direct and indirect speech worksheets for grade 10



... of ? ?Direct speech and Indirect speech? ?? due to its difficult and complicated knowledge as well as the ways to change direct speech in to indirect speech make students have difficult in understanding.So ... direct and indirect speech in language focus of unit In grade 11, students have also learnt about direct and indirect speech in language focus of unit 6- reported speech with gerund When in grade ... direct into indirect speech 3.2 Solution To help students understand better how to change from direct into indirect speech, teachers should equip students with basic knowledge of direct and indirect

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:38

24 339 0
Applying some language games in  language focus  part to create excitement and enhance learning english for grade 10 students

Applying some language games in language focus part to create excitement and enhance learning english for grade 10 students

... time for grammar lesson with games instead of moans and whinning, the teacher and the students get smiles and excitemment Arif Saricoban and Esen Metin, authors of "Songs, Verse and Games for ... excitement and enhance learning English for grade 10 students" has been conducted with the hope to make teachers and students more aware of the importance of language games in teaching and learning ... teachers have paid attention and prepared careful game They know how to make the classtime pleasant and comfortable so they create excitement and motivate learning English for their students However,

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:36

20 185 0
Some measures to raise the effectiveness of speaking lessons through pair work and group work activities for grade 10 students at lam kinh hi

Some measures to raise the effectiveness of speaking lessons through pair work and group work activities for grade 10 students at lam kinh hi

... feedback or correcting errors for different lessons For lessons that focus on form like grammar lessons, direct and immediate feedback and error correction are needed and expected However, in communicative ... group work activities for grade 10 students at Lam Kinh high school” This study is intended to make a modest contribution to an increased understanding of using pairwork and groupwork activities ... introduce pairwork, groupwork and show the advantages and disadvantages of working in pairs and groups - To suggest how to organize pair and group work effectively and how to deal with initial

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:39

20 282 0


... thiện chuyên đề tốt DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH Phần 1: Ngữ pháp tập minh họa Định nghĩa There are ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect Direct speech repeats, or ... time and places from direct into indirect speech Direct speech Indirect speech Today/ tonight that day/ that night Yesterday the day before/ the previous day last month/ night … the month before ... When indirect speech is introduced by a verb in past tenses, verbs in the direct speech have to be changed into corresponding past tenses The changes are shown in the following table Direct Speech

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2019, 19:14

26 389 0


... DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH ( CÂU NÓI TRỰC TIẾP VÀ CÂU NÓI GIÁN TIẾP ) - Verb form usage in reported speech: sequence of tenses If the main verb of ... : DIRECT SPEECH Now This These Here Today Tonight Yesterday Last week Last Monday Ago Tomorrow Next week INDIRECT SPEECH Then That Those There That day That night The day before The week before ... day That night The day before The week before The previous Monday Before The next day The following week DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH Ex : He said , “ I am tired now” =>He said that he was tired

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2019, 17:36

14 523 1
A study on direct and indirect speech in english

A study on direct and indirect speech in english

... II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect speech, but ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 08:07

60 11 0
Luận văn a study on direct and indirect speech in english

Luận văn a study on direct and indirect speech in english

... II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect speech, but ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2021, 21:06

60 9 0
(SKKN 2022) Applying some useful activities in teaching post- reading part to create excitement and enhance learning english for grade - 10 students at Trieu son 4 high school

(SKKN 2022) Applying some useful activities in teaching post- reading part to create excitement and enhance learning english for grade - 10 students at Trieu son 4 high school

... high school 10C1, 10C4, 10C6- academic year 2020- 2021 and 10A1, 10A4,10A61 academic year 2021- 2022 Each class contains different number of participants who are of mixed genders and language ability ... theme and create a skit and perform it in front of their classmates - Synonyms and Antonyms: Another activity that students can is identifying vocabulary and then find synonyms and antonyms for ... most challenging and difficult one by both foreign language teachers and students However, the qualities and effectiveness of teaching and learning this skill are not really as good and high as expected

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2022, 07:39

22 3 0
SKKN enhancing speaking skill through post listening and post reading activities for grade 10 and grade 11 students at cua lo upper secondary school

SKKN enhancing speaking skill through post listening and post reading activities for grade 10 and grade 11 students at cua lo upper secondary school

... teachers’ directions Understanding these problems, we have decided to choose and carry out the topic:“Enhancing speaking skill through post listening and post reading activities for grade 10 and grade ... OBJECTIVE, METHOD, SUBJECT AND RANGE OF THE STUDY Aim of the Study: The topic was studied and applied with a view to enhancing the speaking skill for grade 10 and grade 11 students It is also ... KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM TÊN ĐỀ TÀI: Enhancing speaking skill through post listening and post reading activities for grade 10 and grade 11 students at Cua Lo Upper Secondary School (Thuộc mơn Tiếng Anh)

