Wel l ,t her e’ snobat hr oom i nt heapar t ment ,butt her e’ soneatt heendoft he hal l RENTER:Hmm.Thanks ,It hi nknowIj usthav et odeci dewhet herIwantt ol i v eal oneor not AGENT: Yeah, whi c h one y ou pr ef er ? RENTER:It hi nk I ’ dc hoose ei t hert hi s apar t mentort he one on Beat l e Road Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 AGENT:OK.You’ d bet t er t hi nk abouti t ,and t hen y ou can cont actme ASAP RENTER:Fi ne,t hanksf ory ourhel p! AGENT:You’ r ewel come SECTI ON2 Hi f ol ks ,mynamei sLor et t aJohnst on,andI ’ m her ef r om t heBal t i mor eDepar t mentof Publ i cWas t e.Thanky ouf orcomi ngoutt oourcommuni t ymeet i ngt oni ght I ’ v egotaf ew wor dst osayaboutt hewas t ecol l ect i onher ei nBal t i mor e Fi r st ,t her e’ st hesor t edcol l ect i onbi nst hemsel v es They’ r emadeofst ur dy ,sol i d mat er i al ,sononeofy ourt r ashcans eepoutorpunct ur et hebi n.Al so,s i ncet hese er pr oof Wecan’ t t hi ngss i toutont hecur bov er ni ghtr nors hi ne,t heyhav et obewat hav ewat erget t i ngupi ni tandfil l i ngupt hebi n.Remembert opayat t ent i ont owhi chbi n i swhi ch,andsor ty ourwas t eaccor di ngl y Youshoul dhav eabl ueorgr eenbi nf or r ec y c l abl egar bage,ay el l owbi nf orunr ec y c l abl egar bage,andar edbi nf ort oxi cwast e Ourc i t ywi dewast emanagementi sdi v i dedi nt ot wos er vi ces Thefir sti scommer ci al was t ecol l ect i on,ort r ashcol l ect i onf r om bui l di ngs Themaj or i t yofbui l di ngwast ei s paper ,whi c hgoesi nt hebl ueorgr eenbi ns You’ l l not i cei ny ourofficebui l di ngst her e ar es i gnst hatwar ny ounott oov er fil lt hesebi ns Al l t hatpaperaddsup,andan ov er flowi ngbi ni si nfini t el yhar derf orcol l ect or st ocar r yt ot het r uckandempt y Asi def r om paper ,anot herl ar gesour ceofbui l di ngwast ei smet al s Met al ssuc hast i nandal umi ni um canbeputi nt hey el l owr ec y cl ebi ns ,butmet al sl i k e l eadandcoppers houl dbedi sposedofi nt her edbi ns Theseheavymet al sar ehar mf ul t ot heenv i r onmentandex acer bat eourc i t y’ sexi st i ngpol l ut i onpr obl em That ’ saboutal l t hei nf or mat i ony ouneedf orbui l di ngwas t e.Movi ngont ot hes econd ser vi ce,househol dwast ecol l ect i oni spr obabl ywhaty oupr i mar i l yt hi nkofwheny ou t hi nkofwhatwedoher e Manyoft hes amegui del i nesappl y-t hes or t i ngi st hesame,etcet er a Pl easer emembert ok eepgar bagel i k eki t chenwast ei napl as t i cbag I tmak escol l ect i oneasi erandl essenst heabomi nabl er ot t ent r ashsmel l Soaf t erwet ak ey ourt r as haway ,whathappenst oi t ?Wet ak eal l t hegar baget ooneof anumberofgar bagedi sposalpl ant s ,eachofwhi c hi sl ocat edi nt hemi ddl eof anopenspaceofs omesor t Noonewant st ohav et hei rhomeorofficer i ghtnextdoor Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 t oawas t edi sposal pl ant ,r i ght ?Was t ei scol l ect edandt hendi sposedofonceev er yf our weeks Al otoft r ashcanbui l dupi nt hatt i me,sowe’ r ei nt hepr ocessofdev el opi ngapl ant o f undcol l ect i onmor ef r equent l y I deal l yi twoul dbecol l ect edweekl y ,butwewi l ll i k el y hav et oset t l ef orbi weekl y Thegar baget r ucksmak et hei rr oundst ocl eart hebi nsat ni ghti nor dert oav oi dt r affic I ’ ms ur ey ou’ v eseenhowmuc hwast ey ourownhousehol dpr oducesi nagi v enweek Nowi magi neal lt het r ashpr oducedbyal lt hehousehol dsi nBal t i mor e.I t ’ sal ot ,r i ght ?I t maysur pr i sey out hatt hi samounti sonl ymar gi nal compar edt ocommer ci al wast e.Yep, i nesses,i ndust r i al f aci l i t i es ,r et l ,andoffices t hemai nwas t epr oducer sar eact ual l ybus Har dt obel i ev ehumanspr oducet hatmuchwast e,r i ght ?Nowonderwehav epol l ut i on pr obl ems ! Anyway ,af t eral l i ncomi ngwast ei ssor t ed,r ec y c l abl esar esentt oar ec y cl i ngpl ant , whi l egar bageandt oxi cwast ear et r anspor t edt ot hei rr espect i v ear easoft hepl antf or t r eat ment I t emssuchass t ones,whi chshoul dnotbedi sposedofi nourbi ns ,ar e separ at edoutanddi scar ded Oncet het r as hhasunder gonet het r eat mentpr ocess ,i ti scompact edanddi spos edof wi t hal lt heot hert r ashandfinal l y ,whent hel andfil lspacei sf ul l ,i ti sbur i eddeep under gr oundandi nt i mesomet hi ngnewi sbui l tont hel and That ’ sev er yt hi ngaboutwast ecol l ect i on.Thanky ouf orl i s t eni ng.Ar et her eany ques t i ons ? SECTI ON3 RI CKY:Hi ,Jul i e,i t ’ sRi cky JULI E:Hi ,Ri cky ,howar ey ou?Inot i cedy ouwer en’ ti nPs y c hol ogyt oday RI CKY:I ' mf eel i ngsi ck ,s oIdi dn’ tgot oschool t oday Woul dy oumi ndt el l i ngmewhatI mi ssedi ncl ass ? JULI E:Sur et hi ng.I ’ ms or r yy ou’ r enotf eel i ngwel l !Anyway ,wespentmostoft hecl ass t al ki ngaboutanewessayt hatPr of essorJohnsonassi gned.Youneedt ochooseoneof t hebol dheadi ngsf r om t henot es y st em andr esear chi t RI CKY:Wow,Ipi ck edt hewr ongdayt omi sscl ass ,huh? JULI E:Yousur edi d RI CKY:Coul dy out el l met hespeci ficr equi r ement soft hi spaper ? Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 JULI E:Sur e.Youneedt ofindsc i ent i ficr esear cht hatsuppor t sy ourcl m asoneofy our r ef er ences I tcanbef r om someoft hecasest udi eswedi scussedi ncl ass ,ory oucan findy ourown Orev enbet t er ,y oucanconducty ourownr esear ch!I ’ m sur et hatwoul dgety ouanA RI CKY:Hav ey oudeci dedwhaty ou’ r egoi ngt odoy et ?Al s o,wher ear ey ouget t i ngy our r ef er ences ? JULI E:Yeah,I ’ m goi ngt or es ear chf aci al r ecogni t i onbyi nf ant s I ’ v eal r eadyf oundaf ew exper i ment si nsc i ent i ficj our nal s.Thatwoul dpr obabl ybeagoodst ar tf ory ou-t her e ar et onsofj our nal si nt hel i br ar y RI CKY:Gr eati dea,t hanks I ’ m cons i der i ngwr i t i ngmyessayont heeffect sofoneoft he ps y chot r opi cdr ugswet al k edabouti ncl ass I ’ m sur et her ei sl ot sofst uffabouti tont he I nt er net Ar eweal l owedt ousei nf or mat i onf r om t heI nt er net ? JULI E:Sur e,y oucanuset hatasl ongasi t ’ snoty ourmai ns our cef ori nf or mat i on.You’ l l pr obabl ywantt oc i t esomeoft heexper i ment swewentov er RI CKY:Goodi dea,t hank s I ’ m gonnat r yt ofindsomei nf or mat i onf r om abunchof di ffer entsour ces RI CKY:Ar et her eanyspec i ficat i onsonhowt heessayshoul dbewr i t t en? JULI E:Yeah,Pr of essorJ ohnsonwant si tdoubl es paced.I tshoul dbebet ween6t o10 pagesl ong RI CKY:6t o10pages ?That ’ ss omuch!I t ’ sgoi ngt ot ak ef or ev er JULI E:Iknow.Thewhol ec l assgr oanedwhenhesai dt hat Anyway ,y oual soneedt o putt het i t l ei ni t al i cs,and RI CKY:Wai t ,eachsect i onheadi ng,orj ustt hemai nheadi ng? JULI E:Onl yt hemai nheadi ngshoul dbei ni t al i cs It hi nks ect i ont i t l esar esupposedt o bei nt hesamef or mat ,butmaybei nbol d.You’ l l hav et ocheckt hati nc l assnextt i me RI CKY:Ohokay SoIt ak ei tt hatt her epor thast obet ypedsi ncet her ear esomany r equi r ement s Whatar et heot herf or mat t i ngr equi r ement s ? JULI E:Yep,i t ’ sgott obet yped.Asi def r om t hat ,t her ear es t i l l af ewmor espec i ficat i ons Youshoul dnumbereachpage,Mak esur ei tgoesupi nt het opr i ghtcor ner RI CKY:Okay ,I ’ l l mak esur et owr i t et hatdown.Ial way sf or gett onumbert hepages Do weneedt ot i t l eanddat eeachpage,t oo? JULI E:Youneedt heshor t enedt i t l eonev er ypage,butnoneedt oi nc l udet hedat e Thatshoul dj ustbeont hecov erpage RI CKY:Okay ,t hanks JULI E:Nopr obl em.Al so,mak esur et hemar gi nsar e3 25pi x el swi de RI CKY:What ?I ’ m notev ens ur ehowt odot hat JULI E:I t ’ sokay ,Icanshowy ou.I t ’ sr eal l yeas y It hi nkt hat ’ sal l t hedi r ect i onshegav e us Al otoff or mat t i ngr equi r ement s ,butwehav et hef r eedom t or esear chmanyt hi ngs t hatwel i k e,sot hat ’ sgood.Oh,Ial mostf or got-r emembert oputdowny ourI D numberony ourr epor t RI CKY:Thankssomuc hf ory ourhel p.I ’ l l seey oui nc l assMonday ! Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 JULI E:Nopr obl em,gl adIcoul dhel p.Seey oul at er SECTI ON4 Goodmor ni ngandwel comet oy etanot herl ect ur ei nEnvi r onment alSc i ence.Idon’ t t hi nkIam t el l i ngy ouasecr etwhenIment i ont hatwat eri sabi gwor r yher ei nAust r al i a Thes t uffi sscar ce.Per hapst hat ’ swhywedr i nksomuchbeer ,eh? Ser i ousl y ,t hough,as af eandr el i abl esour ceofwat eri soneoft hegr eatconcer nsof peopl eev er ywher e.Mor eov er ,ast hewor l dpopul at i ongr ows ,t hepr essur eonexi st i ng wat ersuppl i esgr owsgr eat erandgr eat er Thi nkabouti t Oureconomi cs y st em demandst hatt her ebemor eandmor econsumer s Thegr owi ngnumberofpeopl ehas beent i edt ocl i mat echange,i ncl udi ngdr ought s Somor epeopl emeansl esswat er But oureconomi cs y st em demandsahi ghbi r t hr at e.For getaboutoi l Soonenoughy ouwi l l seewar sf orwat er Mar kmywor ds Butt oday ,I ’ m goi ngt oconfinemyr emar kst oAust r al i a.Asnot edal r eady ,her edown ce.Theonl ydr i ercont i nenti sAnt ar ct i ca-and under ,t hewat ersuppl yi sext r emel yscar r emember ,nooner eal l yl i v est her eanyway Mor eov er ,i nr ecenty ear s ,t hewi ndpat t er ns hav echanged.Rai nt hatusedt of al lont hecount r ynowf al l soutt oseahundr edsof mi l est ot hes out h Now,whenIs peakofpeopl eneedi ngwat er ,mostofy oupr obabl yt hi nkofdr i nki ng Cer t nl yev er y oneneedswat erf ordr i nki ng.Buts ur pr i s i ngasi tmaysound,dr i nki ngi s notanywher enearbei ngt hemai nusef orwat er Mos twat eri sact ual l yus ed f orwas hi ng.Wheny out ak eashower ,y oupr obabl yusewel l ov erahundr edl i t r esof wat er Ev er yt i mey ouflushy ourt oi l et ,t hat ’ saboutei ghtl i t r es Butmostpeopl edr i nkno mor et hant wol i t r esorsoperday So,wher et ogetwat er ?I tcoul dbeobt nedf r om r nwat er ,butof t enr nf al l cons i st sof ot herhar mf ulpol l ut ant st hatev apor at edwi t ht hewat er I nf act ,ac i dr n,ani nt ense ex ampl eoft hi s ,causeshar mf ul effect sont hewi l dl i f eoft hehabi t atonwhi chi tf al l s Wat erf r om under gr oundcoul dal s obeused,t houghi ti smor edi fficul tt ocont nand of t enmustgot hr oughanext ens i v ecl eansi ngpr ocess Thepur estwat eri sf oundi n ak es,anddams And,sadt o r i v er s ,cr eeks ,l say ,Aust r al i ahaspr ec i ousf ewoft hese.Real l y ,howmanyofy ourhomet ownshav e r i v er s ?Year r oundr i v er s ,Imean.Thesoi lt endst obes andy ,sowat ersoaksi nt ot he gr ound.Manypl acesar er ockyt oo,so87% oft her nf al l i sl ostt oev apor at i on.That ’ s al mostt wi cet heev apor at i onr at ei nmynat i v eCanada! Speaki ngofr n,weal r eadyhear dhowr nf al l i sdi mi ni shi ngher ei nOceani a.The quant i t yi t sel fi s n’ tt heonl ypr obl em,ei t her Goi ngbackt ot hepr obl emswi t hobt ni ng r nwat er ,af ur t herpr obl em i st hatr ni sausef uls our ceofwat eronl yi fai rpol l ut i oni s Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 f r l ymi l d.Agai n,y ou’ r ei nasi t uat i onwher ey oucan’ twi n.Youneedwat erwher emost peopl el i v e.Peopl et endt obui l dci t i eswher er nf al l i sadequat e.Butt henmoder nc i t i es t endt of eat ur epol l ut edai rwhi chr ender st her nf arl esseasi l yus abl e.OK,l et ' st ak ea l ookatt het abl eher e,y ou’ l l seei tshowi ngt her el at i v epol l ut i onofr nf al l i nt hewor l d’ s ci t i es Themor epeopl e,t hedi r t i ert her n Thi si sbecomi ngahugeconcer nf orpeopl ei nt heWest ,whowantt hei rwat ert o bepur eandsaf e.Thoughr el i abl edr i nki ngwat eri si mpor t antev er ywher e,t heconcer n i nt heWesti sr eflect edi nal l t hegov er nmentr egul at i onsandpol i t i calcampai gnsai med atsol v i ngt hi spr obl em.I ncont r ast ,t her ear enotasmanydemandsmadeont he gov er nment si nAsi anandAf r i cancul t ur est oi mpr ov et hewat er ,ast hei rf ocusi son ot heri ssues Now,what ev ert hesour ceofwat er ,wecannev eraffor dt of or gett hatal lwat eri shi ghl y vul ner abl et ocont ami nat i on.Whet herwe’ r eget t i ngi tf r om t hegr ound,f r om bodi esof wat er ,orr nf al l ,i ti ss uscept i bl et oav ar i et yoft oxi ns I nf act ,t hat ’ swhywecl eani t bef or eusi ngi t :wat ercar r i eswi t hi tfil t handdi r t Thi spr obl em showsupi nanumberof di ffer entway s Ashumansandal lot herani mal sneedwat ert osur vi v e,i t ' snosur pr i set oust hatoneof t hemosti mpor t antdomest i cusesofwat eri sf ordr i nki ng.Yeti fy ouhav eol df ashi oned l eadpi pes ,y oumays l owl ybepoi soni ngy our sel fbydr i nki ngt hatni cecl earwat er The i ndust r i al pol l ut i on,f ar m chemi cal s ,andl eakyl andfil l sar ewel l knowns our cesof cont