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I’m really excited about Saturday night, though.. I’m going to my friend Alex’s party.[r]

(1)Unit! SmallTalk Page Getting Ready Vocabulary Task Task Skill: Listening for topics Skill: Listening and making predictions Answers Answers greet a c I n 't th in k w e ’ve met b b a b a a a c b a introduce yourself N ice to see you again Answers - .T ' “ Task - Introduce Introduce Introduce Introduce Greet Greet Greet Listening Page Pronunciation Skill: Listening for attitudes CD 1, Track Answers End the conversation Continue the conversation End the conversation Continue the conversation End the conversation Continue the conversation CD 1, Track Vocabulary Optional Activity D on’t w e w o rk in the same building? H aven’t w e m et som ew here? Hey, y ou’re (name), right? R em em ber me? Skill: Listening for greetings and introductions P u t the students into pairs H ave the students listen to the recording again and w rite a question and an answ er ab o u t tw o o f th e conversations W h e n everybody is finished, have each pair read th eir questions aloud for another p air to answer Page Answers Haven't met Haven't met Have met Have met Have met Haven't met Listening Do you like living here? Listening enough CD 1, Track H ave you been having fu n here? Me, neither T h a t’s too bad video at hom e I’ve got to run challenging makes (someone) laugh chips W h a t k ind of w o rk w o u ld you like? Task Skill: Listening and making inferences courses m oving ahead E njoy the party stuck Answers Good luck to you T hat looks really nice on you b a Unit Answers _ you seen her How's he doing happy to talked with her he got tell him I • H elp students contextualize the activity by describing an instance in w hich you m et an old acquaintance on the street Page hot and hum id T a sk l Conversation design com pany air conditioning Dictation CD 1,Track6 CD 1, Track Vocabulary Vocabulary This pron u n ciatio n lesson focuses on the red u ctio n o f the h sound in w ords such as he, him, his, and her T he objective o f this lesson is to increase students’ aw areness o f the reduction and im prove listening com prehension skills a b b b • M odel the greetings you used and the questions you asked during that conversation and w rite them on the board • Elicit sim ilar encounters students have had and the language they usedAdd these to the list on the board • Ask students to act out a sim ilar situation in pairs Students m ay use the sample language on the board for support (2) Unit Plans Page final exam s library Getting Ready go dow n to w n visit (go) out of tow n W h at are you up to? Task Vocabulary go o u t (to dinner) play (sports) h ang out take a trip o u t of to w n video games Skill: Listening for attitudes Answers Task 1 d f Skill: Listening for topic c a b e Answers Answers A D Answers will vary B E C F Page Pronunciation CD 1, Track 10 Task Listening CD 1, Track Skill: Listening for details Vocabulary Answers careful ocean dangerous sail I can hardly wait! ski instructor stay hom e Skill: Listening for plans Answers c a b b c a False False False False True True Optional Activity P u t students into pairs H ave them ask one ano th er w h a t they m ost like to on th e w eekends and w h a t th ey least like to on the w eekends W h e n the exchange is done, have the students sw itch partners and ask th e same questions again Repeat as tim e allows Optional Activity H ave the students listen again and w rite d ow n three expressions the speakers use to express excitem ent about th eir plans Possible Answers Conversation 1:1 can hardly wait! Conversation : 1wouldn't miss it for anything! Conversation 3: It's supposed to be beautiful! Conversation 6: It sounds very exciting to me! Page Listening alone favorite I plan to (do som ething) Answers isn't it could go see you We could go Conversation Vocabulary • Begin a class discussion by sharing w ith students som e o f the things you on w eekends, w h e th e r exciting or m undane List the activities on the board as you go busy ju st in tim e cam pfire paper (report) finals present going on road trip • Elicit other w eekend activities from students W h a t th ey like? W h a t th ey n ot like? W rite these on the board as well • Ask several students to talk briefly about w h a t th eir ideal w eekend w o u ld be, using the activities listed on the board Skill: Listening for details Answers Vocabulary Task Listening Task CD 1, Track Dictation CD 1, Track 11 CD 1, Track I can’t w ait Page In this pronunciation lesson, the focus is on intonation in sentences that end w ith tag questions T he objective of this lesson is to fam iliarize students w ith these changes in intonation, im proving listening com prehension and speaking skills b a a b C b • In th e ir pairs, have students use this same language to fram e a conversation about w h a t they plan to in the upcom ing w eekend Unit (3) Unit Successful Businesses Page 70 Getting Ready Vocabulary Task Task Skill: Listening for gist Skill: Listening for details Answers atm osphere Answers A D facilities B E C F language school Task Answers Answers will vary c a Listening b b a b CD 1, Track 12 Optional Activity Vocabulary H ave the students listen again and w rite dow n the reason w h y the people like the things m entioned in Task 10 percent cheaper convenient m achines (exercise equipm ent) mall rude service Skill: Listening for negative information Answers a b 4 There is great music They have all the latest stuff The stylists are really good There are bright lights at the front door They're about half the price of other places All of their stuff looks great and fits perfectly Listening Vocabulary Vocabulary a good value speed w ebsite b rig h t lights organized chefs com fortable styles quality displays stylists fits (v.) the latest stuff Answers Unit 3 a • P u t the exercise into context by sharing w ith students w h a t your favorite place to shop or eat is W hat is the m ain th in g you like about it? • A sk students to discuss this same topic in pairs Students m ay use th e vocabulary w ords from the com parison charts on th e board Skill: Listening for gist b Conversation • Elicit favorite businesses from several students, recording w h a t th ey like and don’t like about the business in th e same fashion as above Task 1 c are not very really bad fell apart takes hours to favorite jeans • D w tw o colum ns on the board, one fo r “likes” and one fo r “dislikes” List a couple o f things you like and don’t like about the business, using relevan: vocabulary words CD 