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Tiêu đề The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook
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The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 82 Summary Lightroom comprises  ve modules, each designed for a speci c task. The functionality of each module is controlled by a toolbar, panels and templates. There are many useful keyboard shortcuts and presets to boost work ow. Discussion Questions (1) Q. Name four useful keyboard shortcuts to control how Lightroom displays images. A. Tab, Shift-Tab, spacebar and F key. (2) Q. Why would the Lights Out mode be useful? A. The Lights Out mode is a perfect way of showing a client or teacher your work without seeing the application. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 83 CHAPTER 7 The Lightroom Library Module L et’s start by talking about Lightroom’s  rst Module, the Library. The Library Module is command central for Lightroom. This is your digital asset management system. It is where you view, sort, search, manage, organize, rank, compare and browse through your images . The Lightroom Library Module is a true database that catalogs all imported images so you can view previews and data whether the images are online or not. All images must be imported into Lightroom to view them. The process of importing photos, imports the image and also creates a metadata record in Lightroom’s catalog. This record contains all the data about the image including location, editing instructions and previews. As discussed in Chapter 4, the catalog can be thought of as the authoritative source of information. It is important to understand the distinction between the Lightroom Library Module, and the Lightroom_Library hard drive that you created to hold your image  les and the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 84 Lightroom_Catalog folder. The Lightroom_Library hard drive is simply a physical place that holds yours images and Lightroom’s catalog. We’ve discussed the importance of this Lightroom_Library hard drive in Chapter 4, now let’s talk about the features of the Lightroom Library Module. The Library Module Window Following is the Lightroom Library Window. The left side holds the Navigator, Catalog, Folders and Collections panel as well as the Import and Export buttons. The right-hand panel holds Histogram, Quick Develop, Keywording, Keyword List and Metadata panels as well as the Sync Settings and Sync Metadata buttons. The Library Filter is located above the Grid, which resides in the middle of the main window and displays your images. At the bottom of the grid is the Toolbar. The Filmstrip is located underneath the Toolbar. When you import images into Lightroom, they will be organized in the Folder panel, and appear in the center Grid View of the window ( Figure 7.1 ) . Filmstrip Import and Export Buttons Grid View Toolbar Right hand side contains the Keywording Panel, Keyword List, and Metadata Panel, as well as the Histogram Library Filter Collections panel Folder panel Catalog panel FIG 7.1 The Library Module main window Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Lightroom Library Module 85 Now we’ll go over how all the panels in the Library Module function. We’ll start with the left-hand panels. Navigator Panel The Navigator is located on the top left. This gives you a preview of the selected image. Clicking on the image in the Navigator will go to Loupe Mode that displays the image in a large view. There are four views in the Navigator. The last view has a drop- down menu with eight choices ranging from 1:4 to 11:1. ● F i t ● Fill ● 1:1 ● 11:1 The Navigator also has a drop-down menu which allows you to go up to 11:1. A great shortcut for the Navigator is by using Command ϩ and Command Ϫ , you can zoom in and zoom out. The spacebar also can be used to zoom as well as Z ( Figure 7.2A ) . Move through the image using the Navigator. (A) FIG 7.2A Using the Navigator in Work ow The Navigator is great for checking critical focus or pixel defects. Clicking on any of these choices will enlarge the image accordingly. One very neat feature is that you can move through the image using the Navigator similar to the one in Photoshop. It works the best in the 1:1 or 4:1 ratio. Typically, you are going to Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 86 want to see the entire image and then zoom in for a 1:1 view to check for sharpness. If you click on Fit and then click on 1:1, you will be able to cycle between those two views by using the space bar, or clicking on the image in loupe view. Figure 7.2B displays 1:1. FIG 7.2B Cycle between two views by using the space bar, or clicking on the image in loupe view (B) FIG 7.3 The Catalog Panel The Catalog Panel The Catalog panel displays the number of photographs in your Library under All Photographs. When you highlight All Photographs, you will see all the images in your catalog displayed in the grid. It also displays any quick collection you may have, as well as your previous import and previous export as a catalog or any missing  les ( Figure 7.3 ) . What are Quick Collections? A Quick Collection is a temporary culling of images. To create a quick collection you can click on the circle on the top right of the cell around the image when going through the shoot. A dialog box will pop up and ask you if you’d like to add this image to a Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Lightroom Library Module 87 quick collection. You can also use the keyboard shortcut B, and simply hit the B key while you have an image selected and this will automatically add it to the quick collection. This is not meant to be a permanent place to group images, just a temporary culling from a shoot to use in any module. You can only have one quick collection at a time. When you add an image to the