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Tiêu đề Cisco ios® Reference Guide
Tác giả Mack M. Coulibaly
Trường học Cisco Systems, Inc.
Chuyên ngành Networking
Thể loại white paper
Năm xuất bản 1999
Thành phố San Jose
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Dung lượng 442,36 KB

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Tài liệu Quản trị mang CiscoIOS

Copyright © 1999 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights ReservedWhite Paper: Cisco IOS® Reference GuideAll you need to know about Cisco IOS software:• Cisco IOS release process• Release naming convention• Software maintenance numbering convention• Relationship between various Cisco IOS releasesByMack M. CoulibalyCisco IOS® Serviceability Program Managermack@cisco.comCisco IOS® software enables networking solutions with support for the most comprehensive setof industry-leading features that provide the intelligence of the Internet. Cisco IOS software is abroad and cohesive internetworking operating system that offers a scalable migration path fordata, voice, and video with unmatched security, protocols, and network management integratedservices. Cisco IOS network services deliver the best breed of functionality around scalableInternetworks that support new, leading-edge Internet applications. Page 2 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.Table of ContentsWhite Paper: Cisco IOS® Reference Guide . 1Table of Contents . 2Glossary of Terms 31. Cisco IOS Overview . 71.1. Background . 71.2 The Foundation of Cisco IOS Release Models . 71.3 Scope 91.4. Introduction to Cisco IOS Releases 101.4.1. Cisco IOS Main Releases 101.4.2. Cisco IOS Early Deployment Releases 111.4.3. Consolidated Technology Early Deployment Releases 111.4.4. CTED Release Train Before Cisco IOS 12.0 . 131.4.5. Specific Technology Early Deployment Releases 141.4.6. Specific Market Early Deployment Releases (SMED) . 141.4.7. X Releases or Short-lived ED Releases (One-time Releases) . 161.5. Cisco IOS Features Integrated into the Releases . 161.5.1. Commit to Cisco IOS CTED . 171.5.2. Feature Commit to Cisco IOS STED and SMED . 181.5.3. Feature Commit to Cisco IOS XED 191.5.4. Importance of Unifying Cisco IOS Releases 201.6. Relationship Between the Releases and the Cisco IOS Roadmap 212. Cisco IOS Release Naming Convention 222.1. Cisco IOS Version Numbering Convention 242.1.1. Cisco Main Release Rebuild Numbering System . 252.1.2. Cisco IOS ED Rebuild Numbering System . 252.1.3. Exception to the Rule: Wx Releases 272.1.4. Cisco IOS XED Rebuild Numbering System . 282.2. Cisco IOS Image Naming Convention . 292.2.1. Platform Identifiers . 292.2.2. Cisco IOS Image Names for Boards 292.2.3. Feature Content of Cisco IOS Images . 302.2.4. Cisco IOS Run-time Memory Space 302.2.5. File Type Extensions 312.3. How to Identify Cisco IOS Images Using Cisco IOS Banners . 312.3.1. Release Type Definitions and Examples 322.3.2. Example of show version Banner Output . 332.3.2.1. Release Software . 332.3.2.2. Early Deployment Release Software 332.3.2.3. Maintenance Interim Software . 332.3.2.4. Early Deployment Maintenance Interim Software 342.3.2.5. Cisco Development Test Version . 342.3.2.6. Beta Test Software 342.3.2.7. Early Deployment Beta Test Software 342.3.2.8. Software ‘fc1’ versus ‘fc2’ Build . 342.3.2.9. Cisco IOS X Releases 352.4. Interpreting Cisco IOS Special Images or Engineering Built Images . 352.4.1. Software Synchronization Level Banners 353. Appendix . 363.1. Cisco IOS Main Release Life Cycle . 363.2. Cisco IOS Images Identifiers . 373.3. Available Cisco IOS Images 45 Page 3 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.Glossary of TermsCisco ConnectionOnline (CCO)Cisco’s web site: http://www.cisco.com.Upgrade PlannerThe section of CCO through which Cisco IOS software images can be downloaded(http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/iosplanner/iosplanner.cgi?).First CommercialShipment (FCS)Date of first shipment to customers through any channel for revenue.Manufacturing FCSDate that a software release is made available for shipment through Manufacturingwith hardware or media orders for revenue.Software ImageThe monolithic-compiled software binary delivered to customers. Cisco IOS imagesare specific to hardware platforms. For example, “rsp-pv-mz.120-5.S.bin” is a CiscoIOS 12.0(5)S image for the RSP platforms (RSP7000 and 7500 series routers).Mainline BranchThe branch used for a particular version of Cisco IOS software. For example, CiscoIOS 12.0 mainline uses the “connecticut” or “conn” branch. This branch is used tointegrate fixes and to generate weekly interim build images for development testpurposes.Throttle BranchThe branch pulled from the mainline branch to provide a controlled repository justprior to FCS. Typically, only customer critical fixes are allowed in the throttle branch,usually to fix a catastrophic problem or repair software regression. The throttle branchruns parallel to the mainline branch and any fix applied to the throttle branch is alsoapplied to