1, Track 14 CD 1, Track 13 Dictation CD 1, Track 16 Answers Listening Page 77 The focus of this pronunciation lesson is the stress p ut on certain w ords w hen stating a complaint The objective of th:; lesson is to help students identify and use the accepted stresses on w ords that express the exact reason for the com plaint Answers Page 72 4 c CD 1, Track 15 Skill: Listening for jobs Answers garage (repair shop) d Pronunciation staff b b a Page 73 popularity b b b a (4) Unit Apologies and Excuses Page 14 T a sk l Getting Ready Skill: Listening for gist Vocabulary Answers all rig ht b a a b D o n ’t w o rry about it I t’s no problem Task It w o n ’t happen again, m ake it up to (someone) No Answers Apology Apology Response Response Pronunciation CD 1, Track 20 Answers w o rry Page 17 Skill: Listening for details m ean to (do som ething) Response Apology Apology Response m onologues in Listening W alk around th e room and assist w ith gram m ar and vocabulary Students should give at least one excuse and tell h o w th ey m ade up for the mistake W h e n they are finished, have th e students share th eir stories w ith other pairs Yes No No Page 16 Listening The focus of this pronunciation lesson is differing intonations in yes/no and W hquestions T he objective of this lesson is to increase students’ aw areness of changing intonation and im prove th eir listening com prehension skills CD 1, Track 19 Dictation Listening Vocabulary CD 1, Track 17 ankle graduation cerem ony jo b interview cousin neighbors Vocabulary CD 1, Track 21 Task Answers book bag insurance inform ation cow orkers niece copy (of a CD) occasion food poisoning dents scratch tu rn ed o ut to be (som ething) dozens tripped Where were you are you okay Is something wrong Task Skill: Listening for main idea Skill: Listening for implied information Answers a a b b b b Page 15 a C a c Skill: Listening for reasons CD 1, Track 18 Answers Vocabulary accident on tim e break dow n room m ate directions to w truck freew ay b b Task Listening em ergency room Answers unusual b f c e a d Optional Activity P u t the students into pairs H ave the students take tu rn s describing a tim e they missed an im p o rtan t event, m odeling th eir responses on the Conversation • G ive the exercise some context by sharing a story w ith the class about a tim e you missed a date, m eeting, or appointm ent w ith another person H o w did you apologize? W h a t w ere yo u r excuses? • A sk the class to provide another exam ple o f this same type of mistake Elicit responses about details such as h o w to apologize and possible excuses W rite class suggestions on th e board • In th eir pairs, have one student act th e p art o f som eone w h o missed an appointm ent, offering apologies and excuses, and the other student responds T h en let th em sw itch roles and the exercise again Unit (5) Unit5 Character Traits Page 18 Getting Ready Vocabulary caring Task Task Skill: Listening for praise or criticism Skill: Listening for details Answers patient enthusiastic praise praise persuasive honest sensitive inform ed strict Answers praise criticize criticize criticize Task Pronunciation Skill: Listening for details CD 1, Track 25 Answers Answers will vary True, False False, False False, True Listening True, True True, False False, False CD 1, Track 22 Optional Activity Vocabulary effective good w ith children elementary school issues get angry landlady gets m ad rules H ave the students listen again and w rite dow n one character trait th at describes each person T h en p u t the students in pairs and have th em discuss w hich people m ig h t be good friends Possible Answers Skill: Listening for gist Answers a a a a b b CD 1, Track 23 intelligent caring mean sociable, enthusiastic not honest moody, depressed funny and nice as I am he always plays Conversation Page 20 Listening CD 1, Track 24 can’t stand Vocabulary criticize athletic conservative drove (someone) to (a place) bothering (someone) depressed enjoying (oneself) cheerleader exhausted homeless (person) chubby muscles Lucky you! coffee shops o ut o f shape m ade jokes (about som ething) T a sk l praise Answers Unit a a • Introduce the activity by describing a personal friend, neighbor, or fam ily m em ber to the class, using the character traits reflected in the vocabulary Explain w h y they are special and w h a t you like about them W rite traits on the board • Elicit similar descriptions from the students Ask if anyone has a remarkable person in their life that they w ould like to describe to the class W rite suggested traits on the board • Ask students to share this same inform ation w ith classmates in pairs Students m ay use previously suggested character traits on the board to get started Skill: Listening for gist b Dictation CD 1, Track 26 Answers Vocabulary N o way! This pronunciation lesson concentrates on vow el sounds th a t seem to link tw o w ords together in speech T he objective of the lesson is to increase students’ aw areness o f these linking vow el sounds in speech and im prove listening com prehension T a sk l Page 79 Listening 2 True False Page intelligent Answers False True b (6) Unit Travel Page 22 Getting Ready W h ere did it go w rong? Skill: Listening for gist Vocabulary W h a t w as one of the consequences? H o w did it m ake you feel? Answers arriv ing fasten baggage luggage carousel b b b c b a passenger delayed platform d eparture seatbelt Task Skill: Listening for details Answers W h a t w e n t w rong? T a sk l Luggage Arriving Departing Delay Departing Arriving Luggage Arriving H o w w as th e situation resolved? Students m ay refer to u n it vocabulary fo r ideas and inspiration Assist w ith gram m ar and vocabulary w h en necessary W h e n th ey are done, have students share these b rief stories w ith o ther pairs Answers a b b b a a Page 25 Pronunciation CD 1, Track 30 Listening Listening CD 1, Track 27 CD 1, Track 29 Vocabulary Vocabulary com plim entary land Concord locate departure gate purchase (v.) flight refreshm ents Answers b c airline pretty m uch bum ped off a flight snoring exhausted (train) stop fully booked w o rn out b b Dictation CD 1, Track 31 Task overbooked Skill: Listening for topic b c This pronunciation lesson focuses on the reduction of the w o rd to in everyday speech T he objective o f this lesson is to increase students’ aw areness of the to reduction and im prove listening com prehension skills Page 24 Task Answers Skill: Listening for gist we went to a great vacation wanted to see Answers Page 23 A D Listening B E C F • S tart a class discussion about travel by