bài 17 ôn tập chương 2 và 3

DSpace at VNU: Luminescence, energy transfer, and upconversion mechanisms of Y(2)O(3) nanomaterials doped with Eu(3+), Tb(3+), Tm(3+), Er(3+), and Yb(3+) ions

DSpace at VNU: Luminescence, energy transfer, and upconversion mechanisms of Y(2)O(3) nanomaterials doped with Eu(3+), Tb(3+), Tm(3+), Er(3+), and Yb(3+) ions

... of Y2 O3 nanoparticles 20 00 2? ?-sacle SIEMENS D5000, X-ray lab., Hanoi 10-May -20 06 15 : 58 22 2 (Cps) 440 622 400 411 e d c b a 3 32 431 521 433 541 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 ... reaction is [28 ] (2 − 2x)Y(NO3 )3 + 2x RE(NO3 )3 + 5(NH2 )2 CO −→ (Y1−x REx )2 O3 + 5CO2 + 8N2 + 10 H2 O (1) Nanocolloidal samples of Y2 O3 , Y2 O3 :Eu3+ , Tb3+ , Y2 O3 :Tm3+ with different Eu3+ concentrations ... for Y2 O3 , Y2 O3 :Eu3+ , Y2 O3 :Tb3+ , Y2 O3 :Tm3+ , Y2 O3 :Eu3+ , Tb3+ nanoparticles in the long range from 23 0 nm to 38 0 nm with the maxima around 24 0– 25 0 nm X-ray diffraction of Y2 O3 :RE3+

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 12:00

10 152 0
Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1

Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1

... √ m 33 − 13 tR u21 + u 22 + 4w2 − 13 tR u21 + u 22 + 4w2 m44 m35 m45 −tR u21 + u 22 t2R u21 + u 22 + 4Λ2R tR u2 −u1 √ 2 +4? ?2 t2 R u1 −u R √ m25 định nghĩa: √ √ √ 4tR tX 3( + β)Λ2R 4tX (3 + 3? ?)Λ2L ... thông qua ma trận khối lượng × 3: M3? ?3 g2 = L  m  11   m21  m 13 m 12 m 13 m 22 m 23 m 23 m 33 117    ,  (3. 93)  m15    m25    , m35     m45   m55 mi,j định nghĩa sau: m11 m 13 ... 4c2 Ww , m 12 = 2 3( c −s ? ?2 ) W W m 23 t2 − (1 + t2 )(1 + β )s2 R R W t2 R 1+ β s2 W t2 −(1+t2 )(1+β )s2 R R W √ 2t2 R w cW −1 + t2 − (1 + t2 ) β − (1 + β )c2W R R 1+ β s2 W t −(1+t2 )(1+β )s2

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2020, 13:28

131 84 0
Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1 tt

Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1 tt

... θ 12 , ? ? 23 , θ 13 pha δ 13 :   −iδ 13 c 12 c 13 V =  −s 12 c 23 − c 12 s 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 12 s 23 − c 12 c 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 12 c 13 c 12 c 23 − s 12 s 23 s 13 eiδ 13 −c 12 s 23 − s 12 c 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 13 e s 23 c 13 c 23 c 13 ... γµ qjR , (3. 5) đó: ij ΥL ij ΥR = = ∗ VqL ∗ VqR 3i 3i 3j (VqL ) (VqR ) 3j  g2 c? ?3 − g3 s? ?3 g2  + mZ m2Z R L   g s2 g c2  ? ?3 + ? ?3  m2Z m2Z R + g2 s? ?3 + g3 c? ?3 m2Z   , (3. 6) R (3. 7) R Độ ... αR  ∼ 3, 1, , − −q− JαR (3. 3)   u3R q+1  d  Q3R =  3R  ∼ 3, 1, 3, , q+ J3R (3. 4)  Q3L  u3L   =  d3L  ∼ q+ J3L 3, 3, 1, q+1  , 3 .2 Kết nghiên cứu thay đổi vị mơ hình − − − 3 .2. 1 Dòng

