Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở Đáp án môn đọc tiếng anh 5 EN36 Đại học mở 2.Which of the conclusions can be drawn from this extract?Chọn một câu trả lời:a. Miss Temple has an impractical plan to follow Roger.b. Miss Temple is sure that she will find out the truth.c. Miss Temple has a detailed plan to follow Roger Câu trả lời đúngd. Miss Temple is not patient enough to follow Roger.
Trang 11 Paul first became interested in playing the cello because .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a he admired someone his father played music with Câu trả lời đúng
b he did not want to do what his parents wanted
c he wanted to play in his father’s group
d he was not very good at playing the piano
2 Which of the conclusions can be drawn from this extract?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Miss Temple has an impractical plan to follow Roger
b Miss Temple is sure that she will find out the truth
c Miss Temple has a detailed plan to follow Roger Câu trả lời đúng
d Miss Temple is not patient enough to follow Roger
3 What is meant by ‘crack’ in the second paragraph?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a attempt Câu trả lời đúng
b plan
c shock
d period
4 What does Paul say about his performance of Elgar’s Cello Concerto? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a It is typical of his approach to everything he plays Câu trả lời đúng
b It is less traditional than other performances he has given
c He considers it to be one of his best performances
d Some viewers are likely to have a low opinion of it
Trang 25 What will require some effort from John and Hetty Watkins?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Preventing their sons from taking on too much work
b Advising their sons on what they should do next
c Reminding their sons what they have arranged to do
d Being aware of everything their sons are involved in Câu trả lời đúng
6 What does Paul say about the Rugeri cello?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a The cello his father made may become as good as it.Câu trả lời đúng
b He was not keen to tell his father that he was using it
c His father’s reaction to it worried him
d It has qualities that he had not expected
7 What does the word “they” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Paul and Huw
b Dad and Dad’s mates Câu trả lời đúng
c Weeks
d Some lessons
What do we learn in the third paragraph about the instruments John has made? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He is particularly pleased about what happened to one of them Câu trả lời đúng
b His violins have turned out to be better than his cellos
c It took him longer to learn how to make cellos than violins
d He considers the one used by Jaime Laredo to be the best
Trang 38 What do we learn about Huw’s musical development?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a His brother’s achievements gave him an aim Câu trả lời đúng
b His parents’ attitude has played little part in it
c It was slow because he lacked determination
d He wanted it to be different from his brother’s
9 What is meant by ‘diplomatic’ in the last paragraph?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a tactful Câu trả lời đúng
b excellent
c capable
d confident
10.Why did John Watkins decide to make a cello?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He felt that dealers were giving him false information
b He wanted to avoid having to pay for one Câu trả lời đúng
c He was keen to do a course at the nearby school
d He wanted to encourage his son Paul to take up the instrument
11.What is meant by ‘crack’ in the second paragraph?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a period
b shock
c plan
Trang 4d attempt Câu trả lời đúng
12.It can be inferred that the ‘high standard of individual responsibility’ is Chọn một câu trả lời:
a developed mainly through child-care duties Câu trả lời đúng
b taught to the girl before she is entrusted with babies
c only present in girls
d weakened as the girl grows older
13.Which of the following if true would weaken the author’s contention about ‘lessons in cooperation’ ?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
I Group games played by younger girls involve cooperation
II Girls can learn from watching boys cooperating
III Individual girls cooperate with their mothers in looking after babies
a III only
b I only
c I and II only Câu trả lời đúng
d II only
14.Which of the following is the best description of the author’s technique in handling her material?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Both description and interpretation of observations Câu trả lời đúng
b Description of evidence to support a theory
c Generalization from a particular viewpoint
d Presentation of facts without comment
Trang 515.It can be inferred that in the community under discussion all of the following are important except…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a domestic handicrafts
b formal education Câu trả lời đúng
c well-defined social structure
d fishing skills
16.Who do the girls or boys work in tean better, according to the passage? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Both girls and boys work well
b boys Câu trả lời đúng
c girls
d Both girls and boys does not work well
17.The expression ‘innocent of’ (in the last paragraph) is best taken to mean Chọn một câu trả lời:
a unskilled in Câu trả lời đúng
b uninvolved in
c unsuited for
d not guilty of
18.The word ‘brusquely’ (line 9) most nearly means
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a abruptly Câu trả lời đúng
b gently
c quickly
d nonchalantly
Trang 619.What was boys’ attitude to girls when they worked in team to capture eels?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a They felt bored
b Hostile Câu trả lời đúng
c cheerful
d They did not show anything
20.The primary purpose of the passage with reference to the society under discussion is to…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a criticize the deficiencies in the education of girls
b explain some differences in the upbringing of girls and boys Câu trả lời đúng
c show that young girls are trained to be useful to adults
d give a comprehensive account of a day in the life of an average young girl
21.The list of techniques in paragraph one could best be described as… Chọn một câu trả lời:
a useful social skills Câu trả lời đúng
b household duties
c rudimentary physical skills
d important responsibilities
22.According to the writer, Antoine
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a had recently arrived
Trang 7b liked to keep to himself.
c painted for a living
d was a foreigner Câu trả lời đúng
23.What attracted the writer to the house?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a the condition it was in
b where it was located Câu trả lời đúng
c how big it was
d the view it gave of the valley
24.Why was General Sosa unlike other military officers? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He liked helping relatives
b He was in charge of the area
c He managed to get things done.
d He had his own private helicopter
25.What criticism of Ena does the writer make?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Her head seemed to be too big Câu trả lời đúng
b She never wore shoes
c Her eyebrows were too thick
d She wasn’t interested in clothes
26.How did the writer find out what Ena’s name was? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He heard a customer asking for her
Trang 8b Antoine gave him the information
c Her father told him when he asked
d Someone mentioned her name.
