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632 N. Karayannidis, T. Sellis, and Y. Kouvaras Fig. 7. Impact of cube dimensionality increase to the CUBE File size We used synthetic data sets that were produced with an OLAP data generator that we have developed. Our aim was to create data sets with a realistic number of dimensions and hierarchy levels. In Table 1, we present the hierarchy configuration for each dimension used in the experimental data sets. The shortest hierarchy consists of 2 levels, while the longest consists of 10 levels. We tried each data set to consist of a good mixture of hierarchy lengths. Table 2 shows the data set configuration for each series of experiments. In order to evaluate the adaptation to sparse data spaces, we created cubes that were very sparse. Therefore the number of input tuples was kept from a small to a moderate level. To simulate the cube data distribution, for each cube we created ten hyper-rectangular regions as data point containers. These regions are defined randomly at the most detailed level of the cube and not by combination of hierarchy values (although this would be more realistic), in order not to favor the CUBE File particularly, due to the hierarchical chunking. We then filled each region with data points uniformly spread and tried to maintain the same number of data points in each region. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. CUBE File: A File Structure for Hierarchically Clustered OLAP Cubes 633 Fig. 8. Size ratio between the UB-tree and the CUBE File for increasing dimensionality Fig. 9. Size scalability in the number of input tuples (i.e., stored data points) 4.2 Structure Experiments Fig. 7 shows the size of the CUBE File as the dimensionality of the cube increases. The vertical axe is in logarithmic scale. We see the cube data space size (i.e., the product of the dimension grain-level cardinalities) “exploding” exponentially as the number of dimensions increases. The CUBE File size remains many orders of magnitude smaller than the data space. Moreover, the CUBE File size is also smaller than the ASCII file, containing the input tuples to be loaded into SISYPHUS. This clearly shows that the CUBE File: 1. 2. Adapts to the large sparseness of the cube allocating space comparable to the actual number of data points Achieves a compression of the input data since it does not store the data point coordinates (i.e., the h-surrogate keys of the dimension values) in each cell but only the measure values. Furthermore, we wish to pinpoint that the current CUBE File implementation ([6]) does not impose any compression to the intermediate nodes (i.e., the directory chunks). Only the data chunks are compressed by means of a bitmap representing the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 634 N. Karayannidis, T. Sellis, and Y. Kouvaras cell offsets, which however is stored uncompressed also. This was a deliberate choice in order to evaluate the compression achieved merely by the “pruning ability” of our chunk-to-bucket allocation scheme, according to which no space is allocated for empty chunk-trees (i.e., empty data space regions). Therefore, regarding the compression achieved the following could improve the compression ratio even further: (a) compression of directory chunks and (b) compression of offset-bitmaps (e.g., with run-length encoding). Fig. 8 shows the ratio of the UB-tree size to the CUBE File size for increasing dimensionality. We see that the UB-tree imposes a greater storage overhead than the CUBE File for almost all cases. Indeed, the CUBE file remains 2-3 times smaller in size than the UB-tree/MHC. For eight dimensions both structures have approximately the same size but for nine dimensions the CUBE File size is four times larger. This is primarily due to the increase of the size of the intermediate nodes in the CUBE File, since for 9 dimensions and 100,000 data points the data space has become extremely sparse As we noted above, our implementation does not apply any compression to the directory chunks. Therefore, it is reasonable that for such extremely sparse data spaces the overhead from these chunks becomes significant, since a single data point might trigger the allocation of all the cells in the parent nodes. An implementation that would incorporate the compression of directory chunks as well would eliminate this effect substantially. Fig. 9 depicts the size of the CUBE File as the number of cube data points (i.e., input tuples) scales up, while the cube dimensionality remains constant (five dimensions with a good mixture of hierarchy lengths – see Table 1). In the same graph we show the corresponding size of the UB-tree/MHC and the size of the root- bucket. The CUBE File maintains a lower storage cost for all tuple cardinalities. Moreover, the UB-tree size increases in a faster rate making the difference of the two larger as the number of tuples increases. The root-bucket size is substantially lower than the CUBE File and demonstrates an almost constant behaviour. Note that in our implementation we store the whole root-directory in the root-bucket and thus the whole root-directory is kept in main memory during query evaluation. Thus the graph also shows that the root-directory size becomes very fast negligible compared to the CUBE File size as the number of data points increase. Indeed, for cubes containing more than 1 million tuples the root-directory size is below 5% of the CUBE File size, although the directory chunks are stored uncompressed in our current implementation. Hence it is feasible to keep the whole root-directory in main memory. 