Bài tập Câu điều kiện
... into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me. 2010-2011 → If______________________________________________________________ 2. There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen ... If______________________________________________________________ 9. Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders. → If______________________________________________________________ 10. He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed ... If______________________________________________________________ 4. I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking. → If______________________________________________________________ 5....
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 18:10
Bài tập cấu trúc dữ liệu
... nhap_cay(&root); printf("\nChieu cao cua cay = %d", chieucao(root, 1)); getch(); } /* Bai tap 3_2 - Minh hoa giai thuat Boyer - Moore */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> ... in_mang(mang); binarysort(); printf("\nSau khi sap : "); in_mang(mang); getch(); } /* Bai tap 3_70 - Tim chieu cao cay */ #include <stdio.h> #include <alloc.h> typedef int ... tu stack 1 : "); while (!isempty(1)) printf("%3d", pop(1)); getch(); } /* Bai tap 3_67 - Quan ly hai STACK chi dung 1 day */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h>...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 14:08
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