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Tiêu đề Palm OS Programming Bible
Tác giả Lonnon R. Foster
Trường học IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
Chuyên ngành Palm OS Programming
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Năm xuất bản 2000
Thành phố Foster City
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Palm OS ® Programming Bible 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page i 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page ii Palm OS ® Programming Bible Lonnon R. Foster IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. An International Data Group Company Foster City, CA ✦ Chicago, IL ✦ Indianapolis, IN ✦ New York, NY 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page iii Palm OS ® Programming Bible Published by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. An International Data Group Company 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 400 Foster City, CA 94404 www.idgbooks.com (IDG Books Worldwide Web site) Copyright © 2000 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book, including interior design, cover design, and icons, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 0-7645-4676-7 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1B/QW/RR/QQ/FC Distributed in the United States by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. 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IDG Books Worldwide, through a joint venture with IDG’s Hi-Tech Beijing, became the first U.S. publisher to publish a computer book in the People’s Republic of China. In record time, IDG Books Worldwide has become the first choice for millions of readers around the world who want to learn how to better manage their businesses. Our mission is simple: Every one of our books is designed to bring extra value and skill-building instructions to the reader. Our books are written by experts who understand and care about our readers. The knowledge base of our editorial staff comes from years of experience in publishing, education, and journalism — experience we use to produce books to carry us into the new millennium. In short, we care about books, so we attract the best people. We devote special attention to details such as audience, interior design, use of icons, and illustrations. And because we use an efficient process of authoring, editing, and desktop publishing our books electronically, we can spend more time ensuring superior content and less time on the technicalities of making books. You can count on our commitment to deliver high-quality books at competitive prices on topics you want to read about. At IDG Books Worldwide, we continue in the IDG tradition of delivering quality for more than 30 years. You’ll find no better book on a subject than one from IDG Books Worldwide. John Kilcullen Chairman and CEO IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page v Credits Acquisitions Editors John Osborn Greg Croy Project Editor Eric Newman Technical Editor JB Parrett Copy Editors Mildred Sanchez S. B. Kleinman Permissions Editor Jessica Montgomery Media Dev. Manager Laura Carpenter Media Dev. Supervisor Rich Graves Senior Permissions Editor Carmen Krikorian Media Dev. Coordinator Marisa Pearman Media Development Specialists Megan Decraene Brock Bigard Project Coordinators Joe Shines Danette Nurse Graphics and Production Specialists Robert Bihlmayer Jude Levinson Michael Lewis Victor Pérez-Varela Ramses Ramirez Quality Control Technician Dina F Quan Illustrators Rashell Smith Karl Brandt Gabriele McCann Proofreading and Indexing York Production Services Cover Image Evan Deerfield About the Author Lonnon R. Foster is a freelance programmer who has spent the past seven years cre- ating desktop applications, database front ends, Web sites, communications software, technical documentation, and handheld applications. He has been developing Palm OS applications almost as long as the platform has existed, starting with his first Pilot 5000. Lonnon fills his sparse free time with tactical tabletop gaming, recreational Perl coding, and reading everything he can get his hands on. 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page vi For Elisabeth, who believed from the very start that I could do it 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page vii 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page viii Foreword I n 1992, Palm Computing (now Palm, Inc.) was founded. The rest is history. Of course, there’s a lot more to it. Many good decisions were made, and many bad designs were thrown out. Palm started as a software company intending to influence existing handheld manufacturers with its easy-to-use software and synchronization technologies. The company soon realized two things. The first was that the hard- ware manufacturers didn’t seem to believe in Palm’s philosophy. The second was that it was difficult to make a viable business just writing software for this small market. Palm realized that its first take at this company was not the right one and decided to become the master of its destiny. The name was Pilot. Palm changed the focus of its business virtually overnight. This is a lot like in development, where you find that the first take is rarely the best one. I have often gone back through my code and discovered some wacky designs. Only then do I discover the best architectural design, giving me fewer bugs and the best feature set. In Palm, this is known as the sweet spot and it is a zone that few developers enter and fewer leave successfully. However, Palm not only entered this zone, it now owns it. This accounts for most of Palm’s success. There are more powerful devices out there (PocketPC), and there are more connected ones (Cybiko). Yet all of those devices combined still do not add up to the amount of devices that Palm has shipped. Why? Because Palm has found the sweet spot, the spot where functionality and ease of use conflict, and difficult decisions