ami nant saswel l Sowhati sbei ngdonet oens ur eweAus t r al i ansas af eands t eadys uppl yofdr i nki ng wat er ?Ther ear eal otofi ni t i at i v est hatmak eadmi r abl eeffor t st or emedyt hi si ssue We’ l l bet al ki ngaboutt hi swhenwemeetagai nonThur sday But ,asapr evi ew,Icant el l y out hatsof art heamountofr eals ol ut i onst hathav ebeenpr oducedi snotnear l y adequat e.Tr adi t i onal l y ,we’ v ebeenv er yf r eei nt hi scount r y Thatmeanst hatev er y per sonandev er ypr ov i ncet endt ogoi t sownway Sot hemec hani smsf orwat er managementar e,i nawor d,i nsuffici ent Tobegi nseei nghowt hi si sso,Iwanty out or eadsomet hi ngbef or eournextcl ass Thoughal otofpr evi ousdat aonwat erusageandwat ermanagementar ei nconcl usi v e andhav et huscausedqui t eaconcer n,wecanl ear nal otf r om t hecont entofr epor t s wr i t t enont hesubj ect Thebasi sf ort hegov er nment ’ swat erpol i c yi st he1989Whi t ePaperr epor t i ngon“ Wat er Use:Pr esentandFut ur e” I fy oucompar et henumber soffer edi nt hepaperwi t ht hosei n t het ext ,y ou’ l l findt hatt her epor ti sr at herunt r ust wor t hy Tr ut hbei ngt ol d,I ’ m bei ngt oo ki ndwhenIsayt hat ! Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Test SECTI ON1 Agent :Goodmor ni ng.Ci t yHouseSer vi ces HowmayIhel py ou? CUSTOMER:Goodmor ni ng.I ’ dl i k et oar r anget ohav emyhousecl eaned AGENT:Cer t nl y Ij ustneedt oaskaf ewquest i ons Fi r st ,coul dIt ak ey ourname ? CUSTOMER:Yes ,i t ’ sBar bar aHi l l Ex ampl e AGENT:Thanky ou.Next ,i sy ourhousei nLondon? hwestLondon CUSTOMER:Yes ,i t ’ si nKi ngst oni nSout AGENT:OK,Sout hwestLondonand .er ,what ’ st hepost code ? CUSTOMER:SW105 AGENT:Andwhati st hes quar ef oot ageandwhatr oomswi l lwebec l eani ng? CUSTOMER:Thewhol ehous ei s268squar ef eet ,andt her ei snoneedt ocl eanal l t he r ooms Ionl ywantt ohav emybedr oomscl eaned AGENT:OK,howmanybedr oomsdoest hehousehav e ? CUSTOMER:Thr eebedr ooms Ohno,sor r y ,weus edt ohav et hr eebedr ooms ,butwe onl yhav et wobedr oomsnow AGENT:Ar et hosesi ngl ebedr oomsordoubl es ? CUSTOMER:Doubl es AGENT:Fi ne,t wodoubl es CUSTOMER:Ther ei sonemor er oom whi chneedsc l eani ng.I twasusedasabedr oom bef or e,andnowwehav econv er t edi ti nt oanoffice Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 AGENT:Iunder st and.Thr eer oomshav egott obecl eaned,andar eal l oft hoser ooms upst r s ? CUSTOMER:Yes Then,downst r swehav eaki t chendi ner ,conser v at or y ,andl ounge Theki t chendi neri squi t el ar geandhast heus ual equi pment-cook erwi t hov en, r ef r i ger at or ,c upboar ds ,andwor kt ops Theconser v at or yhasal otofpl ant s ,butt her e’ s noneedt ot ak ecar eoft hem.Thel oungehasal eat hert hr eepi eces ui t eandal ar ge coffeet abl e AGENT.Thanky ou.Anddoy ouk eepanypet s ? CUSTOMER:Yeah,Ir eal l yl ov ek eepi ngt hem.I ’ v egott wodogsandt hr eecat s AGENT:OK,t heni fourst affcomeov ert ooffert heser vi ce,pl easet ak ey ourpet saway Hav ey oul ook edatours er vi cespackages ? CUSTOMER:Yes ,Ihav eonei nf r ontofme AGENT:Ex cel l ent r as er vi cesy ouneed-s wi t chi ngbedl i nen,wor ki ngi nt hegar den, AGENT:Anyext cl eani ngt hegl assi nt heconser v at or y ,t hatki ndoft hi ng? CUSTOMER:Er r no .er r act ual l y ,r epl aci ngt hebedl i nen y es t hatwoul dbe good AGENT:Nopr obl em.I ’ l l j ustmak eanot eoft hat Howaboutcur t ns ,mat s ,and car pet s ?Whatwoul dy oul i k eust odowi t ht hosei t ems ? CUSTOMER:Thecur t ns I ' l lhav et ot hi nkaboutt hat It hi nkweshoul dhav et he car pet scl eanedr eal l ywel l ev er yquar t er Mat scanj ustbedonewi t ht hel aundr y AGENT:Ofcour se.Howaboutc l ot hes ?Wecanhav eourst affwashandi r ont hem,or wecanhav et hem t ak ent oadr ycl eaner ’ s CUSTOMER:Washi ngandi r oni ng.No,j usti r oni ng.That ’ l l beOK AGENT:OK,fine.Iknowqui t eabi taboutwhaty ouwantnow.Ishoul dl ety ouknowt hat wel ocat eon12Amy esRoad,t hat ’ sAMYES CUSTOMER:Em AGENT:Andwewor kf r om Mondayt oSundayex ceptTuesdayandWednesday Coul d y oul etmeknowwheni sconv eni entf ory ou? Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 CUSTOMER:NextFr i day er r no,t hat ’ snogood.Mysoni nvi t eshi sf r i endsov eri nt he af t er noont hatday Per hapsnextThur sdayornextSat ur day Letmecheck,OK, nextThur sday AGENT:Wheni si tconv eni entf orust ocomeov erandpr ovi det heser vi ce ?I si tOKi f wecomei nt hemor ni ng?Orwemaycomei nt heaf t er noon?I tdependsony our schedul e I ' m OKwi t hanyt i me.Justgi v emeacal lt ol etmeknowy ou’ r ecomi ngbef or ey ouar r i v e AGENT:Sur e,wewi l l CUSTOMER: Byt heway ,howl ongwoul di tt ak ef ort heser vi ce ? AGENT:Weus ual l ywor k13hour sf orhous ec l eani ng,andt hewor kwi l l t ak et hr ee hr eehour s,y ous houl dpayext r af or hour satmost Andofcour se,i fi tt ak esmor et hant i t CUSTOMER: Er fine AGENT: So,l etmej ustdos omecal cul at i ons SECTI ON2 Hi ev er y one,andwel comet oSydneyAi r por t Today ,I ’ l l begi vi ngy out hei ns i de i nf or mat i onont heday t odayoper at i onsoft heAust r al i anQuar ant i neSer vi ceher e.We hopet opr ovi dey ouwi t habet t erunder st andi ngofwhysuc hheavys ecur i t yr egul at i ons ar enecessar ybyeducat i ngy ouonhowweoper at eandwhywedot het hi ngswedo We’ r enother et ot r yt oper suadey out oflyt hr oughSydneyAi r por t ,t houghwehope y ou’ l l findy ourexper i encer el at i v el yst r ess f r eeandcomf or t abl e Fi r stt hi ngsfir st ,ourper sonnel Canany oneguesshowmanypeopl ewor katSydney Ai r por t ?Wehav e200al onewor ki ngi nTer mi nal 2,s ocany ouguesshowmanyi nt he whol eai r por t ?Ihear dsomeonesay360,t hat ’ sget t i ngcl oser What ?Di dsomeonesay 2, 000?That ’ swayt oohi gh.SydneyAi r por tact ual l yempl oy s440peopl e.Al ot ,r i ght ? Andabouthal foft hoseempl oy eeswor ki nsecur i t y r el at edmat t er s Movi ngont oournot sohumanempl oy ees ,l et ’ scomeandseeourf av our i t epooch, Mi l t on.Mi l t oni sourbestdr ugsni ffingdogont hef or ce.He’ sf r i endl yt omostpeopl ey oucanev encomepethi m att heendofourt our Bur nout sbewar e,t hough,he’ l l find ev er yt hi ng Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Not i cet hatev ent hought her ear es omanyofusar oundhi m,Mi l t onst ay squi t ecal m Thi si st hepr ec i ser eas onhewaschosenf ort hej ob Dogst hatar echos enar enotpr edi s posedt osni ffoutdi ffer entnar cot i cs-t hat ’ s somet hi ngwet eacht hem al r eady Soher e’ sapar toft heai r por tmostpeopl enev ernot i ce-t hecar got r anspor tt er mi nal Thi si swher epackagesar eshi ppedt oandf r om Nor mal l yweshi par ound4, 400packagespermont h.I nt hi sai r por tal one,ov er52, 000 packageswer eshi ppedi nandoutov ert hepasty ear Weshi pt oandf r om 170di ffer ent count r i es Notbad,eh?Pr obabl yi twi l l goupt oov er72, 000pack agest hi sy ear And despi t eov er100fli ght si nandoutofher edai l y ,t henumberofl ostordel ay edpackages i si mpr essi v el yl ow.I fy ousendy ourpack aget hr oughher e,r estassur edwe’ l l geti t wher ei t ' sgoi ng Let ’ smov eont ot hear eamostofusar ef ami l i arwi t h,t hepassengert er mi nal s I nor der t obeal l owedi nt ot hi sar ea,y oumustpasst hr oughs ecur i t ywi t hy ourt i ck etandi fy ou’ r e t r av el l i ngi nt er nat i onal l y ,y ourpasspor t I fy ou’ r et r av el l i ngdomes t i cal l y ,y ouj ustneeda l egal f or m ofI D.I fy oudon’ thav et hose,y ouwi l lnotbeal l owedt opasst hr oughsecur i t y andboar dy ourfli ght Dur i ngt hesec ur i t yscan,y ourcar r y oni t emswi l l becheck edf ordanger ousi t emssuch asweapons ,shar pobj ect s ,andl i qui dst hatex ceedourspeci fiedl i mi t I fy ouat t emptt o ouar est i l lal l owed passanyoft hepr ohi bi t edi t emsont hi sl i stpost edatt heent r ance,y t oboar dt hepl ane,buty ou’ l l begi v enawar ni ngandy ouri t em wi l l beconfiscat ed Don’ twor r y ,wewi l lnotar r esty ouf orhavi ngt oomuchshampooi ny ourbag,oranyt hi ng l i k et hat Weal s osear chy ourcar r y onsandpar cel sf oranyper i s habl ei t ems Wepr ohi bi tt het r ans por t at i onofl ocalv eget at i onandpr ohi bi tpar cel scont ni ngany i ns ect si nt hem.Youmayormaynothav el ear nedaboutt hi si nBi ol ogyc l ass ,butwhen somepl ant sar ei nt r oducedt oanewenvi r onment ,t heyspr eadwi l dl yandwi peoutt he cur r entspec i esar oundi t I ti si mpor t antt ocont r olt hei nt r oduct i onofnewpl ant si nt oan