4.3 Query Experiments For the query experiments we ran a total of 5,234 HPP queries both on the CUBE File and the UB-tree/MHC. These queries were classified in three classes: (a) 1,593 prefix queries, (b) 1,806 prefix range queries and (c) 1,835 prefix multi-range queries. A prefix query is one in which we access the data points by a specific chunk-id prefix. For example the following prefix query is represented by the shown chunk expression, which denotes the restriction on each hierarchy of a 3-dimensional cube of 4 chunking depth levels Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. CUBE File: A File Structure for Hierarchically Clustered OLAP Cubes 635 This expression represents a chunk-id access pattern, denoting the cells that we need to access in each chunk. means “any”, i.e., no restriction is imposed on this dimension level. The greatest depth containing at least one restriction is called the maximum depth of restrictions In this example it corresponds to the D- domain and thus equals 1. The greater the maximum depth of restrictions the less are the returned data points (smaller cube selectivity) and vice- versa. A prefix range query is a prefix query that includes at least one range selection on a hierarchy level, thus resulting in a larger selection hyper-rectangle at the grain level of the cube. For example: Finally, a prefix multi-range query is a prefix range query that includes at least one multiple range restriction on a hierarchy level of the form {[a-b],[c-d] .}. This results in multiple disjoint selection hyper-rectangles at the grain level. For example: As mentioned earlier, our goal was to evaluate the hierarchical clustering achieved by means of the performed I/Os for the evaluation of these queries. To this end, we ran two series of experiments: the hot-cache experiments and the cold-cache ones. In the hot-cache experiments we assumed that the root-bucket (containing the whole root-directory) is cached in main memory and counted only the remaining bucket I/Os. For the UB-tree in the hot-cache case, we counted only the page I/Os at the leaf level omitting the intermediate node accesses altogether. In contrast, for the cold- cache experiments for each query on the CUBE File we counted also the size of the whole root-bucket, while for the UB-tree we counted both intermediate and leaf-level page accesses. The root-bucket size equals to 295 buckets according to the following, which shows the sizes for the two structures for the data set used: UB-tree total num of pages: 15,752 CUBE File total num of buckets: 4,575 Root bucket number of buckets: 295 Fig. 11, shows the I/O ratio between the UB-tree and the CUBE File for all three classes of queries for the hot-cache case. This ratio is calculated from the total number of I/Os for all queries of the same maximum depth of restrictions for each data structure. As increases, essentially the cube selectivity decreases (i.e., less data points are returned in the result set). We see that the UB-tree performs more I/Os for all depths and for all query classes. For small-depth restrictions where the selection rectangles are very large the CUBE File performs 3 times less I/Os than the UB-tree. Moreover, for more restrictive queries the CUBE file is multiple times better achieving up to 37 times less I/Os. An explanation for this is that the smaller the selection hyper-rectangle the greater becomes the percentage of UB-tree leaf-pages containing very few (or even none) of the qualifying data points in the total number of accessed pages. Thus more I/Os are required on the whole, in order to evaluate the restriction, and for large-depth restrictions the UB-tree performs even worse, because essentially it fails to cluster the data with respect to the more detailed hierarchy levels. This behaviour was also observed in [7], where for queries with small cube selectivities the UB-tree performance was worse and the hierarchical clustering effect Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 636 N. Karayannidis, T. Sellis, and Y. Kouvaras reduced. We believe this is due to the way data are clustered into z-regions (i.e., disk pages) along the z-curve [1]. In contrast, the hierarchical chunking applied in the CUBE File, creates groups of data (i.e., chunks) that belong in the same “hierarchical family” even for the most detailed levels. This, in combination with the chunk-to- bucket allocation that guarantees that hierarchical families will be clustered together, results in better hierarchical clustering of the cube even for the most detailed levels of the hierarchies. Fig. 10. Size ratio between the UB-tree and the CUBE File for increasing tuple cardinality Fig. 11. I/O ratios for the hot-cache experiments Note that in two subsets of queries the returned result set was empty (prefix multi- range queries for and The UB-tree had to descend down to the leaf level and access the corresponding pages, performing I/Os essentially for nothing. In contrast, the CUBE File performed no I/Os, since directly from a root directory node it could identify an empty subtree and thus terminate the search immediately. Since the denominator was zero, we depict the corresponding ratios for these two cases in Fig. 11 with a zero value. Fig. 12, shows the I/O ratios for the cold-cache experiments. In this figure we can observe the impact of having to read the whole root directory in memory for each query on the CUBE File. For queries of small-depth restrictions (large result set) the difference in the performed I/Os for the two structures remains essentially the same with the hot-cache case. However, for larger-depth restrictions (smaller result set) the overhead imposed by the root-directory reduces the difference between the two, as it Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. CUBE File: A