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magic tour 6 student s book

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Учебное пособие для класса учреждений, обеспечивающих получение общего среднего образования, с русским языком обучения (повышенный уровень) С аудиоприложением (CD) Допущено Министерством образования Республики Беларусь 2-е издание МИНСК «АВЕРСЭВ» 2012 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by УДК 811.111(075.3=161.1) ББК 81.2Англ 922 А64 А в т о р ы: Н В Юхнель, Е Г Наумова, Н В Матюш, А В Трясучёва, Т Е Лабода, А Л Гуськов, Э В Бушуева Р е ц е н з е н т ы: заведующий кафедрой английского языка Витебского государственного университета им П М Машерова, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Л И Бобылева; методист учебно методического отдела УО «Гродненский государственный областной институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки руководящих работников и специалистов образования» Г К Новицкая К о н с у л ь т а н т ы: директор Центра международного образования колледжа имени Св Марка и Св Джона (Плимут, Великобритания) Род Болито; проректор по учебной работе Минского государственного лингвистического университета, кандидат педагогических наук, профессор П К Бабинская О р г а н и з а т о р п р о е к т а: директор Центра лингвистического образования Минского государственного лингвистического университета, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Н В Демченко Английский язык : учеб пособие для класса учреждений, обеспечиваА64 ющих получение общ сред образования, с рус яз обучения (повыш уровень) / Н.В Юхнель [и др.] — 2-е изд — Минск : Аверсэв, 2012 — 272 с : ил — CD ISBN 978 985 19 0341 ISBN 978 985 19 0342 (CD) Данное пособие состоит из двух частей («Student’s Book 1» и «Student’s Book 2») с аудиоприложением на CD-диске и является составной частью учебно-методического комплекса «Magic Tour» для класса, в который также входят рабочая тетрадь и книга для учителя УДК 811.111(075.3=161.1) ББК 81.2Англ 922 Учебное издание Юхнель Наталья Валентиновна Наумова Елена Георгиевна Матюш Нина Васильевна и др АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебное пособие для класса учреждений, обеспечивающих получение общего среднего образования, с русским языком обучения (повышенный уровень) С аудиоприложением 2-е издание Редактор Л Д Касьянова Художественный редактор Е Э Агунович Ответственный за выпуск Д Л Дембовский Подписано в печать 17.07.2012 Формат 70×100 1/16 Бумага офсетная Печать офсетная Усл печ л 21,93 Уч изд л 10,74 Тираж 2500 экз Заказ Общество с дополнительной ответственностью «Аверсэв» ЛИ № 02330/0003944 от 03.02.2009 Ул Н Олешева, 1, офис 309, 220090, Минск E mail: info@aversev.by; www.aversev.by Контактные телефоны: (017) 268 09 79, 268-08-78 Для писем: а/я 3, 220090, Минск ООО «Принтхаус» ЛП № 02330/0552738 от 02.02.2010 Ул Одоевского, 117, этаж, пом 11, 220015, Минск ISBN 978 985 19 0341 ISBN 978 985 19 0342 (CD) © Оформление ОДО «Аверсэв», 2010 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by CONTENTS Nearest and Dearest Welcome to the Party 25 Shopping Fever 48 Let’s Keep in Touch 69 Additional material to Unit 95 Reading for pleasure 96 Project 112 â ôằ www.aversev.by A Birds Eye View 116 Digging up in the Past 140 Handmade 161 Friends Will Be Friends 186 Sleep a While or Walk a Mile 209 Reading for Pleasure 232 Projects 248 Additional material to Unit 254 Grammar 255 Vocabulary 268 â ôằ www.aversev.by â ôằ www.aversev.by They Are Back! LESSON SPEAKING a) Look at the picture The family have just come back from their summer holidays Where did they go? Why you think so? Rosie McGregor Gillian McGregor Duncan McGregor Alexander McGregor Fiona McGregor Andrew Rambler â ôằ www.aversev.by Nick McGregor b) Work in pairs Do you know the people in the picture? Match the names in the boxes with the people Talk about them in pairs (Ask your teacher for help.) Example: Rosie is Nick’s sister Copy this chart into your notebook or use the one the teacher will give you PAST used to PRESENT has been to can likes FUTURE ? Nick a) Look at the picture in ex again Fill in the fourth column of the chart about Nick, Rosie and mum b) Listen to Nick, Rosie and mum speaking and fill in the rest of the chart Compare your chart with your classmate’s Work in pairs Student A: a) Read the information about Alexander McGregor and fill in the chart for Dad Alexander McGregor is a reporter He travels around the world a lot to take interviews For example, last year he went to Loch Ness and even saw a monster He is married and has two children This summer he went to New Zealand with his family Mr McGregor can play