offering one of y o u r ow n travel stories Describe w h ere you w ent, h o w you got there, and w h a t you did and w rite these details on the board CD 1, Track 28 Task Vocabulary 20 m inutes ago past about to (do som ething) reach cou n ter right I’ll m y best w h isk Skill: Listening for details Answers True True True True Conversation False False left Optional Activity P u t students into pairs H ave them take tu rn s telling each other a few details about a travel experience th at w e n t terribly w ro n g P rovide th em w ith these questions on the board as a guideline: • P oint to each statem ent on the board and elicit the proper question fo r that statem ent For example, point to Last year, I went to and elicit W here did you go? W rite each question n ex t to the appropriate statem ent • In th eir pairs, have students take tu rn s telling each other about a m em orable travel experience T hey m ay use the previous exercise and th e questions on the board as a fram ew ork for th eir stories Unit (7) Audio Scripts Unit 1: SmallTalk page 2, CD 1-2 Listening i A: Hi I don’t think w e’ve met, have we? B: No, I don't think so My nam e’s Mia A: Nice to meet you, Mia I’m Tim Clark A: B: A: B: A: B: Hey, you’re Mike Thompson, right? T hat’s right And you’re Jenny Yeah! Jenny Lindsay Yeah, right We met at Jake’s wedding It’s great to see you again! Great to see you, too! A: B: A: B: A: H aven’t w e met somewhere? No, I don’t think so Aren’t you Kevin Grant? No, my name is Greg Greg Brown Oh, I’m sorry I was positive w e’d m et before A: Jeff! Hi Remember me? B: Sue? Sue Thomas? A: T hat’s right We w ere in that com puter class together B: Yeah Boy, was that class boring! A: Sure was So how ’ve you been? B: Pretty good, thanks A: Oh, hi You’re Jonathan, aren’t you? B: Yes, and you’re Wendy A: Yeah We met at the conference in H aw aii last summer B: Right Nice to see you again A: Nice to see you, too A: Hi! Don’t w e w ork in the same building? B: Yes, I think w e A: I’m Gary James I’m in accounting B: Hi I’m Lynn Williams I’m in marketing page 3, CD 1-3 Listening A: Hey, Annie, that looks really nice on you Is it new? B: Yeah, I got it on sale at George Brothers D epartm ent Store I never miss their sales T hey’ve got really good prices A: Well, you made a good choice That color looks great B: Thanks 54 Student Book Audio Scripts A: Oh! Look at the time I didn’t realize it was so late I’ve got to run Good seeing you! A: B: A: B: W hat are you taking this year? Mostly literature courses Oh, really Are they any good? Some of them are Except for Professor Scott’s class I mean, the books are interesting, and the lectures are great, but his tests are so hard A: Really? Are they essay or short answer tests? A: W hat an aw ful m onth w e are having B: It’s pretty bad, isn’t it? So hot and humid It’s hard to sleep at night, too I w ish I had air conditioning A: Me, too B: Funny, it’s not usually this hot in the fall A: T hat’s true Well, I think I’m going to get some more chips Enjoy the party! A: So tell me, Kim W h at’s he like? B: Well, h e’s really fun to be with He always says funny things and makes me laugh A: H e sounds really nice B: H e is And h e’s always giving me little presents But I guess the gifts will stop w hen he knows me better A: Yeah, probably So how long have you know n him, anyway? A: So, are you still doing the same thing, David? B: Yeah, I am, unfortunately I w ish I was doing something more challenging A: So w hy don’t you look for something else? B: I really should I feel stuck in that office because I’m not moving ahead T hat’s the w orst thing about it A: Well, good luck to you If I hear about any jobs, I’ll let you know A: So, everybody’s fine at home, Sarah? B: Yes, they are, thanks Oh, some exciting news! My sister Jenny’s getting married! A: Really? W hen? B: N ext month She’s m arrying a guy she m et w hen she was studying in Canada, and w e’re all going to Toronto for the wedding It’ll be fun A: Sounds great And how about your brother? W h at’s he been doing lately? page 4, CD 1-4 Listening i Yes, I I really enjoy living here So far everything has been fine The dow ntow n area is really pretty, and I love all the cafes and restaurants there The other thing I like is that the tow n’s small, so it’s easy to get to know people Yes, I It’s a very difficult language to learn, but I guess all languages are difficult I tried to learn Japanese once, and it was really hard These days, though, it’s easier to learn a foreign language because you can buy some fantastic courses online and on DVD I have tw o children, a girl and a boy They’re both going to school, so they keep us very busy My husband comes from a big family and w ould love to have more children, but I think tw o is enough I have a small design company We design menus, calendars, and things like that There are ju st three of us in the company Last year was a very quiet year for us, but it looks as if business is really improving this year Would you like to visit our office sometime? O h yeah, I’ve been having a great time since I arrived Everyone’s been very helpful, and I’ve made some w onderful new friends I still have a few more days here, so I’m thinking of renting a car and driving up to the mountains I’m from a tow n called Cairns, on the northeast coast of Australia It’s a small tow n, b ut I enjoying living there It’s not far from the Great Barrier Reef, w hich is one of the most famous places in Australia You should go there sometime page 5, CD 1-5 Pronunciation W here does he go to school? I have to call his teacher W h at’s her job? Have you know n him for a long time? page 5, CD 1-6 Dictation A: Hi, haven’t w e met before? B: Yeah, I think w e met at Kate’s wedding A: T hat’s right! Have you seen her lately? © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use (8) B: No, I haven’t seen her in months But I talked w ith her husband last week A: Oh, really? H ow ’s he doing? B: H e’s doing really well He told me that he got a great new job A: I’m happy to hear that Well, I’ve got to go, but it was great to see you B: Yeah, you, too! If you see John again, tell him I said hello Unit 2: Plans page 6, CD 1-7 Listening i A: You’re excited about next December, aren’t you? B: Yes, I really am I can hardly wait! A: W hat exactly are you planning to do? B: My friend and I are going on a cruise in the Caribbean A: Your fam ily’s going to Florida next summer, aren’t they? B: I’m not really sure w here they’re planning to go A: You’re going w ith them, aren’t you? B: O f course I w ouldn’t miss learning to sail for