ohi bi tt het r anspor tofanyf er t i l eseeds ecos y s t em,sowemustpr Sowhathappenst opar cel scont ni ngpossi bl ysuspi c i ousi t ems ?I t ’ sofcour se somet hi ngwedonott ak el i ght l yher e.I fanobj ectpassest hr ought hescannert hat appear ssuspi ci ousi nanyway ,i ti ssepar at edoutf ormanual sear chbyamemberof ourt r nedsecur i t yper sonnel I fani l l egalpl antorsi mpl es har pobj ectl i k eapock et kni f ei sf ound,i ti ss i mpl ydi sposedofi nourbi ohaz ar dwast econt ner s,andt he Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 packagei t sel fi sr et ur nedt ot hesender( orpassenger ,i fi ti sf orapassengerfli ght ) Mor eser i ousweaponsar er epor t edt ohi gheraut hor i t i esf ori nv est i gat i on Asf araspar celsec ur i t y ,t hemat er i al oft hepar cel i si mpor t ant Forshi ppedgoods ,t he Mak esur ei ti s mostcommonmat er i al used( andt hemostwi del yaccept ed)i spaper pack eds t ur dyenough,wi t hnor i psort ear s We’ v edefini t el yhadpackagesr i popen bef or eduet ohaphaz ar dpacki ng.Amor ecommonpr obl em,t hough,i st hepackage l abel s.Whenani t em doesnotmak ei tt ot her i ghtpl ace,t hi si st hemostcommon r eas on.Thel abel maynotbei nt her i ghtpl aceormar k edc l ear l yenough I fy ou’ r er ecei vi nganyi t emsf r om abr oadt hatmustbedec l ar ed,pl eas er ememberour gui del i nesi nor dert oensur et het i mel ydel i v er yofy ouri t em.Mak esur ei ti spack ed cor r ect l y ,andweaskt haty ounot i f ycust omsbet ween2and10day swi t hi nt hei t em’ s schedul edar r i v al dat e Okay ,bef or ewemov eon,ar et her eanyquest i ons ? SECTI ON3 MR.SMI TH:Wel come!Pl easecomei nandgat herov erher ear oundt het abl es My namei sAdam Smi t h,andI ’ mt hel i br ar i anher e.I ’ l l showy ouar oundt odayandexpl n howt ouset hesef aci l i t i es Hopef ul l ywhenI ’ m donewi t hi t ,y ou’ l l knowt her opes ,and pl easef eel f r eet ol etmeknowofanyquest i onsorconcer nst haty oumayhav e.Now, we’ r eatt hegat eoft hel i br ar y Uponent er i ngi nt ot hedoor ,y ou’ l l findt hatt her est r ooms ar eony ourl ef t handsi de,andoppos i t et hem i saPhot ocopyRoom.Manyofy ouar e wonder i ngaboutt hecheck i nandc heck outpr ocess.Whaty ouhav et odoi sgot ot he ngRoom i sa Ci r cul at i onDesk,whi c hi st ot heeastoft hePhot ocopyRoom.TheReadi r eal l yl ar gear eai nt hecent r eoft hel i br ar y ,j us tt ot henor t hoft heCi r cul at i onDesk.I ’ m sur ey ouwon’ tmi ssi t I fy ou’ r eher et odor esear ch,t hi si swher ey oushoul dbr i ng bookst ol ookt hr ough.Howev er ,i fy ou’ r eher et odoanygr ouppr oj ect sorot her i nt er act i v eact i vi t i es ,Iadv i sey out ouseoneoft hes t udyr ooms ,whi char ej ustt ot he eastoft heReadi ngRoom.Movi ngont ot hesout heastcor ner ,wehav et hePer i odi cal s Sect i on,j ustnextt ot hest udyr ooms.Wehav eacol l ect i onofdi f f er entnews paper sand magaz i nesi nt hi ss ect i on.Youcangetl astweek ’ sweat herr epor t s,oral l t het opst or i es fiv ey ear sago-ourper i odi cal scanbet r acedback20y ear st ot het i mewhenourschool l i br ar ywasbui l t Ah,ourfir stquest i on!Yes ? STUDENT:Canwecheckoutmagaz i nesf r om t hel i br ar y ? MR.SMI TH:I ’ m sor r y ,buty oucannott ak eanyper i odi cal soutoft hel i br ar y You’ r e wel comet or eadt hem f orasl ongasy ouwantwhi l ey ou’ r eher e,buty oucannotcheck t hem out STUDENT:Iwonderi ft her ei sanypl acewher ewecangets omef oodi nt hel i br ar y Do wehav east or eher e ? vi ceCent r ei sj ustmet r esawayf r om t hest udy MR.SMI TH:Ofcour se.TheFoodSer Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 r ooms I t ’ sont henor t heastcor nerasy oul ookatt hemap.TheFoodSer vi ceCent r e offer sdi ffer entki ndsofsnackst houghi t ’ snotbi g.Wel l ,movi ngonal ongt ot hewest , y ouwi l l Fi ndt heVi deoResour ceCent r eony ourr i ghthand.Wehav eeducat i onal vi deosanddoc ument ar i es ,aswel l asmaj ormot i onpi ct ur es Weaskt haty oupay at t ent i ont ot het agont hevi deot haty oupi ckup,asmanyofourdocument ar i esar ef or onsi t ev i ewi ngonl yandmaynotbet ak enoutoft hel i br ar y Tot hewestoft heVi deo Resour ceCent r ei sourSat el l i t eTVSt at i on.Her ewest r eam t henewsf