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2020, 13:30

25 68 0
Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1 tt tiếng anh

Các hiệu ứng vật lý mới trong các mô hình 3 2 3 1 và 3 3 3 1 tt tiếng anh

... θ 12 , ? ? 23 , θ 13 and a phase δ 13 as:   −iδ 13 c 12 c 13 V =  −s 12 c 23 − c 12 s 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 12 s 23 − c 12 c 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 12 c 13 c 12 c 23 − s 12 s 23 s 13 eiδ 13 −c 12 s 23 − s 12 c 23 s 13 eiδ 13 s 13 e s 23 ... qjR , (3. 5) where: ij ΥL ij ΥR = = ∗ VqL ∗ VqR 3i 3i 3j (VqL ) (VqR ) 3j  g2 c? ?3 − g3 s? ?3 g2  + mZ m2Z R L   g c2 g s2  ? ?3 + ? ?3  m2Z m2Z R + g2 s? ?3 + g3 c? ?3 m2Z   , (3. 6) R (3. 7) R Mass ... as: Ωh2 mH7 0.1 1 .35 4 TeV • mH7 m2H3 λ5 λ6 ¯ λ− +λ 2( λ1Ξ + ? ?2? ? ) 4m2H7 − m2H3 ? ?2 (2. 20) mH3 mật độ tàn dư: Ωh 0.1 λeff 13 mH7 × 1 .35 4 TeV (2. 21) Để Ωh2 graph: 0.11 thì: mH7 ≤ |λeff | × 1 .35 4TeV

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 05:43

25 41 0
Bài đọc 14-1. Nhập môn kinh tế lượng với các ứng dụng - 5th ed. Chương 3: Mô hình hồi quy tuyến tính đơn. Phần 3.5-3.6 và 3.8-3.10

Bài đọc 14-1. Nhập môn kinh tế lượng với các ứng dụng - 5th ed. Chương 3: Mô hình hồi quy tuyến tính đơn. Phần 3.5-3.6 và 3.8-3.10

... -0, 036 64 435 8 2, 1 03 2, 244618 -0,14161 83 9 3, 428 3 ,179 5 23 0 ,24 847 729 10 2, 277 2, 91 038 4 -0, 633 3 835 6 11 3, 4 52 3, 731 965 -0 ,27 996 5 23 12 3, 485 4,057766 -0,5 727 6 526 13 3, 433 3, 4769 92 -0,0 439 9 23 14 3, 747 ... 14, 32 7 55 0 ,174 45 035 35 16 ,20 3 13, 477 637 2, 725 36 3 36 15,949 14,68168 1 ,26 7 32 37 15, 129 16 ,39 56 72 -1 ,25 66 72 38 16,401 15,701576 0,699 424 16 39 23 , 421 20 ,98 520 2 2, 435 798 40 6,6 82 20, 036 133 - 13, 354 133 ... 1 .30 0 23 5 23 3,051 4 1.577 28 5 27 1,554 5 1.600 23 9 27 4,751 6 1.750 29 3 29 5,601 7 1.800 28 5 3 02, 551 8 1.870 36 5 3 12, 281 9 1. 935 29 5 32 1 ,31 6 10 1.948 29 0 32 3 , 1 23 11 2. 254 38 5 36 5,657 12 2.600

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2021, 13:05

57 32 0
m«n to¸n líp 1 m«n to¸n líp 1 t 1 t 3 thêi gian 20 phót 1 viõt c¸c sè tõ 1 ®õn 5 2 viõt dêu thých hîp vµo chç chêm 3 5 5 4 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 5 4 4 3 viõt sè thých hîp vµo chç chê

m«n to¸n líp 1 m«n to¸n líp 1 t 1 t 3 thêi gian 20 phót 1 viõt c¸c sè tõ 1 ®õn 5 2 viõt dêu thých hîp vµo chç chêm 3 5 5 4 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 5 4 4 3 viõt sè thých hîp vµo chç chê

... đúng 1,5 điểm Bài 3 : ( 2 điểm ) (11)đề kiểm tra môn toán - lớp 1 Thời gian : 15 phút (TuÇn tõ 30 - 32 ) ………. 1 §Æt tÝnh råi tÝnh : 45 + 12 65 + 21 48 - 35 87 - 23 2 §iÒn dÊu : ( ... Líp 1 ( T 1 -T 3 ) Thêi gian : 20 phót . 1 Viết các số từ 1 đến 5 2 ViÕt dÊu ( > , < , = ) thÝch hîp vµo chç chÊm : 3 5 5 4 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 5 4 4 3 ViÕt sè thÝch ... tính đúng 1 điểm Bài 3 : ( 3 điểm ) (10)§Ò kiÓm tra m«n to¸n - líp 1 Thêi gian : 15 phót (TuÇn tõ 27 - 29 ) -1 §Æt tÝnh råi tÝnh : 47 + 21 73 - 60 6 + 32 57 - 37 2 §iÒn dÊu : (