File Structure for Hierarchically Clustered OLAP Cubes 637 was expected. Nevertheless, the CUBE File is still multiple times better in all cases, clearly demonstrating a better hierarchical clustering. Furthermore, note that even if no cache area is available, in reality there will never be a case where the whole root directory is accessed for answering a single query. Naturally, only the relative buckets of the root-directory are accessed for each query. Fig. 12. I/O ratios for the cold-cache experiments 5 Summary and Conclusions In this paper we presented the CUBE File, a novel file structure for organizing the most detailed data of an OLAP cube. This structure is primarily aimed at speeding up ad hoc OLAP queries containing restrictions on the hierarchies, which comprise the most typical OLAP workload. The key features of the CUBE File are that it is a natively multidimensional data structure. It explicitly supports dimension hierarchies, enabling fast access to cube data via a directory of chunks formed exactly from the hierarchies. It clusters data with respect to the dimension hierarchies resulting in reduced I/O cost for query evaluation. It imposes a low storage overhead basically for two reasons: (a) it adapts perfectly to the extensive sparseness of the cube, not allocating space for empty regions, and (b) it does not need to store the dimension values along with the measures of the cube, due to its location-based access mechanism of cells. These two result in a significant compression of the data space. Moreover this compression can increase even further, if compression of intermediate nodes is employed. Finally, it achieves a high space utilization filling the buckets to capacity. We have verified the aforementioned performance aspects of the CUBE File by running an extensive set of experiments and we have also shown that the CUBE File outperforms UB-Tree/MHC, the most effective method proposed up to now for hierarchically clustering the cube, in terms of storage cost and number of disk I/Os. Furthermore, the CUBE File fits perfectly to the processing framework for ad hoc OLAP queries over hierarchically clustered fact tables (i.e., cubes) proposed in our previous work [7]. In addition, it supports directly the effective hierarchical pre-grouping transformation [13, 19], since it uses hierarchically encoded surrogate keys. Finally, it can be used as a physical base for implementing a chunk-based caching scheme [3]. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 638 N. Karayannidis, T. Sellis, and Y. Kouvaras Acknowledgements. We wish to thank Transaction Software GmbH for providing us Transbase Hypercube to run the UB-tree/MHC experiments. This work has been partially funded by the European Union’s Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) under project EDITH (IST-1999-20722). References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. R. Bayer: The universal B-Tree for multi-dimensional Indexing: General Concepts. WWCA 1997. C. Y. Chan, Y. E. 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Aris Tsois, Timos Sellis: The Generalized Pre-Grouping Transformation: Aggregate- Query Optimization in the Presence of Dependencies. VLDB 2003. Roger Weber, Hans-Jörg Schek, Stephen Blott: A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in High-Dimensional Spaces. VLDB 1998: 194-205. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Efficient Schema-Based Revalidation of XML Mukund Raghavachari 1 and Oded Shmueli 2 1 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA, raghavac@us.ibm.com, 2 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, oshmu@cs.technion.ac.il Abstract . As XML schemas evolve over time or as applications are in- tegrated, it is sometimes necessary to validate an XML document known to conform to one schema with respect to another schema. More gener- ally, XML documents known to conform to a schema may be modified, and then, require validation with respect to another schema. Recently, solutions have been proposed for incremental validation of XML docu- ments. These solutions assume that the initial schema to which a doc- ument conforms and the final schema with which it must be validated after modifications are the same. Moreover, they assume that the in- pu t document may be preprocessed, which in certain situations, may be computationall y and memory intensive. In this paper, we describe how knowledg e of conformance to an XML Schema (or DTD) may be used t o determine conformance to another XML Schema (or DTD) efficiently. W e examine both the situation where an XML document is modified befor e it is to be revalidated and the situation where it is unmodified. 1 Introduction The ability to validate XML documents with respect to an XML Schema [21] or DTD is central to XML’s emergence as a key technology for application integration. As XML data flow between applications, the conformance of the data to either a DTD or an XML schema provides applications with a guarantee that a common vocabulary is used and that structural and integrity constraints are met. In manipulating XML data, it is sometimes necessary to validate data with respect to more than one schema. For example, as a schema evolves over time, XML data known to conform to older versions of the schema may need to be verified with respect to the new schema. An intra-company schema used by a business might differ slightly from a standard, external schema and XML data valid with respect to one may need to be checked for conformance to the other. The validation of an XML document that conforms to one schema with re- spect to another schema is analogous to the cast operator in programming lan- guages. It is useful, at times, to