• What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games called?.. Michael Jackson[r]
(1)Phan Dang luu
Upper-secondary School
(2)(3)content of the competition:
Part 1: Greeting Part 2: Starting
Part 4: For audience Part 5: Speeding up Part 3: Passing barrier
(4)Part I: Starting
• In this part , There are ten questions and all of you have to finish each question
(5)What is the capital city of Russia?
(8)Sir Isaac Newton
(10)The Marathon
(11)Michael Jackson
(12)I’m 3
I have two sisters, Hoa and Lan Hoa is
I have two sisters, Hoa and Lan Hoa is
ten years old Lan is two years younger
ten years old Lan is two years younger
than Hoa and years older than me
than Hoa and years older than me
How old am I?