tài liệu pipe drafting and design

Thiết kế đường ống pipe drafting and design

Thiết kế đường ống pipe drafting and design

... Weight: Trọng lƣợng,6 Pipe anchor: Neo ống, 198 Pipe guide: Dẫn hƣớng ống, 198 Pipe loop: Vòng ống, 197 Pipe nipple: Khớp ren, 33 Pipe shoe: Shoe ống, 198 Pipe spools:Cuộn ống, Piperack: Máng ống ... Defined: Địng nghĩa,95 Hairpin: Dạng ống đôi,96 Double pipe: Dạng bẻ cong,96 Shell and tube: Dạng shell and tube,95 F Feed (also feed stock): Vật liệu cung cấp (kho dự trữ),99-100 Field supports: ... xoắn(spiral-welded pipe) Seamless pipe hình thể đặc sắc xảo, nấu chảy, que sắt, gọi thanh, với lõi sản phẩm ống đƣợc kết nối không kết nối Hình 2-1 miêu tả tiến tình sản xuất seamless pipe Butt-welded pipe...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2016, 22:24

295 1,8K 17
Tài liệu Module 8: Solution Design and the Component Object Model ppt

Tài liệu Module 8: Solution Design and the Component Object Model ppt

... simulates COM and application interaction Module 8: Solution Design and the Component Object Model 249 COM Standard Slide Objective To define COM and introduce the COM standard " Binary standard for ... the Physical Design Designing Business Solutions Module 9: Designing Solutions with Microsoft Technologies Module 8: Solution Design and the Component Object Model Module 2: Solution Design Using ... operating systems and data storage This leads to selecting candidate technologies for the business solution and the final steps of physical design 276 Module 8: Solution Design and the Component...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

32 579 0
Tài liệu Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing for mechanical design ppt

Tài liệu Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing for mechanical design ppt

... and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design Chapter 1 Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing For many in the manufacturing sector, geometric dimensioning and ... Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design Chapter 2 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Fundamentals Many people know how to design parts and make drawings, yet they lack the basic ... that conform to industry standards Nonconforming drawings can be confusing, cause misunderstanding, and produce unacceptable parts This... to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 2 Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 04:20

272 958 11
Tài liệu Infrastructure Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 pptx

Tài liệu Infrastructure Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 pptx

... Infrastructure Protection and Security Service Integration Design for the Next Generation WAN Edge v2.0 OL-11727-01 23 Design and Implementation Design and Implementation ... inspection and load balancer • Blackhole routing using BGP and uRPF Design Overview This section provides a high-level overview of concepts to secure an enterprise WAN edge. Design and Implementation, ... network. Detailed design considerations for handling VoIP and other latency-sensitive traffic is not explicitly addressed in this design guide, but may be found in Voice and Video Enabled IPsec...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

184 747 0
Tài liệu V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide pptx

Tài liệu V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide pptx

... 527-0883 V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide OL-7102-01 Version 1.0 ALL DESIGNS, SPECIFICATIONS, STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, "DESIGNS") IN THIS ... between Cisco and any other company. (0612R) V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide OL-7102-01 CONTENTS CHAPTER ... Relay/Broadband Load Sharing and Backup 1 Solution Characteristics 2 Topology 2 Failover/Recovery Time 3 Implementation 3 GRE Tunnels 3 Summary Route Advertised 5 Bandwidth and Delay 6 Delay 6 Bandwidth...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

236 864 0
Tài liệu The RF and microwave circuit design cookbook doc

Tài liệu The RF and microwave circuit design cookbook doc

... Maas, Stephen A ‘The RF and microwave circuit design cookbook — (Artech House microwave library) 1 Microwave circuits? ?Design and construction 2 Radio circuits ? ?Design and construction 1 Title ... engineering and technology, yet both new and engineers continually ask for them I have always admired those few haei, Young, and Jones’ book on filters, Wadell’s Transmission Line landbook, and Press, ... circuit i itself, ? ?Design, ” the design procedure, as specific and “cookbook-like” as possible; | “Variations,” other useful modifications of the circuit; and “Cautions,” pitfalls in the design process...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 22:20

