direct and indirect speech worksheets for grade 8



... of ? ?Direct speech and Indirect speech? ?? due to its difficult and complicated knowledge as well as the ways to change direct speech in to indirect speech make students have difficult in understanding.So ... direct and indirect speech in language focus of unit In grade 11, students have also learnt about direct and indirect speech in language focus of unit 6- reported speech with gerund When in grade ... direct into indirect speech 3.2 Solution To help students understand better how to change from direct into indirect speech, teachers should equip students with basic knowledge of direct and indirect

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:38

24 339 0


... thiện chuyên đề tốt DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH Phần 1: Ngữ pháp tập minh họa Định nghĩa There are ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect Direct speech repeats, or ... time and places from direct into indirect speech Direct speech Indirect speech Today/ tonight that day/ that night Yesterday the day before/ the previous day last month/ night … the month before ... When indirect speech is introduced by a verb in past tenses, verbs in the direct speech have to be changed into corresponding past tenses The changes are shown in the following table Direct Speech

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2019, 19:14

26 389 0


... DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH ( CÂU NÓI TRỰC TIẾP VÀ CÂU NÓI GIÁN TIẾP ) - Verb form usage in reported speech: sequence of tenses If the main verb of ... : DIRECT SPEECH Now This These Here Today Tonight Yesterday Last week Last Monday Ago Tomorrow Next week INDIRECT SPEECH Then That Those There That day That night The day before The week before ... day That night The day before The week before The previous Monday Before The next day The following week DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH Ex : He said , “ I am tired now” =>He said that he was tired

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2019, 17:36

14 523 1
A study on direct and indirect speech in english

A study on direct and indirect speech in english

... [Thomson, 1 985 , p 286 ] II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 08:07

60 11 0
Luận văn a study on direct and indirect speech in english

Luận văn a study on direct and indirect speech in english

... [Thomson, 1 985 , p 286 ] II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2021, 21:06

60 9 0
(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

... [Thomson, 1 985 , p 286 ] II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 12:21

60 1 0
(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

... [Thomson, 1 985 , p 286 ] II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2023, 20:54

60 1 0
A study on direct and indirect speech in english ( a contrastive analysis to vietnamese)

A study on direct and indirect speech in english ( a contrastive analysis to vietnamese)

... of direct and indirect speech in English and Vietnamese …………………………………………………………………………………….……6 1.2.1The study of direct and indirect speech in English…………… …6 1.2.2The study of direct and indirect ... tell, and alternative introductory verbs; question in indirect speech; commands, requests, advice and suggestions in indirect speech - Chapter 2: Direct and indirect speech in English and Vietnamese ... of direct and indirect speech in Vietnamese In Vietnamese, people do not pay much attention in direct and indirect speech, they.. .A study on direct and indirect

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:23

69 1,2K 8


... đạt kết cao kì thi GIẢI QUYẾT VẤN ĐỀ DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH A Objectives Knowledge: Definition, grammar rules, exercises to practise about indirect speech in English Skill: Report what ... quan tâm đưa nhiều phương pháp dạy học thích hợp Trong chương trình Tiếng Anh THPT ,DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH( Câu trực tiếp-Gian tiếp), phần ngữ pháp lớn có kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT, ĐHCĐ ... chung lùi khứ (các xuống cấp): Direct Speech Present Simple: V1 Ex1: Nam said, “I am told to be at school before o’clock” Ex2: He said, “ I like beer” Indirect Speech Past Simple: V2/ed EX1:

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 08:40

29 485 0


... đạt kết cao kì thi GIẢI QUYẾT VẤN ĐỀ DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH A Objectives Knowledge: Definition, grammar rules, exercises to practise about indirect speech in English Skill: Report what ... quan tâm đưa nhiều phương pháp dạy học thích hợp Trong chương trình Tiếng Anh THPT ,DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH( Câu trực tiếp-Gian tiếp), phần ngữ pháp lớn có kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT, ĐHCĐ ... chung lùi khứ (các xuống cấp): Direct Speech Present Simple: V1 Ex1: Nam said, “I am told to be at school before o’clock” Ex2: He said, “ I like beer” Indirect Speech Past Simple: V2/ed EX1:

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 09:36

30 266 0
Designing listening tasks for grade 8 students in section LISTEN AND READ

Designing listening tasks for grade 8 students in section LISTEN AND READ

... LISTEN AND READ on page 38 in the textbook and say: “Nga and her Grandma is talking about the past.” Designing listening tasks for grade- 8 students in section LISTEN AND READ + Give students handouts ... feedback and keys: 11 Designing listening tasks for grade- 8 students in section LISTEN AND READ B 2.B 3.C A - Tape transcript: (on pages 63-64 in textbook) 3.2 .8 Unit 8: country life and city ... opportunities for grade- 8 students at my school, in the school year 2015- 2016, I designed listening tasks in LISTEN AND READ in the text book- English and applied them to “getting started and listen and