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 19:18

12 11 0
powerpoint presentation m«n to¸n líp 3 b¶ng chia 7 gi¸o viªn §inh thanh loan 22 2 2005 7 x 2 14 14 7 2 7 x 3 21 21 7 3 b¶ng chia 7 7 x 3 21 21 7 3 7 x 1 7 7 x 2 14 7 x 3 21 7 x 4 2

powerpoint presentation m«n to¸n líp 3 b¶ng chia 7 gi¸o viªn §inh thanh loan 22 2 2005 7 x 2 14 14 7 2 7 x 3 21 21 7 3 b¶ng chia 7 7 x 3 21 21 7 3 7 x 1 7 7 x 2 14 7 x 3 21 7 x 4 2

... Líp 3 (2) 2 7 x 2 = 14 7 x 2 = 14 14 : 7 = 2 (3) 3 7 x 3 = 21 7 x 3 = 21 21 : 7 = 3 (4)B¶ng chia 7 7 x 3 = 21 21 : 7 = 3 7 x 1 = 7 7 x 2 = 14 7 x 3 = 21 7 x 4 = 28 7 x 5 = 35 7 x 6 = 42 ... 10 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 7 x 1 = 7 (8)B¶ng chia 7 7 : 7 = 1 14 : 7 = 2 21 : 7 = 3 28 : 7 = 4 35 : 7 = 5 42 : 7 = 6 49 : 7 = 7 56 : 7 = 8 63 : 7 = 9 70 : 7 = 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... = 2 21 : 7 = 3 28 : 7 = 4 35 : 7 = 5 42 : 7 = 6 49 : 7 = 7 56 : 7 = 8 63 : 7 = 9 70 : 7 = 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10)10 7 : 7 = 1 7 : 7 = 1 14 : 7 = 2 14 : 7 = 2 21 : 7 = 3 21

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 02:54

17 23 0
slide 1 chương 3 lập trình cơ bản dùng ngôn ngữ pascal minh họa chương 3 lập trình cơ bản 3 1 thuật toán 3 2 giới thiệu ngôn ngữ lập trình pascal 3 3 các thành phần của ngôn ngữ 3 4 các kiểu dữ liệu

slide 1 chương 3 lập trình cơ bản dùng ngôn ngữ pascal minh họa chương 3 lập trình cơ bản 3 1 thuật toán 3 2 giới thiệu ngôn ngữ lập trình pascal 3 3 các thành phần của ngôn ngữ 3 4 các kiểu dữ liệu

... ( 23 )Tên kiểu Phạm vi giá giá trị Số byte Ví dụ ShortInt - 128 127 1 12, -34 Byte 25 5 23 , 25 5 Integer - 32 7 68 32 7 67 - 32 7 67, 4 32 Word 65 535 6 72 LongInt -21 474 836 48 21 474 836 47 4 22 222 222 22 ... (1 )Chương 3 Chương 3 LẬP TRÌNH CƠ BẢN LẬP TRÌNH CƠ BẢN (2 )Chương 3 Chương 3 LẬP TRÌNH CƠ BẢN LẬP TRÌNH CƠ BẢN ? ?3. 1 Thuật tốn ? ?3 .2 Giới thiệu ngơn ngữ lập trình Pascal ? ?3. 3 Các thành ... 49 C 67 c 99 P 80 p 1 12 2 50 D 68 d 100 Q 81 q 1 13 3 51 E 69 f 101 R 82 r 114 4 52 F 70 e 1 02 S 83 s 115 5 53 G 71 g 1 03 T 84 t 116 6 54 H 72 h 104 U 85 u 117 7 55 I 73 i 105 V 86 v 118

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2021, 07:33

50 32 0
CFA CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA volume 2 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 3, reading 5

CFA CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA volume 2 finquiz curriculum note, study session 3, reading 5

... prospects E.g if pairs are (20 0, 0 .25 ; 150, 0.40; 30 , 0 .35 ) and (20 0, 0 .3; 150, 0.40; -50 0 .3) , they will be simplified as (20 0, 0 .25 ; 30 , 0 .35 ) and (20 0, 0 .30 ; -50, 0 .30 ) • Cancellation operation ... segregating the prospect of winning 30 0 with 80% or 20 0 with 20 % into a sure gain of 20 0 with 100% and the prospect of winning 100 with 80% or nothing (0) with 20 % The same process is applied for ... identical gains or losses to simplify a decision E.g winning 20 0 with 25 % or winning 20 0 with 25 % can be simply reformulated as winning 20 0 with 50% Segregation: In this step, the decision maker

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:09

10 6 0
CFA CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA volume 2 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 3, reading 7

CFA CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA volume 2 finquiz curriculum note, study session 3, reading 7