144 464 1
Tài liệu Unit9 - Speak and Listen

Tài liệu Unit9 - Speak and Listen

... offer offer promise HT-LQD Look at the pictures. Make and respond to requests, offers and promises HT-LQD Make and respond to requests, offers and promises A: Shall I get you some medicine? B: All ... have a cut have a snake bite - have a dog bite, - have a bad fall …… HT-LQD Make and respond to requests, offers and promises Requests Offers Promises Can/Could You ? ……… Will/ would you .?……… ... burn on her hand The boy has a headache The boy has a snake bite The boy has a fever The boy has just broken a vase What’s the matter with these children? HT-LQD Look at the pictures and identify...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2013, 11:11

20 446 0
Tài liệu cisco migration_Secure Wireless Design Guide 1.0 docx

Tài liệu cisco migration_Secure Wireless Design Guide 1.0 docx

... Wireless Design Guide 1.0 Cisco Validated Design I July 11, 2007 Customer Order Number: Text Part Number: OL-13990-01 Cisco Validated Design The Cisco Validated Design Program consists of systems and ... solutions designed, tested, and documented to facilitate faster, more reliable, and more predictable customer deployments. For more information visit www.cisco.com/go/validateddesigns . ALL DESIGNS, ... NAC Appliance and WLAN 802.1x/EAP 3-2 NAC Appliance Modes and Positioning within the Unified Wireless Network 3-3 Modes of Operation 3-3 Out-of-Band Modes 3-3 In-Band Modes 3-4 In-Band Virtual...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

272 645 2
Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

... and other localities; and findings from surveys and research conducted by Chinese academic and government institutions Localities were chosen based on considerations about political and ... University of Politics and Law), and Junkuo Zhang (DRC). Arvind Gupta and Chau-Ching Shen made special contributions at various stages of the work. Harry Broadman, Cheryl Gray, and Rich- ard Newfarmer ... general, and other DRC staff provided valu- able guidance and support throughout. A draft of the study was pre- sented and discussed at a workshop organized by the World Bank Group and DRC in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22

185 419 0
Tài liệu Historical Development and Changing Technology pptx

Tài liệu Historical Development and Changing Technology pptx

... Site Selection and Industrial land Use. • Households as a factor of production versus as a client. • Historic cities – commerce and industry at the Center. • Changes in Technology and Transportation. ... products nationally and employ workers as a factor of production – the friction is the commuting of workers enter for Real EMIT C state Sources of Spatial data on Firms and employment • Firms ... A “Flat” Industrial Rent Gradient? [Lockwood and Rutherford] enter for Real EMIT C state With a “flat” rent gradient: Industries move to the edge Land Rent CBD Residents Industries Services r...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15

11 467 0
Tài liệu Real Estate and Regional Economic Growth doc

Tài liệu Real Estate and Regional Economic Growth doc

... prices, wages and rents in reaction to shift in product demand Qd to Qd’. 1). Prices (and costs) must rise. Ditto output. 2). Wages and employment rise. 3). Likewise for rents and stock of structures. ... elasticity and the role of real estate. • Wages, productivity and real estate costs – across MSAs. MIT Center for Real Estate Income and Product Accounts in States Summary of Output and Income ... region’s product, labor and structures markets. 1. Product Demand=production costs. 2. Costs = average of wages and rents. 3. Wages equilibrate labor supply with labor demand (proportional to output)....

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15

13 507 1
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P1 docx

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P1 docx

... functionality, scalability, and performance You will then immediately learn useful new processes and techniques to measure and improve scalability and performance The design and architecture choices ... Smith, and Andrew Sliwkowski at BEA Systems; Karen Lee, Deborah Magid, Rod Smith, Rawn Shah, and John Swanson at IBM PJ Murray and Robert Schneider at CapeClear; Robert Scoble at Userland; Rossana ... you how to form and apply effective online goal-directed design and testing techniques You begin with your user’s goals, follow Frank’s recommendations for scalable system design, and end with powerful...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 23:20

