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Tiêu đề Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference
Tác giả Fred Bethke, Kenneth Chu, Eric Greenbaum, Leanne Soylemez, Tony Wolfram
Trường học Oracle Corporation
Thể loại tài liệu
Năm xuất bản 1999
Thành phố Redwood City
Định dạng
Số trang 134
Dung lượng 216,02 KB

Nội dung

Oracle ® Developer Built-in Package Reference RELEASE 6.0 March, 1999 Part No. A66800-04 Enabling the Information Age ™ Through Network Computing Oracle ® DeveloperBuilt-in Package Reference Release 6.0 The part number for this volume is A66800-04 Copyright © 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Portions copyright © Blue Sky Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Contributors: Fred Bethke, Kenneth Chu, Eric Greenbaum, Leanne Soylemez, Tony Wolfram The programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, back up, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. This Program contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual property law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation If this Program is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable: Restricted Rights Legend Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data -- General, including Alternate III (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle Developer, Express, Oracle Browser, Oracle Forms, Oracle Graphics, Oracle Installer, Oracle Reports, Oracle7, Oracle8, Oracle Web Application Server, Personal Oracle, Personal Oracle Lite, and PL/SQL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other company or product names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. i Table of Contents ORACLE DEVELOPER BUILT-IN PACKAGES 1 A BOUT O RACLE D EVELOPER BUILT - IN PACKAGES .1 A BOUT THE DDE PACKAGE 2 M ICROSOFT W INDOWS PREDEFINED DATA FORMATS 2 DDE PREDEFINED EXCEPTIONS .4 A BOUT THE D EBUG PACKAGE .6 A BOUT THE L IST PACKAGE 6 A BOUT THE OLE2 PACKAGE .6 A BOUT THE O RA _F FI PACKAGE 6 A BOUT THE O RA _NLS PACKAGE .6 O RA _NLS CHARACTER CONSTANTS 7 O RA _NLS NUMERIC CONSTANTS .9 A BOUT THE O RA _P ROF PACKAGE 10 A BOUT THE T EXT _IO PACKAGE 10 A BOUT THE T OOL _E NV PACKAGE 11 A BOUT THE T OOL _E RR PACKAGE .11 A BOUT THE T OOL _R ES PACKAGE .12 B UILDING RESOURCE FILES 12 A BOUT THE EXEC_SQL PACKAGE .13 C ONNECTION AND CURSOR HANDLES .14 R ETRIEVING RESULT SETS FROM QUERIES OR NON -O RACLE STORED PROCEDURES 14 EXEC_SQL PREDEFINED EXCEPTIONS .14 U SING THE EXEC_SQL PACKAGE 16 E XECUTING ARBITRARY SQL AGAINST ANY CONNECTION .16 C OPYING DATA BETWEEN TWO DATABASES .18 E XECUTING A NON -O RACLE DATABASE STORED PROCEDURE AND FETCHING ITS RESULT SET 20 A LPHABETIC LIST OF PACKAGED SUBPROGRAMS .20 DDE PACKAGE 25 DDE PACKAGE 25 DDE.A PP _B EGIN .25 DDE.A PP _E ND 26 DDE.A PP _F OCUS 27 DDE.E XECUTE .27 DDE.G ETFORMATNUM .28 DDE.G ETFORMATSTR 28 DDE.I NITIATE 29 DDE.I S S UPPORTED 30 DDE.DMLERR_N OT _S UPPORTED 30 DDE.P OKE .30 DDE.R EQUEST .31 DDE.T ERMINATE 32 DEBUG PACKAGE 33 D EBUG PACKAGE .33 D EBUG .B REAK .33 D EBUG .G ETX 33 D EBUG .I NTERPRET .34 D EBUG .S ETX .35 ii D EBUG .S USPEND 35 EXEC_SQL PACKAGE 37 EXEC_SQL PACKAGE .37 EXEC_SQL.O PEN _C ONNECTION 37 EXEC_SQL.C URR _C ONNECTION 38 EXEC_SQL.D EFAULT _C ONNECTION 38 EXEC_SQL.O PEN _C URSOR .40 EXEC_SQL.P ARSE 40 EXEC_SQL.D ESCRIBE _C OLUMN .41 EXEC_SQL.B IND _V ARIABLE .43 EXEC_SQL.D EFINE _C OLUMN .45 EXEC_SQL.E XECUTE 46 EXEC_SQL.E XECUTE _A ND _F ETCH 47 EXEC_SQL.F ETCH _R OWS 48 EXEC_SQL.M ORE _R ESULT _S ETS 50 EXEC_SQL.C OLUMN _V ALUE 51 EXEC_SQL.V ARIABLE _V ALUE 52 EXEC_SQL.I S _O PEN 53 EXEC_SQL.C LOSE _C URSOR 54 EXEC_SQL.I S _C ONNECTED 55 EXEC_SQL.I S _OCA_C ONNECTION 55 EXEC_SQL.C LOSE _C ONNECTION .56 EXEC_SQL.L AST _E RROR _P OSITION .57 EXEC_SQL.L AST _R OW _C OUNT .58 EXEC_SQL.L AST _SQL_F UNCTION _C ODE .59 EXEC_SQL.L AST _E RROR _C ODE .60 EXEC_SQL.L AST _E RROR _M ESG .61 T IP 61 C HANGING THE PRIMARY DATABASE CONNECTION 61 LIST PACKAGE 62 L IST PACKAGE 62 L IST .A PPENDITEM .62 L IST .D ESTROY 63 L IST .D ELETEITEM .63 L IST .F AIL 63 L IST .G ETITEM .64 L IST .I NSERTITEM 64 L IST .L ISTOFCHAR 64 L IST .M AKE .65 L IST .N ITEMS .65 L IST .P REPENDITEM 66 OLE2 PACKAGE .67 OLE2 PACKAGE .67 OLE2.A DD _A RG .67 OLE2.A DD _A RG _O BJ .68 OLE2.C REATE _A RGLIST .69 OLE2.C REATE _O BJ .69 OLE2.D ESTROY _A RGLIST .70 OLE2.G ET _C HAR _P ROPERTY .70 OLE2.G ET _N UM _P ROPERTY 70 OLE2.G ET _O BJ _P ROPERTY .71 OLE2.I NVOKE 71 OLE2.I NVOKE _N UM .72 iii OLE2.I NVOKE _C HAR .72 OLE2.I NVOKE _O BJ .73 OLE2.I S S UPPORTED 73 OLE2.L AST _E XCEPTION .74 OLE2.L IST _T YPE .75 OLE2.O BJ _T YPE 75 OLE2.OLE_E RROR .76 OLE2.OLE_N OT _S UPPORTED 76 OLE2.R ELEASE _O BJ 77 OLE2.S ET _P ROPERTY 77 ORA_FFI PACKAGE 79 O RA _F FI PACKAGE 79 O RA _F FI .F FI _E RROR .79 O RA _F FI .F IND _F UNCTION 80 O RA _F FI .F IND _L IBRARY .80 O RA _F FI .F UNCHANDLETYPE 81 O RA _F FI .G ENERATE _F OREIGN .81 O RA _F FI .I S _N ULL _P TR .83 O RA _F FI .L IBHANDLETYPE 83 O RA _F FI .L OAD _L IBRARY 84 O RA _F FI .P OINTERTYPE .84 O RA _F FI .R EGISTER _F UNCTION 85 O RA _F FI .R EGISTER _P ARAMETER 86 O RA _F FI .R EGISTER _R ETURN 87 O RA _F FI .U NLOAD _L IBRARY 88 ORA_NLS PACKAGE 93 O RA _NLS PACKAGE .93 O RA _N LS .A MERICAN .93 O RA _N LS .A MERICAN _D ATE 94 O RA _N LS .B AD _A TTRIBUTE 94 O RA _N LS .G ET _L ANG _S CALAR 94 O RA _N LS .G ET _L ANG _S TR .95 O RA _N LS .L INGUISTIC _C OLLATE .95 O RA _N LS .L INGUISTIC _S PECIALS .96 O RA _N LS .M ODIFIED _D ATE _F MT 96 O RA _N LS .N O _I TEM 97 O RA _N LS .N OT _F OUND 97 O RA _N LS .R IGHT _ TO _L EFT .97 O RA _N LS .S IMPLE _C S 98 O RA _N LS .S INGLE _B YTE .98 ORA_PROF PACKAGE .99 O RA _P ROF PACKAGE 99 O RA _P ROF .B AD _T IMER 99 O RA _P ROF .C REATE _T IMER 100 O RA _P ROF .D ESTROY _T IMER 100 O RA _P ROF .E LAPSED _T IME .100 O RA _P ROF .R ESET _T IMER .101 O RA _P ROF .S TART _T IMER .101 O RA _P ROF .S TOP _T IMER .102 TEXT_IO PACKAGE 104 T EXT _IO PACKAGE 104 T EXT _IO.F CLOSE .104 T EXT _IO.F ILE _T YPE 104 iv T EXT _IO.F OPEN 105 T EXT _IO.I S _O PEN .105 T EXT _IO.G ET _L INE .106 T EXT _IO.N EW _L INE .106 T EXT _IO.P UT .107 T EXT _IO.P UTF .108 T EXT _IO.P UT _L INE .108 TOOL_ENV PACKAGE 110 T OOL _E NV PACKAGE 110 T OOL _E NV .G ETVAR 110 TOOL_ERR PACKAGE .112 T OOL _E RR PACKAGE .112 T OOL _E RR .C LEAR .112 T OOL _E RR .C ODE .112 T OOL _E RR .E NCODE 113 T OOL _E RR .M ESSAGE .113 T OOL _E RR .N ERRORS .114 T OOL _E RR .P OP 114 T OOL _E RR .T OOL _E RROR 115 T OOL _E RR .T OPERROR .115 TOOL_RES PACKAGE 116 T OOL _R ES PACKAGE .116 T OOL _R ES .B AD _F ILE _H ANDLE 116 T OOL _R ES .B UFFER _O VERFLOW 117 T OOL _R ES .F ILE _N OT _F OUND 117 T OOL _R ES .N O _R ESOURCE 118 T OOL _R ES .R FCLOSE 118 T OOL _R ES .R FHANDLE 119 T OOL _R ES .R FOPEN 119 T OOL _R ES .R FREAD 120 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference v Preface Welcome to Release 6.0 of the Oracle Developer Built-in Packages Reference . This reference guide includes information to help you effectively work with Oracle Developer and contains detailed information about its built-in packages. This preface explains how this user’s guide is organized and introduces other sources of information that can help you use Oracle Developer. Oracle Developer Built-in Package Referencevi Prerequisites You should be familiar with your computer and its operating system. For example, you should know the commands for deleting and copying files and understand the concepts of search paths, subdirectories, and path names. Refer to your Microsoft Windows 95 or NT and DOS product documentation for more information. You should also understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows, such as the elements of an application window. You should also be familiar with such programs as the Explorer, Taskbar or Task Manager, and Registry. Notational Conventions The following typographical conventions are used in this guide: Convention Meaning fixed-width font Text in a fixed-width font indicates commands that you enter exactly as shown. Text typed on a PC is not case-sensitive unless otherwise noted. In commands, punctuation other than brackets and vertical bars must be entered exactly as shown. lowercase Lowercase characters in a command statement represent a variable. Substitute an appropriate value. UPPERCASE Uppercase characters within the text represent command names, SQL reserved words, and keywords. boldface Boldface is used to indicate user interface items such as menu choices and buttons. C> C> represents the DOS prompt. Your prompt may differ. Related Publications You may also wish to consult the following Oracle documentation: Title Part Number Oracle Developer: Guidelines for Building Applications A58766 SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference Version 3.1 A24801 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 1 Oracle Developer built-in packages About Oracle Developer built-in packages Oracle Developer provides several built-in packages that contain many PL/SQL constructs you can reference while building applications or debugging your application code. These built-in packages are not installed as extensions to package STANDARD. As a result, any time you reference