golf, and is good at photo graphy He loves watching TV; westerns and comedies are his favourites He also likes swimming When he was a teenager, he sometimes left the house at night to go swim ming in the lake © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by b) Answer your partner’s questions c) Ask student B questions about Mr Rambler and fill in the chart for him Example: What does he like doing? Student B: Open page 95 a) Look through the contents of the books Which unit you think is the most interesting? Why? Report to the class b) Find out some information about our characters’ future Look through the books and find answers to these questions (shout out your answers): a Who will visit Nick in Edinburgh? (Unit 5) b Who will buy a new blouse? (Unit 3) c Who will go to the post office? (Unit 4) d Who is going to write a book? (Unit 7) e Who will find the time machine? (Unit 6) f Who will take part in the London Marathon? (Unit 9) c) What are your and your family’s plans for this school year? I think I’ll I think well married â ôằ www.aversev.by What Do You Do? LESSON VOCABULARY a) Look at the list of jobs Do you know all the words? Ask your teacher for definitions a reporter a pilot a vet a librarian a shop assistant a designer a fisherman a driver a chef a nurse a police officer a musician a carpenter a housewife a traveller a secretary a programmer a dentist a businessman a postman a scientist a farmer a student an engineer b) Write out all the jobs that people in your family and other people you know c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting Circle the jobs you would never like to (Put brackets) around the well-paid jobs Cross out the jobs you think are boring üTick the jobs you think you’ll be good at d) Compare your answers in pairs Does your partner think the same? GRAMMAR Look at the pictures and answer the questions below WHO What’s his job? What does he usually do? A postman is a person who brings letters and newspapers to your house © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by Which jobs from the list (ex 1) match these definitions? a – a person who does experiments b – someone who works in the country with animals or plants c – a person who cooks in a restaurant d – a person who makes things from wood e – a person who helps a doctor in a hospital f – someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answer ing phone calls, etc Write more definitions of the jobs people Work in groups Can your classmates guess the jobs? Look at these pictures and answer the questions below Example: Which one is the nurse? – The nurse is the one who is wearing a white uniform Which one is a businessman? Which one is a traveller? Which one is a housewife? Which one is a scientist? Which one is a teacher? Which one is a librarian? Play “I spy” Start like this: I spy with my little eye someone who is wearing black shoes/ looking at the teacher, Can your classmates guess who you are describing? scientist designer housewife carpenter 10 â ôằ с сайта www.aversev.by programmer PRESENT PERFECT just, already, ever, yet, never + S – have / has S V3 have / has not n’t V3 (I, you, we, they) have written / opened (he, she, it) has written / opened (I, you, we, they) have not (haven’t) written / opened (he, she, it) has not (hasn’t) written / opened I’ve (I have) just written a letter I haven’t (have not) written a letter yet He hasn’t (has not) opened the parcel yet He’s (he has) just opened the parcel ? have / has S V3 have (I, we, you, they) written / opened has (he, she, it) written / opened Have you written a letter yet? Has he opened the parcel yet? 258 â ôằ www.aversev.by PAST SIMPLE yesterday, (two days) ago, last (year/month …), in 1999 + S – V2 S did not n’t V1 write – wrote open – opened did not (didn’t) write did not (didn’t) open He wrote a letter yesterday He didn’t write a letter yester day He didn’t open the parcel last week I opened the parcel last week ? did S V1 did he write/open Did he write a letter yesterday? Did he open the parcel yesterday? 259 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE + S – V3 am / is / are S am / is / are not n’t V3 (I) am taken (he, she, it) is shown (we, you, they) are decorated (I) am not taken (he, she, it) is not shown (you, we, they) are not taken I am taken to the Zoo I am not taken to the mountains The film isn’t (is not) shown on TV The film is shown at the cinema Streets are decorated for the holiday ? am / is / are S V3 am (I) taken are (we, you, they) decorated is (he, she, it) shown Am I taken to the park? Is the film shown at the cinema? Are streets decorated for the holiday? 