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2022, 07:28

33 12 0
(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

... II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect speech, but ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 12:21

60 1 0
(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

(Khoá luận tốt nghiệp) a study on direct and indirect speech

... II Free indirect speech Free indirect speech is a half – way stage between direct and indirect speech and is used extensively in narrative writing It is basically a form of indirect speech, but ... the problems caused by direct and indirect speech, particularly changes from direct to indirect speech So, to help learners of English understand and use direct and indirect speech effectively, ... AN OVERVIEW OF DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH IN ENGLISH I.1 Definition I.2 Forms of direct and indirect speech in writing structure I.3 Function of direct and indirect speech II

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2023, 20:54

60 1 0
skkn cấp tỉnh some solutions to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning listening skills for grade 10 students at tinhgia4 high school

skkn cấp tỉnh some solutions to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning listening skills for grade 10 students at tinhgia4 high school

... theassessment and semester exams, help them prepare well forthe competency assessment exams and even the TOEFL andIELTS in the near future.1.3 THE OBJECTS OF THE RESEARCH- 10th grade students ... five stages:receiving, understanding, evaluating, remembering, andresponding An effective listener must hear and identify thespeech sounds directed toward them, understand the messageof those sounds, ... colleagues before and after teaching, this job not only brings positive resultsfor listening lessons and other skills also have the same results.- Careful and detailed guidance to students before, during

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2024, 06:25

26 4 0
A study on direct and indirect speech in english ( a contrastive analysis to vietnamese)

A study on direct and indirect speech in english ( a contrastive analysis to vietnamese)

... of direct and indirect speech in English and Vietnamese …………………………………………………………………………………….……6 1.2.1The study of direct and indirect speech in English…………… …6 1.2.2The study of direct and indirect ... tell, and alternative introductory verbs; question in indirect speech; commands, requests, advice and suggestions in indirect speech - Chapter 2: Direct and indirect speech in English and Vietnamese ... of direct and indirect speech in Vietnamese In Vietnamese, people do not pay much attention in direct and indirect speech, they.. .A study on direct and indirect

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:23

69 1,2K 8
Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

... demand for most people in Vietnam. Since 2006, the Ministry of Education and training prescribed a new series of English textbooks for all grades and school types from grade 6 through to grade ... the data for this research was collected in the forms of survey questionnaires and interviews. The participants of the survey questionnaires were 6 English teachers and 360 grade - 10 - students. ... 2 010 Abstract: This research investigates the challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 at Xuan Hoa high school – Vinh Phuc province- and

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:51

20 841 7
Using useful experiences and reading exercises to improve reading skill for grade 10 students

Using useful experiences and reading exercises to improve reading skill for grade 10 students

... experiences and reading exercises to improve reading skill for grade 10 students” 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study * Students get acquainted with many kinds of reading exercises, and they reading ... on contexts and components of the words -Scan for specific information about conservation -skim for general ideas about conservation Materials: -Tieng Anh 10: page - Pictures - Handout Method: ... to state a purpose for reading a given text Tell the students why they are reading the text It is to skim for the main ideas? It is to scan for specific information? It is for critical reading?

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:43

22 433 0


... đạt kết cao kì thi GIẢI QUYẾT VẤN ĐỀ DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH A Objectives Knowledge: Definition, grammar rules, exercises to practise about indirect speech in English Skill: Report what ... quan tâm đưa nhiều phương pháp dạy học thích hợp Trong chương trình Tiếng Anh THPT ,DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH( Câu trực tiếp-Gian tiếp), phần ngữ pháp lớn có kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT, ĐHCĐ ... chung lùi khứ (các xuống cấp): Direct Speech Present Simple: V1 Ex1: Nam said, “I am told to be at school before o’clock” Ex2: He said, “ I like beer” Indirect Speech Past Simple: V2/ed EX1:

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 08:40

29 485 0


... đạt kết cao kì thi GIẢI QUYẾT VẤN ĐỀ DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH A Objectives Knowledge: Definition, grammar rules, exercises to practise about indirect speech in English Skill: Report what ... quan tâm đưa nhiều phương pháp dạy học thích hợp Trong chương trình Tiếng Anh THPT ,DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH( Câu trực tiếp-Gian tiếp), phần ngữ pháp lớn có kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT, ĐHCĐ ... chung lùi khứ (các xuống cấp): Direct Speech Present Simple: V1 Ex1: Nam said, “I am told to be at school before o’clock” Ex2: He said, “ I like beer” Indirect Speech Past Simple: V2/ed EX1:

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 09:36

30 266 0

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