- T gsive the views of Viet Nam: beach, mountain, forest, sea, lake…….. Phanxipang is the highest mountain in the world. The Red river is longer than the Mekong river. The Nile river is [r]
(1)WEEK 33 Date of preparing: 14/04/2012
Period 94 Date of teaching: 16/04/2012
Unit 15: (Cont.)
Lesson 4: B - Cities, buildings and people (3 ,4) + Correct the Test. I OBJECTIVES:
- To supply for Ss the words & the way to practice about “Comparation and demensions”
- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking, & writing
II TEACHING AIDS: T’s note, text book, pictures, CD player, flash card. III PROCEDURES:
1 Warm - up: Bingo
- T asks Ss to write the words:
big bigger the biggest
small tall long high
2 Presentation: Lesson 4: B - Cities, buildings and people (3,4) a) Presentation:
- T introduces the topic by asking question: + Give some famous Towers in Viet Nam:
(Tháp rùa, tháp bánh ít, bút tháp………) * Give the words:
+ Tower (n) Sears Tower Petronas Twin Tower + The Great Wall (n)
+ Structure (n) + Long (adj) + High (adj) + Thick (adj) - Ss read the words
- T gives the modal sentences:
(2)bigger: How long
thick + tobe + (n)? high
It is + number + long/ thick/ high There are
Eg How high is the table? It is 1,5 meters high b) Practice:
- Ss listen the tape times - Ss read it one by one - T asks Ss give answers
- Ss work in pairs (ask & answer about exercise 4) Eg S1: How long is the Great Wall?
S2: It is 6,ooo kilometer long
- Ss work in pairs the same c) Consolidation:
- Ss exercises:
1 Sears Tower is 442……… high
2 The Great Wall of China is over 6.ooo kilometer……… It is the……… structure in the world
- Ss write on board & read aloud d) Correct the Test:
- Learn by heart the vocabularies & structures - Do exercises on workbook
- Answer the question: Which is the biggest city in Viet Nam? - Prepare U 15:C (1,2)
Period 95 Date of preparing: 15/04/2012
Date of teaching: 16/04/2012 Unit 15: (Cont.)
- To supply for Ss the way to introduce about the country with places’ nouns Then practicing about rivers and mountains; comparative about geography
- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking & writing
II TEACHING AIDS: T’s note, text book, pictures, cassette player, flash - card
1 Warm - up: Network
Beaches Views in Viet Nam rivers
2 Presentation: Lesson 5: C - Natural features (1,2) a) Presentation:
- T introduces the topic by asking: + Where are they?
+ What is it?
+ Give the names of rivers and mountains you know? - T gives the words:
+ Forest (n) + Desert (n) + Beach (n) + Start (v) - Ss read the words
- T gives the structure of “Lots of” = many/ much
Lots of + plural countable nouns/ uncountable nouns Eg We have lots of beaches/ rain
- T gsive the views of Viet Nam: beach, mountain, forest, sea, lake…… b) Practice:
(4)- Ss listen again - Ss read the text
- T calls Ss to read aloud
- T asks Ss fill the words in blanks - T calls Ss to write on board
- T corrects & gives the right answer - T gives the True/ False- statements:
1 Phanxipang is the highest mountain in the world (F) The Red river is longer than the Mekong river (F) The Nile river is the longest river in the world (T) - T asks Ss guessing
- Ss listen to the tape to check - Ss read the questions
- Ss listen to the tape again - Ss work in groups
- T calls Ss to read the text
- Ss listen the last to give the answers - T calls some Ss to write on board - T corrects & gives the right answers:
Answer key 1:a/ moutains b/ rivers c/ lakes d/ rain e/ forest f/ beaches g/ desert
c) Consolidation:
- T asks Ss work in groups to discuss the question:
+ Why can we say Viet Nam is a beautiful country? (Because: It has many forests, beautiful beaches, great rivers………
- T calls some Ss to ask:
+ In your country, which is the biggest lake? + Which is the longest river?
(5)- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare U.15: C (3)
Period 96 Date of preparing: 15/04/2012
Date of teaching: 20/04/2012 Unit 15: (Cont.)
Lesson 6: C - Natural features (3) I OBJECTIVES:
- To understand about some large river and the highest mountain in Vietnam
1 Warm - up: T devides the class into two teams and talk about some rivers and moutains if one of teams tell a lot of them, they will win
2 Presentation: Lesson 5: C - Natural features (3) a) Pre- reading:
- T asks Ss to tell the name of river, rivers and mountains they know - T lists the names of rivers and mountains such as Red river, Mekong, Phangxipang, moutain, Mount Everest mountain,
- T teaches some vocabularies: +Flow to: b) Practice:
a) The Mekong river b) China
c) The Nile river
d) The Mediterranean sea e) Mount Everest
f) Phangxipang c) Consolidation:
- T asks Ss work in groups to discuss the question:
+ Why can we say Viet Nam is a beautiful country? (Because: It has many forests, beautiful beaches, great rivers………
- T calls some Ss to ask:
+ In your country, which is the biggest lake? + Which is the longest river?
- Learn by heart the words & structures - Do exercises in workbook