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Tiêu đề Using UDDI
Trường học Microsoft Corporation
Chuyên ngành Business-to-Business Integration
Thể loại module
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Redmond
Định dạng
Số trang 34
Dung lượng 1,13 MB

Nội dung

Contents Overview 1 Lesson: Introduction to UDDI 2 Lesson: Registering and Publishing Information in UDDI 9 Lesson: Locating Trading Partner Information in UDDI 16 Review 23 Lab A: Using UDDI 24 Course Evaluation 28 Module 7: Using UDDI Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.  2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, BackOffice, BizTalk, FrontPage, Hotmail, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Studio, and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Module 7: Using UDDI iii Instructor Notes This module provides students with an introduction to Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), a free online service that provides suppliers and buyers with a forum for sharing business-to-business (B2B) contact information. Students will explore the process of registering their business in UDDI and querying the UDDI database to find potential trading partners. After completing this module, students will be able to: ! Explain UDDI and describe its benefits. ! Register and publish information in UDDI. ! Search UDDI for information about potential trading partners. To teach this module, you need: ! Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® file 2420A_07.ppt. ! The UDDIDemo.exe application, which is located on the Trainer Materials compact disc and installed on the instructor computer under Programs, UDDIDemo. To prepare for this module: ! Read all of the materials for this module. ! Complete the practices and lab. ! Perform the instructor demonstrations. ! Explore the UDDI Web site at http://www.uddi.org. ! Read the white paper, UDDI Data Structures, located under Additional Reading on the Web page on the Trainer Materials compact disc. ! View the UDDI software development kit at http://msdn.microsoft.com/uddi. ! Practice registering with and publishing information in UDDI by using the UDDI test registry at http://test.uddi.microsoft.com. ! Practice locating information in UDDI by using the Microsoft UDDI Web site at http://uddi.microsoft.com and the UDDIDemo.exe application on the Trainer Materials compact disc. The information in this section provides setup instructions that are required to prepare the instructor computer or classroom configuration for the hands-on practice. ! To prepare for the demonstration and hands-on practices • Ensure that the instructor and student computers can connect to the Internet. Presentation: 45 minutes Lab: 45 minutes Required materials Preparation tasks Classroom setup iv Module 7: Using UDDI How to Teach This Module This section contains information that will help you teach this module. If Internet access is unavailable, skip the practices and demonstrations in this module. Lesson: Introduction to UDDI When you introduce UDDI to students, explain that UDDI is an Extensible Markup Language XML Web service, and also a list of businesses and XML Web services. Explain the value of using UDDI to search the UDDI database programmatically for information. Tell students that Module 8, “Integrating XML Web Services in a B2B Solution,” in this course discusses XML Web services in more detail. The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson. Explain the difference between the UDDI registry and applications or Web sites that access UDDI. Emphasize that all UDDI nodes are fully replicated and therefore contain the same database information, but that users will see a different user interface when they visit a particular UDDI node—for example, the Microsoft UDDI Web site. On the instructor computer, demonstrate the steps to search the Microsoft UDDI Web site for information about Microsoft Corporation. Show students other points of interest on the Web site. Encourage students to follow along on their computers as you perform the demonstration. Tell students that browsing the UDDI registry through the uddi.microsoft.com Web site does not reveal all UDDI information about a given organization, because some UDDI information is accessible only programmatically. Lesson: Registering and Publishing Information in UDDI Explain in greater detail the types of information that an organization can include in a UDDI profile. Ensure that students understand the difference between registering and publishing in UDDI. The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson. Emphasize to students that this practice and the one in the next lesson use the Microsoft UDDI test site, not the actual UDDI registry. Because the user interface for the UDDI test Web site changes frequently, it may be necessary to explain to students how to perform the practice. This practice contains general instructions only, so complete this practice prior to teaching the class. You can also perform the practice with students during class. What Is UDDI? Demonstration: Using UDDI Practice Module 7: Using UDDI v Lesson: Locating Trading Partner Information in UDDI This lesson discusses how to search UDDI for trading partner information. Emphasize again the difference between browsing the UDDI registry by using a Web browser and searching the UDDI registry programmatically for XML-related information. The following information is specific to individual pages in this lesson. Emphasize that because UDDI is a free and open registry, students must use good business sense and verify the accuracy and validity of any information that they find there. In this demonstration, you use a simple application, UDDIDemo, to demonstrate that UDDI can be built into line-of-business and custom applications. The UDDIDemo application was built by using Microsoft Visual Basic ® version 6.0, Service Pack 5 (SP5), and the UDDI software development kit (SDK) 1.5.2. Use the application to locate the same information that you located by using the Web application on the UDDI Web site in the earlier demonstration. You can also use the Options menu on the application to switch to the UDDI test registry at Microsoft and then search for registrations that your students created in the previous practice. In this practice, students search the Microsoft UDDI test node for information that their lab partners published in the previous practice. If the lab partners did not complete the previous practice, search by using the words Microsoft Corporation. This summary page highlights the main design elements of the module. It is meant as a simple module review and a tool to help students prepare for the final module and lab, where they analyze a new scenario and create a B2B integration design. Lab: Using UDDI In this lab, students read a scenario that contains information that Adventure Works wants to provide to trading partners, and then students discuss the challenges that Adventure Works faces in doing so. Several managers in Adventure Works maintain different types of business and technical information. Students must answer the design questions to create a strategy in order to determine what information to publish and maintain in UDDI. The design lab is scheduled for 45 minutes. Divide students into pairs or small teams and ask them to spend 20 minutes reading and discussing the scenario. Then, have each pair or team present its answers to the class. Although the lab scenario provides a clear path to certain design decisions, it contains enough ambiguity to encourage student discussion and debate. Students may disagree with the answers that are provided in the Delivery Guide and the Student Materials compact disc. Disagreement is acceptable if students can provide adequate business or technical justification. To increase student involvement, ask a representative of each team to present the team’s answers to the class and then defend the design. Guidelines for Verifying Information Demonstration: Using a Custom UDDI Application Practice Summary: Using UDDI Timing Discussion vi Module 7: Using UDDI Customization Information This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs. This information is provided to assist you in replicating or customizing Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) courseware. This module contains a single paper-based design lab. There are no hands-on labs in this module, and as a result, there are no lab setup requirements or configuration changes that affect replication or customization. Module 7: Using UDDI 1 Overview ! Introduction to UDDI ! Registering and Publishing Information in UDDI ! Locating Trading Partner Information in UDDI Supplier Supplier Business Logic Business Logic Other Business Systems Other Business Systems CRM CRM ERP ERP Inventory Inventory Accounting Accounting UDDI UDDI ***************************** ILLEGAL FOR NON - TRAINER USE ****************************** To be successful in the business-to-business (B2B) world of e-commerce, organizations must find trading partners, establish trading partner relationships, and integrate trading partners in their own business processes. Finding trading partners and locating their B2B integration information can be difficult. To make it easier to find B2B trading partners and information about them, several e-commerce organizations have cooperated to develop Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI). A free online service, UDDI provides suppliers and buyers with a forum for sharing B2B contact information. You can register and publish your organization’s information in UDDI to make it easier for buyers to integrate their business processes with those of your organization so that they can buy from you. You can also use UDDI’s dynamic search capabilities to discover new trading partners and the services that they offer. After completing this module, you will be able to: ! Explain UDDI and describe its benefits. ! Register and publish information in UDDI. ! Search UDDI for information about potential trading partners. Introduction Objectives 2 Module 7: Using UDDI Lesson: Introduction to UDDI ! Common B2B Integration Challenges ! What Is UDDI? ! How Organizations Use UDDI ! Data Structures in UDDI ! Demonstration: Using UDDI ***************************** ILLEGAL FOR NON - TRAINER USE ****************************** Integrating business systems between different organizations is a challenge. Sometimes, even finding potential trading partners can be difficult. UDDI makes it easier for your organization to find trading partners. UDDI also lists essential contact and integration information, which can expedite the integration process. After completing this lesson, you will be able to: ! Describe common B2B integration challenges. ! Define UDDI. ! Explain how organizations use UDDI. ! Describe how UDDI stores data. Introduction Lesson Ob j ectives Module 7: Using UDDI 3 Common B2B Integration Challenges Supplier A Supplier A Buyer A Buyer A Buyer A Supplier B Supplier B Buyer B Buyer B Buyer B Buyer C Buyer C Buyer C Supplier challenges Supplier challenges Supplier challenges ! Finding new trading partners ! Finding new trading partners ! Providing contact information ! Providing contact information ! Providing B2B information ! Providing B2B information ! Providing XML Web services ! Providing XML Web services Buyer challenges Buyer challenges Buyer challenges ! Finding new trading partners ! Finding new trading partners ! Gathering contact information ! Gathering contact information ! Gathering B2B information ! Gathering B2B information ! Locating XML Web services ! Locating XML Web services ***************************** ILLEGAL FOR NON - TRAINER USE ****************************** Buyers and suppliers confront several common challenges when locating B2B trading partners and determining what services those trading partners provide. Buyers want to find additional suppliers to reduce their reliability on a single supplier or small number of suppliers and to increase value-added services that they can receive. Suppliers want to expand their operations to potential buyers and markets that they previously could not reach. Although e-commerce marketplaces provide an infrastructure for buyers and suppliers, they have not been universally successful due to the high cost of entry and their proprietary nature. Buyers and suppliers want to find B2B contact information quickly from organizations. Finding the right person or department to engage with can be difficult, especially in diversified enterprise organizations. The time that you waste in determining the correct contact can easily offset any gains in time to market that you achieved by having B2B capability. After buyers and suppliers find each other and begin forming a trading partner relationship, they must determine how to integrate their business systems. Integration challenges present one of the biggest barriers to widespread adoption of B2B e-commerce. Organizations that do not clearly identify integration requirements risk complicating their supply chain management integrations, delaying integration, and increasing costs. Increasingly, buyers and suppliers use Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services to enable different applications to exchange information locally and over the Internet without complex integration requirements. Introduction Access to new partners and markets Contact information B2B integration information XML Web service information 4 Module 7: Using UDDI What Is UDDI? UDDI is a global