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3D Animation

3D Animation

... 3D Animation Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Sưu tầm: Thạch Trương Thảo 087 039 863 anhchanghieuhoc2002@yahoo.com 3D Animation Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation ... 863 anhchanghieuhoc2002@yahoo.com 3D Animation Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Sưu tầm: Thạch Trương ... anhchanghieuhoc2002@yahoo.com 3D Animation Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif Type : Animation Gif ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:27

4 389 2
Tài liệu KRONE - The effect of errors on TCP Application performance (Full version) docx

Tài liệu KRONE - The effect of errors on TCP Application performance (Full version) docx

... network, significantly degrade the performance of TCP. This degradation is directly apparent in the performance of the application which is dependent upon TCP to provide the transport platform for delivery of its ... twice the round-trip time. For example, if the average time for a packet to get from Station A to Station B across an internet connection would be 600 ms., the RTO for a segment sent by Station ... Inc. The timer is referred to by the acronym RTO for retransmission timeout. It is calculated for each outgoing segment by a rather complex algorithm. For our purposes, it is sufficient to know that...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:17

12 546 0
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

... 0‐12* *≥50%ofaudiencemustbechildren;**≥35%ofaudiencemustbechildren;***≥30%ofaudiencemustbe children.****≥25%ofaudiencemustbechildren.~unlessanadultispresent.~~unlessadults predominate. + ≥35% for someshowsand≥50% for others. ++ 11 for printmedia,otherwise12.   Whichproductscanbepromoted?  IntheUSAalargenumberofcompany‐promotedmodelshavebeenproposed for defining thenutritionalcriteria for foodstobemarketedtochildren 21 andasimilarproblemhas ariseninEurope.Thenexttablegivesexamplesofnutrientmethods for definingfoodsas suitable for marketingtochildren,asproposedbysomeofthecompaniesintheEUpledge:  Table2Company‐setcriteria for foodstheycanmarkettochildren Company ...  TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetofstandards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly.  Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseofstandardsandmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standardsfromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetofstandardstoformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment.  Projectpartners  ... 5  bordermarketing,usinginternet,satellite,andproductplacementinimportedprogrammes, isnotamenabletocontrolbyasinglejurisdiction.  Inresponsetopublicconcern,civilsocietyorganisationshaveproposedstandardswhich wouldapplytocommercialoperatorsinallcountriesandtherebyprotectchildrenwhether ornotthelocalregulatoryenvironmentwasabletodoso.Suchstandardswouldhave considerablemoralauthorityandwouldactasa‘soft’regulatoryprocessakintotheforms ofgovernanceknowninEuropeastheOpenMethodofCoordination,i.e.theyrelyon identificationofgoodandbadpracticesandpublicitytoencouragehighstandards.  InMay2010the63 rd WorldHealthAssemblyof193governmentsendorsedasetof recommendationsonmarketingoffoodsandnon‐alcoholicbeveragestochildrenandcalled for internationalactiontoreducetheimpactonchildrenofthemarketingoffoodsor beverageshighinsaturatedortransfats, free sugarsorsalt(HSTFSS). 20 The recommendationsformedpartoftheWorldHealthOrganization’sglobalstrategy for the preventionandcontrolofnon‐communicablediseases.TheAssemblyurgedmember nationstotakeactiontoreduceboththeexposureofchildrento,andthepowerof, marketing for suchfoods.  However,nationalgovernmentsmaynotbeabletocontrolallthemarketingpracticesthat influenceachild’sdiet.MarketingopportunitiesarisewhenTVchannelsarereceivedfrom sourcesoutsidenationalboundaries,whenInternetaccessislargelyunmediated,when sponsoredsportingeventsaretransmittedglobally,andwhenfilmsandvideogamesare tradedacrossnationalborders.Itfollowsthatasetofuniversalstandardscanhelpto ensurethatthemarketingofHSTFSSproductscanfullycomplywiththeWorldHealth Assembly’srecommendations.  Universalmarketingstandardshavefurtherbenefits.Restrictedmarketingcanserveto equalisethecompetitiveenvironment for companiesofdifferentsizes.Froman enforcementviewpoint,aset ofuniversalstandardscansupportnationalauthorities,the privatesectorandcivilsocietytoensurecomplianceandtorespondtoinfringements. Further,wherenationalauthoritiesdonothavethecapacitytoensurechildrenand adolescentsareprotectedfromlocalorcross‐bordermarketingoffoodsandbeverages,a setofinternationally‐agreedstandardscanensureacommon,minimumlevelofprotection for youngpeopleinallnations.    20 WHO,2010.63 rd WorldHealthAssembly.http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_R14‐ en.pdf.Seealsohttp://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/recsmarketing/en/index.html ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0
3D animation essentials

3D animation essentials

... off-the-shelf 3D animation software. Previously, each company had to write their own software to create 3D graphics and animation. Although some studios still use proprietary software, most ... Insight into 3D Animation Education This appendix brings you interviews with experts in the 3D animation education field so you can glimpse some of the differences within the formal 3D animation ... industry began using 3D animation, and most people did not even notice it. Car commercials, for instance, began using 3D models of cars, rarely using the real car. The future of 3D animation is wide...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2014, 20:14

