count noncount nouns worksheet

Cambridge University Press Lexical Categories Verbs, Nouns, And Adjectives

Cambridge University Press Lexical Categories Verbs, Nouns, And Adjectives

... distinguish “adjectival nouns from other nouns or “adjectival verbs” from other verbs be- cause of some subtle phenomena. There is also a great deal of uncertainty across languages over what counts as an ... without verbs? 88 3Nounsasbearersofareferentialindex95 3.1 What is special about nouns? 95 3.2 The criterion of identity 101 3.3 Occurrence with quantifiers and determiners 109 3.4 Nouns in binding ... quantifiers and determiners 109 3.4 Nouns in binding and anaphora 125 3.5 Nouns and movement 132 3.6 Nouns as arguments 142 3.7 Nouns must be related to argument positions 153 ix xii Acknowledgements I...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:21

368 1,4K 4
nouns- singular or plurals

nouns- singular or plurals

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

2 743 7
60 worksheets grammar focus

60 worksheets grammar focus

... don’t know how he is. (not hear from him) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 WORKSHEET 1 SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “ A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”: cat ... Mondays. 11 D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”: 1. London aren’t a country. …….London isn’t a country…………… 2. The United States aren’t a city. ……………………………………………. 3. An elephant ... a new one. (ages / many years) a) ………………………………………………………………………… b) ………………………………………………………………………… WORKSHEET 11 SUBJECT : Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous A) Use PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2013, 01:25

182 992 7
compound nouns

compound nouns

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 04:10

1 503 2
plural nouns

plural nouns

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 04:10

1 407 0
Keys to word transformation (nouns)

Keys to word transformation (nouns)

... has a large (collection) of stamps. 81. He made an unfavourable (comparison) between food in his country and mine. 82. They made a (complaint) about the heating. 83. I had to write a (composition)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 11:10

2 539 0
Oxford University Press - Classroom activities worksheets

Oxford University Press - Classroom activities worksheets

... salad. pizza bread rice salad spaghetti juice © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Worksheets 8 My Body 1. Trace your hands. 2. Decorate your handprints. 3. Trace and write. hands feet arms legs fingers toes I have . Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. 15 ... Certificates © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. signature date Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. T ABLE ... it? 1 : 00 2 : 00 3 : 00 4 : 00 5 : 00 6 : 00 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5 7 : 00 9 : 00 11 : 00 8 : 00 10 : 00 12 : 00 Worksheets© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. 2 My...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 10:10

39 791 3
Countable and uncountable Nouns

Countable and uncountable Nouns

... I need work work ! ! Ns that can be Countable and Ns that can be Countable and Uncountable Uncountable Countable Countable Uncountable Uncountable There are There are two hairs two ... for an uncountable N for an uncountable N I eat I eat rice rice every day. every day. Rice Rice is is good for you. good for you. Countable Ns Countable Ns & & Uncountable ... Countable Ns Countable Ns  can be "counted", they have a singular and can be "counted", they have a singular and plural...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 05:10

11 913 4
"How many......"  worksheet

"How many......" worksheet

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:10

2 494 5
Present Simple worksheet

Present Simple worksheet

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 01:11

3 379 5
Compound nouns

Compound nouns

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20

20 606 4

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