are made to remove functionality (something that even Microsoft hasn’t realized). Other companies have discovered this zone and understand what is necessary in the handheld market. That’s the reason why these very wise compa- nies have licensed the Palm OS. Companies like Sony, Handspring, and Symbol have all realized the importance of Palm’s philosophy, where ease of use and power are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and where the end-user experience is always top notch. At this writing, there are more than 100,000 Palm OS developers. This development community is as diverse as the world of computing: from high school kids writing in Basic to skilled university researchers writing in C, from enterprise developers writing in Java to commercial developers writing in C++. From Iceland to Argentina, these developers have realized not only that Palm is the best-selling handheld in the world but also that the Palm OS is an open operating system, intuitive to pro- gram and very clearly documented. I don’t expect to see developers evangelize the virtues of Palm OS ® Programming Bible, but they should. Lonnon Foster has proven that he understands not only the fundamentals of Palm OS programming 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page ix x Foreword but the sweet spot of writing as well. This book covers everything from building forms and menus to programming sounds and color. The examples are complete yet amazingly simple. Not only will you learn to program the Palm OS, you will understand the philosophy that has made Palm successful, and in doing so, I hope that you will be successful too. Phillip B. Shoemaker Director, Development Tools Palm, Inc. 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page x [...]... Appendix A, “Palm OS API Quick Reference,” is a quick guide to the most common functions, data structures, and constants used in the Palm OS, including prototypes for Palm OS functions ✦ Appendix B, “Finding Resources for Palm OS Development,” is a list of helpful resources for Palm OS developers ✦ Appendix C, “Developing in Other Environments,” is a survey of alternative tools for Palm OS development... Palm OS handheld and a desktop computer Whether you are a developer for a large organization that is integrating Palm OS handhelds into its sales force or a hobbyist who wants to get the most from your organizer, you will find this book to be a useful guide to creating software for the Palm OS platform The primary focus of this book is Palm OS development in the C language, using CodeWarrior for Palm... Creating Palm OS Applications The chapters in Part II cover the mechanics of making a Palm OS application This section begins with a tour of the tools for Palm OS programming, then gets you off the ground with a simple “Hello, world” application and finally presents tools and techniques for every programmer’s favorite part of writing an application: debugging Part III: Programming the Palm OS The third... software authors, which is where this book comes in Palm OS Programming Bible will show you how to create applications for Palm’s popular line of handheld organizers, as well as third-party devices that also run the Palm OS In addition, this book covers creation of Web clipping applications for the Palm VII/VIIx (and other wireless-equipped Palm OS handhelds) to allow wireless connection to the Internet... know nothing at all about Palm OS programming, this book will get you started with the fundamentals, teaching you how the Palm OS works, showing you the tools available for Palm OS development, and providing you with tips to make your own applications work seamlessly within Palm’s programming guidelines Even if you already have delved into the world of creating Palm OS applications, you will find this... covers almost every aspect of Palm OS development in depth The Palm OS is very large, and this book can serve as a guide to exploring those parts of the operating system that you have not yet dealt with 4676-7 FM.f.qc xii 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page xii Preface If you wish to create Web clipping applications for the Palm VII/VIIx, you will need to know the basics of HTML and Web page creation to make the Palm... the Palm Computing Platform 3 Chapter 2: Understanding the Palm OS 15 Part: II: Creating Palm OS Applications 41 Chapter 3: Introducing the Development Environments 43 Chapter 4: Writing Your First Palm OS Application 67 Chapter 5: Debugging Your Program 97 Part III: Programming the Palm... Debugging with GDB 122 Resetting a Palm OS Handheld 125 Using Developer Graffiti Shortcuts 125 Using the Palm OS Error Manager 127 Part III: Programming the Palm OS 131 Chapter 6: Creating and Understanding Resources 133 Following Palm OS User Interface Guidelines Making Fast Applications ... 692 692 699 700 702 703 703 704 704 Appendix A: Palm OS API Quick Reference 707 Appendix B: Finding Resources for Palm OS Development 813 Appendix C: Developing in Other Environments 821 Appendix D: What’s on the CD-ROM? 829 xxxi 4676-7 FM.f.qc xxxii 10/16/00 10:00 AM Page xxxii Palm OS Programming Bible Glossary 837... developer needs to get started with Palm OS development In addition, I’ve included a glossary at the end of the book xiii 4676-7 FM.f.qc xiv 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page xiv Preface How to Approach This Book Readers who are completely new to Palm OS development will get the most benefit from this book by reading Parts I and II first to get a good handle on how the Palm OS works and how to use CodeWarrior or . Palm OS ® Programming Bible 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page i 4676-7 FM.f.qc 10/16/00 9:59 AM Page ii Palm OS ® Programming Bible Lonnon R. Foster. virtues of Palm OS ® Programming Bible, but they should. Lonnon Foster has proven that he understands not only the fundamentals of Palm OS programming

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