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2020, 10:26

22 51 0
The effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

The effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

... verb tenses and forms, attitudinal adjectives and articles, in their writings Forty five students were randomly assigned into three groups and received direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective ... of varying feedback types, and direct and indirect corrective feedback has received due attention of researchers To date, studies examining the effects of direct and indirect feedback on L2 learners‟ ... adjectives (%) (%) Student 18 25 Student 23 67 Student 18 67 63 Student 50 67 75 Student 32 38 Student 36 33 63 Student 18 67 75 Student 68 75 Student 23 38 10 Student 10 27 33 88 11 Student 11 36 33

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:07

71 32 0
The effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

The effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

... verb tenses and forms, attitudinal adjectives and articles, in their writings Forty five students were randomly assigned into three groups and received direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective ... of varying feedback types, and direct and indirect corrective feedback has received due attention of researchers To date, studies examining the effects of direct and indirect feedback on L2 learners‟ ... members and close friends, who always stand by me no matter what happens i ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of teacher written direct and indirect th corrective feedback on 10 grade

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 14:43

88 31 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

... of varying feedback types, and direct and indirect corrective feedback has received due attention of researchers To date, studies examining the effects of direct and indirect feedback on L2 learners‟ ... adjectives (%) (%) Student 18 25 Student 23 67 Student 18 67 63 Student 50 67 75 Student 32 38 Student 36 33 63 Student 18 67 75 Student 68 75 Student 23 38 10 Student 10 27 33 88 11 Student 11 36 33 ... 36 67 63 Student 59 67 88 Student 27 67 50 Student 23 33 38 Student 50 67 63 Student 36 67 25 Student 45 67 88 Student 68 33 38 10 Student 10 23 50 11 Student 11 50 67 38 12 Student 12 50 33 75

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 08:32

71 6 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ the effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

Luận văn thạc sĩ the effects of teacher direct and indirect corrective feedback on grammatical errors in the writings of 10th grade students at kim anh high school

... verb tenses and forms, attitudinal adjectives and articles, in their writings Forty five students were randomly assigned into three groups and received direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective ... of varying feedback types, and direct and indirect corrective feedback has received due attention of researchers To date, studies examining the effects of direct and indirect feedback on L2 learners‟ ... adjectives (%) (%) Student 18 25 Student 23 67 Student 18 67 63 Student 50 67 75 Student 32 38 Student 36 33 63 Student 18 67 75 Student 68 75 Student 23 38 10 Student 10 27 33 88 11 Student 11 36 33

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2023, 10:30

71 8 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Estimates of direct and maternal covariance functions for growth of Australian beef calves from birth to weaning" doc

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Estimates of direct and maternal covariance functions for growth of Australian beef calves from birth to weaning" doc

... Scaled values for log L (+41 400) and BIC (? ?83 000) were −56.3 and 91.1 for k = 5263, −147.9 and 215.6 for k = 5253, −213 .8 and 2 98. 6 for k = 4253, −2 68. 4 and 359.0 for k = 4243, ... to 10 (9 .85 for PH and 9 .88 for WOK), i.e. almost five-fold that for AIC. This let models with k = 5163 and 47 parameters and k = 5062 with 43 parameters to be selected as “best” for PH and WOK, ... and 280 days of 0.60 for PH and 0.70 for WOK Previous, bivariate analyses considered birth and weaning weights, with average ages at weaning of 211 and 214 days for PH and

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

28 295 0
investigating direct and indirect effects of variables in marketing

investigating direct and indirect effects of variables in marketing

... representation of brand information in memory are studied in two experiments This thesis is geared toward understanding and developing models for measuring direct and indirect effects ... identifies direct and indirect effects of media and brand beliefs on consumer actions and purchase intent after accounting for heterogeneous segments Models that attempt to draw a direct ... media exposure and purchase likelihood... intention (y), and indirect through the influence of media on brand beliefs, and brand beliefs on intended actions (see also Orth and Marchi,

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:42

147 400 0
The direct and indirect effects of times of visits, length of stay, push and pull factors on tourist loyalty through the mediation of tourist destination satisfaction

The direct and indirect effects of times of visits, length of stay, push and pull factors on tourist loyalty through the mediation of tourist destination satisfaction

... visits, TODESA and TOULOY 64 Table 20: Pearson‟ Correlations between TODESA and TOULOY 64 Table 21: Coefficients between TODESA and TOULOY 65 Table 22: Direct, Indirect and Total Causal ... Retailing and Consumer Services, 8, 85 -93 33 Formica, S & Uysal, M (19 98) „Market segmentation of an international cultural-historical event in Italy‟, Journal of Travel Research, 38( 4): 16–24 34 Fornell, ... 4 08- 424 21 Dann, G (1977) Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism Annals of Tourism Research, (4), 184 -194 22 Dann, G (1 981 ) Tourist motivation: An appraisal Annals of Tourism Research, 8( 2), 187 -219

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 13:43

106 400 0

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