a construct in one of the packages, you must prefix it with the package name (for example, Text_IO.Put_Line). The built-in packages are: DDE provides Dynamic Data Exchange support within Oracle Developer components. Debug provides procedures, functions, and exceptions for debugging PL/SQL program units. EXEC_S QL provides procedures and functions for executing dynamic SQL within PL/SQL code written for Oracle Developer applications. List provides procedures, functions, and exceptions you can use to create and maintain lists of character strings (VARCHAR2). This provides a means of creating arrays in PL/SQL Version 1. OLE2 provides a PL/SQL API for creating, manipulating, and accessing attributes of OLE2 automation objects. Ora_Ffi provides a public interface for calling out to foreign(C) functions from PL/SQL. Ora_Nls enables you to extract high-level information about your current language environment. Ora_Prof provides procedures, functions, and exceptions you can use for tuning your PL/SQL program units (e.g. examining how much time a specific piece of code takes to run). Text_IO provides constructs that allow you to read and write information from and to files. Tool_Env allows you to interact with Oracle environment variables. Tool_Err allows you to access and manipulate the error stack created by other built-in packages such as DEBUG. Tool_Res provides a means of extracting string resources from a resource file with the goal of making PL/SQL code more portable by isolating all textual data in the resource file. The following packages are used only internally by Oracle Developer. There are no subprograms available for external use with these packages. Ora_De Contains constructs used by Oracle Developer for private PL/SQL services. STPRO C Used internally by Oracle Developer to call subprograms stored in the database. Calls to this package are automatically generated. Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference2 About the DDE package The DDE Package provides Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) support within Oracle Developer components. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a mechanism by which applications can communicate and exchange data in Windows. DDE client support is added as a procedural extension to Oracle Developer. The PL/SQL package for DDE support provides application developers with an Application Programming Interface (API) for accessing DDE functionality from within PL/SQL procedures and triggers. The DDE functions enable Oracle applications to communicate with other DDE-compliant Windows applications (servers) in three ways: T importing data T exporting data T executing commands against the DDE Server In this release, DDE does not include the following: T data linking (advise transaction) Oracle applications cannot automatically receive an update notice when a data item has changed. T Server support Oracle applications cannot respond to commands or requests for data from a DDE client. Oracle Applications must initiate the DDE conversation (although data may still be transferred in either direction). Support Functions These functions are used to start and stop other DDE server applications. Connect/Disconnect Functions These functions are used to connect to and disconnect from DDE server applications. Transaction Functions These functions are used to exchange data with DDE server applications. Datatype Translation Functions These functions are used to translate DDE datatype constants to strings and back; in addition, DDE.Getformatnum allows users to register a new data format that is not predefined by Windows. Note that these functions do not translate the data itself (all DDE data is represented with the CHAR datatype in PL/SQL), just datatype constants. Note: In previous releases of Oracle Developer, it was necessary to attach a stub library so that calls to the Windows-specific DDE functions would compile and run correctly on non-Windows platforms. This is no longer necessary. However, when you attempt to execute a Windows-specific built-in function on a non- Windows platform, the following messages are generated: FRM-40735: Trigger <name> raised unhandled exception. ORA-06509, 00000 PL/SQL: ICD vector missing for this package. Microsoft Windows predefined data formats See the Exceptions section for predefined data format exceptions. DDE.Cf_Bitmap The data is a bitmap. DDE.Cf_Dib The data is a memory object containing a BITMAPINFO structure followed by the bitmap data. [...]