anything! A: I heard you and tw o friends are going on a long drive next May B: Yeah, I’m getting a new er car to drive across Canada A: You’ll be visiting Vancouver, w on't you? Oh, yeah, w e’re excited about visiting there It’s supposed to be beautiful! A Do you have any idea w hat you’re doing next August? Well, w e’ve been talking about going to the beach A: You really love the ocean, don’t you? B Yeah, but I think this year I’m going to play golf instead A: W hat can w e next summer? B Well, w e could take a course at the university A: You w ouldn’t w ant to that, would you? You w ork so hard all year long B: You’re right H ow about if w e both w ork in a camp? A: You’re not going to learn to ski next winter, are you? B: W hy not? It sounds very exciting to me! A: It sounds rather dangerous to me B: I’ll be careful Besides, the instructor w ill be right there to help me if I fall down page 7, CD 1-8 page 8, CD 1-9 Listening Listening A: Hey, Mark H ow ’s it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm good, thanks So, w hat are you up to this weekend? B: Sam and I are going to a baseball game at the new stadium A: Wow! Really? Have a great time! I have a really busy weekend ahead of me I have to w ork about ten hours on Saturday I’m really excited about Saturday night, though I’m going to my friend Alex’s party He always has great parties I don’t have to go to w ork on Sunday, but I have to spend all m orning and afternoon w riting a paper for my history class Then on Sunday night, I’m going to the movies w ith some friends A: Hey, Jennifer You’re planning to go to Steven’s party this weekend, aren't you? B: No I really w ant to go, but I can’t A: O h no! W hy not? B: I have to go out of tow n w ith my parents W e’re going to visit my aunt in Chicago And w e’re driving the w hole way! A: So, w hat are your plans this weekend, Angela? B: Well, on Saturday, I’m going to the beach w ith some friends H ow about you? A: I’m going to the beach, too! Maybe I’ll see you there Are you going to Baker Beach? B: No, w e’re going to Stinson Beach A: Oh Well, maybe my friends w o n ’t mind changing plans A: So, I ’ll see you later, John B: Yeah, I’ll probably see you at the library tomorrow A: Really? But you usually play basketball on Saturdays, don’t you? B: Yeah, but w e’re not playing this Saturday A: W hy not? B: We always take a w eek off for final exams I’m planning on studying all weekend A: Got any fun plans for the weekend? B: I have to w ork most of the weekend, but I’m going out on Friday night A: W here are you going? B: My friends and I are going to go out to dinner W e’re going to try that new Mexican restaurant on Branch Street I hear it’s great A: W hat are you doing this weekend, Ji-hyun? B: I don’t have any plans for Saturday, but I’m going shopping on Sunday A: You’re going to the mall, aren’t you? B: No, I’m going to go downtow n I like the stores better there © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use This is going to be a great weekend I can’t w ait for Sunday afternoon! My soccer team is playing in the finals! I hope w e win! O n Saturday, I’m going to the beach w ith my friends And on Saturday night, w e’re going to have dinner at my favorite restaurant I don’t really have a lot going on this weekend I was so busy last weekend that I didn’t w ant to make any big plans for this weekend I played soccer and w ent hiking last Saturday, then w ent for a long bike ride on Sunday This weekend, I’m ju st going to stay home and read a book I’m excited about being home by myself and relaxing all weekend My friends and I are taking a road trip to Los Angeles this weekend W e’re planning on leaving on Friday after class W e'll get to LA at around 7:00 in the evening—ju st in tim e for dinner O n Saturday, w e'll probably hang out at the beach during the day W e’re going to have a fire and sing songs all night I t’s going to be fantastic I plan to study m ost of this w eekend, but on Saturday evening, I’m going over to my friend's house I t’s her birthday, so she’s having a few friends over for dinner I’m really looking forw ard to seeing her! We haven’t seen each other in tw o months! I knew I w o u ld n ’t have tim e to go shopping on Saturday, so I bought her a birthday gift on Friday I got her a sweater I hope she likes it! I play the guitar in a band, and my band has tw o shows this weekend W e’re playing in a little cafe on Sunday night We play there a lot and have a lot of fans there, so it’ll be fun I’m really excited about Saturday night, though W e’re playing at a club dow ntow n W e’ve never played in a big club before, so I’m kind of nervous Student Book Audio Scripts 55 (9) page 9, CD 1-10 Pronunciation You made a reservation, didn't you? She’s in your class, isn’t she? H e’s driving, isn’t he? W e’re busy Friday, aren’t we? page 9, CD 1-11 Dictation A: Do you w ant to play soccer this Saturday? B: It’s supposed to rain this weekend, isn’t it? A: Oh, I didn’t know that Well, then w hat you w an t to do? B: We could go to a movie? We could go see the new action movie A: You saw that movie last weekend, didn’t you? B: Yeah, but I’d like to see it again But you don’t like action movies, you? A: N ot really B: We could go see that new comedy at Star Cinema! B: That was the problem It was too popular It was always full of people Sometimes I had to w ait a long time to use the machines A: So how was the hotel in Honolulu? B: It was pretty good The staff was really nice— very friendly and helpful There was one problem w ith it, though A: W hat was that? B: The location It was too far from the restaurants and clubs N ext time, I think I’ll stay much closer to the downtown A: Do you w ant to try Italian food tonight? B: Sure W here w ould you like to go? A: H ow about Little Roma— you know, that Italian restaurant across from the movie theater? I heard the prices are cheap B: T hat’s true But the service is pretty bad The waiters are really slow, and they’re not very friendly either A: Oh, I didn’t know that Let’s try another place Unit 3: Successful Businesses page 10, CD 1-12 Listening i A: W hat’s the new Indian restaurant on Sixth Street like? B: Well, everyone said it was very good, but I w asn’t too satisfied w hen I w ent there the other night A: W hy not? B: The food was good, but it took too long to arrive We had to w ait for nearly an hour before w e got anything to eat A: Oh! T hat’s terrible service A: I’m going to get the textbook for our biology class at the campus bookstore Do you w ant to come? B: No, I don’t think so A: W hy not? D on’t you think it’s convenient