... normally happens with regard to holidays in organisations and companies 32 C: They said that the standard holiday policy was ‘at odds with? ?? (did not fit logically with, did not make sense with) ‘how ... to put across 19 C: Working with students is more straightforward because they’ve got the basic training, they’re desperate to learn, but they’re not weighed down with expectations I guess I ... affinity with a play is pretty vital If you don’t care about it, there’s no point in doing it because you’ll never come up with good ideas.’ 18 A: ‘Actually, it helps me to keep coming up with new
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 12:44
... do’ collocates with ‘name’ collocates with ‘in short’, a fixed expression part of phrasal verb with ‘across’ collocates with ‘success’ collocates with ‘of fashion’ phrasal verb goes with ‘a company’ ... comparative form with adverb are not supposed to cycle: passive form with infinitive verb apologised for not letting: reporting verb with parallel expression were not able to go/get: new subject with parallel ... expression with adjective to noun to pay so much: comparative phrase with ‘so’ 43 44 45 46 C: A: B: D: 47 A: 48 49 A: C: 50 51 B: D: 52 C: meal times are something I’ve never really got to grips with
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 13:19
First Certificate Practice Tests Plus with Key New Edition
... other students The best reviews will receive a book token as a prize Write your review Your teacher has asked you to write a story for an international magazine The story must begin with the ... changed as a result of events (b) Author — Name of book | have just seen the film [name of book] and | really liked it | know you have read the book Do you think it is worth reading or will | be ... photo, there are several students in a library, in the second, a girl is studying in her bedroom The students seem to be working in pairs, helping each other | think studying with other people is
Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2015, 16:07
alevizos kathryn flyers practice tests plus student s book
... copies for use by their staff and students, but this permission does not extend to additional institutions or branches Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale ... William reading about? ' iSr Vj| vl _ I / ® f A B / What will William drink with his breakfast? Where is William’s History book? Test 1, Listening Part C □ Listening Test 1, Listening Part Test Part ... e and list short answer forms including contractions) Present simple passive (only with ‘make’ That’s John’s book, isn’t it? Adverbs I haven’t bought my brother’s birthday present yet a n d ‘
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2017, 16:24
cambridge YLE practice tests plus starters teacher book (2)
... for test day 14 Test1 Keyandtranscripts 15 Test2 Keyandtranscripts 22 Test3 Keyandtranscripts 29 Test4 Keyandtranscripts 35 lntroduction The Cambridge Young LearnersEnglish Testsare designedto ... these tests. All students taking the tests receivea certificate with between one and five shields in each component to shon' how they have performed Flyers,the third level, is aimed at students ... YLETests FI TEACHER'S BOOK PETRINA CLIFF OXTORD Prepantion for ffi Qp o/ CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ESOL Examinations
Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2018, 05:47
Practice tests plus movers teacher book part 2
... Ask students to compare answers in pairs Check answers Ask students to correct the false sentences (1 There are fi e irds in the s y There is a baby who is playing with two toy ducks The woman with ... and ask students to respond to them without looking at the available options Give students some time to read the conversation and to choose the best answer from the options given Ask students ... no There are five birds on the beach The girl with the red hair is holding a bat There is a baby who is playing with three toy ducks no The woman with long blonde hair is writing something no
Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2018, 05:57
Practice tests plus movers teacher book part 1
... lish ractice Tests lus re •■ he Student’s? ?Book hich cont ins fi e r ctice tests ch test is di ided into three sections istenin e din ritin nd e in e chers m y ish to use some of the tests s cl ... She’s sleeping d He’s sitting He’s reading a book e He’s drawing a picture Students compare answers in pairs Check answers with the class In pairs, students test each other: one student says what ... sense •■ emind students th t the ord they choose needs to e the ri ht rt of s eech nd in the ri ht tense Part■5 •■ ncour e students to use the ictures to hel them follo the story •■ i e students r
Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2018, 06:00
... normally happens with regard to holidays in organisations and companies 32 C: They said that the standard holiday policy was ‘at odds with? ?? (did not fit logically with, did not make sense with) ‘how ... to put across 19 C: Working with students is more straightforward because they’ve got the basic training, they’re desperate to learn, but they’re not weighed down with expectations I guess I ... affinity with a play is pretty vital If you don’t care about it, there’s no point in doing it because you’ll never come up with good ideas.’ 18 A: ‘Actually, it helps me to keep coming up with new
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2022, 16:51
Voices intermediate plus students book key
... immediately; to get an idea of whether you want to buy a book when you’re in a bookshop Sentence a6 b4 c3 d2 e5 f1 g7 Students' own answers 1B 1C 2A 3D 4B Students' own answers Conversation 1: childhood ... caught Students' own answers innocent 2C break into guilty robber’s Students' own answers sentenced to stories 3, and are mentioned in that order Students' own answers He took a photo of himself with ... three solutions positive does not prepare 5–7 Students' own answers a camper van 3B Students' own answers Students' own answers 3A Sample answers Students' own answers The prediction about mobile