access data of one type as if it were associated with a different type. For example, XQuery [20] supports a validate operator which converts a value of one type into an instance of another type. The type safety of this conversion cannot always be guaranteed statically. At runtime, E. Bertino et al. (Eds.): EDBT 2004, LNCS 2992, pp. 639–657, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 640 M. Raghavachari and O. Shmueli XML fragments known to correspond to one type must be verified with respect to another. As another example, in XJ [9], a language that integrates XML into Java, XML variables of a type may be updated and then cast to another type. A compiler for such a language does not have access to the documents that are to be revalidated. Techniques for revalidation that rely on preprocessing the document [3,17] are not appropriate. This paper focuses on the validation of XML documents with respect to the structural constraints of XML schemas. We present algorithms for schema cast validation with and without modifications that avoid traversing subtrees of an XML document where possible. We also provide an optimal algorithm for revalidating strings known to conform to a deterministic finite state automaton according to another deterministic finite state automaton; this algorithm is used to revalidate content model of elements. The fact that the content models of XML Schema types are deterministic [6] can be used to show that our algorithm for XML Schema cast validation is optimal as well. We describe our algorithms in terms of an abstraction of XML Schemas, abstract XML schemas, which model the structural constraints of XML schema. In our experiments, our algorithms achieve 30-95% performance improvement over Xerces 2.4. The question we ask is how can one use knowledge of conformance of a doc- ument to one schema to determine whether the document is valid according to another schema? We refer to this problem as the schema cast validation prob- lem. An obvious solution is to revalidate the document with respect to the new schema, but in doing so, one is disregarding useful information. The knowledge of a document’s conformance to a schema can help determine its conformance to another schema more efficiently than full validation. The more general situation, which we refer to as schema cast with modifications validation, is where a docu- ment conforming to a schema is modified slightly, and then, verified with respect to a new schema. When the new schema is the same as the one to which the document conformed originally, schema cast with modifications validation ad- dresses the same problem as the incremental validation problem for XML [3,17]. Our solution to this problem has different characteristics, as will be described. The scenario we consider is that a source schema A and a target schema B are provided and may be preprocessed statically. At runtime, documents valid according to schema A are verified with respect to schema B. In the modification case, inserts, updates, and deletes are performed to a document before it is verified with respect to B. Our approach takes advantage of similarities (and differences) between the schemas A and B to avoid validating portions of a document if possible. Consider the two XML Schema element declarations for purchaseOrder shown in Figure 1. The only difference between the two is that whereas the billTo element is optional in the schema of Figure 1a, it is required in the schema of Figure 1b. Not all XML documents valid with respect to the first schema are valid with respect to the second — only those with a billTo element would be valid. Given a document valid according to the schema of Figure 1a, an ideal validator would only check the presence of a billTo element and ignore the validation of the other components (they are guaranteed to be valid). This paper focuses on the validation of XML documents with respect to the structural constraints of XML schemas. We present algorithms for schema cast validation with and without modifications that avoid traversing subtrees of an XML document where possible. We also provide an optimal algorithm for revalidating strings known to conform to a deterministic finite state automaton according to another deterministic finite state automaton; this algorithm is used to revalidate content model of elements. The fact that the content models of XML Schema types are deterministic [6] can be used to show that our algorithm for XML Schema cast validation is optimal as well. We describe our algorithms in terms of an abstraction of XML Schemas, abstract XML schemas, which model the structural constraints of XML schema. In our experiments, our algorithms achieve 30-95% performance improvement over Xerces 2.4. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Efficient Schema-Based Revalidation of XML 641 Fig. 1. Schema fragments defining a purchaseOrder element in (a) Source Schema (b) Targe t Schema. The contributions of this paper are the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. An abstraction of XML Schema, abstract XML Schema, which captures the structural constraints of XML schema more precisely than specialized DTDs [16] and regular type expressions [11]. Efficient algorithms for schema cast validation (with and without updates) of XML documents with respect to XML Schemas. We describe optimizations for the case where the schemas are DTDs. Unlike previous algorithms, our algorithms do not preprocess the documents that are to be revalidated. Efficient algorithms for revalidation of strings with and without modifica- tions according to deterministic finite state automata. These algorithms are essential for efficient revalidation of the content models of elements. Experiments validating the utility of our solutions. Structure of the Paper: We examine related work in Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce abstract XML Schemas and provide an algorithm for XML schema revalidation. The algorithm relies on an efficient solution to the problem of string revalidation according to finite state automata, which is provided in Section 4. We discuss the optimality of our algorithms in Section 5. We report on experi- ments in Section 6, and conclude in Section 7. 