having a bookstore right on campus? B: Yes, it is But have you compared their prices w ith other bookstores? That store in the mall is usually about 10% cheaper And you save about 20% buying your books online A: Oh I didn’t know that A: Do you belong to a health club? B: Not right now I used to go to the Metropolitan Health Club on Third Street I thought it was great because it was so cheap, but then I stopped going A: Really? I heard it was pretty popular 56 Student Book Audio Scripts A: I heard there’s a sale at Brenda’s Boutique Do you w ant to check it out? They have some really good clothes B: I know, but the service is terrible The people w ho w ork there are so rude A: I know w hat you mean page 7, CD 1-13 Listening I really enjoy going there w ith friends after work There’s always something interesting on the menu I also love the atmosphere I t’s very cool and they have really comfortable sofas I’m glad I decided to study there My Spanish is much better now It’s pretty expensive, but the facilities are very good They have a great computer lab, and there’s free w ifi all over campus It’s much better than the school I was going to last year I’ve been going there for over a year I ju st love the w ay they make my hair look The stylists are really good at their work The atm osphere makes you feel at home, too, w ith coffee and snacks, plus really good music Sure, it’s expensive, b ut I only go there every tw o m onths or so It’s a great place to stay The atmosphere is so glamorous and exciting There are bright lights at the front door, and people always arrive in really expensive cars The rooms are really beautiful, too O f course, it’s not the cheapest hotel in Miami, but it’s definitely the best I always take mine to a garage on Market Street It takes a long tim e to get there from m y house, but it’s w orth the trip I t’s the best repair shop in the city The mechanics great work, and they never try to charge you too much In fact, the prices are great— about half the cost of some other places in town I get most of my shirts there You’ll love the store All of their stuff looks great and fits perfectly It’s really good quality, too They also have lots of different styles and colors to choose from The w indow displays are a problem, though They aren’t welllit, so it’s hard to see w hat they have from outside the store page 12, CD 1-14 Listening I think the most im portant thing is service If customers feel like they are treated poorly, then they probably w o n ’t come back T hat’s w hy I train all of my workers to give excellent service They greet customers politely, show them to a table right away, and explain the items on the menu O f course, the food is important, too The fish has to be as fresh as possible, and you have to find talented chefs to prepare it The Internet has totally changed this business In the old days, people had to come to a travel agency to get tickets N ow they go online and get th eir tickets by themselves W h en they come to me, I know th ey ’re looking for a good value T h at’s really the m ost im portant thing O f course, our travel agency provides convenience for some clients w ho don’t have the tim e to plan th eir ow n trips These days, nothing is more im portant than speed Time is money People w ant a job done well, b ut they w ant it done quickly And they’re usually prepared to pay a little more if you can promise it will get done fast And, of course, quality is important, too W e’re building people's homes, so w e w an t them to enjoy living there for a long time It’s so im portant to have the right kind of displays Creating effective clothing displays is an art You w ant people to see the items right away, pick them up, touch them, and then go try the clothes on And you w ant them to buy something, too! Good prices are also important, but the display is really the num ber one thing © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use (10) page 13, CD 1-15 Pronunciation The food took too long to arrive They w ere not professional The prices are really high The waiters w ere really slow That hotel is too far from the restaurants and clubs The rooms are not nice page 13, CD 1-16 Dictation A: Do you w ant to go to the Century Fashions sale on Saturday? B: I’d like to, but the salespeople there are not very professional A: I know w hat you mean They’re not very friendly, either B: Yeah, and some of the clothes are nice, but some of them are really bad quality A: T hat’s true I bought a sweater there last winter, and it fell apart after I w ore it twice B: Also, it takes hours to pay for things The lines are always really long A: Then again, I did get my favorite jeans there! Unit 4: Apologies and Excuses page 14, CD 1-17 Listening i A: Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you B: Don’t w orry about it It’s just a little scratch A: Here, let me give you my insurance information B: T h at’s okay I t’s a really old car It has dozens of dents and scratches already A: So, w hat did you this weekend, Carrie? B: Well, I w ent out to dinner at Sabrina’s w ith my family on Saturday night A: Wow, Sabrina’s! It’s such a nice restaurant W hat was the occasion? B: Um, it was my birthday A Oh, no! Did I forget again this year? I feel terrible It w o n ’t happen again B: T hat’s all right I always forget people’s birthdays A: Hi, Gina I don’t w ant to bother you I ju st came by to see if you’re finished w ith that CD I loaned you B: Oh, sure Come on in, and I’ll get i t Let's see, I had it in my book bag Uh-oh A: Is something wrong? B: I can’t find it I m ust have lost it this morning I’m sorry A: Oh, well, th at’s all right B: I’ll go buy you a new copy right now B: N o w onder you look so tired Is she okay? A: H er hand is burned pretty badly, but she’ll be all right A: Hey, Ken W hy didn’t you come to Alex’s party last night? We were all expecting to see you there B: Oh, I’m sorry about that I got lost trying to find Alex's house A: Really? But I gave you directions B: Well, I w rote the directions down wrong A: Well, w hy didn’t you call or use the GPS on your phone? B: U h, I d idn’t have my cell phone w ith me A: T hat’s strange You always carry your cell phone w ith you A: Hi, Sarah W hat’s wrong? Are you upset? B: It’s 6:30 You were supposed to be here half an hour ago A: I’m sorry There was so much traffic on the freeway It w o n ’t happen again B: Well, I’ll let it go this time But you should really leave your house earlier w hen you have to drive somewhere during rush hour A: Oh! Are you okay, Sam? B: I’m not sure My ankle hurts a little A: I really