Look at these idea maps for the sample reading passage and sample lecture on pages 41-42
IDEA MAP FOR READING Understanding learning
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Trang 4Afier you read each paragraph, take notes in the Reading Outline, Then listen to the corresponding lecture and take notes in the Lecture Outline In your notes, write the main idea and the supporting details You may have two or more supporting details
Reading 1
Read the paragraph Write your notes on the Reading Ousline
Trang 5
Read she paragraph Write your notes on the Reading Outline
Trang 6
Reading 3
LL) Read the paragraph Write your notes on the Reading Outline
Trang 7LE Read the paragraph Write your notes on the Reading Outline
Many researchers have looked into the effect of mood on con- sumer behavior It has been shown that mood affects the shopper's perception of the store, the amount of time spent shopping, and the number of items purchased A shopper's mood, of course, may be influenced by many things Something as uncontrollable as the weather can have a great effect on what and how much person buys on any particular day A person's work or personal life also influences the mood that he or she brings into the store, and, of course, retailers have no control over this, cither But retailers do
Trang 8Affer you read each passage, take notes on the Reading Idea Map Then listen to the corresponding lecture and take notes on the Lecture Idea Map In your notes, write the topic, the main ideas, and the supporting details You may have two or more sup- porting details
Reading 5
Read the passage Write your notes on the Reading Idea Map
Advances in technology are usually assumed to increase worker productivity, but that is not always the case Technology has made it possible for office workers to never leave their desks, and the phys- ical consequences of this can actually lead to lower productivity
Remaining seated at a desk all day can lead to back and neck pain Constant use of a computer often leads to repetitive stress injuries as well as eye strain A recent survey found that many office workers even remain at their desks while eating lunch so that they can answer their e-mail or continue working on a project This only exacerbates the situation Even though workers may spend the entire work day at their desks, the resulting physical discomfort has
Trang 11
Read the passage Write your notes on the Reading Idea Map
Animal-assisted therapy, or AAT, is the use of companion animals to help people improve their emotional and physical health It is common for psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicians to recom- mend pets to patients struggling with emotional difficulties, Caring for pets appears to have benefits for physical health, as well
Pets are a good source of emotional support They are wonderful companions for people suffering from loneliness People who feel isolated from other people may enter more easily into a relationship with a pet because it is a non-judgmental and non-threatening rela- tionship Caring for pets can also give focus to the lives of pet owners by establishing a need for a daily routine and by providing opportu- nities for hobbies and club activities In addition, pets provide comfort and a diversion from worries Developing a relationship of trust with a pet can help relieve people suffering from anxiety
There is also documentation that caring for pets can improve physical health It has been shown that petting and talking to a pet lowers blood pressure and heart rate and improves survival rates from heart disease Pets provide the opportunity for regular physical activity Pets also provide the opportunity to play It is well estab- lished that animals (including humans) who play live longer, health- ier lives than those who do not In fact, pet owners make up to 20% fewer visits to doctors’ offices than non-pet owners
Trang 13
Đ ¬ Listen to the lecture Write your notes on the Lecture Idea Map
Trang 14Reading 7
Read the passage Write your notes on the Reading Idea Map
Pollution of our oceans is a serious problem There are different sources of ocean pollution, and much of it results from activities that take place on land In fact, 80% of ocean pollution originates on land, For example, oil is one of the major sources of ocean pol- lution, but only about 12% of this type of pollution results from oil spills at sea Another 36% of it comes from waste from cities and factories which travels to the ocean through rivers and drains
Fertilizers are another serious source of ocean pollution Fertiliz- ers wash off farms and lawns and eventually end up in the ocean Once in the ocean, they allow algae to grow The overgrowth of algae depletes the ocean of oxygen and suffocates other marine plants, resulting in dead areas There are several large dead areas in
the world’s oceans, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic Sea
Garbage is another type of pollution in our oceans, and it can seriously harm marine animals One of the worst culprits is plastic This material does not break down easily Animals often mistake it for food and eat it Plastic bags can block an animal’s breathing passage The plastic rings that hold packs of cans together can choke birds and other small animals