dimensions masses tolerances pipe ends and defects

Đề tài " On the dimensions of conformal repellers. Randomness and parameter dependency " pot

Đề tài " On the dimensions of conformal repellers. Randomness and parameter dependency " pot

... generalize Kifer [Kif96] and later, Crauel and Flandoni [CF98] and also Bogensch¨tz and Ochs [BO99], using time-dependent TF u and Martingale arguments, considered random conformal repellers ... dimension of the random Julia set is almost surely constant and equals the upper/lower box dimensions The common value d(a, r, λ) depends real-analytically upon re a, im a, r and λ Note that the ... upper and lower box dimensions and is given by a natural generalization of Bowen’s formula For a random uniformly hyperbolic Julia set on the Riemann sphere we show that if the family of maps and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

55 343 0
Means, Ends and Medical Care doc

Means, Ends and Medical Care doc

... in front of and behind us, above and below, things oriented horizontally and vertically, things connected and separate, large and small, heavy and light, active and inert, lasting and transitory, ... things inside and outside of others, things close up and far away, appearing and disappearing, obvious and hidden, changing suddenly and gradually, rigid and deformable, hot and cold, loud and quiet, ... subtleties involved in defining means /ends problems and in understanding the complex and dynamic nature of means and ends in practice are illustrated Fourth, the axioms and assumptions of expected utility...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

180 198 0
Pipe drafting and design 2e (scanned)

Pipe drafting and design 2e (scanned)

... iron pipe uses pipe and fittings manufactured without a hub The method of joining these pipe and fittings uses a hubless coupling that slips over the plain ends of the pipe and fittings and is ... Creation of Pipe Drawings Chapter Steel Pipe History of Pipe Piping Materials Manufacturing Methods Sizing of Pipe Wall Thickness Methods of Joining Pipe Cast Iron Pipe Plastic Pipe 10 Drawing Pipe ... pipe symbols and weld lines on double-line pipe symbols 32 Pipe Drafting and Design Dimensioning Of Fitting Make-Up The next step in the drawing of pipe is the calculation and placement of dimensions...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 11:02

324 663 2
Báo cáo y học: " Low-grade pelvic masses with spindle cell and fibroblastic proliferation: a case report." pptx

Báo cáo y học: " Low-grade pelvic masses with spindle cell and fibroblastic proliferation: a case report." pptx

... masses and ascites and underwent surgical resection of her lesions Although final pathology revealed a low-grade ovarian tumor with spindle cell and fibroblastic proliferation, the multiple masses ... and contributed to the design and drafting of the manuscript BG compiled the data and significantly participated in the analysis and draft of the manuscript DE conducted pathologic analysis and ... cells and abundant cytoplasm and the fibromyxoid sarcomas contained more inactive or primitive fibroblastic cells Myxofibrosarcomas are more often diagnosed in the upper and lower extremities, and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:23

3 248 0
Influence of pipe length and flow rate on nano particle deposition in laminar circular pipe flows

Influence of pipe length and flow rate on nano particle deposition in laminar circular pipe flows

... is the dimensionless diffusion parameter defined as [3]: ∆= ~ DL pipe (9) 4U in R where Lpipe is the pipe length and R is the pipe radius The second employed equation is developed by Ingham at ... for a pipe with the length of 1cm and a mean velocity of m/s Figure Comparison of the deposition efficiency for the 1cm long pipe and a mean velocity of 1m/s between the present result and the ... different lengths of 1, and cm and a mean velocity of m/s Figures 8-10 display the deposition efficiency for a pipe with the length of 5cm and different mean velocity of 0.5, and m/s in compare with...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:06

10 416 0
Experimental Investigation of Large Pipe Trunnions and Tubular X-Joints

Experimental Investigation of Large Pipe Trunnions and Tubular X-Joints

... Large Pipe Trunnions and Tubular X-Joints 3.3.2 Through pipe trunnion This set of specimens consists of trunnions with through pipes only In this case, the pipe is slotted though the chord wall and ... specimens CT2 and CT4 The figure shows the sharp contrast between pipe trunnions that are designed with and without through pipe configuration Both specimens CT2 and CT4 have lower stiffness and the ... pipe trunnion can easily handle this task This method of pipe trunnion design is investigated here and tested experimentally to determine whether there is any advantage in designing through pipe...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2015, 17:50

