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Tiêu đề Module 5: Publishing Documents
Người hướng dẫn Instructor Notes
Trường học Microsoft Corporation
Chuyên ngành Document Publishing
Thể loại module
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Redmond
Định dạng
Số trang 34
Dung lượng 1,09 MB

Nội dung

Contents Overview 1 Publishing Documents without Approval Routing 2 Demonstration: Publishing Documents without Approval Routing 4 Publishing Documents with Approval Routing 5 Lab A: Approving Documents 16 Using Web Discussion to Review Documents 26 Review 28 Module 5: Publishing Documents Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.  2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Active Directory, Active X, FrontPage, JScript, MS-DOS, NetMeeting, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Windows, Windows NT, Visio, Visual Basic, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Studio, and Win32 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. *****************************Illegal for Non-Trainer Use**************************** Module 5: Publishing Documents iii I NSTRUCTOR N OTES This module provides students with an introduction to the document approval process. After completing this module, students will be able to:  Publish a document that is checked in and publish a document that is in the process of being checked in without using approval routing.  Use approval routing before a document is published.  Use Web Discussions to discuss workspace documents with other users. Materials and Preparation This section provides the materials and preparation tasks that you need to teach this module. Required Materials To teach this module, you need the Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® file 2095a_05.ppt. Preparation Tasks To prepare for this module, you should:  Read all of the materials for this module.  Practice the recommended demonstrations.  Complete the lab. Demonstration This section provides demonstration procedures that will not fit in the margin notes or are not appropriate for the student notes. Publishing Documents without Approval Routing 1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Microsoft Word. 2. Type Class Test Document. 3. On the File menu, click Save As, and then click My Network Places. Double-click AdvWorksWorkspace on Glasgow, double-click Documents, double-click Management Information Systems, and then double-click Versioned Documents. Click Save. 4. Click OK to accept the default document profile. 5. On the File menu, click Check in. 6. Click OK to accept the default document profile. 7. On the File menu, click Exit. 8. To demonstrate that the document was published, open Microsoft Internet Explorer and navigate to the document that you created. Presentation: 30 Minutes Lab: 30 Minutes iv Module 5: Publishing Documents Module Strategy Use the following strategy to present this module:  Publishing Documents without Approval Routing Explain that publishing a document without using approval routing is the fastest way to publish a document in Microsoft SharePoint ™ Portal Server 2001. Explain that both authors and coordinators can publish documents that are either checked in or in the process of being checked in. Finally, explain that these documents can be published from Microsoft Office 2000 applications (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Excel), from the dashboard site, or from the Web folders view.  Publishing Documents with Approval Routing Explain the approval routing process and then describe the two approval routes and how to choose the appropriate one. Explain the difference between the SharePoint Portal Server roles and the responsibilities of an approver, and then explain how to add and remove an approver. Finally, discuss how to approve and reject a document.  Using Web Discussions to Review Documents Explain that using the Web Discussions feature is an alternative method of approval routing, and then explain the function of the tool, its features, and how to use it with Office 2000 applications, by using Microsoft Internet Explorer, and from the dashboard site. Customization Information This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs. This information is provided to assist you in replicating or customizing Training and Certification courseware. Lab Setup Setup Requirement 1 The lab in this module is dependent on the classroom configuration that is specified in the Customization Information section at the end of the Classroom Setup Guide for Course 2095A, Implementing Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ Portal Server 2001. Lab Results There are no configuration changes on student computers that affect replication or customization. Module 5: Publishing Documents 1 Overview  Publishing Documents without Approval Routing  Publishing Documents with Approval Routing  Using Web Discussion to Review Documents *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** After a document is created, it can be shared with others through the workspace. This process of making documents available for viewing in the workspace is called publishing. Some documents require approval before they can be published. In such cases, an author creates the document and then sends it out for review to specific people who decide whether the content is accurate and complete. You can use Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ Portal Server 2001 to publish a document without a document approval routing process, or you can use a document approval routing process and then publish the document so that it is available for viewing. After completing this module, you will be able to:  Publish a document that is checked in, and publish a document that is in the process of being checked in without using approval routing.  Use approval routing before a document is published.  Use Web Discussions to discuss workspace documents with other users. Topic Objective To provide an overview of the module topics and objectives. Lead-in In this module, you will learn about the document publishing and approval process. 