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2024, 22:10
Pre A1 starter Practice tests plus SB 2nd edition teacher book
... for Schools) ■■ Components The components of Young Learners Practice Tests Plus are: • The Student’s Book, which contains five practice tests Each test is divided into three sections: Listening, ... words Monkeys trees Monkeys live in the with their family and friends Monkeys are fun They can run and jump with their long (1) They eat fruit but (2) are their favourite food Lots of monkeys are ... you • Give students practice following instructions like Look at …, Give …, Put …, Find … • Work as a class and give students plenty of practice doing each type of task • Make sure students are
Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2019, 16:10
practice tests plus b1 preliminary for schools 2020 edition answer key
... nothing should go wrong.’ 232 Answer Key TEST Test Reading Part 1 C: ‘No hockey practice, school field is too wet, sports hall is booked for badminton practice? ?? B: ‘I’ll have to buy it, let ... time with friends, family or both Say what you would and explain why Sample answer The perfect weekend My perfect weekend would be to spend one day with friends and the other day with family With ... ‘often’, so A is the key 25 D: We use ‘take place’ to mean ‘happen’, so D is the key 26 B: We use ‘last’ to say how long something happens for, so B is the key 226 Part Answer Key Test Writing
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2020, 09:58
Big grammar exercise book WITH KEY
... English with Easy Pace Learning Vocabulary Test – Write each letter of the alphabet starting with For example: A N B O C P D Q E R F S G T H U I V J W K X L Y M Z Learning English with Easy ... _ 12 _u_e Learning English with. .. Learning English with Easy Pace Learning Test Your Grammar Skills Using Capital Letters 1 Tick the words that should start with a capital letter, then ... september i usually go out for a drink with my friends 4 what do...Learning English with Easy Pace Learning Practise writing your personal details with this form: Please use capital letters
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2015, 14:06
Proficiency practice tests plus
... ips With ordinary people and only gradually we start working With them Presenter: But what about tl llngs like l(;1nguage, food and dOllllng? Bob: III several cases, where we've spent montlls With ... spelling 18 In Paper (Speaking), I have t o go with anothe r student? Can I choose my partner? You cannot be examined alone as the ability to discuss with another s1udent IS being tested In Part ... expenditure needed to keep our rhinOS safe We want to prove that dOll1e'>tlC stock can share land With wildlife without suffering and that W1ldllfe can b€neflt local people, that (hese lands can prosper
Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2016, 01:43
IELTS practice tests plus 3(cô nguyệt ca)
... that if a language had syllables that begin with a vowel and end with a consonant (VC), it would also have syllables that begin with a consonant and end with a vowel (CV) This universal lasted until ... masculine, and even the salwar kameez3 was designed with shoulder pads With the evolution of designer stores came the culture of designer fashion, along with its hefty price tags Whatever a garment ... (whose ancestors could not have crossbred with Neanderthals, since they did not overlap with them) and various Eurasians (whose ancestors could have crossbred with Neanderthals), Dr Paabo has shown
Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2017, 20:46
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 3 Test 1
... mark if you do not put the word in the correct gap Be careful with answers which require plural Trang 3 Tip strip Questions 11-16 ¢ As with all flow chart tasks, listen carefully for the words ... meaning Questions 8-13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts ... periods below Match each characteristic with the correct period, A, B or C Write the correct letter, A, B or C NB You may use any letter more than once 19 a surplus of goods 20 an emphasis on production
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2017, 17:59
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 3 Test 2
... signal key elements, such as a speaker's opinion or which point is being emphasised * To help prepare for Sections 2 and 4, (‘long turn’ monologues, with one person speaking for some time without ... criteria * Part 1 tests your ability to answer simple questions on familiar topics * Part 2 tests your ability to speak continuously, and at length, on a familiar topic * Part 3 tests your ability ... are several ways you can prepare for taking the listening test * Do plenty of IELTS listening practice tests — listen to the recording only once and try to build up your confidence for taking the
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2017, 17:59
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 3 Test 4
... was on a topic familiar to most students Bit covered both IT and education issues Cit dealt with a very straightforward concept 22 How did Leela and Jake persuade students to take part in their ... we go + _Cancel appointment with the † (Monday) © Begin taking thé 2 sesesseieeeseee (Tuesday) A a small bag, ä spare  : ai‹elagbribal Ð ¡iaesssaassrreee © Book a 6 ; Instructions for ... these research findings differ from those of thei original study? A Students? ?? interest in doing similar exercises How much students liked doing the crossword Time taken to do the crossword Gender
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2017, 17:59
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