... DBMS_SQL package, see your Oracle7 Application Developer' s Guide or Oracle8 Application Developer' s Guide Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 13 Connection and cursor handles In an Oracle Developer application, you can have several connections to one or more databases at the same time However, there is always one primary database connection, which we refer to as the primary Oracle Developer. .. connection, but it frees up EXEC_SQL package specific resources This is the general error raised by the EXEC_SQL package, Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CONNECTION(connection_id); END IF; END; and denotes an unexpected error in one of the calls It prints the error number and error message to standard out Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 17 Copying data between... Tool_Res.Bad_File_Handle Tool_Res.Buffer_Overflow Tool_Res.File_Not_Found Tool_Res.No_Resource Tool_Res.Rfclose Tool_Res.Rfhandle Tool_Res.Rfopen Tool_Res.Rfread Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 23 24 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference DDE package DDE package DDE.App_Begin DDE.App_End DDE.App_Focus DDE.DMLERR_Not_Supported DDE.Execute DDE.Getformatnum DDE.Getformatstr DDE.Initiate DDE.IsSupported... iso_alphabet Current ISO alphabet number 69 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 9 About the Ora_Prof package The Ora_Prof package contains procedures, functions, and exceptions you can use when tuning your PL/SQL program units The services in this package allow you to track the amount of time pieces of your code take to run About the Text_IO package The Text_IO Package contains constructs that provide... An internal error has occurred in the DDE Layer Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 5 About the Debug package The Debug package contains procedures, functions, and exceptions for use when debugging your PL/SQL program units Use these built-in subprograms to create debug triggers and set breakpoints with triggers About the List package The List package contains procedures, functions, and exceptions... DDE.Execute DDE.Getformatnum DDE.Getformatstr DDE.Initiate DDE.IsSupported 20 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference When no connection handle is passed, EXEC_SQL uses the primary Oracle Developer connection To call stored procedures against ODBC datasources, use ODBC syntax, but parameters should be specified as Oracle parameters The exception INVALID_CONNECTION is raised when there is no... different 14 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference from the original value retrieved by EXEC_SQL.Define_Column Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 15 Using the EXEC_SQL package Executing arbitrary SQL against any connection Copying data between two databases Executing a non -Oracle database stored procedure and fetching its result set Executing arbitrary SQL against any connection The following... ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 11 If the exception handling code did not make use of Tool_Err constructs, you would have received an error alert displaying the message PDE-PLI018: Could not find library LIB1 Using Tool_Err constructs, the error is caught and the message is sent to the Interpreter About the Tool_Res package The Tool_Res package provides you with... EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, ':birthdate', birthdate); ignore := EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE(destination_connid, 18 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference Open the connections If the user does not specify a secondary connection, the primary Oracle Developer connection is used Prepare a cursor to select from the source table Prepare a cursor to insert into the destination table... EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CONNECTION(source_connid); END IF; END; Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference No more rows to copy Commit the destination cursor And close everything This is the general error raised by the EXEC_SQL package Get information (error number and message) about the error on the source connection or the destination connection Close all connections and cursors 19 Executing a non -Oracle database stored procedure . 3.1 A24801 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference 1 Oracle Developer built-in packages About Oracle Developer built-in packages Oracle Developer provides. 120 Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference v Preface Welcome to Release 6.0 of the Oracle Developer Built-in Packages Reference . This reference

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