business registry that provides: UDDI is a global business registry that provides UDDI is a global business registry that provides : : General business information General business information " Name of organization " Contact information " Common business identifiers " Name of organization " Contact information " Common business identifiers Categorizations Categorizations " Product classification " Industry classification " Geographic classification " Product classification " Industry classification " Geographic classification XML Web service listings XML Web service listings " Business processes " B2B document specifications " XML Web services information " Business processes " B2B document specifications " XML Web services information ***************************** ILLEGAL FOR NON - TRAINER USE ****************************** Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is a searchable global registry of businesses that operate online and the XML Web services that those businesses offer. Based on open standards, UDDI is an XML Web service that uses messages based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and XML. After you register your organization in UDDI, your business information is visible in the UDDI registry as a profile. The data in the UDDI registry is replicated between nodes. A node is an instance of the UDDI database that an organization maintains. Both Microsoft and IBM maintain UDDI nodes. Any information that is entered in the Microsoft node is replicated to the IBM node. The information in UDDI is organized into the following three areas: ! General business information. Includes contact information, such as the name and description of an organization, contact name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and Web site address. General business information also includes common business identifiers, such as a Dun and Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number. ! Categorizations. Types of business classifications that organizations can use in UDDI. Each classification is a standardized specification that arranges an organization and its services in searchable categories. The classifications cover industry, geographic, and product-specific information—for example, the Universal Standard Products and Services Classification (UNSPSC). Definition Types of information in UDDI [...]... accurate information may negate many of the benefits of using UDDI 14 Module 7: Using UDDI Practice: Registering and Publishing Information Hands-On Exercise HandsHands-On Exercise 1 Open the UDDI test site at 1 Open the UDDI test site at http://test .uddi. microsoft.com http://test .uddi. microsoft.com 2 Register and publish a UDDI 2 Register and publish a UDDI profile for yourself profile for yourself *****************************ILLEGAL... information that you choose to include Note For more information about UDDI data structures, see the white paper, UDDI Data Structures, under Additional Reading on the Web page on the Student Materials compact disc 8 Module 7: Using UDDI Demonstration: Using UDDI Demonstration Steps Demonstration Steps 1 Open the UDDI Web site in 1 Open the UDDI Web site in Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 2 Search for... integrate your business systems in their B2B infrastructures Note For more information about UDDI, see the UDDI organization Web site at http://www .uddi. org 5 6 Module 7: Using UDDI How Organizations Use UDDI Supplier Supplier Marketplace Marketplace Registers business information Registers buyers and suppliers UDDI Registers business information Registers XML Web services XML Web XML Web Service Provider... not required to use UDDI Nearly all organizations can use UDDI without any additional cost or configuration of software ! Limited to browsing Using a Web browser limits you to browsing trading partner information If you use a Web browser to search UDDI, you must manually save any information that you gathered from UDDI before you can apply it to a business process 18 Module 7: Using UDDI Line-of-business... accuracy of profile information Verification of information about other organizations in UDDI Validation of the accuracy and authenticity of the information that you find in UDDI Module 7: Using UDDI 23 Review ! Introduction to UDDI ! Registering and Publishing Information in UDDI ! Locating Trading Partner Information in UDDI *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************... integration questions that you have 24 Module 7: Using UDDI Lab A: Using UDDI ! Exercise 1: Determining Information to Publish and Maintain in UDDI *****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: ! Create a strategy for publishing and maintaining information in UDDI ! Use UDDI to locate potential trading partners... experimenting with UDDI, David locates many potential business partners outside the company’s sales territory John believes that his sales team can benefit from the functionality of UDDI, but knows that his team members will want a more user-friendly way to search for buyers 26 Module 7: Using UDDI Design questions 1 How would you explain to upper management the benefits of using UDDI? John’s use of UDDI showed... about UDDI Introduction In the design exercise, you will read a scenario that describes how Adventure Works, an online supplier, plans to use UDDI You will explore several design considerations, including what is relevant business and technical information to expose in UDDI and how to search UDDI for information about other organizations Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes Module 7: Using UDDI. .. custom UDDI application that was developed by using Visual Basic 6.0 and the UDDI SDK The custom application and source code are available on the Student Materials compact disc Demonstration steps ! To perform the demonstration 1 Open the UDDI search application 2 In the Organization Name box, type Micro and then click Search 3 Click Microsoft Corporation to view the search results Module 7: Using UDDI. .. Module 7: Using UDDI 15 7 If prompted, open the e-mail account that you specified earlier, open the e-mail message from uddi@ microsoft.com, and then click the URL to validate your e-mail address 8 Click Add a New Business, type a business name, and then click Save 9 Add other business information to your profile as time permits, scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click Publish 16 Module 7: . class. What Is UDDI? Demonstration: Using UDDI Practice Module 7: Using UDDI v Lesson: Locating Trading Partner Information in UDDI This lesson. Information Demonstration: Using a Custom UDDI Application Practice Summary: Using UDDI Timing Discussion vi Module 7: Using UDDI Customization

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