30 119 0
Thiết kế đường ống pipe drafting and design

Thiết kế đường ống pipe drafting and design

... xoắn(spiral-welded pipe) Seamless pipe hình thể đặc sắc xảo, nấu chảy, que sắt, gọi thanh, với lõi sản phẩm ống đƣợc kết nối không kết nối Hình 2-1 miêu tả tiến tình sản xuất seamless pipe Butt-welded pipe ... đƣợc dùng ống pipe rack để trì bề mặt dƣới ống không đổi ống vững vàng giá đỡ xuyên suốt chiều dài đƣờng ống Không sử dụng concentric pipe rack Điểm cuối ống có đƣờng kính nhò nằm vững pipe rack ... kích thƣớc vẽ Screwed And Socket-Weld Fittings mối lắp Screwed And Socket-Weld Fittings có chức thực giống nhƣ hàn đối đầu nhiên có số điểm khác biệt cần ý Các mối lắp Screwed And Socket-Weld Fittings...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2016, 22:24

295 1,8K 17
Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic load testing of open ended pipe piles and its applications

Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic load testing of open ended pipe piles and its applications

... = 0.16 s/m, and Jb = 0.492 s/m Updated empirical damping coefficients were later proposed for sands and clays based on laboratory impact tests (e.g., Forehand and Reese 1964, Coyle and Gibson ... by Simon and Randolph (1986) and rational base soil resistance model proposed by Randolph and Deeks (1992) have input parameters with clear physical meaning; however, soil nonlinearity and hysteretic ... pile They were followed by Randolph and Simon (1986), Matsumoto et al (1991), and Randolph and Deeks (1992), who used rational soil models with linear soil stiffness and a damping coefficient for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2016, 22:14

165 276 0
Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

Báo cáo y học: Esterified Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Bone in the Surgical Correction of the Infra-Bone Defects"

... flap was elevated and the granulation tissue was removed showing the true extension and depth of the infra-bone defect Debridement and root preparation were carried out with hand and ultrasonic ... were made at the first examination and saved for follow-up control examinations Radiographs were performed immediately before treatment and at 10 days, and 6, 9, and 24 months after treatment 66 ... of plaque was registred mesially, buccally, distally, and lingually Data were obtained at baseline before treatment and at 10 days, and 6,9, and 24 months after treatment Surgical Technique After...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:35

7 770 0
Regenerative Medicine Reconstruction of Tracheal and Pharyngeal Mucosal Defects in Head and Neck Surgery

Regenerative Medicine Reconstruction of Tracheal and Pharyngeal Mucosal Defects in Head and Neck Surgery

... Wendlandt, M., Neuenschwander, P., and Suter, U.W (2007) Surface-textured PEG-based hydrogels with adjustable elasticity: synthesis and characterization Biomaterials, 28, 567–575 Tang, Z.G and ... cartilage and equipped with an endoluminal epithelium in 2003 Cartilage and epithelial cells were harvested from the septal cartilage of sheep and grown in vitro After proliferation and cultivation ... the airways including transport of fluids and ions and for the mucociliary clearance and the patency of the airways [75] The early development of a complete and 317 318 13 Regenerative Medicine functionally...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 08:20

32 439 0


... Sniglets, by Rich Hall and Friends, Collier Books, 1984 More Sniglets, by Rich Hall and Friends, Collier Books, 1985 Unexplained Sniglets of the Universe, by Rich Hall and Friends, Collier Books, ... both to inform you that the term is standard in football and to suggest that it might be used for all foot activities.” 172 ODDS AND ENDS RUSTLED UP The poet and Pulitzer Prize–winning music critic ... Park, Ill.; and Jack Wilson, of Wayland, Mass., all separately sought one particular word—a pretty good hint that the lack of it is widely felt As Milligan explained the word 164 ODDS AND ENDS fugitive...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

46 244 0
Tài liệu Chapter 4: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions docx

Tài liệu Chapter 4: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions docx

... The horizontal and vertical velocity components are: vox = vo cos θ o g (4-7) voy = vo sin θ o Projectile motion will be analyzed in a horizontal and a vertical motion along the x- and y-axes, respectively ... equations and we get: v y − ( v0 sin θ ) = −2 g ( y − yo ) g Here xo and yo are the coordinates of the launching point For many problems the launching point is taken at the origin In this case xo = and ... equation and take into account that dvBA =0→ dt aPA = aPB Note: Even though observers A and B measure different velocities for P, they measure the same acceleration (4 -15) Relative Motion in Two Dimensions: ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 05:15

16 582 0
Tài liệu Metric Dimensions and Sections Properties pptx

Tài liệu Metric Dimensions and Sections Properties pptx

... physical and dimensional criteria of ASTM A500 or CSA G-40.2l Wall thickness, width and depth of rectangular and square HSS, and outside diameter of round HSS have converted to SI units and rounded ... Dimensions and Section Properties of Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Section Properties of Square HSS .14 Dimensions and Section Properties of Round HSS .19 NOMENCLATURE ... engineers and fabricators are increasingly being required to specify SI (metric) information for products used in construction applications This publication presents SI dimensions and section...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 16:15