the mainline branch. The use of a throttle branch allows the mainline toremain open to all bug fixes without impacting the upcoming maintenance release.Throttle BuildCompiled images on the throttle branch which incorporates “showstopper” or criticalfixes into images prior to the final regression testing. Throttle builds are consideredinterim builds except that the physical build is performed on a separate branch fromthe mainline branch. As such, images banners for throttle build images look similar tothat of interim images and display the “MAINTENANCE INTERIM SOFTWARE”label.Renumber BuildA build on the throttle branch that occurs after the throttle build and after regressiontesting is completed on throttle build images. The renumber build is designed torenumber the software image from an interim notation to a maintenance revisionnotation (for example, from Cisco IOS 12.0(6.6) to 12.0(7)). Renumber buildsnormally do not contain new bug fixes. The renumber build is the final build on thethrottle branch and generates a maintenance revision which is FCSed on CCO andMfg. Image banners for renumber build images display the “RELEASE SOFTWARE(fc1)” label. Page 4 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.Interim BuildWork-in-process image builds (typically performed weekly) that are built betweenmaintenance releases to integrate the latest round of bug fix commits (for example,12.0(7.3)). This type of a release is periodically submitted to the AutomatedRegression Facility (ARF) and the development test teams. ARF will execute a 72hour regression test run and post a report with any newly found regressions identified.Since only limited testing is applied to interim releases, images from those releasesshould be delivered with caution to customers. Interims are designed to provide anintegrated fix prior to the release of that fix in the next maintenance release. Imagebanners for interim build images display the “MAINTENANCE INTERIMSOFTWARE” label.Shadow BuildA build occurring on the mainline branch in the “shadow” of a throttle branch (inparallel with builds on the throttle branch). Shadow builds occur so that fixescommitted into the mainline are built and made available for testing weekly. Shadowbuilds are not intended for customer consumption and are strictly for internalengineering purposes. Image banners from shadow build images display the “CISCODEVELOPMENT TEST VERSION” label.Beta BuildAn interim build performed prior to the initial FCS of a software release. The imagesproduced are available for internal testing and for customers that are formally signedup (through a non-disclosure agreement signed and received by Cisco) to participate inthe beta program for a release. Image banners from shadow build images display the“BETA TEST SOFTWARE” label.PostingThe act of delivering images to CCO and the release archive (/release).DeferralMoving images containing serious customer-impacting defects to a locked directoryand removing them from CCO.Software RebuildA second build performed on a throttle branch after the renumber build wascompleted. This happens when a catastrophic defect that significantly impactscustomer usage is found on the renumber build. If the renumber images have alreadybeen formally posted to CCO, the release numbering for the rebuild will be augmentedto clearly identify the rebuild. For example, Cisco IOS 12.0(2a), 12.0(1)T1, and12.0(3)DB1 are rebuilds of Cisco IOS 12.0(2), 12.0(1)T, and 12.0(3)DB, respectively.Engineering SpecialA subset of a release built specifically by individual engineers to support a criticalcustomer who has encountered a special critical defect. Engineering specials are builtby engineers and supported by that engineering group. Images from engineeringspecials are not shipped through Manufacturing or posted on CCO. The imagebanners will clearly identify them as an “EXPERIMENTAL VERSION.” Thecustomer should upgrade to a supported release at the earliest availability.Major ReleaseThe Cisco IOS software release vehicles that transcend internal business units (BUs)and Line of Businesses (LOB) boundaries to provide cross-platform features. Thenew Cisco IOS release model has two major releases: the mainline release and theconsolidated technology release.Minor ReleaseA term not commonly used. Refers to the combined group of Specific TechnologyEarly Deployment (STED) releases, Specific Market Early Deployment (SMED)releases and X Releases. Minor releases as opposed to major releases (grouping ofmainline and CTED). Page 5 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.ConsolidatedTechnology EarlyDeployment (CTED)ReleaseA release of software providing new features and cross-platform support from all BUs.CTEDs mature to mainline releases and subsequently stop accepting newfunctionality.Specific TechnologyEarly Deployment(STED) ReleaseA release of software with limited platform support and created for strategic businessneeds. It provides maintenance revisions until unification back into the next CTED.Specific Market EarlyDeployment (SMED)ReleaseA release of software targeted on a specific market segment and providingmaintenance revisions until unification back into the next CTED. SMEDs usuallytranscend the LOB boundaries and are managed by the Cisco IOS TechnologyDivision.Short-lived BU EarlyDeployment (XED)ReleaseA release of software that enables Cisco IOS and BUs with critical time-to-marketcommitments to deliver new features and platforms prior to the release of thecorresponding maintenance release of the parent technology release. Often referred toas an X release.Branch PullA term used when referring to the creation of a source code repository (or branch)from the contents of another repository (for example, the Cisco IOS 12.0T branch waspulled from 12.0).FeaturetteA small, simple feature with minimal complexity such that risk of introducing newdefects is near zero and the software management burden is minimized.Limited Deployment(LD)This phase is the time frame between FCS and GD for main releases. Cisco IOS EDreleases only live in Limited Deployment phase, as they never attain GD certification.General Deployment(GD)Point at which Cisco declares the release stable on all platforms and in all networkenvironments.Mature Maintenance(MM)Under normal circumstances, the release would have reached end of engineering(EOE) at this point. However, customer insistence on keeping the release alive isaddressed by transitioning into mature maintenance phase. While in this phase, therelease will only receive defect repairs for customer-found severity 1 and severity 2defects. Internally found problems will be applied on a case-by-case basis.RestrictedMaintenanceThis is the end of the MM phase. During this phase, release source code is locked toavoid major application of fixes that might adversely affect the quality of the code.End of Sale (EOS)Last date for product orderability through Customer Service or Manufacturing. Theproduct will still be available through Field Support Offices (FSO) and CCO.End of Engineering(EOE)Last scheduled maintenance revision. Engineering will no longer actively apply anydefect repairs to the release, regardless of origin or severity (except for security andY2K defects). The product will still be available through FSO and CCO.End of Life (EOL)Software is no longer supported by Cisco personnel and is removed from CCO. Page 6 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.Early Deployment(ED)Software releases that provide new features and new platform support in addition tobug fixes. Cisco IOS CTED, STED, SMED, and XED are variations of ED softwarereleases.ShowstopperCisco IOS software will not FCS if it contains defects (bugs) marked by Cisco’sCustomer Advocacy group as showstopper.Figure G.1: Cisco IOS Software Release Definitionx.3x.4x.5y.0.1Throttle Branchy.1y.2y.0.2y.0.3y.3x.6yFCSyZ1 or yaShadowInterim BuildsShadow BuildsInternal Use onlyRenumber build: maintenance y = x + 1RebuildsInterim BuildsThrottle buildMajor ReleaseBranchZ=ED identifier Page 7 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.1. Cisco IOS OverviewCisco IOS software provides network services across the network infrastructure. It optimizes applicationsand provides an end-to-end solution for globally networked businesses. Cisco IOS software managesresources in a cost-effective manner by controlling and unifying complex distributed network information.It also functions as a flexible vehicle for adding new services and applications to Internet Service Providers(ISPs) and enterprise networks.1.1. BackgroundSince its introduction in early 1986, Cisco IOS software has progressively led the industry in innovations.The development of new protocols at Cisco is driven by a commitment to the implementation of industrystandards that permit interoperability among disparate systems. Consistent with this commitment, Cisco is afounding member of the AppleTalk Networking Forum, the ATM Forum, and the Frame Relay Forum.Cisco is also an active member of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Forum, the Multiprotocol LabelSwitching (MPLS) Working group, the Data-link Switching (DLSw) Working Group, the SwitchedMultimegabit Data Service (SMDS) Interest Group, and many other Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) working groups. As such, Cisco has participated (and continues to participate) in over 300 RequestFor Comments (RFCs) and drafts RFCs. Among them are Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP),Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP), InternetSecurity Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), Resource-Reservation Protocol (RSVP),Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Protocol Independent Multicast(PIM), and Tag Switching.Cisco IOS is one of the most complex and most complete operating systems ever invented. It supports allstandardized internetworking protocols in addition to the tens of Cisco proprietary protocols. Cisco IOSalso comes fully integrated with applications such as Firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT),Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), File System Manager, Telnet, FTP, HTTP, TFTP,Multimedia Voice Manager, Multimedia Conference Manager, debugging tools, and many more.In order to accommodate this wealth of innovation, a complex model was derived to serve as a releasevehicle for the Cisco IOS software. This white paper is a guide to understanding the Cisco IOS releasetrains.1.2 The Foundation of Cisco IOS Release ModelsThe Cisco Corporation lends its structure to the Cisco IOS release model. Cisco is structured by line ofbusinesses (LOBs) that supports multiple business units (BUs). For example, the Service Provider Line ofBusiness (SPLOB) includes the Network User Business Unit (NUBU), the Multi-Service Access BusinessUnit (MSABU), and the Network and Service Management Business Unit (NSMBU) among others.Adjacent to the LOBs and other business functions is the Cisco IOS Technology Division (ITD). Similar toLOBs, ITD includes service units such as the IP Internet Service Unit (IPISU) which develops Cisco’sInternet Scaling devices including LocalDirector, DistributedDirector and Cache Engine. IPISU alsoarchitects the underlying infrastructure for IP protocols enhancement such as Quality of Service (QoS),Virtual Private Network, IP Multicasting, and other IP scaling services.The Cisco ITD works closely with every LOB, BU, and functional organization within Cisco to support thecompany’s initiative to deliver new technology to the internetworking marketplace. Page 8 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 9 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.1.3 ScopeFigure 1.1 is a sample page of the Cisco IOS Upgrade Planner as it appears on Cisco Connection Online(CCO). On this partial view of the page, there are two dozen types of Cisco IOS software releases. Thechallenge for any network administrator is to be able to identify the correct Cisco IOS release for itshardware/feature combination. Not only does the Cisco IOS software image need to be appropriate for thedesign, it must also meet the characteristics of network expansion plans. Throughout this paper, I willprovide information to allow the network administrator to identify the content, the life cycle, and thequality/stability level of any Cisco IOS software image.Figure 1.1: The Cisco IOS Software Upgrade Planner on CCO Page 10 Cisco IOS Reference Guide by Mack M. Coulibaly Cisco Systems, Inc.1.4. Introduction to Cisco IOS ReleasesThe two major types of Cisco IOS releases are Main Releases and Early Deployment (ED) Releases:Main ReleaseReferred to as:Cisco IOSMajor ReleasesConsolidate Technology EarlyDeployment (CTED)Specific Technology EarlyDeployment (STED)Hybrid:Specific Market EarlyDeployment Releases(SMED)Cisco IOSMinor ReleasesX releases or Short-lived ED (XED)Technology ReleasesEarly Deployment (ED) ReleasesTable 1.1: Cisco IOS Release definitions1.4.1. Cisco IOS Main ReleasesMain releases are Cisco IOS releases managed by the Cisco IOS Technology Division and consolidatefeatures, platforms, functionality, technology, and host proliferation from the previous ED releases. CiscoIOS main releases seek greater stability and quality. For that reason, main releases do not accept theaddition of features or platforms. Each maintenance revision provides bug fixes only.The first few maintenance revisions of a Cisco IOS main release are qualified as a Limited Deployments(LDs). Successive revisions provide incremental bug fixes. At some point during the release life cycle,Cisco will declare a main release a General Deployment (GD). GD certification is attained only if certainquality criteria are met. Among the criteria are customer survey of the release, the number of severity 1 andseverity 2 defects, and the normalized trend of customer-found defects in the release over the previous fourmaintenance releases.A customer advocacy GD certification cross functional team composed of Technical Assistance Center(TAC) engineers, Global Support Engineers (GSEs), and Network Supported Accounts (NSA) engineers,System Test Engineering, and Cisco IOS Engineering is formed to evaluate every outstanding defect of therelease. This team gives the final blessing for GD. Once a release attains GD status, every subsequentrevision of the release is also GD. Consequently, once a release is declared GD, it automatically enters therestricted maintenance phase. While in this phase, engineering modification of the code, including bugfixes with major code rework, is strictly limited and controlled by a program manager. This ensures that noadverse bug is introduced to a GD-certified Cisco IOS version. . imagesare specific to hardware platforms. For example, “rsp-pv-mz.120-5.S.bin” is a CiscoIOS 12.0(5)S image for the RSP platforms (RSP7000 and 7500 series routers).Mainline. BranchThe branch used for a particular version of Cisco IOS software. For example, CiscoIOS 12.0 mainline uses the “connecticut” or “conn” branch. This branch

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2012, 11:22