... the paths and their underlying causes FinQuiz.com IMPORTANT EXAMPLE: Practice: Example 3, Volume 2, Reading 5 .2 Influence of Company’s Management on Analysis The way the information is presented/framed ... investor’s behavior pattern and tendencies may not be consistent and may change over time FinQuiz.com 2. 1 .3) New Developments in Psychographic Modeling: Behavioral Investor Types Behavioral finance can ... cognitive errors should be advised by providing quantitative measures e.g S.D and Sharpe ratios 2. 2 FinQuiz.com Limitations of Classifying Investors into Various Types Due to complex human nature,

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:10

13 5 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 14, reading 26

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 14, reading 26

... positive kurtosis Reading 26 Practice: Example 16, Volume 5, Reading 26 Practice: End of Chapter Reading Problems for Reading 26 & FinQuiz Item-set ID# 1 0 23 9, 1 024 3 & 130 08 Alternative Investments ... high risk); 3. 1 .2) Size of the Real Estate Market According to estimates, real estate represents one-third to one-half of the world’s wealth 3 .2 Benchmarks and Historical Performance 3 .2. 1) Benchmarks ... idiosyncratic risks associated with these investments 2) Illiquid relative to securitized real estate due to: • Large transaction sizes when buying/selling 3 .2. 2) Roles in the Portfolio Real estate is affected

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:12

25 8 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 14, reading 27

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 14, reading 27

... conversions include: Monthly E(R) = Annual E(R) / 12 Monthly S.D = Annual S.D / √ 12 Daily E(R) = Monthly E(R) / 22 Daily S.D = Monthly S.D / ? ?22 Three implications of this definition: VAR measures ... returns = 24 8 To calculate 5% VAR: 5% × 24 8 = 12 returns→ thus, VAR would be the 12th worst return in the observations Assume that after rankordering the data, the 12th worst return is -0. 029 4 If ... Reading 27 , Curriculum, Volume Practice: Example 10, Volume 5, Reading 27 6 .2 Managing Credit Risk Principles of Effective Risk Management: 1) Return cannot be generated without taking risks 2) Transparency

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:12

13 6 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 15, reading 29

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 15, reading 29

... Breakeven =ST* = X1 + net premium = X1 + c1 – 2c2 + c3 ii Breakeven = ST* = 2X2 – X1 – Net premium = 2X2 – X1 – (c1 – 2c2 + c3 ) = 2X2 – X1 – c1 + 2c2 - c3 C Long Butterfly Spread (Using Puts): Butterfly ... i.e it should be = $ 639 ,795 exp (0. 027 5 / 36 5) = $ 639 ,8 43 Thus, our new benchmark value = $ 639 ,8 43 f) The loan will grow at a risk-free rate to = $17, 010 exp (0. 027 5 / 36 5) = $17, 011 Now suppose ... of options sold = 500 Number of shares purchased = 32 8 Bond Balance = -$6,0 72 When stock price = $ 122 .75, stocks worth = $ 122 .75 × 32 8 = $40 ,26 2 When option price = $9.09, options worth = $9.09

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:12

14 5 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 15, reading 30

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 15, reading 30

... (0.075/4) = € 533 ,33 3 ,33 3 Step 2: To Calculate the corresponding principal in Dollars, foreign NP is converted into corresponding domestic NP (i.e $) using the current exchange rate: €5 ,33 3 ,33 3 ,33 3 / €0.90/$ ... €0.90/$ = $5 92, 5 92, 5 93 NOTE: A swap is entered with the above calculated NP Step 3: To Calculate the $ interest payment, the domestic NP is multiplied by the domestic interest rate $5 92, 5 92, 5 93 ì(0.08/4) ... = ቀ ቁ - (0.75 × 2) = ଶ×ଶ 0 .25 – 1.50 = -1 .25 Two year swap (receive floating, pay fixed) with ଵ quarterly payments will have duration = ቀ ቁ–(0.75 × 2) ସ ×ଶ = 0. 125 – 1.50 = –1 .37 5 NOTE: Issuer

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:12

11 6 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   item set answers, study session 15, reading 28

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz item set answers, study session 15, reading 28

... would equal: 93, 500,000(0.919) – 93, 500,000 = – $7,5 73, 500 Since we are short futures, the gain on the futures contract would equal: 21 9( 131 ,25 0) – 21 9( 131 ,25 0)(0.9 122 5) = $2, 522 ,26 4 The overall ... the portfolio’s beta equals 1 12. 2/ 93. 5 = 1 .2 The dollar beta of the futures contract equals $170 , 625 ; the beta will equal $170 , 625 /$ 131 ,25 0* =1 .3 *175 0 x 75 = 131 ,25 0 Using these values, the number ... sell $1 72 .5 million of stock and buy $1 72 .5 million of bonds The number of bond futures to buy equals: (7.7 – 0/6.4) (1 72 ,500,000 /175 ,000) (1.04) = 1 , 23 3 .37 5 contracts 42 Question ID: 87 62 Correct

