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sol3e uppint cumulative test answer keys a

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The Test audio can c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s M Cumulat C tive Tessts A – Answe er Keys K Units U 1– –5 Grammar 1 the least popular of et a guidebookk should ge nothing compared to None of the books fortunate not to have had get to wear have seen will send play told me off put up pull up split up called off stopped offf picks me up p takes after Use e of English 7 10 Unlike the first f photo seems to be lying I have a wo ord with you have in mind (now) turn our o attention I can’t be sure I’m opting for f I wouldn’t go g for They can’t be The commo on theme 3 10 will be sta anding will have met won’t be signing s get be had atten nded used to collect getting must have felt Going Listtening 1 A B C B C Vo ocabularyy 4 c a b c d a open deep self mind pigs light E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests Sollutions Third Edition Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys The Test audio can c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s M D Daisy Tra anscript  10 Oh no! George G Y Yeah! I’d locked the door, but b I was left holding the top part of the e key while the bottom part was stuck inside the lockk I couldn’t be elieve it … ‘We won’t be back until late tonight!’ shouted my dad, d as my parents walked out o of the fron nt door ‘And don’t d forget to ttake the dog for f a walk.’ Myy parents climb bed into their car and drove e away ‘Brillia ant!’ I thought Now I cou uld whatever I wanted An A hour later, I wandered d downstairs on o my way to check c the lette er box, whicch was just outtside the frontt door There was w Boris, ourr huge, not too o bright Saint Bernard dog standing at the bottom of the stairs Ignoring I Boriss, I opened th he front door, stepped outside and opene ed the letter box Bang! The door behind me ba anged shut Bo oris, thinking I ut to go for a walk, w had follow wed me, bumped was abou into the half-opened oor and caused it to slam sh hut I was lockked out, in myy pyjamas And d, as far as I knew, wh hile Boris had accidentally a m mastered the art a of closing g the front doo or, the chancess of him learniing to open itt any time soon seemed rem mote Rea ading C A C B A Have you se Danny een the YouTu ube clip where e the thief tthreatens the shopkeeper s w a knife and with d asks for money, m but ins stead of giving g him any, the shopkeep per runs to the e door and locks it? Ellie Yeah I’ve seen that The thief can’t find d the key anywhere, and the shopkeep per laughs at him, sayin ng he won’t ge et out until the e police arrive Danny Yeah And the t last thing you y see is the police banging at the door Ellie other clip, take en from a CCT TV There’s ano t just as good g … a thieff climbs on to the camera, that’s roof of a sstore, somewh here in Americca, … smashe es a hole in the roof, then ju umps into the store s He seem ms to be onlyy interested in taking cash from the till, an nd smashes it open Then n you see him banging on th he d made of rein nforced glass – door, but it’s locked and you know w, super-strong g glass Danny Of course it is A lot of the em are in ught of that? America Why wouldn’tt he have thou Ellie I know! Anyw way, then you u see him tryin ng to climb b back through the t roof, but off course it’s to oo high The e police arrest him in the end d! Did I tell you George u about the tim me I got locked d out of myy boss’s house e? Daisy No What appened? George Well, my boss let me stayy in her house while she e was away I moved m in late on a Sunday evening, picking up the e key from herr neighbours t house, I closed the door Next morning, as I left the nd turned it I’d d behind me, put the keyy in the lock an e that the housse was locked been told to make sure ed it a bit more e, The key ffelt stiff in the lock so I turne applying a bit of force, and then to my m horror, it snapped Sollutions Third Edition E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys The Test audio can c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s M Use e of English Units U 6– –9 6 10 Grammar 1 10 should be e turned off he wasn’tt feeling well noticing the warning sig gn if I had met my cousinss what she did wasn’t retturned to the library had a carr, I could give to wash the dishes hadn’t losst, she wouldn n’t have been have to is complete 10 were aske ed not knowiing are produ uced Cut wouldn’t p put would advvise to Lying is concerned were used Listtening Tom T So, Je enny, tell me, what Britissh people like doing at the e weekends? Jenny Well, the weekendss are a time fo or families in Britain, as they t are in mo ost places, I gu uess Often parents are e not at work, having worked d a five-day week from Monday to Friday On Saturdays, many ad for the sho ops City centre es are crowde ed families hea and car parrks are packed d at the big ou ut-of-town shopping malls m c c a c b b well wish bleary far Whole left gender over pass off thought u up let on play on is putting in stepped d down Tom T That sounds s boring g Do they go shopping s on Sunday as well as Saturd day? Jenny Well, Sundays used d to be differen nt to other dayys of the weekk Most shops were closed and a most people werre at home Po opular leisure activities on Sunday use ed to be doing g jobs around the home succh as washing g the car and DIY D They werre both much more popullar than they are a these dayss But the law changed in 1994, over tw wenty years ag go now, so jus st n on Sundays these days, about everyy shop is open and, although shop-open ning times are more limited than on oth her days, it’s still a really pop pular day for getting in th he groceries Tom T OK So, S apart from shopping, how w people spend theirr free time? Jenny Well, sports and ho obbies make up a large part of what peo ople in