r om Channel 19 f ormostoft heday STUDENT:Howmanyc hannel sdoesi thav e ? MR.SMI TH:( l aughs)I tdoeshav enear l y200channel s ,butwegener al l ywi l l gi v et op pr i or i t yt ochannel swi t hsomebi gev ent s ,l i k epr esi dent i al addr essesorot herbr eaki ng news Dur i ngt hecov er ageoft hepr esi dent i al debat e,st udent swi l lt ak eabr eakf r om st udyi ngandflockt owat chi t Lastbutper hapsmosti mpor t anti st heEnqui r yDesk.I t ' s j ustont hel ef t handsi dewheny ouwal ki nt ot hel i br ar y ,soi t ’ si mpossi bl et omi ssi t I f y ouhav eanyquest i onsabouthowt ous eequi pmentorwher et ofinds omet hi ng,come andaskt heassi st ant Don’ tbeshy ,becauset hat ’ swhatt hey’ r eher ef or ! MR.SMI TH:Speaki ngofques t i ons ,oneoft hequest i onswegetask edi showt o act ual l ycheckoutabookonceast udenthaspi ck edoneout I fi t ’ safict i onornonfict i onbook ,l ookf ort hepi nkandy el l owcheck outcar di nsi det hebackcov eroft he book Youcanal sofindi nf or mat i onaboutt hebookont hesecar ds ,i nc l udi ngi t s publ i shi ngdat e,genr e,I SBN,andal ogofdat esi t ’ sbeencheck edoutbef or e.Pr esent t hi scar dt omeoranyl i br ar yassi st ant ,andwe’ l ls t ampi tandt hent hebookcanbek ept f ort hr eeweeks Youcanfindgener al i nf or mat i ononafiel dofst udybyusi ngoneofoursubj ectgui des Wehav et hem onpaperher e,butanyofourcomput er swi l l al l owy out os ear chwi t hi n fiel dsaswel l STUDENT:Whati ft hel i br ar ydoesn’ thav ear es our cewe’ r el ooki ngf or ? MR.SMI TH:Gr eatques t i on,I ’ m goi ngt oaddr esst hat Ourl i br ar yi si nanet wor kwi t numberofot heruni v er si t i esi nt hear ea,soi ft her ei ssomet hi ngy ou’ r el ooki ngf orand i t ’ sav l abl esomewher ei nt hear ea,we’ l lbeabl et ogeti tf ory ou.Howev er ,t her e ar euni v er si t i eswhi char enotpar toft henet wor k ,sowedonotshar er es our ceswi t h t hem I fy ouwantmor ei nf or mat i onaboutt hel i br ar yandi t sr es our ces ,y ou’ l l findi ti na l abel l edbl uef ol deronmydeski nt heenqui r ysect i on Okay ,sot hat ’ sal otofi nf or mat i onal l atonce,andIdon’ texpecty out or ememberi tal l Themosti mpor t antt hi ngi s ,pl easeber es pect f ul oft hest affandi fy ouneedhel pwi t h anyt hi ngatal l ,comeandaskmeoroneoft heass i st ant s Al r i ght ,anyquest i ons ? SECTI ON4 Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Goodmor ni ng.Today ,wewi l l cont i nueourst udyofCr ocodyl usni l ot i cusbyt al ki ngabout i t sl i v i nghabi t s We’ v eal r eadydi scussedt heev ol ut i onar yat t r i but est hatseti tapar tf r om i t scr ocodi l er el at i v es Doesev er y oner emembert hat ? Yes ,i thasanext r emel ynar r ows nout ,andt hr eeorf ourr owsofpr ot ect i v escal esoni t s back ,ascompar edt ot wor owsonot hermember soft heCr ocody l usgenus Let ’ st ak eal ookathowt hesecar ni v or ousmaneat er sl i v e,wher et heyl i v e,andfinal l y , whet hert heyr eal l ydeser v et hei rvi c i ousr eput at i on Tost ar t ,I ’ dl i k et oaddr essagr eatquest i onpos edt omebyas t udentdur i ngy est er day' s officehour s Wet al k edaboutt hedi s t r i but i onofcr ocodi l esi nAf r i caandsawt hatt hey sst udentnot i cedt hat ar ehi ghl yconcent r at edi nt heSout handWestoft hecont i nent Thi ont hemapdi spl ayi ngt hedi st r i but i onofcr ocodi l esacr ossAf r i ca,t her ewer eno cr ocodi l esi nt heNor t her nRegi on,andf oundnoment i oni nt hel i t er at ur eoft he exi st enceofcr ocodi l esi nt heNor t hofAf r i ca.Whymi ghtt her ebenocr ocodi l esi nNor t h Af r i ca?Let ’ ssav et hi squest i onf orl at eri nt hel ect ur e Tofindoutmor eaboutt hes oci alhabi t soft heAf r i cancr ocodi l e,oner esear chernamed Tar aShi neoft heUni v er s i t yofUl st eri nNor t her nI r el andconduct edasur v eyoft he wet l andsi nMaur i t ani aandr ecei v edr epor t sof46cr ocodi l esl i vi ngi nonegr oup,orfloat aswesaywhenr ef er r i ngt ocr ocodi l es ,t hought heus ual numberi sal i t t l el esst hanhal f oft hat I ngener al ,cr ocodi l esar emor ehi ghl yconcent r at edi nwet ,subt r opi cal envi r onment s nearbodi esofwat erandr i chv eget at i on.Whi l eSout hAmer i cancr ocodi l est hr i v ei ncool r