apologize I was walking too fast, and I w asn’t w atching w here I was going I didn’t mean to trip you B: I know you didn’t, b ut I think my ankle m ight be sprained A: Oh, no Here, let me help you up We should go to the hospital A: W here w ere you last night? B: I was home studying Why? A: You w ere supposed to m eet me at the movies last night B: Oh, no! I forgot! I’m sorry A: I tried to call you, but I kept getting your voicemail B: I’m so sorry Unfortunately, I lost my phone yesterday A: W here have you been? W e’ve been waiting for you The meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago B: I know I apologize My car broke down, and I had to w ait for a tow truck A: Again? Didn’t your car break down last week, too? B: Um, yeah, it did It’s a really old car A: And the w eek before that, you were late because you w ere helping someone look for their lost cat B: I’m sorry I promise I’ll be on time for next w eek’s meeting page 16, CD 1-19 Listening page 15, CD 1-18 Listening i A: Hi, Linda I’m so sorry I’m late B: You’re really late You w ere supposed to be here over an hour ago W hat happened? A: There was heavy traffic on the freeway, and I couldn’t call because my cell phone died B: T hat’s weird There isn’t usually any traffic at this time of day A: I know, b u t there was a really bad accident on the freeway about ten miles north of here Traffic was completely stopped for over an hour B: H m m T hat’s very unusual A: Hi, Mike B: Hi, Kylie W h at’s wrong? A: I have to apologize I w asn’t able to finish m y half of our class project last night B: But it’s due today A: I know I feel terrible about it B: W hat happened? A: My roommate burned her hand w hile she was cooking last night, and I had to take her to the emergency room We were there all night © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use A: Tell me all about how it went! B: I wish I could, but I missed it I got really sick on Friday night I thought I had the flu, but it turned out to be food poisoning I was sick all day Saturday, so I couldn’t go to the wedding I thought my cousin would be mad, but she just felt bad that I was sick all day A: Hi, it’s Paul I missed class yesterday Can you tell me w hat the homework was? B: Oh, sorry, I w asn’t there yesterday, either I was on my w ay to catch the bus w hen I fell and broke my ankle One of my neighbors w ho was on his w ay to w ork drove me to the hospital I’ll call Katie and ask her about the homework, and then I’ll call you back A: H ow did your sister yesterday? B: Well, her team w on, b ut I didn’t get to see it! I had ju st gotten to the soccer field w hen my boss called One of my coworkers called in sick w ith the flu, so he asked me to come in and work Student Book Audio Scripts 57 (11) A: Well, how did it go on Monday? B: You're not going to believe this, but I missed it! I left really early so I w ouldn’t be late, but I w rote the address down wrong, and I couldn’t find the office I was so nervous about the interview that I forgot my phone, too, so I couldn’t call them and ask for directions I was so mad at myself I really w anted that job! A: So how was it? B: I don’t know because I missed it! I was so disappointed, and so was my niece I had flowers and a card to give her, and I really wanted to be there for her special day But I ran out of gas on my w ay to the school Can you believe that? I made it to her graduation party later that evening, but I really wanted to make it to the ceremony A: So was it fun? B: Well, I think the people w ho w ent had fun, but I had to study for my history test My friend Kelly w ent, and she said it was a great party I hope Sarah has another one for her birthday next year page 17, CD 1-20 A: Sheila speaks very well W hen she talks, people stop and listen B: I know A lot of people even change their opinions after talking to her A: H ow does Mary like her new job? B: Oh, she loves it She’s really excited about w orking there In fact, she even works on weekends because she enjoys being there so much A: I’ve been having problems w ith my boss lately B: W hy is that? A: Well, he has a lot of rules H e gets really angry if I come to w ork tw o m inutes late, or if I let the office phone ring more than twice before I answer it And if I make a tiny mistake, he yells at me A: I don’t know about you, b ut I’m voting for Dave Thomas for school president H e knows everything about this school and all the im portant issues B: Yeah He really knows w hat h e’s talking about Pronunciation A: My landlady is really nice She doesn’t get angry if I pay the rent a few days late And w hen I’m sick, she always brings me homemade chicken soup B: Wow She sounds really thoughtful Is everything okay? W here were you last night? Did you forget our appointment? W hy are you so late? page 17, CD 1-21 Dictation A: W here were you this afternoon? You were supposed to meet me for lunch B: I’m so sorry I was at a doctor’s appointment I thought I w ould be out of there by noon, but the appointment took a long time A: Oh, are you okay? B: I’m fine It was ju st a check-up Did you get the movie tickets for tonight? A: No, I didn’t I’m sorry I couldn’t get online at home B: Is something w rong w ith your Internet connection? A: I think so Sometimes I can’t get a connection Unit 5: Character Traits page 18, CD 1-22 Listening i A: Jeff is the perfect elementary school teacher H e’s so good w ith children B: I know w hat you mean H e never gets angry w ith those kids, even w hen they’re not listening to him 58 Student Book Audio Scripts page 19, CD 1-23 Listening A: W hat you think of Chris? B: I like talking to him He knows something interesting about practically everything A: Yeah, I know And h e’s really serious about studying, too H e w ants to go to medical school, so his grades have to be perfect B: H e m ust be a good student A: H e’s a great student— top of the class last year A: You know Brandon Kent, don’t you? B: Oh, sure H e’s a really nice guy He took a w hole day off last m onth to help me move into my new apartment Then he drove me to the mall so I could pick up some furniture for my new place A: Yeah, th at’s w hat I like about him In fact, h e’s coming over this afternoon to help me w ith my math assignment B: Lucky you! A: I can’t stand that Terry Dey B: Really? A: Yeah The other day, w e were walking dow n the street past this homeless man w ho asked us for money His clothes w ere torn and dirty B: Yeah? A: Well, as soon as w e walked past him, Terry made jokes about his clothes B: No way! T hat’s terrible A: Are you going to Tony’s party on Friday