their free time, ass you’d imagine, but unlike many m other co ountries in Euro ope, the telly comes out top of the list when you lookk at the statistics an nd analyse wh hich leisure acctivity is the most comm mon I guess it’s fair to say th hat the British love football, cooking and d gardening, but b they preferr sitting on th he sofa watchiing other peop ple doing these activities to o actually doing g any of them themselves! Sollutions Third Edition E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests B B D B A Tran nscript  11 Vo ocabularyy you think about a you mean by b for an insta ance In my opinion / To my mind different vie ew on to some exxtent for arguing g that I’m with agree to that I’m couldn’t Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys The Test audio can c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s M Tom That’s funny I tho ought fewer pe eople would be t are so many m other thin ngs watching TV now that there w, digital techn nology, mobile e they can – you know a such like? phones and Jenny Well, I’d have thought that would be the case e he statistics sh how that TV iss still popular too, but th Tom I kno ow that footba all plays a major role in the sporting life of Britain No N matter whe ere you live in the world you u must have heard of teamss like Manchesster United I guess g it’s by far f the biggestt sport used to enjoy would have e cycling had owned would / cou uld have board ded won’t be cyycling Voccabulary 4 10 Tom True e It’s also som mething people e of all ages can c Anyw way, thanks forr your views Next N time I havve to write an essay aboutt the UK, I’ll give you a call Re eading B D F C A rip turned torch far with was down in the dumps are on the same s wavelen ngth living in the e lap of luxury give a thum mbs up been living hand to moutth Grammar doesn’t have to go ave bought should being give en if I liked re eggae place I’d really r like to go to is Brazil isn’t as po opular as plans for a new water park p will have been finalised d by Sollutions Third Edition E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests a c b b a c a c b b Units U 1– –9 Two o million? Thatt’s a lot Jenny It is,, but interestin ngly, other spo orts such as swimming g and running have even more participan nts I guess going for a swim m is easier to d than playing g in a match it for don’t Each did None can’t Jenny Well, yes, it’s incrredibly popular, and at weekendss lots of peoplle are glued to o their mobiless checking up on the late est scores And, of course, diums are full every week N Not only that, but b most stad almost tw wo million peop ple take part in n a football match at the weekend Tom Use e of English 7 10 word mind show opinion point / idea wrong kind Hang pick / choosse attention Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys The Test audio can c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s M Listening A B C D E – Tra anscript  12 Taking on n a job with fix xed hours, ofte en at the weekend, and having to travel long distances d to ge et to work, are a big no-nos s for me I wou uldn’t dream of getting a job j in a café, serving customers, for example I’d always loo ok for a job witth some e pocket mone ey last summer flexibility I made some uburb where I live is full of big from pet ssitting The su houses, and a many of my m neighbourss commute lon ng distancess, so more ofte en than not, ogs are left on n their own for part of the e day Someon ne to pop roun nd to feed an nd play with th heir dog, or takke them out in n the middle of the aftern noon, was justt what they we ere looking fo or Forget ab bout waiting ta ables or stacking supermarkket shelves, a and be a little proactive Tha at’s my advice e There are e loads of jobss to be had in your own neighbourhood Do you u realise how expensive it iss to hire a landscaping com mpany to cut th he grass or cle ear out all the e garden rubbish? Why not offer your services ffor a fraction of o the price? And A why not be ea little bit prrofessional ab bout it too? Lasst summer, my mate Tom m and I design ned our own ca ards, advertising our servicces, and splasshed out on ga arden gloves and a a few tools We ended up busier than we’d ever e been Not only that, but we got to spend July in the sun, in the open air, go ot to work whe en we liked, an nd not when we were told to, and you should have se een our sunta ans! Last July,, just about ev veryone I know w ended up working in n a café, running around, ta aking orders, getting sh houted at Nott for me, I thou ught, so I looke ed further afield, and found an afternoon n job in a cine ema h of all placces And I don’t mean a big multiplex, with twenty sccreens, selling popcorn in bu uckets, but a small placce, with a little e kiosk and on ne screen, which often sho owed old black k and white film ms Getting there and back on the bus ea ach day was time-consumin ng, but the ovverall experien nce was greatt I worked fou ur afternoon ns, from two to o six, selling ticckets and programss And, of courrse, I got to sn neak in and se ee bits of the e films Sollutions Third Edition E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests On the firstt day of my summer job lastt year, I got chased by an a enormous dog which pulled the bag I was carryin ng off my shou ulder I kept ru unning, I can te ell you Despitte all that, thou ugh, I’d really recommend delivering free newspape ers to people’ss houses as a great part-ttime job I got lots of exercisse, for a start, and I had some s control over o when I sta arted, although I did have to t be back at the t shop by te en So, on som me days I wentt round as fast as I could, and on other days, I tookk my time Most days, I had finished my round beforre breakfast, so s I had the whole w day to o whatever I liked Rea ading 5 B A B A C Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

Ngày đăng: 21/09/2021, 23:23