2 Related Work Papakonstantinou and Vianu [17] treat incremental validation of XML docu- ments (typed according to specialized DTDs). Their algorithm keeps data struc- tures that encode validation computations with document tree nodes and utilizes these structures to revalidate a document. Barbosa et al. [3] present an algorithm that also encodes validation computations within tree nodes. They take advan- tage of the 1-unambiguity of content models of DTDs and XML Schemas [6], and structural properties of a restricted set of DTDs, to revalidate documents. Our algorithm is designed for the case where schemas can be preprocessed, but the documents to be revalidated are not available a priori to be preprocessed. 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[...]... as defined by Definition 7, by finding all dead states in the intersection automaton of and to determine The set of states, as defined by Definition 8, can also be determined, in linear time, using an algorithm similar to that for the identification of dead states At runtime, an efficient algorithm for schema cast validation without modifications is to process each string for membership in using 4.3... acceptance by can be used to determine its membership in Without loss of generality, we assume that Our method for the efficient validation of a string in with respect to relies on evaluating on and in parallel Assume that after parsing a prefix of we are in a state in and a state in Then, we can: 1 Accept immediately if because to be in (since accepts ), which implies that By definition of will accept Then,... details regarding non-deterministic finite state automata 4.1 Definitions A deterministic finite automaton is a 5-tuple where Q is a finite set of states, is a finite alphabet of symbols, is the start state, is a set of final, or accepting, states, and is the transition relation is a map from Without loss of generality, we assume that for all Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove... position is we: using That is, determine 1 Evaluate While scanning, may immediately accept or reject, at which time, we stop scanning and return the appropriate answer using That is, determine 2 Evaluate scans symbols of and does not immediately accept or reject, 3 If we proceed scanning using starting in state accepts, either immediately or by scanning all of then 4 If otherwise the string is rejected,... reversed string belongs to the language that is recognized by the reverse automaton of Depending on where the modifications are located in the provided input string, one can choose to process it in the forward direction or in the reverse direction using an immediate decision automaton derived from the reverse automata for and In case there is no advantage in scanning forward or backward, the string should... E A Rundensteiner Consistently updating XML documents using incremental constraint check queries In Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM’02), pages 1–8, November 2002 13 G Kuper and J Siméon Subsumption for XML types In Proceedings of ICDT, January 2001 14 T Milo, D Suciu, and V Vianu Typechecking for XML transformers In Proceedings of PODS, pages 11–22 ACM, 2000... schema languages using formal language theory In Extreme Markup Languages, Montreal, Canada, 2001 16 Y Papakonstantinou and V Vianu DTD inference for views of XML data In Proceedings of PODS, pages 35–46 ACM, 2000 17 Y Papakonstantinou and V Vianu Incremental validation of XML documents In Proceedings of ICDT, pages 47–63, January 2003 18 J Siméon and P Wadler The essence of XML In Proceedings of POPL,... placing an error filter in the Root node, since this is where the result of the query is being collected We now describe the propagation of values in the aggregation tree, using a radio synchronization process similar to the one in [9] During an epoch duration and within the time intervals specified in [9] the sensor nodes in our framework operate as follows: An active leaf node obtains a new measurement... derived from deterministic finite state automata and as described previously, and with and as defined in Definition 7 is optimal in the sense that there can be no other deterministic immediate decision automaton that can determine whether a string belongs to earlier than Proposition 3 Let be an arbitrary immediate decision automaton that recognizes exactly the set For every string in if accepts or rejects... (possibly) changing characteristics of the data observed by the sensor nodes Robustness to Volatile Nodes One of the principle ideas behind the adaptive algorithms presented in [11] is that an increase in the width of a filter installed in a node will result in a decrease at the number of transmitted messages by that node While this is an intuitive idea, there are many cases, even when the underlying distribution . with Variant Indexes. SIGMOD 1997. R. Pieringer et al: Combining Hierarchy Encoding and Pre-Grouping: Intelligent Grouping in Star Join Processing. ICDE 2003 Ramsak et al: Integrating the UB-Tree into a Database System Kernel. VLDB 2000. S. Sarawagi: Indexing OLAP Data. Data Engineering Bulletin 20(1): 36-43

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