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:12

19 6 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   item set answers, study session 15, reading 29

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz item set answers, study session 15, reading 29

... If X2 ≤ ST < X3 Value = max(0, ST – X1) – 2max(0, ST – X2) + max(0, ST – X3) Profit = max(0, ST – X1) – 2max(0, ST – X2) + max(0, ST – X3) – c1 + 2c2 – c3 Max(0, 22 – 20 ) – 2max(0, 22 – 25 ) + ... 40,000,000[(0.09-0.078)( 92/ 36 0)] = $ 122 ,666.67 The actual interest equals: 40,000,000[(0.09+0. 027 5)( 92/ 36 0)] = $1 ,20 1,111. 12 The effective interest equals: 1 ,20 1,111. 12+ 0 – 122 ,666.67 = $1,078,444.44 ... [1 + (0.0475+0. 027 5)( 92/ 36 0)] = $22 , 421 .67 The effective amount loaned out equals: 40,000,000 (outflow) + 15 ,28 7.5 (outflow) - 22 , 421 .67 (inflow) = $39 ,9 92, 866 61 Question ID: 90 72 Correct Answer:

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:13

13 5 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   smart summary, study session 14, reading 26

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz smart summary, study session 14, reading 26

... CREFs sponsoring advisors Important alternative to CREFs 20 18 Study Session # 13, Reading # 26 3 .2 Benchmarks and Historical Performance 3 .2. 1 Benchmarks NCREIF NAREIT To measure performance of ... Results for a more recent period (20 0 -20 04) are qualitatively similar Copyright © FinQuiz.com All rights reserved 20 18 Study Session # 13, Reading # 26 7 .2. 3 Interpretation Issues Survivorship ... RE investment performance differ significantly 3 .2. 3 Interpretation Issues NCREIF is not an investable index (performance appraisal is difficult) 3. 3 Real Estate: Investment Characteristics and

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:13

23 3 0
CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   smart summary, study session 14, reading 27

CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz smart summary, study session 14, reading 27

... does not hold (e.g.in options) Copyright © FinQuiz.com All rights reserved 20 18 Study Session # 14, Reading # 27 5 .2. 3 The Historical Method Collect the historical return & identify the return ... normally handled by collateral Copyright © FinQuiz.com All rights reserved 20 18 Study Session # 14, Reading # 27 6 .2. 3 Reducing Credit Risk with Collateral Collateral posting is widely accepted ... measures are convexity & Gamma Copyright © FinQuiz.com All rights reserved 20 18 Study Session # 14, Reading # 27 5 .2 Value at Risk VAR: Probability-based measure of loss potential for a company,

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:13

13 3 0
CFA CFA  level 3 study NotéCFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 16, reading 31

CFA CFA level 3 study NotéCFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 16, reading 31

... execution uncertainty 4 .2. 4) Passive Traders Dealers and Minutes to Accommodation day traders hours Price Passive, indifferent Source: Exhibit Volume 6, Reading 31 4 .2 4 .2. 3) Liquidity-Motivated ... (implied by multiple security issues) reduces the risk to the other side of the trade 2. 2 Types of Markets 2. 2.1) Quote-Driven (Dealer) Markets Quote-driven markets are markets in which trades ... needed market facilities Dealers The relationship between the trader and a dealer is adversarial 2. 2 .3) Brokered Markets Brokered markets are markets in which transactions take place through brokers,

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:13

10 3 0
CFA CFA  level 3 study NotéCFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 CFA  level 3 finquiz   curriculum note, study session 17, reading 33

CFA CFA level 3 study NotéCFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 CFA level 3 finquiz curriculum note, study session 17, reading 33

... data/computation intensive Reading 33 Evaluating Portfolio Performance FinQuiz.com Source: Exhibit 13, Volume 6, Reading 33 Refer to example on Volume 6, Reading 33 , PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The objective ... Practice: Example 5, Volume 6, Reading 33 Reading 33 Evaluating Portfolio Performance 4.5 TWR versus MWR FinQuiz.com Practice: Example 7, Volume 6, Reading 33 TWR MWR 1) TWR represents the growth ... Practice: Example 13, 14 & 15, Volume 6, Reading 33 6.7 1) Market timing: It is composed of i Portfolio’s Cash position ii Portfolio’s beta 2) Exposures to fundamental factors 3) Exposures to economic

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2021, 16:13

20 4 0

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