260 â ôằ www.aversev.by PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS for hours, since Monday + S – have / has been S Ving (I, you, we, they) have been writing (he, she, it) has been writing I have been writing a letter for hours He’s (he has) been writing a letter for hours We’ve (we have) been writing a letter since morning have / has not n’t been Ving (I, you, we, they) have not been writing (he, she, it) has not been writing I have not been writing a poem for hours He hasn’t (has not) been writing a poem for hours We haven’t (have not) been writing a poem since morning ? have / has S been Ving have (I, you, we, they) been writing has (he, she, it) been writing Have you been writing a letter for hours? Has he been writing a letter since morning? 261 â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by PAST PERFECT by o’clock yesterday, before + S – V3 had S not n’t had V3 I had written / opened I have not written / opened I’d (I had) written the letter by o’clock yesterday He’d (he had) opened the parcel before his Mother came I hadn’t (had not) written the letter by o’clock yesterday He hadn’t (had not) opened the parcel before his Mother phoned ? had S V3 had (I, we, you, they) written / opened Had he written the letter by o’clock yesterday? Had he opened the parcel before his Mother phoned? 262 â ôằ сайта www.aversev.by PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE + S was / were – S V3 was / were not n’t V3 (you, we, they) were heard / discovered (I, he, she, it) was heard / discovered (you, we, they) were not heard / discovered (I, he, she, it) was not heard / discovered America was discovered by Columbus The new way to India was not dis covered by Columbus ? S was / were V3 were (you, we, they) heard / discovered was (I, he, she, it) heard / discovered Was America discovered by Columbus? 263 â ôằ www.aversev.by FUTURE SIMPLE PASSIVE + S will be – S V3 will not be V3 will be made will not (won’t) be made The cake will be made for the party The dress won’t (will not) be made for the party ? will S be V3 will it be made Will the dress be made for the party? 264 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by PRONOUNS personal I you he she it we they possessive + noun my your his her its our their possessive mine yours his hers its ours theirs reflexive myself yourself/yourselves himself herself itself ourselves themselves RELATIVE CLAUSES I saw J who / that was riding a horse I saw the girl (who / that) my brother wants to go to the circus with I saw the box which / that was brought yesterday I saw (which / that) my mother had bought 265 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by IRREGULAR VERBS VERB (V1) PAST TENSE (V2) begin blow break bring build buy catch choose come cut draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forecast forget get give go grow have hear keep began blew broke brought built bought caught chose came cut did drew dreamed, dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forecast forgot got gave went grew had heard kept 266 â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) begun blown broken brought built bought caught chosen come cut done drawn dreamed, dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forecast forgotten got given gone grown had heard kept VERB (V1) PAST TENSE (V2) knit know lay learn leave let lie lose make pay put read ride run say see sell shake sing sit sleep spend spread swim take teach tell think throw wear win write knitted, knit knew laid learned, learnt left let lay lost made paid put read rode ran said saw sold shook sang sat slept spent spread swam took taught told thought threw wore won wrote PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) knitted, knit known laid learned, learnt left let lain lost made paid put read ridden run said seen sold shaken sung sat slept spent spread swum taken taught told thought thrown worn won written 267 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by VOCABULARY alive [«ÈlaIv] живой ambulance [ÈQmbjUl«ns] скорая помощь ancient [ÈeInS«nt] древний archaeologist [ầA:kIẩlôdZIst] attraction [ôẩtrQkSôn] badger [ẩbQdZô] барсук baggy [ÈbQgI] мешковатый beauty [Èbju:tI] красота beaver [Èbi:v«] бобер 10 belt [belt] пояс 11 birch [bз:tS] береза 12 blond [blnd] светлый 13 bury [ÈberI] хоронить 14 carpenter [ÈkA:pInt«] столяр 15 celebrate [ÈselIbreIt] праздновать 16 certain [Èsз:tn] определенный, уверенный 17 checked [tSekt] клетчатый 18 cheerful [ÈtSI«f«l] зд веселый; светлый 19 chemist’s [ÈkemIsts] аптека 20 climate [ÈklaImIt] климат 21 code [k«Ud] код 22 collect [k«Èlekt] собирать, коллекционировать 23 communicate [k«Èmju:nIkeIt] общаться 24 competitive [k«mÈpetItIv] конкурсный; соревнующийся 25 convenient [kônẩvi:nIônt] 26 couch potato [ẩkôUtS pôầteItôU] 27 cover [ÈkÃv«] покрывать 28 cross [krs] крест 29 cross stitching [ÈkrsstItSIN] вышивание крестиком 30 curly [Èkз:lI] кудрявый 31 daffodil [ÈdQf«dIl] нарцисс 32 decide [dIÈsaId] решать 33 decorate [Èdek«reIt] украшать 34 deep [di:p] глубокий 35 deer [dI«] олень, олени 36 deliver [dIÈlIv«] 37 department store [dIẩpA:tmônt ầst:] 268 â «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 designer [dIÈzaIn«] дизайнер die [daI] out вымирать discover [dIÈskÃv«] обнаруживать, находить discovery [dIÈskÃv«rI] открытие exercises [ẩeksôầsaIzIz] emergency [Iẩm:dZônsI] envelope [ẩenvôlôUp] fat [fQt] толстый feel [fi:l] чувствовать figure [ÈfIg«] фигура fit [fIt] подходить по размеру fold [f«Uld] складывать foreign [ÈfrIn] иностранный forget [fôẩget] fortune teller [ẩf:tSônầtelô] found [faUnd] frank [frQNk] откровенный get [get] on ладить gift [gIft] подарок grave [greIv] могила guest [gest] гость guinea pig [ÈgInIÇpIg] морская свинка gymnastics [dZImÈnQstIks] гимнастика hammer [ÈhQm«] молоток have smth in common [Èkm«n] иметь что то общее healthy [ÈhelTI] здоровый historic [hIÈstrIk] исторический honest [ȁnIst] честный housewife [ÈhaUswaIf] домохозяйка huge [hju:dZ] ; important [Imẩp:tônt] independent [ầIndIẩpendônt] invite [InÈvaIt] приглашать jog [dZg] бегать трусцой join [dZIn] вступать karate [k«ÈrA:tI] карате keep [ki:p] fit быть в форме keep in touch [tÃtS] поддерживать контакт landscape [ÈlQndskeIp] пейзаж 269 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by 77 leaflet [Èli:flIt] брошюра 78 letter box [Èlet«bks] почтовый ящик 79 local [Èl«Uk«l] местный 80 mail [meIl] почта 81 married [ÈmQrId] женатый, замужняя 82 match [mQtS] подходить 83 material [m«ÈtI«rI«l] материал 84 message [ÈmesIdZ] сообщение 85 mild [maIld] мягкий 86 nail [neIl] гвоздь 87 needle [ẩni:dl] 88 newsagents [ẩnju:zầeIdZônts] 89 oak [ôUk] дуб 90 of medium [Èmi:dI«m] height среднего роста 91 old fashioned [ẩôUldẩfQSônd] 92 overweight [ầôUvôẩweIt] , 93 pack [pQk] упаковывать 94 palm [pA:m] пальма 95 parcel [ÈpA:s«l] посылка 96 pick [pIk] on smb придираться, цепляться (к кому л.) 97 pine [paIn] сосна 98 plant [plA:nt] растение 99 player [ÈpleI«] игрок 100 pleasant [Èplez«nt] приятный 101 post [p«Ust] почта; отправлять по почте 102 postal [Èp«Ustl] почтовый 103 professional [pr«ÈfeS«n«l] профессиональный 104 programmer [Èpr«UgrQm«] программист 105 remember [rIÈmemb«] помнить 106 repack [rIÈpQk] перепаковывать 107 return [rIÈtз:n] вернуть(ся) 108 reweigh [rIÈweI] взвесить еще раз 109 roller skating [Èr«Ul«skeItIN] катание на роликах 110 scientist [ÈsaI«ntIst] ученый 111 scissors [ÈsIz«z] ножницы 112 screw [skru:] отвертка 113 send [send] посылать 114 service [ẩs:vIs] 115 settle [ẩsetl] 270 â ôằ Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 sew [s«U] шить shamrock [ÈSQmrk] трилистник shopper [ÈSp«] покупатель shopping [ÈSpIN] list список покупок signal [ÈsIgn«l] сигнал skateboarding [ÈskeItb:dIN] катание на скейте skeleton [ÈskelIt«n] скелет slim [slIm] стройный smart [smA:t] нарядный smell [smel] пахнуть sociable [Ès«US«b«l] общительный sort [s:t] souvenir [ầsu:vôẩnIô] special [ẩspeSôl] stick [stIk] straight [streIt] прямой striped [straIpt] полосатый suit [su:t] [sju:t] подходить surprise [s«ÈpraIz] удивлять surround [s«ÈraUnd] окружать swap [swp] обмениваться taste [teIst] быть на вкус team [ti:m] команда tell [tel] off выговаривать, ругать thistle [ÈTIs«l] чертополох thread [Tred] нить tight [taIt] тесный, плотный tool [tu:l] инструмент tradition [tr«ÈdIS«n] традиция treasure [ÈtreZ«] сокровише try [traI] on примерять viking [ÈvaIkIN] викинг wavy [ÈweIvI] волнистый weigh [weI] взвешивать weight [weIt] вес well built [ÈwelÈbIlt] хорошо сложенный (о человеке) window shopping [ÈwInd«UÈSpIN] рассматривание витрины 271 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by GREAT BRITAIN 272 © ОДО «Аверсэв» Скачано с сайта www.aversev.by ... the picture What shops can you see? b) Work in pairs What things are sold in these shops? Starz Supermarket Street Wear Post office Sweets Chemist? ?s ShoeS toyS e S Department store 50 © ОДО «Аверсэв»... believes in ghosts is famous for their results in sports never makes mistakes has been to Russia can bake a cake used to be messy 10 went to a party last week 11 was asleep at a.m today 12 is wearing... Invitations Lesson LISTENING How you usually invite guests? Next week Nick is having a fancy dress party His guests will put on fancy dress to look like animals a) Listen to Nick? ?s telephone conversation

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2021, 16:46