night? B: Yeah Are you? A: O f course H e has great parties, don’t you think? B: Definitely It’s because he gets so excited about everything Everyone sees him laughing and having fun, and then they start enjoying themselves, too A: You’re right H e’s an amazing guy A: Have you seen Patrick recently? B: No, I haven’t We w ere supposed to go to a concert last weekend, b ut he said he was too sick to go A: Oh, that’s too bad B: The thing is, he didn’t tell me the truth My brother saw him at a party the same night, having a good time A: Oh! I really hate it w hen people lie like that B: Me, too A: I ju st talked to Chuck B: H ow is he today? A: The same as usual He's always in a bad mood Talking to him is really difficult It’s easy to say something that really upsets him B: I know I w onder w hy he’s like that A: I think it’s because he isn’t doing w ell at school this year page 20, CD 1-24 Listening i N ow that John has that new job, you wouldn’t recognize him I guess you have to be more conservative w hen you have a job like that He works really long hours now and wears a suit and tie And w hen he comes home from work, he never wants to go out All he does is sit in his chair and watch TV He looks totally exhausted That’s not how he was in college Back then he used to go around in old T-shirts and jeans And he had that crazy green hair! I ran into Akiko the other day I hardly recognized her Do you remember her from high school? She was a little chubby and out of shape back then I don’t think she ever exercised or played any sports Well, she looks really different now She’s lost a lot of weight In fact, she looks terrific She told me that she © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use (12) decided to get in better shape after she got married last year N ow she goes to the gym three times a week w ill be on the right past Johnnie’s H am burger Stand Passengers on Flight 87 to Miami, your departure gate has been changed to Gate 64 Again, that’s Gate 64 You need to take a right past the restaurants and the gift shop to find Gate 64 Passengers on Flight 102 to Tampa, your departure gate is still Gate 62 Have you had a chance to talk to Maria lately? She’s gotten so depressed— you know, sad and w orried all the time It’s a real change She used to be so enthusiastic and happy in high school She was a cheerleader, and she was always laughing and making jokes N ow she ju st sits in coffee shops all by herself and ju st looks really sad You can tell that something is really bothering her It m ust be because she and her boyfriend recently broke up Do you remember w hat Ted Rodgers used to look like? H e used to be so athletic, w ith really big muscles H e w ent to the gym all the time and was always careful about w hat he ate and drank Well, you w ouldn’t believe how m uch he’s changed I’m sure he weighs over 200 pounds now It doesn’t look like he does any exercise at all, and he eats ju st about anything Someone told me he changed after he got really w ealthy from Internet stocks They said that after he got rich, he decided ju st to enjoy himself page 21, CD 1-25 Pronunciation Lee is really caring He asks a lot of questions Is she enthusiastic? It’s im portant to be informed She always does nice things for people Did he ever call you? page 21, CD 1-26 Dictation A: So, tell me about your new neighbor B: H e’s really funny and nice And we found out w e have a lot in common A: Oh, really? Like what? B: Well, he’s about the same age as I am And he used to live in the same neighborhood as I did in N ew York A: Wow! W hat kinds of things does he like to do? B: He told me that he always plays soccer on Saturdays And he likes to go hiking and bike riding And he loves movies page 22, CD 1-27 Listening i Ladies and gentlem en, w e hope you enjoyed your flight to Toronto W hen we land, you can locate your bags on Carousel in Baggage Claim Just stay to your left, go dow n the steps, and Carousel Listening 3 Ladies and gentlemen, our crew will be serving refreshments W e’ll have complementary soft drinks, juices, and coffee If you are interested, you may purchase snacks like chips, cookies, or pretzels for three dollars a bag A: H ow was your flight? B: Oh, it was great! My flight was overbooked, and the airline asked for volunteers to go on a later flight I volunteered because the next flight was only an hour later, and the airline gave me $300! It pays to be bumped! A: B: A: B: Passengers w aiting for Flight 774 to Chicago, may I have your attention, please Your flight w ill be departing at 11:30 Will passengers Tom and Carrie Simpson please report to an agent as soon as possible at Gate 16? The 9:20 train to Los Angeles w ill be departing from Platform 10 in tw o minutes All passengers w ho are w aiting for the 9:20 train, will you please proceed to Platform 10 immediately? Your attention, please The 12:10 train to Concord has been delayed The train will now arrive on the same platform at 12:30 T hat’s half past 12:00 page 23, CD 1-28 Listening Did you have a good flight? Ugh, no, it was terrible Oh, no! Why? The flight was fully booked, so every seat was taken I was crammed between this guy w ho was snoring the w hole time and a really messy kid w ho got his chips all over me I couldn’t w ait for it to be over! A: Did you have any trouble finding the house? B: No, not at all We used the GPS But it sure was a long drive A: Did you stop anywhere? B: Yeah, w e stopped at a rest stop about halfway here to get a cold drink and stretch our legs It was really hot out, and there were a ton of people there I guess it was a good weekend for road trips A: B: A: B: i Could you please tell me w hich platform the train to Toronto leaves from? And is it on the right or the left? H ow was the drive? It was okay Really? You look w orn out Well, I guess w e are pretty exhausted It was so hot out, and the air conditioning broke an hour into the trip We stopped at the halfway m ark to switch drivers and eat lunch Then w e had trouble starting the car W ould you please help me get my bags dow n so I can get off the plane? They’re too high for me to reach A: Did you enjoy the ride? B: Oh, it was great! It was nice to just relax and not have to w orry about driving I read my book and did sudoku puzzles the w hole way And I met some really nice people, too They w ere on their w ay to Boston, too I don’t know w hy I’ve never taken the train before! Excuse me, sir Do you know w here the Transamerica Airlines counter is? Is it past the N orthern Airlines counter? Unit 6: Travel page 24, CD 1-29 Molly, w e’re about to land, so you need to