2 Module 5: Publishing Documents Publishing Documents without Approval Routing Publishing a Checked In Document Publishing a Checked In Document From Word, PowerPoint or Excel PublishFile From the Dashboard site PublishActions Show Actions From the Web View PublishRight Click Document Publishing a Document During Check Publishing a Document During Check - - In In From Word, PowerPoint or Excel Publish document after check-in From the Dashboard site Publish documentActions Show Actions From the Web View File Check In Publish document after check-in Right-Click Document Check In *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** You can use SharePoint Portal Server to publish a document and make it available for viewing in the workspace without using approval routing. If no document approval routing is in place, authors and coordinators for enhanced folders can immediately publish documents that are either already checked in or in the process of being checked in. Publishing a Checked-In Document You can publish a checked-in document by publishing it from Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint ® , or Microsoft Excel; by publishing it from the dashboard site; or by publishing it from the Web folders view. Publishing from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel To publish a checked-in document from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel: • Click File, and then click Publish. The document is now published, and the document status changes to Read-Only. Publishing from the Dashboard Site To publish a checked-in document from the dashboard site: 1. Click Show Actions on the document that you want to publish. 2. In the Actions list, click Publish. 3. Click OK in the dialog box to confirm publication of the document. The document is now published. When you refresh the screen, Publish is no longer an Action item. Topic Objective To describe how to publish a document without using an approval process. Lead-in The fastest way to make a document available for viewing in SharePoint Portal Server is to publish it without using an approval process. Delivery Tip Demonstrate the publishing process on a folder without using an approval process. Module 5: Publishing Documents 3 Publishing from the Web Folders View To publish a checked-in document from the Web folders view: • Right-click the document that you want to publish, and then click Publish. The document is now published. The Public Status changes to indicate the new version number. Publishing a Document During Check-In You can publish a document during check-in by publishing it from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel by publishing it from the dashboard site or by publishing it from the Web folders view. Publishing from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel To publish a document during check-in from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel: 1. Click File on the toolbar and then click Check In. 2. Complete any applicable information on the Check-In form. 3. Select the Publish this document after check in check box, and then click OK. The document is now published, and the document status changes to Read-Only. Publishing from the Dashboard Site To publish a document during check-in from the dashboard site: 1. Click Show Actions on the document that you want to publish. 2. In the Actions list, click Publish. 3. If the Publish document screen appears, choose the appropriate location of your document, and then click OK. 4. Complete any applicable information on the screen, and then click OK. The document is now published. When you refresh the screen, Publish is no longer an Action item. Publishing from the Web Folders View To publish a document during check-in from the Web folders view: 1. Right-click the document that you want to publish, and then click Check In. 2. Complete any applicable information on the Check-In form. 3. Select the Publish this document after check in check box, and then click OK. The document is now published, which is indicated by the document icon changing to a star for published status. After a document is published, this version of the document remains published until it is removed from the workspace. Important 4 Module 5: Publishing Documents Demonstration: Publishing Documents without Approval Routing *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** In this demonstration, you will see how to publish a document in SharePoint Portal Server without using approval routing. Topic Objective To demonstrate how to publish a document in SharePoint Portal Server without using approval routing. Lead-in After a document is in the SharePoint Portal Server workspace, publishing without using an approval process is the quickest way to make the document available for viewing. Module 5: Publishing Documents 5    Publishing Documents with Approval Routing  Understanding the Document Approval Routing Process  Choosing an Approval Route  Assigning an Approver  Adding and Removing an Approver  Setting an E-Mail Notification  Approving and Rejecting a Document *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** Before you can choose the appropriate approval route for your documents, you must understand the approval routing process in SharePoint Portal Server. After you have chosen an approval route, you can assign an approver and then add or remove the approver later. Finally, you can approve or reject a document under approval by using appropriate commands in the workspace or on the dashboard site. Topic Objective To outline this topic. Lead-in Often, documents require review and approval before they can be published. 