nf or est s ,t heAf r i cancr ocodi l ei smor eequi ppedf orheat Thought heycansur vi v eat t hehott emper at ur esf oundi nsomedeser t s ,t heyar enotequi ppedt ohandl edr y cl i mat esandt huscannotsur v i v ei npl acesl i k et heSahar aDeser tofNor t hAf r i ca.As col dbl oodedani mal s ,cr ocodi l es ’ cor et emper at ur esfluct uat ef r om t hei rav er ageof38 degr eesCel si usasext er nal condi t i onschange,t hust heyneedt oav oi dext r eme t emper at ur es Ot her sl i v eanunder wat erl i f e,k eepi ngabodyt emper at ur ecl os et ot hat oft hewat er Ast hei rownuni quemet hodofr egul at i ngt hei rbodyt emper at ur es ,some Af r i cancr ocodi l eshav emadedensbydi ggi nghol esi nt hegr oundt opr ovi de t hemsel v eswi t hacool ,dar kpl acet or et r eatf r om t hehotAf r i cansun Speaki ngoft hehotAf r i cans un,l et ’ sgobackt ot hequest i onask edatt hebegi nni ngof t hel ect ur e.Weknowt hatt her eusedt obecr ocodi l esi nNor t her nAf r i ca,y ett odayt her e ar enone.Whatar esomepossi bl eexpl anat i onsf ort hi s ? Somest udent shav esuggest edt hatt heAf r i cancr ocodi l ehasev ol v edf r om adeser t cr eat ur ei nt oawet l andc r eat ur e,t huscaus i ngt hem t omi gr at esout hf ormor e appr opr i at econdi t i on.Ot her spr esumet hatt hecr oc odi l ewashunt edoutofNor t her n Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Af r i cabyafier cerpr edat or Whi l et hesear ei nt el l i gentguesses ,t her eal st or yi sal i t t l e bi tdi ffer ent Thek eyt ot hi smi gr at i oni st hatt heSahar aDeser tdi dnotal way scov ert heNor t hof Af r i ca.About8, 000y ear sago,t hel andwasf er t i l ewet l andsper f ectf orbr eedi ng ert i me,t hough,t hear eadr i edoutandt hewet l andsl owl yt ur nedt o cr ocodi l es Ov deser t ,l eadi ngt heAf r i cancr ocodi l et omi gr at esout ht ot hemar shl andst heycal l home t oday Somecr ocodi l esdi d,howev er ,adaptt ol i vi ngi ndr ycondi t i ons I nMaur i t ani a,some cr ocodi l eshav el ear nedt osur vi v ei nanar eawher et heycangoupt o8mont hswi t hno wat erbyspendi ngt hedr i estoft i mesi nwhat ’ scal l edat or por ,orshor tper i odof hi ber nat i on.Tout i l i seev er ybi tofr nf al l ,t hesedeser tcr ocodi l esdi gunder gr oundcav es t hatcol l ectr unoff,t huss t ayi ngcool andhydr at ed Dur i ngt hemat i ngper i odi nNov emberandDecember ,mal esat t r actf emal est ot hei r vi ci ousl ypr ot ect edt er r i t or yt hr oughanumberofbehavi our st hatr angef r om snappi ng t hei rj awsal l t hewayt osendi ngi nf r asoni cpul sest hr ought hewat er Af t er war ds ,t he f emal edi gsahol eupt o60cm i ndept ht os t or et heeggsf oran80dayi ncubat i on per i od.Thef emal epr ot ect st heseeggsdur i ngt heper i od,andsomet i mesev enhel ps cr ackt heeggswi t hhersnoutatt heend Theset eet hgnashi ngcar ni v or esar es of t ert hanwet hi nk Al t hought hesevi c i ous cr eat ur eshav eat t ack edhumansonaf ewoccas i ons ,t her es i dent sar enotaf r d oft hem.I nf act ,t heyshowagr eatdeal ofr ever encet owar dst hesewondr ouscr eat ur es Somesayt hatcr ocodi l esbr i ngwat ert ot hei rhabi t at ,soi ft heyl eav e,t heywi l l br i ngt he wat erwi t ht hem.Obvi ousl yt hi si snott r ue,buti tdemons t r at est headmi r at i ont he i nhabi t i ngpeopl ehav ef orcr ocodi l es Gener al l y ,cr ocodi l esdonotpr edat eonhumans Theyat t ackwhenhumanspopul at e t hecr ocodi l es' habi t at ,i ns t i l l i ngf earanduneasi nessi nt hecr ocs Li k eanyot her spec i es ,cr ocodi l esar eknownt oat t ackwhenf eel i ngf ear Ther e' sst i l l al otmor et obedi scov er edaboutt heAf r i cancr ocodi l e Resear cher swantt oknowmor eaboutt hepopul at i onsi z e,howmanycr ocodi l esi nhabi t Af r i cai nal l ,howt heyf or m separ at efloat s ,et c Ther ei sst i l l al s omucht ol ear naboutmi gr at i onpat t er ns,andr el at i onst oot her popul at i onsofcr ocodi l esnowf oundi not herpar t soft hewor l d Nextt i me,we' l l ex ami neaf ewspec i ficcasest udi esofcr ocodi l epopul at i onsi nSout her n Af r i ca Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|23100697 Downloaded by Nguy?t Phan Minh (phanminhnguyet289@gmail.com)

Ngày đăng: 14/12/2023, 17:03