fasten your seatbelt now Do you need me to help you? Let’s find w indow seats so w e can see things as they go by I don’t like having to look around other people But I have to be in Toronto tonight! Isn’t there another flight I could take? I really have to get there tonight! © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use A: H ow was the trip? B: Pretty good, I guess I don’t really know because I was asleep the whole time A: Really? B: Yeah, pretty much I started reading a book, but then I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until ten minutes after my stop I had to get off the train and get on another one going the other direction I’ll have to set the alarm on my phone next time Student Book Audio Scripts 59 (13) page 25, CD 1-30 page 27, CD 1-33 Pronunciation Listening My new apartm ent is on a high floor, and it’s great There’s no noise at all I only hear the birds in the park Before that, I lived in a first-floor apartment It had a little yard, w hich was nice, but I heard people coming and going all the time And it was close to the street, so I heard all the traffic too Did you go to Los Angeles? You need to go on vacation We like to travel Let’s go to Tokyo I t’s hard to drive ten hours I'm going to London page 25, CD 1-31 Dictation A: Welcome back! Tell me about your trip! B: Oh, it was so much fun! First, w e w ent to N ew York A: Did you go to the M useum of M odern Art? B: Yes, w e loved it I had always w anted to see that museum We also w ent to Central Park, of course, and lots of other sites A: W here did you go after that? B: After N ew York, w e w ent to Philadelphia for three days And then w e w ent to Boston for tw o days It was a great vacation! Unit 7: Housing page 26, CD 1-32 Listening i Well, I’m single and I spend a lot of time traveling, so I’m not home very much So there’s really no point in my spending money on a large place w ith lots of rooms i My neighbors are fantastic They're really friendly, and some of them have great parties, too I’d like more space, though There’s hardly enough space for all my stuff I guess I should throw some of it out, but I ju st can’t The apartm ent I rent is okay I t’s near a lot of stores, so it’s convenient for shopping The problem, though, is that the owner hasn't spent any m oney on the place in years The furniture is falling apart, and the carpet in the living room is stained in places There are advantages and disadvantages to living out here in the suburbs It’s not really the most convenient place to live It takes forever to get into town, especially during rush hour And there aren’t any good stores out here O n the other hand, it’s nice and quiet on the weekends I used to live in a nice apartm ent downtow n, in a pretty interesting neighborhood But the thing was, they w ouldn’t let you keep a pet I really w anted to get a cat, so I moved to a place w here you could keep pets N ow I live in a building near the park And there’s tw o of us— me and my cat, Felix We play all the time I love my apartment I wish I could afford to stay here The location is perfect It has huge w indows w ith a beautiful view, and I love being able to step outside and w alk to cafes and shops The only problem is the rent It’s ju st too high now, so I can’t stay W e’ve got three small children, and they like to play outside, so I don’t think it makes sense for us to live in a high-rise building My place is huge It has room for all my stuff, and there’s a big kitchen, too O f course, it’s really old, so it needs a coat of paint and some new appliances The refrigerator and dishwasher are really ancient And I think the stove is about a hundred years old! I w ork right in the city and I don’t have a car I’d like a place close to my w ork so that I don’t have to spend a lot of time commuting I recently moved into an apartm ent building for the first time I’ve always lived in houses It takes a w hile to get used to having neighbors right next door I feel like they’re always listening to me, like they w ant to know everything I It’s annoying But the rent is m uch cheaper than my old place, and I like that I run my ow n business and I w ork out of my home I’m lucky because I don’t have to go into tow n very often, so I'd like a place that's quiet and away from the city page 28, CD 1-34 Listening I need a new place I need a good-sized apartm ent because I have tw o teenage sons, and they each need to have their own bedroom We w ant to live downtow n, too Both my wife and I w ork for an airline and w e'd like something fairly close to work We don’t mind if it’s small, because there’s only the tw o of us We don’t even mind the noise of the planes In fact, w e kind of like it 60 Student Book Audio Scripts We didn’t really w ant to move because we loved our apartment We had a w onderful landlady, too She didn’t raise the rent for years, and if anything was broken, she would get it fixed really fast But w ith the children getting older, w e needed to be closer to a good school So th at’s w hy we moved N ow w e live in an apartm ent in the suburbs i We used to have a nice apartm ent downtow n It had great views of the city! But then these new people moved in upstairs They played loud music all the time, and the sound came straight through the ceiling and into our apartment It was terrible, so w e moved N ow w e ’re living in a nice small house in the suburbs And our neighbors are very quiet My new apartm ent has a huge kitchen and a great stove I’m really happy about it I love to cook and have parties, but the kitchen in my old place was so tiny And the dining room w as small, too The location was good, but I could never have people over for dinner, so I needed to find something different I used to live in a house I had a nice yard in the front, and another yard in the back The trouble was the maintenance It was really expensive to take care of So I moved N ow I live in an apartm ent w ith no yard Even though I have m uch less space now, it’s w onderful, because it’s a lot cheaper page 29, CD 1-35 Pronunciation My apartm ent building is five stories high My sons are in college The yard is pretty big O ur neighbors are very quiet My house is too small for my family The bathrooms are small page 29, CD 1-36 Dictation A: H ow ’s it going? Do you like your new apartment? B: Oh, I love it My neighbors are really friendly, and the landlord is nice A: T hat’s great! W h at’s the building like? B: The building is ten stories high, and © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use (14)

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2021, 00:25