23 493 0
Tài liệu Module 9: Processing Dimensions and Cubes pptx

Tài liệu Module 9: Processing Dimensions and Cubes pptx

... PURPOSES ONLY 12 Module 9: Processing Dimensions and Cubes Understanding ROLAP and Changing Dimensions Topic Objective To discuss ROLAP and changing dimensions ! ROLAP Dimensions $ $ Require SQL Server ... processing dimensions ! Dimension Processing Overview ! Rebuilding Dimensions ! Incrementally Updating a Dimension ! Processing Private Dimensions ! Understanding ROLAP and Changing Dimensions ... working with Analysis Manager ! An understanding of dimensions and cubes ! An understanding of cube storage ! Completed lab A, Processing Dimensions and Cubes, found earlier in the module Estimated...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

64 315 0
Tài liệu The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory docx

Tài liệu The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory docx

... dispassionately tick off identical seconds here on earth and on Mars and on Jupiter and in the Andromeda galaxy and in each and every nook and cranny of the cosmos does not exist On the contrary, ... speed through all four dimensions three space and one time and it is the object's speed in this generalized sense that is equal to that of light To understand this more fully and to reveal its importance, ... uniting gravity and accelerated motion: the curvature of space and time, to which we now turn Acceleration and the Warping of Space and Time Einstein worked on the problem of understanding gravity...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 16:20

189 480 0
Facebook cheat sheet sizes and dimensions

Facebook cheat sheet sizes and dimensions

... Facebook Landing Page Did we miss something? New changes? Let us know in the comments Check out the related posts: Free Facebook Landing Page Creation Tools Use Facebook landing pages and here ... Landing Page We created a new Facebook landing page for Dreamgrow The page is really simple, just an image, but I wanted to share the idea and design principles Read more » Free Facebook Landing ... use Facebook landing pages to give Read more » Facebook up 194%, MySpace down 55% US visits to social networking sites have increased 62 percent year over year and visits from 55 and older people...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 10:53

5 469 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural and Topical Dimensions in Multi-Task Patent Translation" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural and Topical Dimensions in Multi-Task Patent Translation" ppt

... pairwise similarity of A and C, B and F, G and H obtained by B LEU score is confirmed Furthermore, a close similarity between E and F is indicated G and H (electricity and physics, respectively) ... language and translation models9 on the sentences from each task and combine the models in the global log-linear model of the SMT framework, following Foster and Kuhn (2007) and Koehn and Schroeder ... in different countries and are connected through the patent family id We extracted 172,472 patents that were both filed with the USPTO and the EPO and contain an English and a German description,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20

11 436 0
Đề tài " On De Giorgi’s conjecture in dimensions 4 and 5 " pdf

Đề tài " On De Giorgi’s conjecture in dimensions 4 and 5 " pdf

... [15] for n = 3, and later proved for all dimensions in [4], [7] and [14] independently The ideas used in [15] for the proof of the Gibbons conjecture in dimension 3, were refined and used in two ... approach is quite promising and has the potential to lead to a resolution of the conjecture in all dimensions below 8, or at least to a complete solution in dimensions and The latter would depend ... observed in [1] and [10] that Conjecture 2.1 holds for n = and since arguments similar to those in the proof of De Giorgi’s conjecture in these dimensions apply under condition (2.3) and lead to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

23 390 0


... the sense in which both Nietzsche and Foucault can be said to understand philosophy as an art of living www.parrhesiajournal.org 45 THE AESTHETIC AND ASCETIC DIMENSIONS OF AN ETHICS OF SELF-FASHIONING ... what it has been and to be unwilling and unable to conceive that a life in any way different would be a life of one’s own.41 www.parrhesiajournal.org 49 THE AESTHETIC AND ASCETIC DIMENSIONS OF AN ... origins of which can be found in Christianity and its hermeneutics of the subject, and on the other hand the constitution of the subject as obedient and submissive60—the form of subject consonant...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

22 523 1
Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos

Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos

... universes, of which ours is but one and discuss the possibility of wormholes, space and time warps, and how higher dimensions might connect them Superstring theory and M-theory have given us the first ... masterfully edited two of my books His sure hand has greatly enhanced the books, and his comments have always helped to clarify and deepen the content and presentation of my books Last, I would ... eventually dies after five thousand years, only to be resurrected again and again to repeat the unending cycle of birth and destruction These creatio ex nihilo myths stand in marked contrast to the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 21:20

447 478 0

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