quick collection, it does not move the image; it just makes a reference  le using the metadata. Think of a quick collection as a ‘ shelf ’ that culls images temporarily. Using Quick Collections in Work ow Think about going through a group of folders and  nding portfolio images. You create a Quick Collection of your portfolio. Quick Collections are great for making web galleries and slideshows of selected images that do exist within the same folder. The advantage of having a quick collection is that you are not moving those images out of the folder(s) they exist. You are only moving the metadata that identi es those  les. You can export from a quick collection, even though it is just a reference  le. You can always convert a quick collection to a permanent collection by choosing File Ͼ Save Quick Collection. You can clear a quick collection by choosing Clear Quick Collection from the File Menu ( Figure 7.4A ) . The dark circle shows that this image is part of a Quick Collection Click here to add to quick collection or just press the B key. (A) FIG 7.4A Target Collections There is a ϩ next to Quick Collection when you  rst open Lightroom 2.0. The ϩ sign signi es that Quick Collection is designated as your Target Collection. Any collection can be deemed a Target Collection. A target is simply the location that the image(s) will be referenced to when using the keyboard shortcut B. By default, Quick Collection is your target collection. You can only have one Target Collection at a time. To change your target Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 88 collection, control or right click on the new collection you want to be deemed as your target, and choose Set as Target Collection. I n Figure 7.4B , we have set our Portfolio Collection as our Target Collection, so anytime we hit the B key on an image, we are adding a reference  le of that image to our Portfolio Collection. (B) FIG 7.4B Setting a Target Collection Work ow Tips for Quick Collections ● Command B toggles you between the folder you are browsing and a quick collection you already have created. ● D-65 prefers to use the B key to add/delete from Quick Collections. It is too easy to accidentally click on the little circle when double clicking on an image to go to Loupe View, thus adding it to a quick collection when you don’t really want to. You can turn o the quick collection circle under View Options. Previous Import in the Catalog Panel Previous Import displays the number of images of your last import. This is the  eld that will be selected  rst by default after you import images into Lightroom. D-65 suggests moving o Previous Import and going directly to the folder of images you are working on. The Folder Panel When you import images into Lightroom, the folders containing those images are displayed in the Folder panel. The number of imported images within that folder is shown to the right of the folder name. The folders within the folder panel can also have subfolders for further organization. Simply click on the ϩ icon next to Folders, while you have a folder selected and it will prompt you to create a subfolder name. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Lightroom Library Module 89 The Volume Browser The volume browser ( Figure 7.4C ) shows you where the images are located and how much disk space is used/avail (or photo count). Alt-clicking on the volume browser will select all the folders on that volume. FIG 7.4C The Volume Browser (C) Work ow in the Folder Panel D-65 uses a speci c  le-naming convention for all the imported folders of images, as well as to the images themselves. We import into a folder with a naming convention of Year, Month, Day and Job Name. All of our image folders line up in a hierarchical order based on year, month, day making it is easy to browse through the jobs in a logical progression. The images inside those folders are also named with the same convention, adding on a sequence number. More details on this once we begin importing images ( Figures 7.5A and B ) . Click on the + icon to create a new folder or subfolder. Clicking on the –icon will remove a folder. You can also Add New Root Folder, display Folder Name Only, display Path From Volume and or display Folder and Path The folder panel displays all the imported folders into Lightroom. Everything you import will show up in this panel in specific folders with the number of images included within each folder. (A) (B) FIG 7.5 The Folders Panel Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 90 More Folder Panel Options To rename a folder, control click or right click on the folder and choose rename. The folder name will be changed in the Folder panel, and also in the physical location that the folder resides. You will also notice that you can create subfolders, Show in Finder, Save Metadata, Synchronize, Update Folder Location and Export the Folder as a Catalog. Depending on where the folder is located you can also add the parent folder or promote subfolders. Images we are moving from one folder into another folder. The original folder is shaded grey and the new location is shaded blue. FIG 7.6 Moving images between folders You can move images within folders by dragging and dropping them. To move images, select the images you want to move in the grid mode, and drag them to the new folder location. You will see an icon, which looks like a stack of slides. The original location is shaded in light gray and the new location is shaded in light blue. Note that the light blue shading is only available with Intel Macs. These are the actual images that are moving, not reference  les. The  les will physically move in the hard drive that they reside as well ( Figure 7.6 ). Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. The Lightroom Library Module 91 The Synchronize Folders is useful as you have the option of adding  les that have been added to the folder but not imported into the catalog, and removing  les which have been deleted. The Save Metadata option will update and save any changed metadata to either the catalog or to sidecar .xmp  les as determined by your preferences. Lastly, Update Folder Location allows you to change the folder links without having to  rst remove the existing folder ( Figure 7.7 ). FIG 7.7 Options in the Folders Panel Lightroom as a DAM Lightroom is a true digital asset management system. The catalog can display folders and images even if they are not currently physically present. In the example on the next page D-65 is on the road using a laptop computer. We have taken our Lightroom_ Catalog folder with us but we have only taken a few folders of images from our Lightroom_Library hard drive. We have taken these folders of images because we want to work on these  les while we are on location. The folders in the light gray shade with the ? designate folders with images inside the folder that are not physically present on the external hard drive associated with our laptop’s Lightroom_ Location_Library. The folders in WHITE are physically present on our external hard drive that we use as our Lightroom_Location_Library. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... of images and either drag the image(s) to the keyword as in Figure 7.22A on page 104 or drag the keyword to the image(s) as in Figure 7.22B, on page 104 (5) Spray Can Tool Click on the Spray Can in the Toolbar and add keywords to the field in the Toolbar After the keyword(s) are added, hit return to save them The Stamper can then be used to apply these keywords to other images Click on the image(s) that... 7.9) The folders with the question marks are not physically on the laptop or the Lightroom_ Location_Library hard drive They are still ‘at home or at the studio’, in the Lightroom_ Library hard drive The folders of images in White are on the external hard drive that we take on location for our Lightroom_ Location Library Notice the question mark on the top right corner of each thumbnail These images are not... To apply both keywords from the Keyword Set and or from the Keyword Suggestions simply select your image(s) and click on the keyword(s) in the set or in the suggestions Metadata Panel The Metadata Panel is on the right side of the Library under the Keyword List The metadata panel displays all the metadata in the image You can apply metadata to one image and sync to the other images You can also create.. .The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook FIG 7.8 Images that are on online, but are in Lightroom s catalog Shown below in Figure 7.8 are folders with question marks and a light shade of gray These files are not physically present However, Lightroom still has the power to browse these files, search for these files and perform other database activities, with the exclusion of actual developing (Figure 7.9) The. .. directly to the URL or create an email by clicking on the arrow on the right FIG 7.31 ● When metadata has been changed or is not up to date, a badge in the image will show in the grid mode By clicking on the badge the metadata can be updated in the selected images (Figure 7.32) When metadata has been changed or is not up to date, a badge in the image will show in the grid mode By clicking on the badge the. .. image to another (4) Spraying Metadata with Spray Can Tool Click on the Spray Can and choose to paint Metadata from the drop-down menu in the field in the Toolbar Choose a template that you have created and hit return The Stamper can then be used to apply this metadata to other images Click on the image(s) that you want to add metadata with the Stamper Once you click on the image(s) you will see the newly... zoom into 100%, and use the file for all purposes in Lightroom with the exception of the Develop Module, even without having the image with us Figure 7.10B is an example of an off-line file which only has the low-res preview generated It reveals artifacting at 100%, rendering it useless for any other purpose than reference within Lightroom The Collections Panel The last panel on the left side is called... panel Hit return and the metadata will be placed in the image(s) (Figure 7.33) (2) Sync Metadata Button (Figure 7.34): Select one or more images and then type into the field in the metadata panel to add selective metadata the image(s) FIG 7.33 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● FIG 7.34 Synching Metadata Make the changes to the metadata panel as listed in the above example on one image Select the other images you would... metadata on a virtual copy) there is an arrow that will bring you to the master file To the right of Folder, there is an arrow that will display the folder from the selected image (good for use while in collections) Clicking on the arrow to the right of Date/Time Original will filter based on the exact date of the selected image All of your images shot on that date will appear in the grid ● ● ● ● ● Please... down on the drop-down menu at the far right of the Library Filter All these features gathered under one roof makes this a pretty strong searching mechanism Of course after the search has been performed and the images can be viewed in the grid, you can make the selection into a Quick Collection, Collection or even a Smart Collection Library Filter Keyboard Shortcut The \ key will hide or open the Library . The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook 84 Lightroom_ Catalog folder. The Lightroom_ Library hard drive is simply a physical place that holds yours images and Lightroom s. your images. At the bottom of the grid is the Toolbar. The Filmstrip is located underneath the Toolbar. When you import images into Lightroom, they will be

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 16:15