50 382 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P2 docx

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P2 docx

... scalability and performance under load Analyzing the data shows scalability and performance indexes Understanding scalability and performance shows the expenses a business will undertake to develop and ... system test can and should be leveraged to conduct a scalability and performance test The test tool you choose should be able to take the functional system test and run it multiple times and concurrently ... themselves and asked for permission to follow the customer home to learn the user’s experience installing and using the Quicken software Intuit testers could have stayed in their offices and made grand...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 23:20

50 433 0


... 386 Format and Parameters of the EQU Directive 386 Sample Code with and without the EQU Directive 386 Format and Parameters of the MOV Opcode 387 Format and Parameters of the IN and OUT ... and OUT Opcodes 387 Format and Parameters of the ADD Opcode 388 Format and Parameters of NEG, NOT, DEC, and INC 388 Format and Parameters of SAR, SHR, SAL, and SHL 389 Example of a JMP ... understanding the tools for logic design and the organization of the computer's internals The design concepts used for hardware are just as applicable to software In addition, an understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 21:20

434 912 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P3 ppt

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P3 ppt

... effective designs and tests Table 3–5 describes management styles, characteristics, and the effect on design and testing for several management types Table 3–5 Management Styles and Design and Testing ... link into desktop applications and try each command as though a user were accessing the menu and window commands Aside from the name of the drop-down menu command and the text elements appearing ... concurrently, we can observe how the system handles the load by assigning resources and bandwidth Testing Modules for Functionality and Scalability Another way to understand the system’s ability to serve...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 355 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P4 pdf

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P4 pdf

... for software design, testing, and monitoring are needed I then presented methodologies and strategies that are designed to leverage the efforts of software developers, QA technicians, and IT managers ... HTTP cookie handling jCookie http://jcookie sourceforge.net/ Handles IETF None that I can RFC 2965 and think of Netscape style cookies Nice, light, robust, and well documented XML data handling JDOM ... test from com.pushtotest.tool.protocolhandler import \ ProtocolHandler, Header, Body, HTTPProtocol, \ HTTPBody, HTTPHeader This command, and the two commands that follow it, identifies to Jython...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 592 1
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P5 pdf

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P5 pdf

... of a while command But for the Wanderer life is eternal (Of course, the handy Stop button will end the Wanderer’s wanderings.) httphandler.setHost( host ) if params == "": httphandler.setPath( ... before a command defines a group of commands For example, the above hostdoc_decoder() function is defined using the def command and the function’s commands are grouped by indenting each command with ... such as the urlparse and Random objects urlparse is a utility object that takes a URL and breaks it down into host, port number, and document parameters Random is a simple random number generator...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 355 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P6 pptx

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P6 pptx

... configuration commands to initialize a new # discussion group to a known state write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( write_a_command( ... tick thecommand = str( command ) + "," + dest_url + "," + \ dest_params + "," + str( random.randrange(100,150) ) \ + "\n" print "writing this command:",thecommand try: file.write( thecommand ) except ... line.split(",") command = commands[0] handled = if int( command ) == new_thread: handled=1 tick += node=post_message(next_message,indent, \ "top-message",commands[1],commands[2]) push( indent...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 368 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P7 pdf

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P7 pdf

... State, Design, and Testing "top-message",commands[1],commands[2]) push( indent ) next_message += indent += The handled variable is a simple flag that the agent uses to make sure every command is ... starts and then exits To run this agent, please configure the agent to connect to an available database and then remove the sys.exit command The Import command tells TestMaker where to find the standard ... developers, and QA analysts: • • With the emphasis on XML, configuration and management files become more open and more standardized Third-party system management solutions such as HP’s OpenView and IBM...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 389 0
Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P8 doc

Tài liệu Java Testing and Design- P8 doc

... use to communicate and command a Web-enabled application This chapter takes the next step The techniques and examples in this chapter show how to configure and run a concurrency and scalability test ... Security methods define the id and password to be sent to the host in the HTTP header from com.pushtotest.tool.protocolhandler import ProtocolHandler, Body http = ProtocolHandler.getProtocol("http") ... SAML Myths and Misunderstandings, is available at http:// docs.pushtotest.com Liberty Alliance is a standards body with Microsoft’s strong support that is working on a single sign-in standard for...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

50 368 0

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