27.What did the writer like best about Ena?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a her sense of humour
b her physical appearance
c her innocent ignorance
d her resemblance to someone
28.The writer uses the phrase ‘served as a watercourse’ (Paragraph 4) to show
that the path
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a had many deep holes
b needed to be repaired
c was difficult to walk on
d was sometimes flooded Câu trả lời đúng
29.Which of the conclusions can be drawn from this passage?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a The place where the writer lives isolates him from nature
b The writer would like to move to another place
c The writer is not interested in the people around him
d The writer feels happy with the people he has met Câu trả lời đúng
30.What attitude does the writer have towards Ena?
Trang 9Chọn một câu trả lời:
a The writer has a positive attitude towards her
b The writer has an aggressive attitude towards her
c The writer has a negative attitude towards her Câu trả lời đúng
d The writer has a hostile attitude towards her
31.What impression does the writer give of the electricity supply? Chọn một câu trả lời:
a It only worked when it was windy
b It was too dangerous to use
c It didn’t always work properly.
d It was a very reliable system
32.“…chase the hare you know you’re going to catch.” in Paragraph 5 means
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a do what you think you can do successfully Câu trả lời đúng
b do everything you want
c do many things at one time
d do one thing at a time
33.What does “done it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a Dachieved success Câu trả lời đúng
b caught a hare
c chosen a profession?
d lived your life
Trang 1034.How did the writer’s childhood influence his own family life?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He made sure there was plenty of personal contact Câu trả lời đúng
b He realised that the pattern was repeating itself
c He encouraged his children to talk to him
d He asked his wife to stay at home
35.According to his father, what was typical about Gary’s behavior on his first day at college?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He impressed those in charge
b He helped other people
c He performed the task efficiently Câu trả lời đúng
d He tried to make his father proud
36.As a young boy, Gary…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a demonstrated a variety of talents
b was always in trouble
c was motivated by money
d showed how determined he could be Câu trả lời đúng
37.How does his father regard Gary’s upbringing?
a His encouragement has caused Gary’s success
b The family influence on Gary was too strong
c Gary has learnt some essential things Câu trả lời đúng
d Gary has forgotten important lessons
Trang 1138.How did the writer react to his own big chance?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a He worried about the problems
b He thought the family would suffer
c He wondered if he should take it
d He saw what could be done Câu trả lời đúng
39.What is Gary’s father’s attitude to Gary playing in a band?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a interested in how he can introduce music into the restaurant
b doubtful whether he will have time to improve his technique
c concerned that music may interfere with his career Câu trả lời đúng
d pleased that he has a hobby he enjoys
40.What does the writer mean by ‘paid dividends’ in paragraph 2?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a brought financial reward
b allowed money to be saved
c produced benefits Câu trả lời đúng
d was worth the suffering
41.The word “shone” in Paragraph 4 means
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a was helpful
b was very good Câu trả lời đúng
c was cheerful
d was clean
Trang 1242.Miss Temple’s excitement at following Roger
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a increased each time she caught sight of him
b disappeared when she realised where he was going Câu trả lời đúng
c ended when her carriage started following him
d turned into boredom after a while
43.Miss Temple thought it would be easy to follow Roger because
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a he always ate lunch at a particular location Câu trả lời đúng
b his work schedule never changed
c she already knew the schedule of his working day
d he always took a break at the same time
44.What mistake did Miss Temple soon realise she had made?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a She should have followed Roger back to the Ministry when she had had the chance
b She needn’t bave made a purchase at the bookshop
c She had re-crossed the square at the wrong place
d She had waited for Roger in the wrong place Câu trả lời đúng
45.Miss Temple bought a book at the bookshop because
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a she needed an excuse to stay there Câu trả lời đúng
b she was forced to by the shop owner
c she wanted a way to pass the time
d she suddenly felt like buying something
Trang 1346.When Roger left his office at about five o’clock, Miss Temple
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a watched him through her new opera glasses
b pretended to be looking into an open window
c had a sudden feeling of breathlessness
d saw him just before he got into a carriage Câu trả lời đúng
47.How did Miss Temple’s purchases make her feel about what she was doing?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a less personally involved Câu trả lời đúng
b more determined
c better prepared
d less confused
48.The word “ this” line 31 refers to
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a the drivers’s silence
b banging on the hood of carriage
c.being asked to follow someone.
d paying drivers well for their time
49.Miss Temple decided to follow Roger after work because
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a she believed that was the time she could find out what she wanted to know Câu trả lời đúng
b she didn’t want to risk him seeing her outside his office
Trang 14c she couldn’t see what he was doing inside his office.
d she had other, more important things to do during the working day
50.What attitude does the writer have towards Roger?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a The writer has a hostile attitude towards him
b The writer has a normal attitude towards him Câu trả lời đúng
c The writer has a negative attitude towards him
d The writer has a critical attitude towards him
51.The word ‘this’ in paragraph 5 refers to
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a banging on the hood of the carriage
b the driver’s silence
c being asked to follow someone Câu trả lời đúng
d paying drivers well for their time