354 762 0
IClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide potx

IClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide potx

... freebies too. The freebies have a zero price and can be placed into the cart for download. You will not be charged for these items. There are several free content threads at the Reallusion forum ... monthly freebie listed in the Reallusion newsleer. One of the absolute must not miss freebies at the Reallusion forum is Stuckon3d's free iClone tutorial thread listed under freebies. ... skin color 387 Time for acon – tooning the characters 387 Time for acon – skinning the character for tuning 388 Using post eects 390 Time for acon – applying blur 390 Time for acon – tesng...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

508 1,7K 1
Revised version for the consideration of Contact Committee of the Heads of the SAIs of the European Union docx

Revised version for the consideration of Contact Committee of the Heads of the SAIs of the European Union docx

... of EU SAIs for its information and other use it may deem appropriate; and ã The EUROSAI and INTOSAI General Secretariats for their information and consideration. *** This version includes ... “Quality Control for Audits of Historical Financial Information” 36 Annex D – ISQC 1, “Quality Control for Firms That Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other ... circumstances. For example, audit procedures that are appropriate for attesting the reliability of a set of financial statements are unlikely to be entirely appropriate for a performance audit....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

57 822 0
Báo cáo khoa học: 15 N-Labelled proteins by cell-free protein synthesis Strategies for high-throughput NMR studies of proteins and protein–ligand complexes doc

Báo cáo khoa học: 15 N-Labelled proteins by cell-free protein synthesis Strategies for high-throughput NMR studies of proteins and protein–ligand complexes doc

... high yields in vivo are also suitable for efficient production by cell -free synthesis. In order to compensate for the increased effort and expense required for the produc- tion and selective isotope ... which cell -free protein synthesis deliv- ers [ 15 N]-HSQC spectra of selectively [ 15 N]-labelled proteins makes it an attractive tool for preliminary studies prior to the production of uniformly ... uniformly [ 15 N ⁄ 13 C]- labelled samples for in-depth NMR analysis. Much information can be gleaned already from a single selec- tively labelled sample. For example, binding interac- tions with...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

6 461 0
iClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide pot

iClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner''''s Guide pot

... displaying informa on about the project: For More Information: www.packtpub.com/iclone-4-31 -3d- animation- beginners-guide/book Where to buy this book You can buy iClone 4.31 3D Animation ... freebies too. The freebies have a zero price and can be placed into the cart for download. You will not be charged for these items. There are several free content threads at the Reallusion forum ... other items available for use. For More Information: www.packtpub.com/iclone-4-31 -3d- animation- beginners-guide/book Installing and Confi guring iClone [ 28 ] Downloading your trial...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20

34 596 0
MEALS ARE FREE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: For additional listings provided by the Meals Partnership Coalition pot

MEALS ARE FREE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: For additional listings provided by the Meals Partnership Coalition pot

... 10, 2012 for web OUTREACH BREAKFAST 400 East Pike Street Seattle 206-322-7411 Breakfast: 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays. Open to all PACIFIC ASIAN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM 270 So. Hanford St., ... PSKS—PEACE for THE STREETS by KIDS FROM THE STREETS 1814 Summit Avenue, Seattle 206-726-8500 Lunch: Tuesday – Friday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Criteria: Open to youth up to age 21. * Information ... 21. * Information not updated prior to publication. Please contact office for meal time. 3 Revised December 10, 2012 for web COMMUNITY LUNCH on CAPITOL HILL 1710 – 11 th In the Parish...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

15 358 0
Free Software, Free Society pot

Free Software, Free Society pot

... free software is a social movement.” For the Open Source movement, non -free software is a suboptimal solution. For the Free Software movement, non -free software is a social problem and free software ... discussions of free software in this book, since every chapter except 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, and 19 deals with free software. For a history of free software from free software to proprietary software ... freedom to run, modify and redis- tribute the software. Free software contributes to human knowledge, while non -free software does not. Universities should therefore encourage free software for...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

230 413 0
ĐỀ TÀI TỶ LỆ THẤT NGHIỆP Ở VIỆT NAM.Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.Lêi nãi ®ÇuNgµy nay víi sù ph¸t triÓn v­ît bËc cña khoa häc kü thuËt ®· kh«ng Ýt t¹o ra nhòng sù nh.y vät vÒ mäi mÆt potx

ĐỀ TÀI TỶ LỆ THẤT NGHIỆP Ở VIỆT NAM.Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.Lêi nãi ®ÇuNgµy nay víi sù ph¸t triÓn v­ît bËc cña khoa häc kü thuËt ®· kh«ng Ýt t¹o ra nhòng sù nh.y vät vÒ mäi mÆt potx

... thất nghiệp gây ra ở nhiều nớc lớn đến Generated by Foxit PDF Creator â Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only. 2 II : Phần nội dung 1. Thất nghiệp là gì ? Trên ... lại làm việc nhng cha tìm đợc việc làm Generated by Foxit PDF Creator â Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only. 3 Nh vậy thất nghiệp là con số mang tính thời điểm ... tăng 13,5%. Hệ thống kết cấu hạ tầng:bu Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only. 9 phần nào đó về ngân sách.Bên cạnh đó cũng cần có những...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 07:20

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