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Năm xuất bản 2004
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Số trang 1.191
Dung lượng 7,18 MB

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The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang A comprehensive glossary of over 15,000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world, including: American slang, Australian slang, British slang, Canadian slang, South African slang, Cockney rhyming slang, Irish slang, Scottish slang, Jamaican slang, theatre slang, bingo slang, and Dorset slang. Deluxe Illustrated PDF Edition ©2004 The Probert Encyclopaedia The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Published in 2004 By The Probert Encyclopaedia 110 PERCENT 110 percent is American sports slang for the extra effort often required to win a difficult contest. 180−OUT 180−out is American military slang for false. 24−7 24−7 is slang for all the time. It is short for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 404 404 is American slang for clueless or naive. 411 411 is American slang for information. 56 56 is American police slang for time off from work. 714S 714s is slang for methaqualone. 911 911 is American slang for an emergency. 98 98 is American slang for a 98 model Oldsmobile motor car. A BIT OF A BUMBLE A bit of a bumble is Dorset slang for confusion. A BIT OF CRUMPET A bit of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman. A BIT OF HOW'S YOUR FATHER A bit of how's your father is British slang for sexual mischief. A BUGGER'S MUDDLE A bugger's muddle is British slang for a mess. 1 A BUTTON SHORT A button short is slang for intellectually deficient. A CARSE A carse is Dorset slang for of course. A COLD DAY IN HELL A cold day in hell is slang for never. A GRAPE ON THE BUSINESS A grape on the business is Australian slang for a person whose presence spoils things for others. A LA A la is British slang for pretentious. A PIECE OF CRUMPET A piece of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman. A PIECE OF GOODS A piece of goods is slang for a person, especially a woman. A ROD IN PICKLE A rod in pickle is Australian slang for a race horse being secretly prepared for a win and betting coup. A ROLL JACK RICE COULDN'T JUMP OVER A roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over is Australian slang for a large sum of money. A SKULL A skull is slang for per person. A SODA A soda is Australian slang for something easily done; a pushover. A SQUEEZE A squeeze is American slang for orange juice. A TO Z A to Z is British rhyming slang for a shed. A TOUCH OF THE TAR−BRUSH A touch of the tar−brush is derogatory British slang for having a skin colour which suggests black or coloured ancestry. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 2 A'PORTH A'Porth (from ha'porth) is British slang for an unimportant or silly person. A−COATHED A−coathed is Dorset slang for rotten, diseased. A−HEAD A−head is Black−American slang for a heavy user of amphetamines. A−OKAY A−okay is slang for superb. A−STOGGED A−stogged is Dorset slang for having one's feet stuck in the mud. A−STOODED A−stooded is Dorset slang for sunk in the ground, stuck in the mud. A−ZEW A−zew is Dorset slang for no longer yielding milk. A.C.A.B. A.C.A.B. is British slang for 'All Coppers Are Bastards'. A.D. A.D. is slang for drug addict. A.K.A. A.K.A. (also known as) is slang for alias. AAP Aap is South african slang for a cannabis cigarette. AARDVARK Aardvark is British slang for hard work, unpleasant tasks. AB Ab is body−building slang for an abdominal muscle. ABB Abb is surfing slang for an abnormal person. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 3 ABBESS Abbess was 16th to 19th century slang for the mistress of a brothel. ABDOMINABLE VOORHEAVES Abdominable voorheaves is American slang for to vomit. ABDUL Abdul is derogatory slang for a Turk or Arab. Abdul is Australian slang for an immigrant. ABE Abe is British slang for a Jew. ABEL AND CAIN Abel and Cain is British rhyming slang for rain. ABERDEENS Aberdeens is British rhyming slang for baked beans. ABERGAVENY Abergavenny is London cockney rhyming slang for penny. ABFAB Abfab is Australian slang for first−rate, very attractive, wonderful. ABIGAIL Abigail was 18th and 19th century slang for a lady's maid. Abigail is slang for an ageing, conservative male homosexual. ABO Abo is derogatory Australian slang for an aboriginal. ABOUT DONE About done is British slang for finished. About done is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy. ABOUT RIGHT About right is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy. ABRAHAM Abraham is British rhyming slang for sham. ABRAHAM'S WILLING Abraham's willing was old British rhyming slang for a shilling. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 4 ABROAD Abroad is British slang for out conducting criminal activities. ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE Absent without leave is slang for escaped from prison. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY Absofuckinglutely is Black−American slang for without doubt. ABSORB Absorb is slang for to drink. Absorb is slang for to eat. ABSOTIVELY Absotively is American slang for absolutely, positively. ABYSSINIA Abyssinia is British slang for goodbye (I'll be seeing you). ABYSSINIAN POLO Abyssinian polo is American slang for the game of craps. AC AC is Black−American slang for the Acura Legend automobile. AC/DC AC/DC is slang for bisexual. ACAPULCO Acapulco is slang for cannabis. ACAPULCO GOLD Acapulco Gold is slang for a particular breed of cannabis from around Acapulco in Mexico. The leaves are golden in colour and supposedly of high quality. ACCA Acca is Australian slang for academic ACCELERATED DEATH BENEFITS Accelerated death benefits is insurance industry slang for a policyholder's option to use cash benefits from life insurance to finance medical care during serious illness. ACCIDENT Accident is British slang for an arrest. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 5 ACE Ace is slang for excellent. Ace is slang for cannabis. Ace is British slang for the anus. Ace is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination etc. ACE HURLER Ace hurler is American slang for a baseball team's best pitcher. ACE IN THE HOLE Ace in the hole is American slang for a final surprise which will likely guarantee success. ACE OF SPADES Ace of spades is British slang for the female pubic area. Ace of spades is British slang for completely black. Ace of spades is British rhyming slang for AIDs. ACE OF TRUMPS Ace of trumps is British slang for a first−class person. ACE OUT Ace out is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination, etc. ACE−DEUCE Ace−deuce is Black−American slang for three. Ace−deuce is American and Jamaican slang for a best friend. ACEY−DEUCY Acey−deucy is American slang for uncertain quality, both good and bad. ACHE AND PAIN Ache and pain is British rhyming slang for rain. ACID Acid is slang for the drug LSD. (Lysergic acid diethyl amide). Acid is slang for the drug MDMA Acid is West Indian slang for rum. Acid is Jamaican slang for a special unit of the Jamaican police force. ACID CASUALTY Acid casualty is slang for someone supposedly suffering from impaired faculties as a result of taking LSD (acid). ACID DROPS Acid drops is British slang for caustic comments, put−downs. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 6 ACID FLASH Acid flash is slang for a sudden recurrence of an LSD related experience. ACID HEAD Acid head is slang for a person who uses LSD (acid). ACID HOUSE Acid house is slang for a particular youth culture involving synthetic electronic dance−music − known as house − and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs such as ecstasy and LSD (acid). ACID ROCK Acid rock is slang for a type of guitar−based electric rock music of the late 1960s and early 1970s supposedly influenced by LSD (acid). ACID TRIP Acid trip is slang for a period under the influence of the drug LSD (acid). ACKER Acker (shortened from Acker Bilk) is British rhyming slang for milk. Acker is Dorset slang for a friend. ACKER BILK Acker Bilk is British rhyming slang for milk. ACKERS Ackers is British military slang for coins, notes, money and especially piastres. ACORN Acorn is British slang for the head of an erect penis. Acorn was old slang for the head. ACORN IN A BIRD'S NEST Acorn in a bird's nest is British slang for the male genitalia. ACORNS Acorns is British slang for the testicles. ACRE Acre is slang for buttock. Acre is slang for testicle. ACROBAT Acrobat is Jamaican slang for a fool. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 7 ACROSS THE BOARD Across the board is slang for all−inclusive. ACROSS THE RIVER Across the river is American military slang for the government (the White House and Congress). ACT Act is Australian slang for pretending to be something you are not. Act is Australian slang for a fit of temper; a tantrum. ACT DUMB Act dumb is slang for to feign ignorance. ACT THE JINNIT Act the jinnit is Irish slang for to behave foolishly, irrationally. ACT THE LINNET Act the linnet is Irish slang for to flirt. ACT THE MAGGOT Act the maggot is Irish slang for to play the fool, to clown around. ACT THE MOHAWK Act the mohawk is Irish slang for to misbehave. ACTCOM Actcom is American slang for a television action comedy, where every episode is based on a disruption of the status quo, followed by humorous efforts to bring the situation back to normal. ACTION Action is slang for recreational activities such as gambling, prostitution and drugs. ACTION MAN Action man is British slang for a devotee of military physical exercise. An excessively macho man. ACTOR Actor is slang for someone accomplished at playing a role, or bluffing. ACTUAL Actual is British slang for cash. ADAM Adam is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 8 ADAM AND EVE Adam and Eve is London Cockney rhyming slang for believe. Adam and Eve is American slang for two poached or fried eggs. Adam and Eve is slang for sexual intercourse. ADAM AND EVE BALL Adam and Eve ball is slang for an early dancing party to which the guests are invited until 12 midnight only. ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT Adam and Eve on a raft is American slang for two poached eggs on toast. ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT AND WRECK 'EM Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em is American slang for scrambled eggs on toast. ADAM AND EVE'S TOGS Adam and Eve's togs is British slang for naked. ADAM ANTS Adam Ants is British rhyming slang for pants. ADAM FAITH Adam Faith is British rhyming slang for a safe. ADAM'S ALE Adam's ale is slang for water. ADAMITICAL Adamitical is slang for naked. ADAMS Adams (shortened from Adam Ants) is British rhyming slang for pants. ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE Add fuel to the fire is slang for make a bad or intense situation worse. ADD INSULT TO INJURY Add insult to injury is slang for aggravate an already difficult situation, further upset someone. ADDICTION MEDICINE Addiction medicine is American slang for psychiatric treatment used to treat people who suffer from an addiction. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 9 [...]... is British slang for the winding down period after love making AFTERNOON DELIGHT Afternoon delight is British slang for sex in the afternoon AFTERS Afters is British slang for an after−hours drinking session 12 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang AG Ag is British slang for aggravation AGAINST THE CLOCK Against the clock is British slang for short of time, in a hurry AGAINST THE WIND Against the wind is... slang for a deal where the commissions are equal to, or larger than, the profit ALMIGHTY Almighty was nineteenth century slang for very great; exceedingly ALMOND ROCK Almond rock is Cockney rhyming slang for penis (cock) ALMOND ROCKS Almond rocks is London cockney rhyming slang for socks 22 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang ALONG FOR THE RIDE Along for the ride is slang for being unofficially associated... PALMERS Arnold Palmers is British rhyming slang for farmers ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGER Arnold Schwartzenegger is British rhyming slang for beggar 34 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang ARNOLDS Arnolds is slang for any anabolic steroid AROUND THE WAY Around the way is Jamaican slang for the neighbourhood ARREST Arrest is American slang for to accuse someone of dressing out of style ARRIVERDERCI Arriverderci (shortened... hair blonde 10 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang AEROPLANE SKIRT Aeroplane skirt is slang for a skirt with a very long slit up it AF Af is South African slang for a black African AFFAIR Affair is political slang for a reception held for the purposes of fundraising and/or honouring the achievements of an individual AFGHANI INDICA Afghani Indica is slang for cannabis AFICIONADO Aficionado is slang for devotee... Amateur night is American slang for a special occasion celebrated traditionally by drinking liquor Amateur night is American slang for an exhibition of more than usual ineptitude AMBASSADOR Ambassador is American slang for the penis AMBASSADOR OF MOROCCO Ambassador of Morocco is slang for a shoemaker AMBER FLUID Amber fluid is Australian slang for beer 23 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang AMBER NECTAR Amber... slang for shandy AMP Amp is slang for a marijuana joint dipped in formaldehyde and smoked AMP JOINT Amp Joint is slang for a marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic 24 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang AMP OFF Amp off is UNIX slang to run in background, from the UNIX shell `& operator AMPED UP Amped up is slang for very excited AMPSTER Ampster is Australian slang for a showman's or trickster's... rhyming slang for brandy Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for shandy ANGEL Angel is theatre slang for a primary financial backer Angel is slang for a passive male homosexual ANGEL CRYSTAL Angel Crystal is slang for phencyclidine ANGEL DUST Angel Dust is slang for phencyclidine 26 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang ANGEL HAIR Angel Hair is slang for phencyclidine ANGEL LUST Angel lust is nursing slang. .. before putting their point of view ANNIHILATED Annihilated is slang for very drunk ANORAK Anorak is slang for a socially inept person with little fashion sense ANT'S BOLLOCK ON A BEACH Ant's bollock on a beach is slang for something virtually impossible to find ANT'S PANTS Ant's pants is Australian slang for the height of fashion 28 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang ANTE UP Ante up is slang for to pay... dirty laundry is American slang for to let others know of one's private conflicts or problems 14 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang AIR HOSE Air hose is American slang for shoes worn without socks AIR OFF ONESELF Air off oneself is Jamaican slang for to show off, to display one's superior status at someone else's expense AIR OUT ONE'S MOUTH ON Air out one's mouth on is Jamaican slang for to speak aggressively... British rhyming slang for rain ALL DAY AND NIGHT All day and night is slang for a life prison sentence ALL DAYER All dayer is British slang for an all−day drinking session ALL EARS All ears is slang for attentive or listening ALL FORLORN All forlorn is British rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn) 19 The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang ALL FRUITS RIPE All fruits ripe is Jamaican slang for everything . slang, theatre slang, bingo slang, and Dorset slang. Deluxe Illustrated PDF Edition ©2004 The Probert Encyclopaedia The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Published. American slang, Australian slang, British slang, Canadian slang, South African slang, Cockney rhyming slang, Irish slang, Scottish slang, Jamaican slang, theatre

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