6 Module 5: Publishing Documents Understanding the Document Approval Routing Process Supply Approvers E-mail Addresses Supply Approvers E-mail Addresses Annepa@advworks.msft Annepa@advworks.msft Kimyo@advworks.msft Kimyo@advworks.msft Paulwe@advworks.msft Paulwe@advworks.msft Choose Document Approvers Choose Document Approvers Fill Out Notification Message to be Sent to Approvers Fill Out Notification Message to be Sent to Approvers Choose Approval Routing Model Choose Approval Routing Model One after Another All at Once *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** Approval routing is a SharePoint Portal Server feature that enables you and others to review and approve workspace documents before publishing them. When you apply approval routing to an enhanced folder, documents that are published in that folder are sent through the specified routing process before they are shared with users who have permission to read the documents in that folder. The approval process begins when a SharePoint Portal Server author performs the Publish action on a document. Approvers are then notified by e-mail messages or on the dashboard site. Configuring an Approval Routing Process Configuring an approval routing process consists of the following steps: 1. Choose the appropriate approvers for the document. 2. Provide approver e-mail addresses (optional) to enable SharePoint Portal Server to notify approvers when a document is ready for review. 3. Fill out a notification message for SharePoint Portal Server to send to approvers when a document is submitted for their approval. 4. Choose an approval route. Topic Objective To understand the basics of the document approval routing process. Lead-in The document approval routing process includes a series of steps that enables an approver to approve or reject a document. [...]... from the dashboard site Under the documents there is a discussion link Selecting this link will display the discussion text 28 Module 5: Publishing Documents Review Topic Objective To reinforce module objectives by reviewing key points Lead-in The review questions cover some of the key concepts taught in the module Publishing Documents without Approval Routing Publishing Documents with Approval Routing... document, which causes the document approval routing process to stop Module 5: Publishing Documents 11 Adding and Removing an Approver Enhanced Web Folder Properties Topic Objective General Security To explain the process of adding and removing an approver to an enhanced folder Profiles Approval Documents must be approved before publishing Approvers Approver Name 1 – Jae Pak Lead-in To configure an... Portal Server A document structure exists and employees are already publishing documents To assist the Outerwear Products Division, the network administrator has recommended using approval processes to control publication and improve collaboration on this critical project Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes 18 Module 5: Publishing Documents Exercise 1 Configuring for One after Another (Serial)... cannot change a folder with documents in it to an enhanced folder 8 Module 5: Publishing Documents One After Another Approval Process One After Another Approval, the serial approval process, involves sending a document for approval to a list of approvers in sequence The first approver in the list receives a Request-For-Approval notification when the document is submitted for publishing by using the Publish... notification with your comments will be sent to the approvers on the list when a document is ready for their approval 14 Module 5: Publishing Documents Approving and Rejecting a Document Topic Objective To describe how to approve and reject a document Lead-in You can approve and reject documents from various locations Approve a Document: From the Workspace From the E-mail Notification From the Dashboard... rejected even if the approver is not available to approve it To cancel an approval process, click Stop Approval in the Properties page of the document that is being reviewed 16 Module 5: Publishing Documents Lab A: Approving Documents Topic Objective To introduce the lab Lead-in In this lab, you will create a document approval process, publish a document from an enhanced folder, and approve a document... five-year financial plan, the parallel approval option is used to send an e-mail notification requesting that each approver review the document This option is appropriate for documents that require unanimous approval Module 5: Publishing Documents Assigning an Approval Routing Path After you have determined which approval process to use, you must assign that approval route to the folder To assign an approval... check box, and then click OK Module 5: Publishing Documents 19 9 Double-click the Potential Development Projects folder to open it 10 On the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder Wait for the Web folder to be created 11 Type Coats and then press ENTER and then click OK To set the security for the Coats folder The product design engineers will save their draft idea documents in the Coats Web... type JudyLe@AdvWorks.msft and then click OK twice If a message box appears stating that your approval process will not apply to documents currently pending approval, click OK 8 Click Start, click Shut Down, click Log off JudyLe, and then click OK 20 Module 5: Publishing Documents To create a document in the Coats enhanced Web folder A Coats product design engineer decides to create a document that... possible, so under the Actions Web Part click Approve, and then click OK 6 Log off Judy Lew 22 Module 5: Publishing Documents Exercise 2 Configure an All at Once Approval Process In this exercise, you will configure an All at Once approval process on an enhanced folder You will create the enhanced folder, add documents to the folder, and then configure the All at Once approval process Scenario The Division . document publishing and approval process. 2 Module 5: Publishing Documents Publishing Documents without Approval Routing Publishing a Checked In Document Publishing. replication or customization. Module 5: Publishing Documents 1 Overview  Publishing Documents without Approval Routing  Publishing Documents with Approval

Ngày đăng: 10/12/2013, 16:15